Human sense organs language interesting facts. Interesting facts about the senses


The tongue is a muscular organ located in oral cavity. Its length is 9 cm, width 5 cm and weight 50 g. The tongue is formed by muscles connected to the base mandible and allowing him to perform many movements, such as folding, rotating (up to 40 times in a minute kiss), etc.

The functions of the language are varied. Due to its mobility (up to 80 movements per minute on average), it contributes to chewing and soaking food, mixing saliva with food, cleaning teeth with solid food particles, and pushing chewed food into the esophagus. Without language, human speech is impossible.


The tongue helps to distinguish and taste sensations. It has 4000 small tubercles. various shapes- taste buds, subdivided into categories. Each tubercle is equipped with approximately 50 fibers that transmit information through nervous system into the brain. With a content of 0.5% sugar in the product, a sensation of sweet occurs, with 0.25% salt - salty, with 0.002% bitter - a sensation of bitterness, and 0.001% acid is enough for a sensation of sour.

A ray of light will be reflected From some object, It will fall on the cornea, In a moment - and rush further, And through the pupil-hole It will make its way into the eye-house. Further, following the order, Hits the retina. A round house with one window, It is tightly closed all around, There is no porch or door, Is the path now over with light? No, the nerve goes from the eye, It transmits a signal to the brain, After that, immediately Everything around will see the eye. A round house is very fragile! Thin, delicate walls in ...

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Ears are organs of hearing in vertebrates and humans. The ear picks up sounds that, through the outer ear canal 24-30 mm long are sent to the eardrum. Eardrum, ossicles and fluid inner ear It is a sound-conducting apparatus that transmits sound vibrations. Auditory nerve, auditory pathways and centers in the brain perceive these vibrations. A person is able to distinguish more ...

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A person perceives sounds in a wide range - from a low tone (hum) to a high tone (squeak). The pitch of the sound is determined by the frequency, which is measured in hertz - by the number of vibrations sound wave performed in 1 s. As the frequency increases, the pitch of the sound increases, i.e. the higher the frequency, the higher the sound, and vice versa, the lower the frequency, the lower the sound. Young people…

The kids now sat early near the screen. They are watching a news bulletin, a program for children, performances by artists, a meeting of TV journalists, a long documentary film, and a final hockey match ... Night is coming soon, Friends do not sleep - They look, they watch everything! We sat comfortably on the screen itself ... We saw everything in detail ... But this is very strange - Now there is a flicker in the eyes, Now it ripples in the eyes, Everything is spinning, swaying, And the head hurts! .. "Remember: TV is harmful, If the eye ...

Balance receptors are located inside 2 interconnected structures - the semicircular canals and the vestibule. These structures, which form the vestibular apparatus, are adjacent to the cochlea and are also filled with fluid. 3 semicircular canals, located at right angles to each other, perceive the movements of the head and body. At the base of each canal there are sensitive hair cells covered with a jelly-like cap - a cupula. At…

Our Nina enthusiastically sits reading in the evening: She loves Nina's fairy tale about the Pinocchio boy. She read in the corner, There was very little light; I read for an hour or two - My head ached, Everything floats before my eyes, They filled with tears, The lines blurred near the book, The letters became like dots, You can’t read even half of the lines about the girl Malvina. Adults and children know What they read only in the light, You can’t read in the dark: Vision will get tired. Nataliya…

The sense of touch provides the brain with information about the external environment. The organs of touch (receptors) are scattered over the entire surface of the body. Receptors - sensitive nerve endings - perceive the actions of external stimuli - touch, pressure, vibration, pain, cold and heat. We feel that the fur is soft, and the sandpaper is rough, we feel the pressure of heavy objects, the pain from the injection, the heat of the flame and the cold of ice water ....

The main means by which we interact with the world around us are the sense organs. We can hear, see and smell with them. Their importance cannot be overestimated.

Hearing Facts

Your hearing gets worse after eating

If you're heading to a concert or musical after a hearty meal, it's a disservice to your ears. Try to eat less if you want your hearing to be perfect.

Interesting Facts:

The ears are also organs of balance.

A favorable background for a person ranges from 45-50 decibels (corresponding to a quiet conversation). According to acousticologists, everything that is above this background is already called noise load and contributes to the weakening of human immunity.

In 30% of children, hearing problems are found, as a result of which school failure may occur. That is why doctors insist on undergoing a hearing test in infants.

Loud noises that affect a person for a long time can cause hearing loss.

Men have worse hearing than women.

Known facts about human vision

About two-thirds of the human race has poor eyesight

The quality of human vision deteriorates as we age.

Interesting Facts:

. "Carrots are good for the eyes" - we hear from childhood. Indeed, vitamin A, which is saturated with carrots, is good for health. However, there is no direct connection between carrots and eyes.

Most of the children born have gray-blue eyes. Eyes acquire their true color only after two years.

Green is the rarest eye color in humans. Only 2% of people on Earth have green eyes.

All people with blue eyes may be considered relatives. approximately in the area where the modern city of Odessa is located.

In 1% of people, the irises of the left and right eyes differ in color.

Theoretically, the human eye can distinguish 10 million colors.

The drawing of the iris of the eye is individual for each person.

Incredible facts about the sense of smell

Women are born with a better sense of smell than men and remain so all their lives.

At the same time, according to statistics, 2% of the world's population live without a sense of smell at all. Your nose can distinguish 50,000 different scents.

Interesting Facts:

No two people smell the same.

Ideal perfumes are those that you yourself do not feel.

A person's memory can not remember everything except smells. Everyone has a phenomenal memory for smells.

Newborns are able to recognize the scent of their mothers. Part of this feeling is determined by genetics; but also the general environment and hygiene, which create a unique chemical composition.

We all know what language is for. Without the participation of this organ, it is impossible to swallow or say anything, and only thanks to its receptors is a person able to taste food. However, the language has a number of other features that many have not heard of at all. And these features are unique in their kind. So, the language can even "tell" about a particular disease that has "settled" in the body of its owner, that is, it serves as a kind of indicator of health. Our portal will tell about this and other interesting facts about human language.

The most interesting facts about human language: everything you didn't know

The human body is an amazing mechanism created by nature, which is why it has been a constant subject of study for more than a dozen years. "Getting to know" the language is just as entertaining as the other important organs.

The muscular organ in our mouth performs many important functions. And it is, in fact, a very amazing organ.

  1. It turns out that the tongue is able to recognize 6 tastes: in addition to the well-known four, they have recently been discovered - the 5th umami taste (from Japanese - pleasant, appetizing) and the 6th - starchy. Both tastes stand out as independent and independent of the others, while the 5th is the taste of high-protein substances. And American scientists have discovered another new taste category - the 6th in a row: the starchy taste is described as flour or rice, it is found in polysaccharide and starch-containing products.
  2. In general, the tongue is the only muscle in the body that can recognize tastes: there are 10 thousand taste buds on it (2 thousand of them are under the tongue, the rest are on the palate, the inner surface of the cheeks, and also on the lips). How exactly do we feel each taste? So, sour “recognize” the side surfaces of the tongue, sweet and salty - the tip of the tongue, and its base “recognizes” the bitter taste.
  3. Taste receptors located on the tongue are essential for human survival. They have played a very important role in evolution. After all, the sense of taste protected people from poisoning and, in general, served as a test of everything eaten. So, bitter and sour tastes could "signal" about poisonous plants or spoiled food. Sweet taste receptors allowed our ancestors to identify the sweetest, and therefore most energizing, fruits, etc.
  4. But to detect taste, our tongue needs to be moist. In other words, the taste of food can be determined by this organ only in the presence of saliva. If you place, for example, a piece of lemon on a dry tongue, the brain will not receive any signal about the taste of the fruit.
  5. The tongue also gets fatter, and its imprint is unique.

The tongue contains fat, and if a person is burdened with extra pounds, then his tongue also gets fat.

And this organ is unique for each of us, like fingerprints on our hands. Firstly, its shape is unique, and secondly, the number of taste bumps on it is also different for everyone. Scientists argue that this property of the language can serve as a wonderful and very reliable tool in the identification of a person. There really is a rational grain in such an assurance, because the tongue is hidden in the oral cavity and it is not easy to fake it, if possible.

In addition, our tongue is the most flexible, strongest and most sensitive muscle in the body. Yes, and it is fixed only on one side, unlike all other muscles, which are attached bilaterally.

And by the color of the tongue (if it is not pink, and this is the norm), you can determine more than a dozen pathological conditions and diseases: from lack of vitamin B12 to gangrenous ulcers.

To keep abreast of events, to improve the quality of knowledge about our body and its functions today is increasingly becoming an urgent need. Our portal hopes that you have learned a lot of interesting things from the above information.

Interesting facts about the work of the human body, which you will not find in standard textbooks on anatomy. ......

By Masterweb

08.04.2017 04:55

Science tried to unravel the secrets human body over the millennia. The information collected is so rich that it is simply unrealistic to fit everything into a regular anatomy textbook. That is why there is a huge amount of interesting data about the work of our body, which we are not even aware of.

Facts about how the brain works

The brain of the average person is capable of processing written language at the speed of a thousand words per minute.
For adequate work, our brain needs as much energy as an ordinary incandescent light bulb.
Intelligence is strongly associated with dreams: the more intelligent a person is, the more often he sees dreams.
The neural connections in the human brain are structurally similar to the structure of the universe. There is even a theory that our brain is modeled "in the image and likeness" of the universe.
Pain receptors are located throughout the body, but not in the brain, he himself is not able to feel pain, it only processes the signals of the receptors and sends impulses.

About 80% of the brain is fluid

The feeling of falling in love causes the brain to produce a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters that resembles amphetamines. This leads to increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and a feeling of euphoria.
If the human brain were computerized, then such a computer would be capable of performing 38,000 trillion operations per second. The most powerful supercomputer is capable of only thousandths of such indicators.
The brain perceives loneliness as physical pain. Just like we instinctively avoid pain we run from loneliness.

Crying relieves the brain of stress by allowing the fight-or-flight response to calm down. Tears relieve feelings of anger, sadness, and fear, so crying is really helpful.

Facts about the senses

Human fingers are so sensitive that even if they were the size of the Earth, we could feel the difference between a car and a house.
There is a certain state in which the sense organs are "mixed". Synesthesia is when stimulation of one sense organ leads to a response from another. sensory system. For example, synestats can not only hear words, but also taste them.

In addition to the historically familiar five senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste), people have more than 10 other well-known and necessary senses for us, such as balance, temperature, pain, thirst, hunger, and so on.
For good hearing, a constant production of earwax is necessary. Ear wax is produced in large quantities even when we are afraid.

vision facts

The human eye is so sensitive that if the Earth were flat, we could see a burning candle at night at a distance of 60 kilometers.

The human body is bioluminescent and glows in the dark. The light emitted by the body is too weak to be visible to the human eye.
Our eyes are able to perceive ultraviolet light. This ability is blocked by the lens. People who removed the lens or changed it after the operation were able to perceive ultraviolet light.

Some people, mostly women, are able to perceive more colors than everyone else. Most of us have three types of color receptors, but there are those who have four or even five types, which allows them to see many more shades.
To focus our eye muscles tense about a hundred thousand times a day. For such a warm-up of the muscles of the legs, you need to walk about a hundred kilometers on foot.

Facts about the circulatory system

When we blush, the inner lining of the stomach also turns red.

We need to breathe so often not because we need to inhale oxygen, but because we need to get rid of carbon dioxide accumulated in the blood. If the body could get rid of CO
in another way, one breath per minute would be enough for us.
For every additional kilogram of weight, be it muscle or fat, the body creates about 20 kilometers of new blood vessels.
In one day, blood passes through the vessels a distance equal to 20 thousand kilometers. This is the distance from Moscow to Vladivostok and back.

Every person on the planet has some gold. True, it is in the composition of our blood and it is only 0.2 milligrams. To fuse a coin of 8 grams, it is necessary to bleed 40 thousand people.
But there is enough iron in our blood to fuse half an iron coin, that is, weighing 4 grams.

Facts about the cellular structure

In the deepening of the navel, a huge number of bacteria live, which create a whole ecosystem there, in diversity and richness not inferior to the rainforest.
An average adult human is made up of 7 octillion atoms, that's 7 x 10
. For example, in our galaxy it was possible to count about 300 billion stars 3 × 10

We are made up of the same atoms that were formed during the Big Bang, that is, almost 14 billion years ago.
Human DNA matches the DNA of a banana by almost half.

The ovum is the largest cell in human body and the sperm is the smallest cell.
One sperm carries 37.5 megabytes of information (male DNA) necessary to conceive an embryo. It turns out that as a result of sexual intercourse, a man leaves about one and a half thousand terabytes of genetic information.
The body produces 25 million new cells per second.

About 90% of our body consists of cells that do not belong to human nature, these are mainly fungal cells and bacteria.

Skeleton and Muscular Facts

Our muscles are very strong. Usually their strength and power is limited for the sake of self-defense. This restriction can be removed during the adrenaline rush, when people are able to lift large stones and cars, run huge distances. If the self-protection mechanism did not work, such a force would lead to damage to the tendons and the muscles themselves.
Frowning is much harder than smiling. A smile strains 17 facial muscles, and a frown - 43.

Newborn babies have a third more bones than adults. A baby has 300 bones, while adults have 94 less.
Of the 206 bones in our skeleton, 54 are located in the feet.

Human bone is as strong as granite. A piece of bone the size of a matchbox can support nine tons.
Man is the best long-distance runner in the entire animal kingdom. No quadruped is able to run as long as a man.
The hardest and strongest bone in the human body is the lower jaw.

The strongest and densest muscle is the tongue.
You need to use more than two hundred muscles to take one step in a straight line on a flat road.

hair facts

Humans have as much hair as chimpanzees, we just don't need most of it, so it's become thin and light.
Men's hair is almost twice as thick as women's. Blacks have thicker hair than Caucasians. Blondes have more hair than brunettes, but they are much thinner.

A person loses about a hundred hairs a day. Wherein average duration growth and "life" of one hair - 7 years.
Hair decomposes the slowest. They are practically indestructible.

From this article you will learn interesting things about the sense organs and without which sense organ a person cannot live.

Interesting facts about the senses

The receptors that are responsible for the organs of touch are located not only in the skin, but also in the joints, mucous membranes and muscles.

If you touch the hands, then arterial pressure person is decreasing heartbeat decreases.

The weight skin makes up 15% of body weight.

If a child born ahead of time, ironed every day, then he will gain weight 55% faster than a child who was not touched.

There are 50 to 100 taste receptors on the tongue.

In West Africa, the so-called Magic Fruit grows, after eating which, all sour foods (such as lemons) will seem sweet in taste.

Taste buds live for about a week, after which they are renewed.

The nose grows throughout life. And ears too.

There are 14 nose shapes in the world, but the most common is the fleshy nose.

The very first sign of human aging is the drooping of the tip of the nose through collagen breakdown and gravity.

From birth, a person has 12 million olfactory receptors. But with age, they become smaller, so the elderly distinguish smells much worse.

In women, peripheral vision is better developed than in men.

The eye can distinguish about 500 shades of gray.

The iris of the eye is different for each person. It can be used for personal identification in the same way as fingerprints.