How to remove the activation inscription through the registry. How to disable the windows button on your keyboard How to disable the windows button on your keyboard

It would seem, why do this? Still, there are times when the Windows key (the one between Ctrl and Alt) gives the user a headache. For example, to avoid accidental shutdown of the game during particularly active online battles. That is why manufacturers of gaming keyboards often bundle software with the ability to disable software Windows key. If you came to this article from a search, then you probably know why you need to disable the Windows key.

Your keyboard does not have built-in shutdown mechanisms Win keys dows? No problem. You can also turn off the Windows button on the keyboard using the usual system tools, namely using the registry editor. If this method is not an option for you, consider also disabling the Windows key using simple third-party utilities.

For reference: Execution of this instruction requires account with Administrator rights. If you don't have one, you will need an Administrator password.

One more time for reference: After disabling the Windows key, you will deprive yourself of many useful bonuses, like dozens of keyboard shortcuts. If you have read several of the instructions on our website, you have probably noticed that we often recommend using a combination of Win+ R(execute) Win+ X(context menu Start), Win+ E(Conductor), Win+ I(Parameters) and many others. All of them speed up your computer (not to be confused with speeding up your computer) and save you a few extra clicks. Once the Windows button is disabled, all of these shortcuts will no longer be available. You can read more about keyboard shortcuts in Windows in the article Windows Hot Keys.

How to Disable the Windows Key Using the Registry Editor

A relatively simple method that does not require the user to download any third-party software or take a lot of time to complete. All actions take place inside the Windows registry system editor. Please note that there are certain risks associated with editing the registry, so we advise you to follow the instructions carefully and never change registry values ​​blindly. No matter what happens, you are solely responsible for your computer.

To enable the Windows key back, you need to follow the same instructions, only delete the key you created ScancodeMap. Please note that launching the registry editor using a key combination Win+ R it won't work anymore (you just turned off the Win button), so use the search. Just open the start menu and type the same command regedit and press Enter.

How to disable the Windows key using SharpKeys

This simple but very functional utility will allow you to turn off the Windows key or change the settings of any other button. We won't go into too much detail on how to use SharpKeys, but will only focus on disabling the Windows key (or keys if you have two). The advantage of SharpKeys compared to disabling through the registry editor is that the utility allows you to equip a key with some more useful action rather than just a dull shutdown.

To return everything back and turn on the Win button again, open the same SharpKeys, click on the parameters you recorded and press Delete, or DeleteAll. Then press again WritetoRegistry so that the application can overwrite your changes and roll back everything to its original state. After that, don't forget to restart your computer.

Such simple instruction will help you get rid of random game crashes or any other phenomena that made you turn off the Windows key.

Those who have updated their system on the computer to Windows 10 are faced with the problem of having a watermark on the screen. This is a reminder to the user that the update version is not complete. Today the story will be about how to remove the inscription Activate Windows 10.

Why does an activation message appear?

Before trying to remove the inscription, consider the reason for its appearance. If, then after the initial boot, the OS will require a full activation. This is necessary in order to confirm the licensed version, while excluding the piracy of Microsoft system products. Previously, the inscription activation was also found in Windows 8.

After thirty days of trial work with new system, the time limit expires and an automatic notification about . This sign does not affect the work in any way, but a huge number of users are very annoying and there is a desire to remove it.

You can hide the inscription in three ways:

  • Purchase of the full licensed version.
  • Standard settings in the OS support center.
  • With the help of utilities, which are specialized programs for carrying out certain work with the OS.

How to remove using standard Windows tools

To fix the problem, you can use the standard OS tools. The problem is that Microsoft has banned this action on some systems. If this option works for you, then we will explain how to remove the inscription Activate Windows 10 forever.

A more complicated way to remove the watermark is by purge system32:

Hiding watermark with Re-Loader Activator

This application has been around since XP. After the release of 10-ki, it was updated. Re-Loader Activator is an easy-to-use program that quickly removes watermarks. Follow the instructions below:

  • Download Re-Loader Activator from the Internet. Download the program only through the official website.

Hiding the watermark with UWD

UWD is another great anti-letter program.

  • We go to the UWD program website and download the file by clicking "Download Universal Watermark Disabler". Or download directly from our website:

The Windows button is on every keyboard and we use it on a daily basis to perform various actions. If you click on the Win button, the Start menu will open. Other than that, you can also use the Win button with other keys on your keyboard.

For example, pressing Windows+E will open Windows Explorer. If you press Windows + R, then you can open the "Run ..." utility. In general, there are a lot of combinations with this key, and all of them are incredibly useful for any user.

However, if the Win key does not work, then these combinations can be easily forgotten. Why does this button stop working? There are several reasons why the Win button has stopped working. These include problems with the keyboard, system settings, blocking key functionality, etc.

Method # 1 Pressing the combination Fn + F6

This method is likely to work for some laptop users and users with special keyboards. Find the FN key on your PC or laptop keyboard (usually located in the lower left corner, next to CTRL).

Then find the F6 key and take a closer look at it, as its surface can display the functionality activated by the FN + F6 combination. If you see something like a Win icon on this key, then try pressing the Fn + F6 key combination to activate or deactivate the Win key.

However, be careful, as on some laptops, the Fn + F6 key combination can turn off the display of the device or its touchpad. However, the F6 key should display functionality.

Method #2 Pressing the Win Lock Key

The next method will require you to press the Win Lock key. This key was most commonly seen on older keyboards that some users may still have.

In addition to older keyboards, the Win Lock key may also be present on a number of gaming devices. In the heat of battle, players can often accidentally press the Win key. It is for this that the Win Lock key was introduced on gaming devices.

Perhaps you are the owner of either an old or a gaming keyboard (although there are exceptions and the Win Lock key may be present on a regular keyboard). Find it and click to return the functionality to the Win key.

Method #3 Cleaning the Keyboard

I don't think you'll like the next question, but since we're here trying to fix a problem with the Win button not working, we have to ask: Have you been cleaning your keyboard for a long time?

Yes, the fact is that the keys, with the accumulation of a sufficient amount of dirt, can simply start to stick or not be pressed at all (or be pressed, but not transmit a signal). Membrane keyboards are particularly susceptible to contamination.

Open up the insides of your keyboard (it's not difficult at all) and then do a little cleaning there. Especially near the Win key. Once you're done, put the keyboard back together and test the Win key.

Method #4 Changing the connection port

In very rare cases, some keyboard buttons may not function properly due to the port that the keyboard itself is connected to. Most keyboards nowadays connect via USB. Try plugging your keyboard into a different USB port and test the Win key. It is desirable, also test the functionality of other keys.

If you have an old keyboard that has a PS / 2 connection, then you can connect it to another such port if you have a second PS / 2 keyboard port on the motherboard (which is quite rare).

If none of the above helped in solving the problem with the Windows key, then perhaps the matter lies in the keyboard itself and it has failed. In this case, there is nothing left but to buy a new keyboard.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Tired of this endless update of Windows 7 already! Every day downloads and installs. Cuts the speed of the Internet, slows down the computer, restarts it without asking. And it makes no difference to this system, whether I watch a movie, write a term paper or make an important report for the authorities. And updates are installed for 2 hours, and do not allow you to turn off your PC or laptop.

And most importantly - there is almost no sense! Yes, vulnerabilities are fixed, but you will not notice the difference at all BEFORE and AFTER the update. Unless the traffic eats up, but it will take up space on the local drive C again. In general, continuous hemorrhoids.

Therefore, if you are also tired of this option, turn it off! Especially for those who do not know how updates are disabled on Windows 7, below is attached detailed instructions with screenshots.

There are 2 ways to turn off the annoying Windows 7 auto-update feature

To begin with, let's consider turning off automatic updates on Windows 7. This is necessary so that the system does not download anything and does not start installation without your permission.

If you suddenly need to enable the search for updates, then open the same window and select one of the first three items to choose from (whichever is more convenient).

True, after that, at the bottom of the screen (near the clock) the message “Windows Update is disabled. Please turn it on."

To keep it from getting boring:

Ready. You just removed this message and it won't bother you again.

Method 2: Windows Update

For this:

  1. Open Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools.
  2. Launch the Services shortcut.
  3. Scroll down the window and select "Windows Update" at the very bottom.
  4. Next, in the "Startup type" field, select "Disabled" and click "Stop". Save the changed settings by clicking "Apply" and close the window.

Ready. You have just completely disabled the update service on Windows 7 (their search and installation).

This procedure is carried out in the same way on all computers and laptops running Windows 7. Version (Home, Professional, Ultimate) or bit depth (32 or 64 bit) does not affect this.

Why turn off auto-update in Windows 7?

  1. An unlicensed copy of Windows is installed. At a minimum, activation may fail during the update. In the worst cases, a computer or laptop does not turn on after a reboot and you have to reinstall the OS (Microsoft developers know how to surprise 🙂).
  2. Limit Internet. If you have a limited amount of traffic, then regular updates will cost a pretty penny.
  3. Slow internet speed. Auto-updates greatly cut download speed. And if you have it and so small, then ....
  4. Not enough hard disk space. Auto-updates do not take up much space, but over time they can accumulate up to 10-20 GB. And if there is little space left on the hard drive, the computer (or laptop) will work slowly.
  5. During auto-update, you cannot turn off the PC. This is terribly annoying (do not leave it on at night!).

By the way, as an option, you can disable only auto-update. That is, select the 2nd or 3rd option in the Update Center settings (so that you personally decide on the installation).

First about why I called the article so strangely: ""? Why it was impossible to write in a normal language: "How to disable the Windows key" or, almost completely "not ours" - "How to disable the Windows key." What kind of phrase is this truncated: "Disable Win key"?

It was as if I was too lazy to write the word Windows in full and I only had enough strength for some kind of "castrated" "Win .."

Yes, I must admit that I was really too lazy to write the word Windows in full and wrote only Win ..

Laziness, but not me! And for those 600 Yandex users who, according to statistics, this particular phrase, in such a truncated version, is typed monthly in the search bar.

And keep in mind that this is only according to Yandex, but there is also Google, Rambler and other search engines. Well, gentlemen, which of us is a quitter? Always hurry somewhere, even the word Windows has no time to write completely.

Well, okay, with the topic of the article clarified. Now let's get to the heart of the matter:

How to disable win key?

There are two solutions to this huge problem.

The first is to disable the Windows key by editing the system registry:

To do this, go to the start menu search bar and enter a query like: regedit

After that, we get into the registry editor.

Next, in the registry editor, go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout and on the right side of the registry editor we create a new binary parameter, giving it the name " Scancode Map».

Next, just click on the name of the parameter " Scancode Map", right-click, select the context menu item" Change Binary Data” and enter as in the picture below. The input is done in two characters, the values ​​on the left and right are substituted automatically.

That's all!

Press the button " OK", close the registry editor and reboot. Now the Windows key will not work.

But if you have not yet "grown up" to edit the Windows registry on your own and the question: how to disable the wine key is still relevant for you, I can offer another solution to this "global world" problem.

You can disable the Windows key using the SharpKeys program

SharpKeys program is designed to redirect almost all computer keys. Therefore, it is natural that with its help you can easily solve the question: How to disable the Win key?

And so, let's get started:

In the main window of the SharpKeys program, press the button " Add" (Add)..

In the left column, select " Special: Left Windows", and in the right -" Turn key off» (disable the key, selected by default). Press " OK". We do the same, but now for the right key (if you have one) - " Special: Right Windows» .

We return to the main window of the program, press the button " Write to registry"and restart your computer.

That's actually, now for sure, that's it!

I hope I helped you find out how to disable the Win key and now I will have a counter request: Do not be lazy and drop a few words in the comments. I really want to know why you needed to disable the Windows key? Simply, to be honest, I don’t understand to whom and for what reason it can interfere ...