Conspiracy on cattle prayer. What conspiracies to protect pets

Since ancient times, many people have lost their four-legged wards. Therefore, a strong tradition has developed to apply special spells in this case. They did not always fully help, but their use is much more the best way out than just useless despair. In addition, it is necessary to think about the fact that a pet animal most likely will not be able to survive without human help in the wild.

Even convinced atheists and doubting skeptics, having gone through long fruitless searches and the heavy grief of their loved ones, tend to resort to the old tried and tested methods.

Then special conspiracies for the missing animal come to their aid. Recognized esoteric experts strongly recommend trying them in any case.

There is a strong enough rite to help any desperate animal owners. It applies to any animal that has a permanent owner.

They include:

  • geese;
  • cow;
  • pig;
  • calf;
  • chickens.

The ritual usually does not give an instant effect. You need to pronounce his words twice a day for a week.

Usually they say a spell where the missing pet was the last time the owners saw it:

“Get ready, my dear beast (nickname),
every night to your home,
how the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing.
As Ant's children serve their ant king and obey him,
and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them.
And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (nickname and name who is a cat, dog, another kind of animal),
flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, flowed into my house for the night to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

Such a rite always helps to find a lost animal. It also returns hope to a person and gives strength to a new thorough search for him.

In cases where the pet, unfortunately, is no longer alive, the ritual allows the owner to endure grief with the least mental loss.

However, it helps only those people who firmly believe in its fulfillment. Therefore, you must first tune in to the conspiracy, and then try to invest in it the maximum amount of internal energy.

When the pet is found, the result of his long-awaited discovery will seem twice as joyful to the owner.

Curse on pets

For residents of city apartments, the following rite is provided. He is very strong. It can equally effectively return a cat, a dog, a domestic rat, a ferret or a turtle to the owner.

It is necessary to wait for the sunrise and stand near the open window in its rays. You need to remember the animal very clearly and say three times:

"Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn."

The conspiracy resonates with the forces of nature and absolutely all representatives of the flora and fauna hear it. Moreover, with its help it turns out to attract a disappeared person, if he is still alive.

The ceremony should be resumed until the news of the lost pet appears. It is best to cast the spell until the animal is back in its usual place in the house.

Dog search

There is a ceremony that people perform if their beloved dog is lost.

It is able to disappear while walking on the street, it can be stolen by intruders or mistakenly set aside while traveling in transport.

It is required to take a piece of paper from a notebook and put the name of the dog in it. Then it should become part of the words of the conspiracy.

They pronounce it where the pet was last seen. It is advisable to read the text twice a day during the lunar month. The ideal option is to conduct the ceremony until the dog returns to the owner's house:

Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the bell ring the road to the house, may you be safe and sound.

The ritual is very simple and must be carried out, even if all hope is already lost.

Lost cat conspiracy

To search for a lost cat, a different rite is used. He is very efficient.

The more worried about the animal, the more effective it works.

After putting up ads, searching for neighboring doorways and combing the neighboring park, a person begins to think about more effective methods.

As in previous cases, you need to stand where the cat last devotedly caressed your beloved owner and say:

The spell is pronounced only during the new moon in the morning, looking at the sun rising from the horizon.

The search for a runaway animal

In cases where the beast not only disappeared, but ran away during a walk or jumped out of the door, a special rite is performed.

It should be done twice a day for seven days.

If the owner does not know exactly how the pet left the home, then you need to stand near his bed.

If the owner knows the way in which he escaped, then they become exactly there.

The ritual has a strong effect on almost all urban animals.

“Get ready, my dear beast (name, coat color of the animal, breed, who is the cat, dog, another type of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides: because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

It is carried out on its own, at home, so you should not neglect it.

Looking for rural animals

Livestock also disappear from time to time. A sheep or a goat sometimes fights off the herd or simply leaves the yard.

It is necessary to melt the stove with the sunrise and wait for the smoke to start coming out of the chimney. Then they call the animal, calling it by name and reading the spell:

"Forest Tsar-father, Bring me and pretend to be my little cow-cow."

After three times they spit over the left shoulder.

Ritual for a village pet

The way to search for a cat or dog in the countryside is different from the city. It is necessary to tie all the legs of the dining table with twine.

Then, to themselves, they constantly begin to call out to their animal, calling its exact name.

It is also worth offering a bowl of milk and pies to the Brownie, who makes sure that happiness does not leave the home.

He usually favors cats and dogs as the guardians of the hearth. The bowl is removed away from other people's views and they try to look into a secluded place less often.

If the owner found that the offering was not accepted, then it is necessary to freely ask the Brownie to help in finding the pet. It is also necessary to make a treat for him more tasty and plentiful.

The ceremony is carried out for seven days, then an interval is made and the result is expected. If it is not there, then after an equal amount of time the ritual is resumed.

Requests to the Saints

You don't have to use magic. There are very effective prayers for finding lost animals.

The first thing to do is turn to the Lord. The request to him applies not only to missing pets, but in general to all pets:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who suffer, For all who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are scared or hungry; For all those who should be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them good hands, tell them kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

If the animal is missing, then the prayer must be said first. You should not wait until it becomes clear that a cow, cat or dog is lost. It is advisable to read it as soon as the first alarm about his absence appears.

There are other ways to find a missing pet without resorting to magical rites.

There is a prayer to Saint Tryphon about the loss of animals. People say that he never refuses a request addressed to him.

He also answers prayers for:

  • missing;
  • search for the lost;
  • passing an interview for a vacancy;
  • obtaining housing, etc.

If you turn to him with special words, he will never leave them unattended:

Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, an urgent helper to all who run to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the representative!
Hear now and every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.
You, the servant of Christ, promised yourself that before your departure from this perishable life, pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow of his call starts your holy name, let him be delivered from every pretense of evil.
And as if you were sometimes the daughter of the tsar in Rome, the city of the devil, healed the tormented one, save us from his fierce machinations all the days of our belly, especially on the terrible day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of the evil demons surround and frighten we will be started.
Then be our helper and speedy exorcist of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, even if you now stand with the face of saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, may he grant us partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

To help in the search for the missing animal, they offer a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, the martyrs Flor and Laurus, who help to catch the runaway horse, as well as Vlasius for the well-being of the cow and other agricultural livestock.

Saints never ignore the pleas of a desperate animal owner.

It is best to contact them in the temple. You need to light a candle near the required icon and turn to it with all your heart. You should ask with fervent faith, sincere love and selflessness.

Sometimes the animal does not return by itself, but the person is given a signal from above about where he needs to be looked for or he is visited by a guess about his whereabouts.

Therefore, in the event that an animal is lost, you should definitely turn to higher powers.

It is necessary to think not only about your loss, loss or inconvenience, but also about what it is now pet. In this case, all means are good.

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Pre-Conspiracy Prayers

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

“Nicholas, the saint of God, the helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Conspiracy to buy livestock

Circle the purchased animal around you, hold the bridle or rope not with your bare hands, but in mittens and say, referring to the brownie:

“Here you are, hostess, a furry beast to a rich yard. Sing, feed and smooth the surface with a mitten.

Or say this:

“The breadwinner is the father, as I love these cows (sheep, pigs, etc.), so you love them and holy.”

When buying an animal, give money for it so that there is change, then livestock will be found. This change is hidden above the entrance to the barn. Or in the house if it is dogs or cats.

When they buy a cow, they say

“Lord, bless our milk, butter, cheese and meat for the home. Amen".

These words are spoken while giving money for livestock.

Before you put the cow in the barn

Fan it with a birch broom and say:

“Be your body meat smooth, milk white and sweet, sour cream, fat and tasty. And you, father brownie, take her to the barn home. Guard day and night, don't let me jinx my cow. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Conspiracy when buying pet food

In order for the animals to be safe and tenacious, when buying food for them, do not forget to say:

“I buy, I bless in the name of Christ. Amen".

Remove spoilage from animals

Take a cup of salt water, go around the animal three times and say, splashing on the animal:

« I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen".

Speak festering eyes in animals

Look directly into the eyes of the animal and say three times:

« Clean water, clean eyes, wash away the disease, tear. Amen".

Get rid of lichen in animals

Cut an apple into two halves over the head of a sick animal. Rub the lichen with one half of an apple. Put them together and take the apple to the bridge over the river. Put the halves of apples on the railing of the bridge from different sides with the words:

« How this apple was whole, but it became divided, how I put its two sides opposite each other, so that my cattle would not have lichen. Amen".

Speak fistula in animals

“There is a dry shalga in an open field. As on that shalga neither grass grows, nor a flower blooms, so that my cattle would have no fistula, no wound, no bleeding, no abscesses, no diseased growths, no serious illness. I lock it with my strength, my will, my word. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Raise a fallen animal (horse, cow, etc.)

Before you go to treat an animal, light a candle or lamp in the house and open the window. Stand at the feet of the animal and in an undertone say 12 times without interruption:

« Rejoice and hello. The Lord has given you to us as food, but it is not time for you to die, get up.”

So that animals do not get sick in winter.

« Frol and Lavr, come and feed my cattle in winter.”

Hide this hay, and on the day of the Protection of the Virgin, you need to give this hay to animals. The cattle will be strong and tenacious.

Heal a sore ear in an animal.

Stand next to the animal and whisper in his ear:

« The corner is chopped and the cross of oaks, so that the ear does not hurt and does not turn, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening. Neither in the new, nor in the wind, nor in the calm. Till the end of time. Amen".

Conspiracy to take birth in animals

You can give relief to animals during childbirth with this conspiracy:

“Opening the golden gates, I remove heavy attempts, labor pains, drive away torments - both original and all-born. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Amulet so that cattle are not stolen

When the cattle enters the corral, say:

« Thief, become a pillar. As the pillar does not see and as the pillar does not hear, so you become deaf and blind, and do not steal my cattle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the cattle did not return home

Take a knife, draw a circle in a field or in a forest and, poking a knife into a circle, read:

“I beg you, Yuri, Yegori, I ask you as God, take away your field, forest and hog horts, clamp their teeth and lips. So that they do not see with their eyes, do not hear with their ears my cattle (nickname) in the field, in the forest and in every place. And put it, Lord, in such a place that my cattle (nickname) seemed to your Horts a dry stump, a rotten log.

Then leave the knife stuck in the circle overnight until the cattle returns home.

Mandatory condition: no one should see and hear your actions. And to brag that the spell helped the cattle to return unharmed is by no means possible.

So that not a single cattle is lost in the herd

They take a whip to the full moon, hitting it, go counterclockwise around the herd and shout:

“Do not fight wolves, do not steal people, do not kill ticks, do not suck blood. As he brought, so he took away; as he took, so he gave. Get out, you are black, pockmarked, white, black, curly and all sorts of such as they are. God will give me all to count. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To find the lost cattle

Tear the red rag into three pieces. Then tie them together and throw them in the place where the lost cattle usually spend the night. Throwing ties, say:

“As soon as I twisted three red knots, so soon that I would find the missing cattle.”

If cattle were stolen from the paddock

In the middle of the yard, light the bedding from under the stolen cattle and read the spell three times:

“As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and presses, knits the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

Amulet not to steal cattle

As the cattle enters the corral, say:

“Thief, become a pillar. As the pillar does not see and as the pillar does not hear, so you become deaf and blind, and do not steal my cattle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Amulet so that no one spoils the animal

On Maundy Thursday, you need to put on a sheepskin coat back to front. Approach in turn to all the cattle you have, shake the bucket and say:

“On the eastern side, in a distant country, Vlasy and Theodosius walk. In holy hands they have golden keys. Oh, you saints, close my meat bodies, milk rivers, so that no one approaches these rivers, so that no one destroys my economy. Run, milk, along the veins, from the veins straight into the notch, from the notch into the pail, from the pail into the lid. Find, zhor, on my cattle, and you, zhor, go to fat, shine, meat. Chur, my deeds, amen to my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

To ensure that your animals are never spoiled

On Holy Week, on Wednesday from noon to one in the afternoon, when there is a service in the church, go around your household, holding a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other. As you go around everything three times, drive a nail under your porch with the words:

“As a nail submits to a hammer, so all sorcerers bow before me. As the nail entered the board and as my eyes see it, so not a single sorcerer of my court will offend. Amen".


So that the goat gives more fluff

When you scratch a goat, say:

« Fluff is furious, fluffy. As the month changes, is reborn, so let the fluff grow and fluff on my goats. I comb, I comb, I rake, I slander, I bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


To keep the cow calm during milking.

« Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. Tame, O Lord, the cow with your fortresses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

So that the cow does not kick

The plot is read into the water with which the udder is washed:

« Lord God bless. As I say, so be it. So my cow (name of the cow) would not move. Do not give her, Lord, no foot kick, no tail waving, no horn butting. It stands like a mountain - milk it like a river: a lake of sour cream, a river of milk. Key and lock to my words. Amen".

Words to say after calving

To keep all animals healthy. As soon as the cow calves, you need to run your hand along the wall from the bottom up, and then along the cow's ridge with the words:

“The walls will stand, and you will give offspring. As strong as the walls, so strong is your gut.

On a calf so as not to run from a cow

Dip the cow's tail into colostrum, read the plot three times:

“You will be with the calf, and we will be with your milk. Satisfiers of Christ, give my cow water to drink, so that she waters and feeds us, as you do her.

Then drink this colostrum to the calf.

To have a cow with milk

“Black suit (or another), on green arable land, on spring waters, on milky banks, on steep cheese, on thick sour cream, on fatty butter. Break away from the enemies with your horns, rake off with your hooves, wave your tail, come and bring me all the benefits. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For a good harvest

Buy a new pail, on a full moon, in the morning. When buying it, do not take change from the purchase, but overpay. Before milking a cow for the first time in this milking bowl, do not forget to say looking into it:

“There is a golden throne on the ocean-sea, on this throne the Mother of God sits, she looks at me with kind eyes. I will get up, cross myself, go up to her, bowing low. Mother, Mother of God, wish my cow to give milk, three top, three top and top three top. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

With a heavy hotel

Ask to put the cow on its feet, run your hand over the stomach in a clockwise direction and say three times:

“My word will win, the cow will give birth now. Abraham, Panteleimon, Moses. Amen".

To do this, you need to stock up on rainwater from a thunderstorm in advance. Store such water in cellars. In order to give the cow a drink of water collected immediately after the thunder during the rain during difficult childbirth.

If the cow does not get up

Ask the shepherd who herded your cow for a whip. Go into the barn where the cow lies and holding the whip over the cow say:

« Pure field, free expanse. Go forty saints to that field, that free expanse. Find my cattle in the middle of the herd. Baptize her with your finger, chase her with that whip. Raise her from the worst of trouble. Cross of the Lord, shepherd's whip. Amen, amen, amen. You have to do this three times."

For full fat milk

Pour the very first cow's milk on the wall and say:

“Mother heifer, stand like a wall, milk like a river, so that the buckets of cream are full, and the jars of sour cream are greasy. Key to my words, lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

If a cow runs out of milk

If the cow's milk is gone, you need to take a filter, put it in a pot, pour water consecrated in the temple, put the pot in the oven and cook, stirring with a consecrated palm twig on Palm Sunday. When the water in the pot boils, the one who made the spoilage will come running to ask for forgiveness, the fire will burn so strongly in her chest, and the milk will return to your cow.

Charm, h not to spoil the cow

“Just as a viper does not understand a whale, so a witch will not take milk from a cow. As the viper does not bite iron, so that the witch does not bite my cow.

They read when they drive the cattle into the field.

Remove spoilage from a cow

If the cow is spoiled and she does not give milk, or her milk flows out completely to the ground while she goes home, you need to sprinkle Thursday salt on the back of the cow at sunset, saying:

“I forbid you, damned demon, unclean spirit, to be in this place. Go to your place, and your place is hell. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the cow was jinxed

Take a piece of hay out of the chewing cow's mouth, slander it and immediately give it back to her. Then make sure that the cow chews this hay completely. They say hay like this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I unlock, servant of God (name), 77 veins, 77 veins, 77 roads, 77 ways. Go, milk, these paths, these paths to the cow's udder. As the water in the river runs, hurries, does not linger, so my cow's milk cannot be taken away and not delayed now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For the cow to go home from the pasture

If you bought a cow from other owners, and she is reluctant to come to your home. And some cows are just lecherous - they just don’t go to the yard! When you see a cow out to pasture, say after her:

"As ants go home, so would my cow go home."


Before the first round of the horse

“King David, King Solomon, you were meek and humble. So my herd of hooves wouldn’t wave at me, wouldn’t throw me to the ground from the back. Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".


So that the rabbit does not crush the rabbits.

If the rabbits are constantly dying or being crushed by the rabbit, then you need to do the following. Take a piece of bread, bite off it to three family members, and give the rest of the bread to the rabbits with the words:

« Just as it is true that three people ate from one piece, so it is true that not a single rabbit will die again. Amen".


So that the nutria do not die

They draw with a knife on the cages where the animals of 12 crosses live and say:

« As the Christian world is fruitful, so you are fruitful. As the steel of a knife is strong, so you will be strong and tenacious. Twelve crosses, one knife, me and my prayer. Amen".


When buying a pig

You need to say this:

“A pig home, on his bones - meat, on meat - lard. God bless your purchase."

You can not be afraid that the piglet will suddenly die or get sick. He will be healthy, gluttonous, cheerful.

So that the pig does not tear his piglets.

A pig chosen for breeding should not be beaten and scratch its belly as often as possible so that it gets used to being tickled and does not drive away piglets that will suck milk. The slander is read for swill for three days at dawn three times, while holding the little finger on the little finger linked:

« Morning dawn Marya, evening dawn Daria. Dawn is a dawn, a pig is farrowing. Just as the morning dawn does not catch up with the evening dawn, so the pig will not touch its pig with its teeth. Amen".

For pigs to put on weight quickly

In order for the pig to gain weight well, they slander her for food and drink:

“As people eat greedily after fasting, so would my pigs eat, get better every minute. To my words a mouth, to my teeth a lock, to my tongue a key. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When you boil food for pigs, throw in handfuls of what you boil, and say this:

“How bad, crazy, he eats and how he rushes from this, so my pig would eat and get fat. Amen".


Speak distemper to a dog

« Oh, Saint Joseph, you who had a dog, the one whom she saved from the Chaldeans in your sleep. You who have acquired a holy dignity and a holy crown. Save my dog ​​from death. One tear will resurrect him. Amen".

Speak a dog wound

First, read the conspiracy to stop the bleeding three times:

“A black raven flies through the waters of the sea, it carries a silk thread in its beak; you, thread, break, and you, bloody, stop.

Stop and blow on the wound or cut.

Then read 3 evenings in a row a conspiracy to heal wounds:

“Two brothers are cutting a stone, two sisters are looking out the window, two mothers-in-law are standing at the gate. You, sister, turn away, and you, blood, calm down. You, brother, humble yourself, and you, blood, lock yourself up. The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. And be my word strong on the subsidence of blood, to this hour, to this minute. To close the wound, edge to edge, skin to skin, hair to hair, everything should be overgrown. Amen".

From worms

As soon as the dog comes out the door to the street in the morning, tell her in the wake:

« As you go over the threshold, so let all the devils leave you. It is true that you are going to piss now, and it is true that the worms will leave you. Amen".


Conspiracy to plant bees in a hive

“The bees swarm, the bees breed, the bees will humble themselves. I will stand on the wax against the far side and hear the noise and rumble of bees. I take a bee of a swarm, okaray, plant it in a beehive. I'm not planting you, they are planting white stars, a horn-footed moon, a red sun. They put you down, shorten you. You, bee, swarm, sit down at (such and such) in the district. I lock you, matko, all the roads with a key, a lock. And I throw my keys into the ocean-sea, under a green bush. And in the green bush sits all the queens - the eldest queen, holds a sting, stings recalcitrant bees; but you will not obey my words, I will send you into the ocean-sea, under the green bush where the uterus sits, to all the uterus - the eldest uterus. And it will sting you with stings for your disobedience. My word is strong. Amen".

A conspiracy to be with honey

They read in the spring on the hive, when the bees begin to swarm:

« In the heavenly church there is a crystal table, on the table there is a wedding cup, honey is poured in this cup. Whoever drinks it, does not drink it to the bottom, the honey in the bowl does not decrease, but more still arrives. So bees would drag honey into my hives, fill honeycombs, pour bowls. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


So that the fox and ferret do not drag birds

On the full moon, standing at the poultry house, say 3 times:

« Brownie, stand here, guard my birds from ferrets and foxes and wolves. Amen".

So that the kite does not steal chickens, goslings, etc.

Light a candle near the poultry house with the words:

« The enemy kite fly past, Saint Thomas guard the chickens. Amen".


Buying pigeons.

When you go to buy pigeons, take a handful of millet with you. Ask the owner of the pigeons to hold this millet in his hand. When you come home, give the pigeons this millet.

So that the pigeons are not poached

On Easter, consecrate millet and cross it in the dovecote, saying:

« I am baptized with a finger, I sprinkle with a cross. My pigeons cannot be lured, my slander cannot be interrupted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

So that the doves do not die

On the new moon, pour grain to the doves and say:

« Lord, watch with your eye for the bird of God, for my doves. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


So that the geese do not die

Hold the first caterpillar that hatches or the first one you buy with both hands and say:

« It breeds, it doesn’t translate, it doesn’t breed, how many feathers your mother has, so many geese for my grazing. Amen".


So that the rooster does not throw itself at people

Pour wheat and peas when feeding a rooster, immediately from both hands and say:

« I, God's servant, feed the rooster. I forbid you, bird, to rush and rage. My word is strong and stucco. Amen".

So that the chickens do not peck each other

Before putting chickens in one cage, you need to say:

« Just as an egg does not peck a chicken, so you will not peck at each other. Amen".

For a mother hen to incubate her eggs

Put the chicken on the eggs and say:

« Just as you, mother hen, cannot fit back into an egg, so you will not throw an egg.

For chickens to lay a lot of eggs

When the pullets begin to lay, let the eldest in the family eat the thirteenth egg, while crossing themselves:

« The chicken is from the egg and the egg is from the chicken. Amen".


From the disease of cats and cats

At night, looking to draw water, put it under the moonlight and say so:

“I will become blessed, cross myself three times, spit over my left shoulder, and spit on a candle. I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there are gates, stone gates, carved gates, golden gates. Gold-silver glitters, Alatyr stands a white-combustible stone below, Praskovya sits on the Alatyr stone, holds a white cat-cat, a handsome cat-cat, in white hands. Praskovya cat strokes, strokes, cherished words-trappers verb. Words speak, words speak. Fly into the ocean, fly, don’t twist my cat-cat: fires, fevers, fevers, all ailments, sores. I came from the water - go to the water, go to sleep there. Sleep in winter and summer. Don't be in trouble. Key word. The key is at Praskovya, the water of the maiden. Praskovya keeps that key, does not order anyone to take it. From century to century. From circle to circle. Now and right now. Yes, be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Drink your pet with spoken water.

For milk, say a conspiracy:

“Go away black, white, rash, bloody, consumptive, eye, water, uterine, bone and meat ailments from my cat. There is no place for her either in the head, or in the tail, or in the paws, or in the body. Get sickness away. Amen".

Do this until complete recovery.

To keep the cat from running away

So that your beloved pet does not run away, take him in your arms and, stroking, whisper a plot at him 7 times:

“I bind you with love and affection, I hold you with care. Do not disappear, do not run away yourself, know the place, and know your home. From a thief, from an enemy, from any misfortune of you, (nickname), I speak. True!

Whatever the animal is found

“Get ready, my dear beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, who is a cat, dog, another kind of animal), every night to your home, as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. As the children of Ants serve and obey their ant king, and as honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And as fast rivers, both small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name, color of the animal’s coat, breed, name someone - a cat, a dog, another type of animal), flowed to my voice from all sides : because of lakes, from quicksand mosses, from black swamps, because of rivers, because of streams, because of forests, my night flowed into my house to spend the night, to age forever. Amen".

For a cat or dog to take root in a new home

1. Cut off a few hairs from their head, back and tail, fold them together and put them in any gap, in the threshold or in the floor, next to the exit from the house. Then say these words:

“Just as dog (cat) hair will stay in the threshold, so the dog (cat) will stay in this threshold. May it be so"!

2. Brush your pet's paws with butter. Well, if the cat starts to lick it. At this time, read the plot:

“Just as oil sticks to its paws, so a cat will stick to the house. Just as a cat loves her paws, so my house will be dear and loved by her. Amen".

3. Place the animal in front of a large mirror so that it sees its reflection in it, and say:

“Just as it always finds a reflection of its master, so this cat (dog) will always find its home. Truly."

4. It is necessary to transfer the animal through a belt or strap laid across the entrance, removed from the clothes in which you often walk. This is done once the first time the pet is brought into your home. Also drive around the post so that he comes home well.

5. Speak water and wash your doors and threshold with it.

"You, God the Father Almighty,

I pray earnestly for this house,

Living in it, about all property,

And about domestic creatures,

whom you have created for us,

Bless, Lord, and sanctify

By the power of Thy Holy Cross,

God bless my house

cattle and domestic animals,

how you blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

To make a wild animal tame and obedient

Take the animal to the crossroads of two hiking trails. Cut off a tuft of his wool there, throw this wool on the ground and say:

“Crossroad to intersection, from corner to corner, trail to trail, all in different directions, and my dog ​​(cat) is with me. Amen".

To protect your pet from theft

Take him to an open place and go around him three times in a clockwise direction, uttering a plot and clapping your hands to the beat of your words and steps:

“Do not see with your eyes, do not hear with your ears, do not take your hands, do not step from the yard, do not welcome a stranger, only recognize me. To anyone who plans theft, do not dissolve his hands, do not open his eyes, go to someone else's yard. Words are strong, spoken and fulfilled. Amen".

If the animal does not agree to stand in one place for a minute, then it is better to tie it up.

If an animal is stolen

In the middle of the courtyard, light the bedding from under the stolen pet and read the spell three times:

“As this place burns, so let the bone, brain, blood of the thief burn. Let fear and forty diseases attack him. It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and presses, knits the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, so will the thief feel bad. Amen".

Conspiracy to sell puppies or kittens

For all offspring that are to be sold, you need to put charmed strings or ribbons around your neck. This is especially true for puppies.
Attention! You can't put string on kittens! But you can read a conspiracy on them.
So, at the beginning, from a new skein of red thread or ribbon, unwind an arbitrary number of threads or ribbon and cut it off. Read the conspiracy over the cut threads or ribbon three times:

“She cut off, cut off, opened an unclean eye, saved the names of living creatures (for example, a puppy, a kitten), protected them from damage.”

After that, put a charmed thread on the neck of each animal. When the buyer comes, read over the animals three times, or how you carry it to the market:

“Puppies are puppies, (pigs are piglets; cats are kittens .., that is, at first you call your living creatures), dear guys, leave my hands, faithfully serve the new owner. They will take you beautiful, take you home. And I’ll get a profit, I’m not sad about you anymore. ”

When you need to sell, but it doesn't work

Stand next to the kittens or others you want to sell, close your eyes and say:

“As I easily closed my eyes, so I could easily (so-and-so) sold out. Key to my words, lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Stroke the offspring at the evening dawn, say this:

“As my hands stroke and cherish you, so that after you every hand will dove.
To be full to you, not to know sorrow, gracious hosts, warmth of home. Amen".

After that, try not to stroke kittens or puppies and not to take them in your arms.

For a quick sale

Read constantly baptizing:

"I am a merchant, always well done,

Our product

I will sell you.

Money to money.

us your money,

Initially, these conspiracies and amulets existed to protect animals and were called "shepherd's prayers." They contain phrases about the expulsion of diseases from cows, sheep and horses, in general - this is magic to protect the herd.

Such conspiracies to protect animals are still valid in our time, even if they are read to protect a single cat or dog.

Conspiracy from the evil eye of animals

Egory the brave, Egory the merciful, take an iron spear, poke and poke with an iron spear, scrape it out of the ears, from the nostrils, from the hooves, from the liver, from the veins of the kidney, tail, brain, from the inner cross nails, claws, slander, sentences. The water is muddy, the water is dirty, the water is impure. As mother water passes along the river, so come out the unclean spirit, unclean power, nails, claws, slander, sentences from my cattle, animal (name the animal, color of wool and eyes).

Conspiracies for the treatment of animals

I, the servant of God (name), will go to Egor the Brave. Come closer, bow lower! You are a goy, Father Yegoriy the Brave, accept my petition and prayer, run into my little animal (name the animal, color of wool, appearance: for example, a gray cat Matryona with a white spot on her forehead) and unfasten 12 nails from a zealous heart, from a red face, from a black liver, from hot blood, bone, articular, cerebral. Close my little animal from fire, water and wind (name the animal, coat color, appearance: for example, a gray cat Matryona with a white spot on her forehead). Forever and ever. Amen.

On the sea, on the Okiya, on the island of Buyan stands Alatyr-stone. On the stone is a cathedral in a cathedral, a throne in a throne, God sits on it. I’ll come closer to him, bow lower, ask for three copper rods, three iron rods, three tin rods and I will beat the cattle, a cute animal (name the animal’s name, coat color, appearance: for example, a gray cat Matryona with a white spot on her forehead) and I will knock out 12 nails from it. Meat, bone, articular, cartilaginous, nostril, brain nail. They will come out through the nostrils, and from the nostrils they will fall into the damp earth. My words will be all in full. Amen.

I will get up, servant of God, blessed, I will go crossing myself, I will go out into a wide field, under the red sun on the ocean-sea. On the ocean-sea there is a church of God. AT god's church- golden throne. Behind the golden throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself sits and reprimands 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 illnesses and takes the Lord himself, Jesus Christ himself, three iron rods and beats (say the name of the animal, coat color, appearance: for example, gray cat Matryona color with a white spot on the forehead) and kills 74 sorrows, 74 diseases, 74 nails, bone, cerebral, harnessing, harnessing, hard, nuclear ailment. What did not finish - talked. The ring finger has no name, it never had a name and never will. From now on forever and forever. Amen!

Elijah the merciful prophet, Peter and Paul, the chief apostles, thunder with thunder, scorch with fire. So cleanse from the unclean spirit, burn the unclean power with heavenly fire. Rescue and cleanse 77 veins, 77 bones, 77 joints. Cleanse yourself, good strength, settle in all joints, in all veins, in all ribs. Conspiracy disease, cunning, wisdom will leave 77 veins, 77 bones, 77 joints. Illness, cunning-wisdom, get out of my animal-animal (name the name of the animal, the color of the coat and eyes), return to the old master and the old mistress and those who let you in. She came by the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, from the dark forest she came - go to the dark forest.

Speak on the water three times, then spray the animal with this water.

I, the servant of God (name), will be covered by the sky, the earth, the red sun, the young month. From the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the sorcerer, sorceress, from the sorcerer and sorceress, Lord, have mercy on my animal (name and coat color). I wash off with (the name of the animal) dashing thoughts and slanders are different. As a river goes into the blue sea, it washes away yellow sands, tears off steep red banks, so it would wash away lessons, prizes, dashing thoughts and all evil spirits from my animal (animal name, coat color).

Like a bird flies into the air, so fly you, an unclean spirit (name the disease or problem that needs to be got rid of). As mother water passes through the river, so do you, unclean spirit, illness.

There is a kind of small pretty dogs that run away all the time for a walk. The owners, knocked down, are looking for a dog, most often, of course, they find it, although anything can happen.

So that pets - cats and dogs - are not lost, there are conspiracies, the reading of which puts invisible protection around the animal.

Conspiracies and prayers for animals

To protect pets, say this plot:

I will lie down, servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will get up crossing myself, I will dress in light, I will gird myself with a bright dawn, I will be covered with clouds, I will stumble with frequent stars. And I will go to the open field to the east, I will face the east, the ridge to the west. I renounce Satan and the devil, surrender to the highest creator, the heavenly king and the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and Sabaoth with my cute animal (name and coat color) and with my cute herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd). For me - for preservation, for my animal (name and coat color) and for my herd for savings.

Give, King of heaven, my dear animal (name and coat color) and my dear herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd) health, God's mercy, offspring and belly. Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, the archangels of the Lord Michael and Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Blasius, George the Brave, Mercury of Smolensk, Cherubim, Seraphim and all heavenly powers! Teach me, the servant of God (name), to speak words, put up a fence and repair a harrow around my cute beast (name and coat color) and cute herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd). So that my beast is always accustomed to his garden and home, I put up a defense and make a fence. I installed a fence from a black beast, from a brown beast, from a lynx, from a wolverine, from a roaring wolf, from a creeping reptile. From the sent lesson and the ward, from the lumbago, case, from corruption, from the fallen strength, from the unclean spirit, from the heretic, from the heretic, from the dashing eye, from the dashing thought and from all filth, earthen and forest and from every evil person, a dashing adversary, from a sorcerer and from a sorceress, from a sorcerer and from a sorceress, from a schemnik and from a schemist, from a priest and from other clerks, from a one-toothed, two-toothed, from a three-toothed, from male and female, from a guy and from a girl, from an oncoming - transverse, from the side looking and from walking past, from the fair-haired, red-haired, black-haired, gray-haired, have mercy on me, a servant of God (name), and my animal (name and signs), my herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd), protect my cute animal (name and coat color) and cute herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd).

My words are strong, like a blue stone in the blue sea, like a black stone in the black sea, like a black-stone in the Arap sea, like an okyan-stone in the Okyan-sea. My words do not break, do not crumble. And just as strong is the circle of protection around my cute animal (name and coat color) and cute herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd). There is a great power to preserve, to save, to improve, and to bring home.

And whoever thinks badly of me, the servant of God (name), and my cute animal (name and color of wool) and cute herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd), thinks badly with a thought, water from the okiyana-sea will crush that person with a stone.

And who on me, the servant of God (name), and my dear animal (name and coat color) and dear herd (this phrase is pronounced if there is a herd) thinks badly and thinks with a thought, that person has teeth from his mouth, eyes from his forehead, bones from the body.

Conspiracy from animal disease

To protect your pets from sickness and disease, say these words:

Master, Lord our God, having power over every creature! We pray and ask you! As you blessed and multiplied the flocks of Patriarch Jacob, bless the flock of your servant (your name), multiply and create it a thousand times, deliver from the violence of the devil and from foreign invasion, from captivity by beasts and any slander of enemies. Protect from mortal air, from a destructive disease, from case, from a predatory beast, from a poisonous reptile. Protect my flock with your holy angels, from all weakness, envy and temptation, sorcery, magic, the action of the devil, drive away from it, as yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

Animal theft conspiracy

In my wide yard, a seasoned pole stands firmly, tightly, tightly. He will not stagger anywhere, he will not wrinkle, he will not wrinkle and he will not fall down. This column is not afraid of anything. I am not afraid either, neither the puffer-tooth guy, nor the empty-haired woman, nor the long-haired girl. Whoever comes to my wide yard, he couldn’t take my goodness out of the yard, he couldn’t do anything with my herd: he couldn’t milk my goats, he couldn’t milk the cows, he couldn’t pluck the chickens. And just as I, the servant of God (name), cannot be without bread and salt, do not live without mother water, so do not be dashing thieves in my yard, do not look at my cattle, do not harm me, the servant of God (name). .

Conspiracy to protect against wild animals

Exist strong conspiracy for the protection of animals:

There is a beautiful log in my wide yard. As there is no mortgage in the forest, so my cattle would not be dragged away by a bear, a bear and a bear cub, a wolf, a she-wolf and a wolf cub, a wolverine and a lynx. My cattle would walk in a dark forest, in an open field, in green meadows and not disappear, to a bear, a bear and a bear cub, a wolf, a wolf and a wolf cub, a wolverine and a lynx, my cattle would seem like a stump and a log. A bear, a bear and a cub, a wolf, a she-wolf and a wolf cub, a wolverine and a lynx and every predatory animal to run into the forest, and my cattle to be closer to the house. My word is strong forever and ever. Amen!

Conspiracy for offspring

You need to speak a conspiracy to protect animals and future offspring on an anthill.

Goy thou art, King-ant! As you are fruitful and multiply in your nest, so you go to rest by night, so my cattle would be fruitful and multiply, and by night they would be going to the house. I take land from you, and I will leave you bread and salt.

The book of love spells and conspiracies for all occasions Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna



I am often asked to teach how to treat animals. As always, I will fulfill your wishes.

Prayer for Livestock Protection

To protect their livestock, they have long prayed to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.

O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look at us with your quick help and beg the Humanity God, may he not condemn us, the sinful servant of God (names), according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His great mercy; rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in order to get rid of us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals, and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, Passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, and His grace with philanthropy, your own help and intercession, we will find mercy with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the state and unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever.

From sickness of cattle

Sick cattle are given water three times with spoken water. They speak like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a white birch with its branches down, its roots up. Birch-mother, turn around, and on my Burenka, ailment, calm down in the name of Christ. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Buying livestock feed

When buying wheat, oats, etc., do not forget to say a slander so that the livestock is prosperous and tenacious.

I buy, I bless in the name of Christ. Amen.

From the loss of livestock

There are letters in which people complain that their cattle are not holding up. To save the livestock, they slander the water and sprinkle it in the barn and barn. They do it on an even day in the first half of the month.

I, God's servant (name), speak my animal, bird and all cattle. From the air of death, from a destructive illness, from a windy case, from any disease, from any envy, from the violence of the devil, from a small and large beast, from a swamp and a forest, from a snake, from a wolf, from a bear, from dead moss, from poisonous roots , from hating people, from stealing and being eaten. Send, Lord, deliverance and preservation. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Pick up a fallen animal

If the owners of a fallen cattle (horse, cow, etc.) turned to you for help, before leaving the house and going to heal, light a lamp in the house and open at least one window. Stand at the feet of a sick animal and say in an undertone:

Rejoice and hello. The Lord has given you to us as food, but this is not the time for you to die, get up.

So say 12 times without interruption.

Just as a viper does not understand a nit, so it will not take milk from a cow. As the viper does not bite iron, so that the witch does not bite my cow.

Remove spoilage from animals

Take a cup of salt water. Walk three times around the tainted animal and say while splashing on the animal:

I cut and salt and do not give. I will not let spoil either my own, or someone else's, or stupid. Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger. My leg will stand forward, my arm will overturn, and the damage will disappear. Amen.

From spoiling livestock

Spoiled cattle lose their gaiety, eat poorly, startle, give little milk, or all the milk flows out of the udder on the ground arbitrarily. Cows lie down on the ground and don't get up anymore. First of all, you need to take a broom, which has not been swept before, and sweep the yard, saying at the same time:

I sweep out what I did, what I spoiled. I'll throw it on the back of the one who carries this damage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It should be drunk with slandered water and sprinkle spoiled cattle through the teeth. The injunction is this:

You don’t get sick, and whoever caused damage will roar. Amen.

Now you know how some animal diseases are treated with slander and potions. But you must also know how sickness and spoilage are brought on cattle.

Perhaps one of you will say why, they say, to teach this - bad person take advantage of it and hurt people.

I explain. First, before someone decides to destroy other people's livestock, he will think that when the livestock begins to be treated by those whom he has harmed, his own livestock will also die. And yes, he will get sick. So why teach this, you say? To know everything. Otherwise, you won't be able to do anything else. In learning, everything is interconnected. Doctors are taught to cut and sew.

To save livestock

Read a day full moon, bypassing the cattle:

I speak alive from stray enemies, biting dogs, from snake bites, from thinness, from the deeds of sorcerers, from eyeful tongues. They do not count the stars in the sky, but my goodness is numbered. Amen.

On the bees (amulet)

So that the bees did not die, they carried a lot of honey.

The Lord gave the bee not for death, but for joy, to small children for sweets. So that they live well with me, so that I have a lot of honey. Amen.

In order not to spoil the cow (amulet)

Just as a viper does not understand a nit, so it will not take milk from a cow. As the viper does not bite iron, so that the witch does not bite my cow.

From mastitis in a cow

I have already told you how to speak the udder of a cow. At your request, I give you another strong conspiracy.

They are talking about a new linen towel. They wipe the sore udder with it and read like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The father, the righteous Abram, came to the Mother of God. He says: “I won’t give you milk, Marya, my cow’s udder hurts, the milk in her udder burns. It burns, it burns out, my cow suffers. Do not cry, righteous father Abram, I will give you a towel, go to the cow, wipe her udder, free her from illness. All my words are molded and strong, honest and holy, like the Holy Mother of God. From this hour, from my order, go, illness, from (nickname of the cow) to a dry stump. The stump burns with a clear fire, but (the cow's name) does not get sick. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In two days, the cow will feel better, and then she will completely recover.

At the birth of a calf

They say that no one will hear:

Grandfather, neighbor, our host brownie, take the calf as your child, give it to drink, feed it, guard it from the evil eye.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book On Error and Truth author de Saint-Martin Louis Claude

On the Sufferings of Cattle Here, in refutation, they present the sufferings of cattle to me: but the objection is provided by me, and I will try to solve it without even proceeding to my proposal; for by this it will not be interrupted. I know that cattle, as a sensual Being, suffer, and therefore some

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against the loss of livestock The shepherd must go around or go around the herd clockwise, while saying nine times: Vlasy, be my godfather, I will come to you with faith, And you will help me. How many heads there are, So that I can count them all by evening. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 16 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against the theft of cattle The shepherd utters conspiracy words on a handkerchief, wears it with him, but never wipes it. You need to read quickly, without pauses: As long as this handkerchief will hold on to me, Until then, the thief will beware of me. Plat, my board, bolt steel,

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 16 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From cattle injury In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God bless. I, a slave (name), bow to You, pray. As every star knows its place in the sky, The fish is in the water, and my flock is with me. My cattle, go and keep your mind on your mind. God's word is first, My word is second, and yours

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To speak a fistula in cattle There is a dry shawl in an open field. As on that shalga neither grass grows, nor a flower blooms, so that my cattle would have no fistula, no wound, no bleeding, no abscesses, no diseased growths, no serious illness. I lock with my strength, my will, my

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the loss of livestock There are letters in which people complain that their cattle are not holding. To save the livestock, they slander the water and sprinkle it in the barn and barn. They do this on an even day, in the first half of the month. God's servant (name), I speak my animal, bird and all

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Rinderpest The disease should be recognized as follows: in animals suffering from this disease, it continuously flows from the eyes. The eyes and nostrils are blood red. Possible exit of pus from the nose. Tongue dry and white, unnatural color. The abdomen is hard, the breath is hot. Noticeable trembling in

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From spoilage of cattle Spoiled cattle lose their gaiety, eat poorly, startle, give little milk, or all the milk flows out of the udder onto the ground arbitrarily. Cows lie down on the ground and don't get up anymore. First of all, you need to take a broom that has not been swept before, and sweep the yard, saying

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Correct spoilage of livestock Take manure from a spoiled cow, throw it over the fence backhand and say: To the one who spoiled - shit, and to my cow - milk. In the evening, the person who spoiled your nurse will appear in your yard, begin to beg for something or ask for money in

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to remove spoilage from livestock Noticing that not everything is fine with livestock, take a slop bucket of water outside the fence and pour it onto the road, saying: From my house to your house.

From the book The book of love spells and conspiracies for all occasions author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

TREATMENT OF CATTLE I am often asked to teach how to treat animals. As always, I fulfill your wishes. Prayer for the protection of livestock To protect their livestock, they have long been praying to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. Prizri

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 10 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Prayer for the protection of livestock Owners, wishing to protect their livestock from diseases and misfortunes, have long prayed to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. The words of the prayer are: O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look at us with your quick help and beg

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against the loss of livestock The shepherd must go around or go around the herd clockwise, while saying nine times: Vlasy, be my godfather, I come to you with faith, And you help me. How many heads are there, So that I can count everyone by evening .In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against the theft of cattle The shepherd utters conspiracy words on a handkerchief, wears it with him, but never wipes it. You need to read in a tongue twister, without pauses: As long as I have this handkerchief, Until then, the thief will beware of me.

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the grass of cattle In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless. I, the servant of God (name), bow to You, pray. Like every star knows its place in the sky, Fish in the water, and my herd is with me. My cattle , go and keep it on your mind. God's word is the first, My word is the second, And your word

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Many people have heard that there is special kind mages who can bend animals to their will. Some are interested in how to become an animal magician in real life, and is it possible at home. As you know, nothing is impossible, so with a great desire to become a magician in real life, you can.

Animal mages. Who are they?

Animal magicians are people who not only understand animals well, but can also command them. It is not easy to learn this, but it is possible. First you need to learn to understand animals, and constantly develop your magical abilities, and then move on to testing magic on representatives of the animal world.

How to learn to understand animals with the help of magic?

To do this, you first need to get a pet, which will act as a "guinea pig".

The behavior of the animal should be monitored regularly. An indicator of the mood of the animal is the tail. If the dog is happy, then it merrily twists it in all directions, if it is frightened, then it is running out. In cats, the interpretation of tail movements is slightly different. When a cat is irritated, it begins to wag its tail, if only the tip of the tail moves, the cat is in a playful mood.

In addition to the common truths of animal behavior, you can turn to magic for help. There is one potion that will help you understand our little brothers.

How to learn to understand animals: a potion

To prepare the potion you will need:

  • dandelion flowers;
  • rose petals;
  • oregano ordinary;
  • juice of one lemon.

Take all the ingredients in 50 grams. You need to cook the potion on a fire. Pour the herbs into a cauldron, pour 2 liters of water and put on fire. When the water boils, squeeze the juice of a lemon and cast spells:

“I brew a potion, I want to become a magician. I wish you to understand the language of animals and learn to command them. The animals will adjoin me in front of me, listen to me and fulfill my orders. Soon a thousand doors will open before me, and I will become a magician of beasts!

After boiling, brew the potion for about an hour. Then cool it down and strain it. The resulting decoction should be drunk every day in the morning on an empty stomach, three sips. Drink for as many days as there is a decoction.

A week after you finish drinking the magic potion, your supernatural abilities will wake up and you will begin to understand animals.

To learn how to command animals, one more rite will have to be performed.

Early in the morning in windy weather, go out into the open field and spread your arms wide to the sides to shout:

“Wind-wind, carry the message to all the animals in the world: a new magician has appeared who will control and command them. Let the animals grovel before me and obey me in everything. As I said, so be it! My word is strong, my work is sculpted!