South-Eastern Front (Civil War). Novorossiya opens the eastern front

What is happening right now in southeastern Ukraine clearly indicates the beginning of the second season of the exciting Russian Spring series.

Just now in Russian Kharkov, where the Right Sector had already been brought to its knees during the day, they stormed the building of the Regional State Administration:

But Donetsk is still in the lead.

They burn an effigy of the false governor of Taruta:

So, in Donetsk, the Russians put forward their ultimatum: by 24:00 on Sunday, the regional council must decide on holding a referendum (on the status of the region), or on Monday at 12:00 a "people's mandate" will be announced - i.e. the dissolution of the regional council, after which representatives of the public of Donbass will be elected as deputies. According to the latest data, a Coordinating Committee has already been formed in Donetsk to hold a referendum on the status of the region.

The leaders of the protest appealed to all residents of the region to gather to the building of the regional administration to protect it, to bring food and fuel. Separately, delegates from other cities are asked to come to form a new government body in the Donetsk region.

The people responded:

But this is already cool, if everything is true:

Cool - it's not even the strike itself, but the fact that the miners rose. Seriously got up.

Near the building of the regional administration, Donetsk:

What is especially vividly characterizes what is happening in Donetsk and Kharkov: Berkut and the police actually withdrew from the confrontation with the protesters. Moreover, they report from the same Kharkov that Berkut is helping the Russians to keep the defense of the captured administration building. Here it is, the very "Police with the people!".

Disturbing news reported:

And finally, a photo with the correct flags on the captured building of the SBU in Luhansk:

By the way, at the request of the protesters, the Security Service of Ukraine released six activists previously detained in Lugansk. That's how it is.

I can't comment on anything. I'm afraid to jinx it.


Somehow I decided to put together operational (chronologically arranged) reports on the "heroic" defeats of Banderlogs from the armed forces of the resurgent Novorossia in Slavyansk ...

Operational Sources:

01 - Refined (confirmed) LOSS OF BANDERLOG ARMOR VEHICLES on the South-Eastern Front of Novorossiya for the period from May 2 to May 22, 2014 - are given here :
02 - Refined (confirmed) LOSSES of Aviation Equipment (helicopters, airplanes - aircraft) of banderlogs on the South-Eastern Front of Novorossiya for the period from May 2 to May 22, 2014 - are given here : .
03 - Refined (confirmed) consolidated losses of banderlogs in personnel for the period from May 2 to May 16, 2014 - are given here :
According to the author's research above:

1. Refined (detail) Banderlog losses -cumulative total as of on 24-05-2014 . are given here :

Killed and wounded:

min. 761 people

2. Weekly operational summary of banderlog losses :
Losses for the period May 19-25, 2014

For May 24 - (-) 0 banderlog (The militias of the LPR took possession of the BRDM-RH, two KAMAZ vehicles, GAZ-66 and UAZ-469 vehicles, the militias of I.I. Strelkov - Destroyed (burnt down) 1 armored personnel carrier, another one was knocked out)
For May 23 - (-) 17 banderlog (2 BMDs were destroyed, a T-64 tank was destroyed, 11 enemy fighters - NTs were destroyed, many were wounded, 6 killed and 9 Kolomoisky PSs wounded)
For May 22 - (-) 61 banderlog = 53 (Olginka) + 5 PSov ( Ugledar ) + 3 (Lysichansk, military 1/2)(18 soldiers of the Perekop-Kharkiv Prague-Volyn 51st mechanized brigade were killed and 35 were wounded, captured by the LPR 3 BMP-2; 2 burned-out BMPs 51st MB), 4 (6) burnt armored personnel carriers in Lisichansk (LPR))
For May 21 - (-) 15 banderlog ( Krasny Liman - 12 wounded, 2 BMDs and 2 mortars damaged, 3 servicemen of Ukraine - Lisichansk )
For May 20 -(-) 50 banderlogs PS-National Guard
For May 19 - (-) 10 banderlogs - 4 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine + 6 PS-National Guard (Kharkiv)

Source (The situation in Ukraine on the eve of the elections. ITAR-TASS infographics):

3. Loss* (actually destroyed or disabled/damaged) in military technology -cumulative total (as of 05/24/2014) :

4. Losses (actually captured by the rebels of the DPR and LPR as war trophies) banderlogs of serviceable Military Equipment - cumulative total (as of 05/22/2014) - May 24, 2014
24-05-2014 .
Added: Today at 19:37

At night, our detachment attacked a checkpoint near the settlement. Seleznevka (about two kilometers east of Slavyansk - north of Semenovka. Destroyed (burnt down) 1 armored personnel carrier, another 1 armored personnel carrier hit . Our loss is 1 volunteer.

Today at 17.30 they delivered (as promised - the artillery positions were placed outside the city) combined strikes on two enemy groups in the village of Kombikormovy and at the BZS checkpoint. The main efforts were concentrated on the latter - 90 mines of 82-mm and 25 Nona shells. There was a little hell - a gas station exploded almost immediately ... There were several detonations of ammunition (they had a lot of things there and one of the headquarters of the National Guard was located). It seems that the ukrov have losses and, I hope, considerable ones. Moreover, we had never fired artillery at them during the day at this point, and they felt very at ease there.

The artillery of the invincible Ukrainian army on Karachun (and not only there) missed the advance of the column and the shelling itself, and until the very moment our batteries were removed from positions, they could not fire a single shot. However, judging by where they started shooting belatedly, they did not find our firing position at all.

Another 80 volunteers came to us during the day, including about 10 from Russia.
Extra video! Shelling of Slavyansk by Ukrainian security forces

At the congress of people's representatives of the regions of the South-East of Ukraine, which is taking place in Donetsk, the creation of the socio-political association "People's Front" was announced. For the first time, the South-East of Ukraine made an attempt to institutionalize the supporters of federalization. Moreover, the ninth, Kyiv, has joined the eight regions.

“We, the people’s representatives of Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Donetsk and Luhansk, announce the creation of the Popular Front, which will be created to protect the civilian population from the terror of foreign special services, as well as for self-determination and self-organization, solving urgent social problems”, - announced the creation of a new organization, People’s Deputy of Ukraine and leader of the South-East movement Oleg Tsarev at the congress.

The “United National Front”, according to the plan of the organizers, will operate in the South-East of Ukraine and will unite supporters of federalization from all regions of the country. “Among us there are both supporters of the re-establishment of Ukraine on the principles of federation and confederation, and followers of a soft course towards decentralization. Both those and those are inspired by the idea of ​​Novorossiya. Also among us there are adherents of the principles of broad autonomy and self-government of free regions,” Tsarev noted.

At today's congress, the Council of Co-Chairs of the "People's Front" was also elected and the manifesto of the movement was adopted. According to Rosbalt, in the leadership of the Front, the Luhansk region will be represented by the leader of the Lugansk People's Republic Valery Bolotov, Donetsk region by the head of the DPR parliament Denis Pushilin, Dnepropetrovsk region by Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleg Tsarev, Zaporozhye region by Vladimir Rogov, Kharkiv region by Konstantin Dolgov, Nikolaev region by Yuri Barbashev , Odessa - Igor Markov, Kherson - Viktor Zolotonyuk.

At first it was reported that only 8 regions (Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Lugansk, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov and Kherson) were included in the "People's Front", but later Oleg Tsarev in a blog on Facebook declared that there are no longer eight, but nine regions in the Front - "Kyiv has joined us."

“And this means that our Popular Front, with its anti-Nazi content, has an all-Ukrainian potential. That is, completely different prospects are opening up for overcoming the Ukrainian crisis, which has already led to a civil war. This is perhaps the most important result of today's congress. We were able to unite, abandon those minor differences that could divide us, and find an effective compromise,” summed up Tsarev.

The congress participants called for the "re-establishment" of the country on new terms. Other demands of the delegates include a boycott of presidential elections, an end to the anti-terrorist operation and the withdrawal of troops from besieged cities, the adoption of a new constitution for the country that expands the powers of the regions, integration with Russia, and the definition of two state languages ​​- Ukrainian and Russian.

The front, according to Tsarev, unites Ukrainians and Russians, activists of various parties and movements, as well as representatives of trade unions, public and non-governmental organizations.

At the same time, he stated the need to remove the oligarchs from power. “As long as the oligarchs influence politics, we will live in poverty. The revolution on the Maidan could not take place without their support,” Tsarev said.

After upholding the rights of Russians to freedom in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, it will be necessary to build these states. “We must remove all oligarchs from power in the DPR and LPR, but this does not mean that it will be a wholesale nationalization. It’s just that the country needs to put things in order,” Tsarev said.

“People in Donetsk, in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions rebelled, proclaimed people's republics on their territories, and later built two states - the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic. But I am sure that we will build more,” the parliamentarian assured.

The deputy also noted that the Popular Front is open to a wide discussion of various programs and development best way way out of the crisis in Ukraine.

“I believe that today we have laid the foundation for the construction of a new statehood on the territory through no fault of ours of the “dead” Ukraine, which was mortally wounded by Molotov cocktails and sniper fire on the Maidan, was burned in the fire of the House of Trade Unions in Odessa Khatyn and burned out in the conflagrations of Mariupol, houses of civilians of Donbass, which were destroyed by guns of the neo-Nazi junta and national terrorists in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other cities of the South-East,” says Oleg Tsarev.

In the East of Ukraine, Kyiv's military operation continues against the rebels who declared the independence of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions on the basis of referendums held in the regions. The so-called leadership of Ukraine, which seized power in a coup on February 22, 2014, denied legitimacy to the plebiscites and threatened their organizers with criminal liability. In combat operations, armored vehicles and aircraft are used. At the same time, elections of the President of Ukraine are to be held in Ukraine on Sunday.

The created Popular Front of the South-East of Ukraine means the emergence of a kind of political bridge between the consolidated armed regions of Novorossia and the regions occupied and terrorized, Yegor Kholmogorov, a publicist and editor-in-chief of Russkiy Obozrevatel, believes. This will allow, in his opinion, to continue the struggle for rights and the awakening of Russians in the occupied regions without using another method - an armed uprising.

“Donbass has completely overcome its “inner Ukrainian”, today the declaration on the creation of the Union State has been officially signed, and now Donbass should be a beacon of freedom and a fortress for the rest of Novorossia, in which the work of self-determination of citizens and the awakening of Russian self-consciousness should take place. This is the task of the "Russian summer" -

    Southwestern Front of the South-Western Front Emblem of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR, 1918. Years of existence January 10, 1920 December 5, 1920 Country ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was an operational strategic association of Soviet troops during the Civil War. It was formed in the eastern direction on June 13, 1918 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Civil War) South Eastern Front (Great Patriotic War) ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Front (meanings). The front was the highest operational-strategic formation in the Red Army during the Civil War. Contents 1 Main fronts 2 Local fronts ... Wikipedia

    The Turkestan Front is an operational strategic association of the troops of the Red Army during the Civil War and in the course of the struggle against the Basmachi. It was formed on the territory of TurkVO by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Turkestan Republic on February 23, 1919 and existed from ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Ukrainian front. Ukrainian Front Ukr.F Emblem of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR, 1918 (g.). Years of existence January 4, 1919 (g.) June 15, 1919 ... Wikipedia

    Check neutrality. The talk page should have details... Wikipedia

    Southern Front Yuzh.F Emblem of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR, 1918. Years of existence September 11, 1918 January 10, 1920 (1st formation) September 21, 1920 December 10, 1920 (2nd formation ... Wikipedia

    Central Asian theater of operations of the Civil War in Russia Armed uprising in Tashkent in October 1917 Basmachism Kokand autonomy Osipov rebellion Aktobe front: Turgai rebellion (1919) ... Wikipedia

The full text of the manifesto of the Popular Front of the Southeast, a social movement designed to unite all the active forces of the southern and eastern regions of the country to fight the existing neo-fascist regime, has appeared on the Internet.
We publish the document without edits and cuts.

Popular Front Manifesto

The congress participants recognize the results of the Independence Referendum of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.
The congress participants accept this Manifesto, taking into account the fact that the DPR and LPR gained independence.
1. We, the people's representatives of Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk, driven by love for our native land, hope for peace, harmony and prosperity, faith in the happy future of our children, announce the creation of the Popular Front.
2. The Popular Front was created to protect the civilian population from the terror of Nazi gangs financed by oligarchs and foreign intelligence services, to jointly fight for people's rights to a decent life, to self-determination and self-organization in order to solve urgent social problems, overcome mass poverty, unemployment, to achieve a genuine freedom and justice, to strengthen ties with Russia in the name of common spiritual values ​​and economic prosperity.
3. The Front unites Ukrainians and Russians, activists of various parties and movements, representatives of public and non-governmental organizations, trade unions, all who are ready to resist the self-proclaimed Kyiv authorities, which unleashed a war against the people.

4. Among us there are both supporters of the re-establishment of Ukraine on the principles of federation and confederation, and followers of a softer course towards decentralization. Both those who are inspired by the idea of ​​Novorossiya and adherents of the principles of broad autonomy and self-government of free regions. Among us there are those who defend the right of local communities to full self-determination. We are open to a broad discussion of various programs and to work out the best way out of their crisis.
5. We are united by the main thing - the understanding that it is impossible to live the way it is now. We will never reconcile. We won't give up. Those who try to threaten, intimidate and kill us will be rebuffed and will receive their deserved punishment. Together we will win and find a solution to the enormous problems that our people have faced because of the mediocre policy of the corrupt Kyiv government and its Western patrons.
6. For more than 20 years our land has been robbed by oligarchs. Presidents and ruling coalitions have changed, anti-constitutional coups have taken place, but people's lives have not changed. They were surrounded by arbitrariness, incompetence and greed of those in power, rampant corruption, poverty, and backwardness. And here is the result. The oligarchy has destroyed the country. The country will have to be re-created.
7. We do not recognize these early presidential elections in Ukraine, we are not going to recognize the results of the elections. Today, we are calling for a boycott of the presidential elections in Ukraine, because none of the candidates offered any guarantees for the safety of the civilian population. Because all the main candidates who really claim power are the same oligarchs, whom we have already seen many times in high positions. This means that robbery and terror will continue. Because an honest election campaign is impossible when civilians are being shot at with machine guns and howitzers. Because all objectionable people are deprived of access to the media.
Because those who strive for power are going to deceive us again. We firmly declare: this time it will not work!
8. New constitutional acts and treaties must approve and guarantee:
- the dismantling of the oligarchy, the demonopolization of the economy, the eradication of the vicious practice of bribery and subjugation of deputies, officials, judges and law enforcement officers by super-rich magnates, whose names are well known to everyone and whose money is used to support Nazi terrorist groups that intimidate, beat and kill opponents of the oligarchy;
- non-participation in military blocs, neutrality and political independence;
- firm social guarantees, mechanisms to stop the robbery of the country, corruption, economic backwardness, mass poverty;
- a bicameral parliament, broad local self-government, the right of the regions to independent foreign economic activity, the election of all the governing bodies of the regions;
- two state languages ​​- Ukrainian and Russian;
- fair principles of tax and budget policy. Sufficient must remain in place Money to ensure a decent standard of living for the local population, the development of enterprises, the maintenance of educational and medical institutions, road construction;
- the right of local authorities to restrict and prohibit on their territory the activities of political, public and religious organizations whose goals and methods undermine the foundations of public security;
- the right of local authorities to declare their territory or part of it a demilitarized zone.
9. These are fundamental, mandatory requirements. They are dictated by the need to put an end to decades of instability and injustice. To begin a new life.
The oligarchs were able to get rich. But they failed to create an effective, reliable, fair and prosperous state.
We tell them to get out! Now we will act, the people! We can!
10. Today we are united. We created the Popular Front. They elected its leaders, formed a headquarters.
We have established a commission to investigate the crimes of national terrorists and their Kyiv patrons.
People's committees began to work: economic, social, cultural development, international relations.
The People's Charity and Mutual Assistance Fund made the first payments to those in need.
We call in our ranks everyone who is ready to stand up for themselves, who is not afraid of the oligarchs and their hirelings. Anyone who has suggestions on how we can arrange our lives. Everyone who is ready to fight and protect their loved ones, friends, neighbors, compatriots.
We will set up headquarters in the field to coordinate our actions. We will act where possible, within the framework of Ukrainian legislation.
Where necessary, we will hold protests and civil disobedience.
We will create a united political party to win local power. We will establish bodies of people's self-government, which will assume full responsibility for the security and well-being of citizens where power structures are inactive or act against the people.
We will protect those who are subjected to violence and repression.
We will find funds to help the poor and socially vulnerable. We will help young people to fulfill their potential and achieve success. Education, medicine, new technologies, modern industry and infrastructure, improving the quality of life will always be our priorities when planning socio-economic development.
We will cherish the Orthodox faith and respect the common history of Ukrainians and Russians.
We will remember the common victories of our glorious past.
We will achieve new common victories in the near future!
Because we are together, we are together!
God with us!