Mystical secrets of the hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle and other most influential symbols in world history

This is one of the most famous symbols of Soviet power. The history of its origin is full of secrets and mysteries. The mysticism of Freemasonry, Hinduism, ancient Aryan and Slavic mythology - all this is in two crossed weapons on the Soviet coat of arms.

The hammer and sickle mean the Union of Workers-Peasants, the hammer is the traditional symbol of the proletariat, and the sickle is the traditional symbol of the peasantry.

"Sickle and Hammer" means the Union of Workers-Peasants: the hammer is the traditional symbol of the proletariat, and the sickle is the traditional symbol of the peasantry.
The Hammer and Sickle, which adorned the coat of arms of the USSR, is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of both Soviet power and the ideology of the state it represents, as well as the entire history of the country.

The origin of the Soviet coat of arms is ambiguous. Initially, several options were developed: hammer and sickle, hammer and rake, hammer and pitchfork, hammer and plow. The hammer was chosen for its traditional association with workers in European countries.

Together with an agricultural tool, he was supposed to illustrate the famous slogan of V. I. Lenin about the unity of the proletariat and peasants.

In April 1918 it was approved final version coat of arms - design by Moscow artist Evgeny Kamzolkin. In the summer of 1918, the fifth session of the Soviets officially adopted this symbol. It is interesting to note that Kamzolkin was not even a communist and, moreover, he was a deeply religious man from a wealthy family. The artist was a member of the mystical artistic society of Leonardo da Vinci for more than 10 years and perfectly understood the meaning of the symbols.

Religious symbols

First of all, the Hammer and Sickle is associated with the mystical symbol of the hammer and chisel. These items meant a well-defined target (chisel) and its solid manifestation (hammer). In European religious symbolism, the hammer is associated with aggressive male power, physical (the hammer of the blacksmith Hephaestus in Greece), as well as deadly.

The thunder gods Svarog (Slavic) and Thor (Norwegian) held it in their hands. In China and India, it is a symbol of the destructive triumph of the forces of evil.

Now it is difficult to say what meanings Kamzolkin hinted at with his drawing. Did he exclusively fulfill the order to create an image for the Union of Peasants and Workers, or did he inhabit this symbol of his attitude to revolutionary power, choosing symbols of death, war and the triumph of evil?

The Russian philosopher Alexei Losev gave the following assessment of the coat of arms:

“This is a mystical symbol that moves the masses and is not just a symbol, but a constructive and technical principle of human actions and wills ... here we see a symbol of the unity of workers and peasants, a symbol of the Soviet state.”

In various religions, the sickle is interpreted as a mystical symbol of death. In Christianity, the sheaves and the harvest are equated with human souls, which the harvester, i.e. Lord, will gather after the end of the world. It is interesting to note that in the Middle Ages, death was depicted not with a scythe, but specifically with a sickle.

In the pagan pantheons of various Indo-European and Slavic peoples, there is the goddess Mara or Morana, who traditionally held a sickle in her left hand. In Hinduism, the death goddess Kali, the sister of Shiva, holds a sickle in her left hand.

When another liberal or neo-fascist (it’s not even strange that they often agree) declares that the hammer and sickle should be abolished as symbols of the totalitarian USSR, I want to ask him: good sir, are you afraid for your personal belongings and oak head? Who is going to beat you with this hammer, and who threatened you with a sickle? ..

Jokes are jokes.

And seriously.

If we are talking about symbolism, we immediately note: there are no unambiguous symbols.

A symbol is a symbol because it reflects some deep essence of reality, something in the collective unconscious that connects the material world and cosmic forces.

The easiest way, of course, is to say that the sickle is only a symbol of the peasantry, and the hammer is a symbol of the proletariat.

For starters, let's agree. This is true. But this is only part of the truth. Very superficial.

The symbol would not be such if it had no meaning for our unconscious.

Let's take a closer look at this symbolism, so hated by today's liberals. Is it just that they associate these symbols with the USSR and with the manual labor they hate?

Let's talk about the deep meaning of the hammer and sickle.

Often they are called Masonic symbols.

But what are miserable Freemasons when we understand that symbols are eternal and have survived more than one generation of regular Freemasons! And it’s clear that the sickle, like a reflection of the moon, was not invented by the Masons. And the hammer is a very economic item at all, and was invented, of course, long before the master Hiram (this is the same Masonic proto-teacher - the builder who led the construction of Solomon's temple).

The crescent of the moon is even called that. And this symbol is present both in Russian civilization and in Islam.

A symbol in general can only be accepted and tried to saturate with additional meaning of its own. The Nazis took the ancient meaning of the swastika and tried to saturate this symbol with their content.

But symbols never lose their original meaning. Traditions are always stronger than ideologies, as they are rooted in such an antiquity that our technological and consumer civilization is not even familiar with.

So sickle.

What is this symbol?

Visually, the association immediately suggests itself with the crescent of the moon (waning or growing), as well as with the horns of a cow.

It is very significant that the sickle, as a lunar symbol, was used in pagan pantheons by many lunar gods, and in particular by gods, one way or another connected with death or with the other world.

For example, the dark goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva. In Hinduism, this goddess, as the "Black Mother", is a very important element of the Kali Yuga era. This era (Iron Age) is the shortest and most cruel. Kali in a sense is the goddess of death and patronizes illusions - Maya, in which consciousness is limited.

In Slavic paganism, the sickle is one of the symbols of the goddess of death and winter - Morana (Mary, Marzhana).

Sometimes Mara is considered the reverse side of Zhiva, the goddess of life. In fact, these sisters are two sides of the same image.

Mara also has the function of measure. And she uses the sickle for its intended purpose, i.e. reaps ears - harvests. Determines (together with Living) the measure of life and death.

A similar function exists in the pagan pantheons of the Greeks and Romans. The sickle is also the instrument of Saturn. Saturn (in the Roman pantheon), he is also Kronos (in the previous Greek), he is also Number God (in the Slavic world), the God of Time.

And here is the same function of a measure, where the sickle is an instrument of time, destroying the past to create the future.

Is it possible to unequivocally call the sickle a weapon of death? Obviously, harvesting is, in a sense, death for the ears; death for something material, but the continuation of life in a new capacity. Indeed, in the end, the ears turn into bread that gives life, and the remaining seeds go to the next sowing.

The lunar crescent or crescent shows the same depth of symbolism. The Horned Moon is a symbol of the Great Mother, it is a passive feminine principle; both the Mother and the Heavenly Virgin. It can take the form of a moon boat, a bowl. The incomplete Moon in the radiance of the rays means mourning, the apotheosis of death. In the medieval emblems of the Western world, and especially when associated with a star, the crescent moon is a symbolic image of paradise.

As an emblem, the sickle was used long before the advent of Islam. Back in 341 BC. in the ancient Greek policy of Byzantium, coins were minted with the image of a crescent and a star in honor of Hekate, who, according to legend, defended the city from the Macedonian siege: the sortie was thwarted by the unexpected appearance of a crescent in the sky.

In Egypt, the solar disk with the horned Moon, or located between the horns of a bull (the same symbol), means the divine unity of two in one, the common solar-lunar gods and the secret marriage of divine couples.

For Christians, the crescent is a sign of the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven - the emblem of her virginity. Essentially the same function as Isis. Also, the name Maria has something in common with Morana-Mara.

In Islam, the horned moon with a star means deity and supreme power. Since the time of the Crusades, it has been opposed to the cross: this is how the red crescent is used instead of the red cross in Islamic countries. Currently, the crescent is placed on the state flags of many Islamic countries.

This, of course, is not the full depth of the sickle symbol. But even this is enough to draw a conclusion about the deep essence of this symbol and its importance in the pagan, i.e. natural or folk worldview.

Now let's turn to the hammer.

The hammer of Thor, the son of Odin, from Germanic mythology immediately comes to mind.

The hammer Mjolnir is a mythological weapon of terrible destructive power.

Association with similar weapons can be found in Hinduism. This is a symbol of the vajra - the same powerful divine weapon.

Be sure to mention Svarog here. This Slavic sky god was also a blacksmith. Descriptions of his hammer have not been preserved, but there are references that he used the wonderful stone Alatyr as an anvil. The very fact of using the hammer by such an important deity of our ancestors is important. The use of a hammer in the forge leads just to the appearance of a sickle, which had to be forged. With the same hammer, Svarog gave birth to Semargl - the god of fire, which

You can pay attention to the universality of this symbol. The cross is also found long before Christianity. Celtic cross, Lithuanian and many others.

The same Ankh and Tau-cross completely coincide with the image of the hammer.

The cross also symbolizes the ancient ideas of man about the surrounding space. The four sides of the cross serve as a kind of signpost. Everyone is familiar with the expressions: “around”, “on all four sides”, “neighborhood”, etc. A lot of beliefs are associated with crossroads. The cross is a symbol of the choice of the path, the road, and the epic hero, and the hero of myths stopped in front of a stone at the crossroads, which, according to tradition, indicated the variability of fate and the choice of path.

There is a sacralization of the number four: the cross means the division of the world into four elements (water, fire, air and earth), or as a division into the divine (vertical line) and earthly (horizontal line).

The cross with a circle - a symbol of life, originated from the solar sign, symbolizing the movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere. The point in the uppermost part of the circle symbolizes noon, in the lower - midnight; right and left points - sunrise and sunset. Later interpretations associate the cross with the days of the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Of course, this is also not the whole depth of this symbol. But the hammer, as a kind of cross, carries the same deep meaning. It is not just a tool, but a tool of the Creator.

So what have we found out?

The cross, unlike the lunar sickle, carries active, masculine energy.

By connecting the cross and the crescent, or the hammer and the sickle, we connect two principles: the male active and the female passive.

Also, this connection can symbolize the unity of two civilizations: lunar - conditionally eastern Islamic and solar - conditionally western Christian. This unity is what Russian civilization embodies. It is not surprising that a similar symbol began to be used in the USSR, in Russian civilization, where Islamic and Christian peoples coexisted beautifully and peacefully. By the way, until the time when the power of the symbol has not dried up. And after the abolition of the hammer and sickle, we remember how the peoples were pitted against each other. And the most bloody were the conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

So what is the liberal afraid of?

It's no secret that the concepts of a homosexual and a liberal correlate and correlate according to the principle: not every liberal is a homosexual, but every homosexual is a liberal. After all, it is thanks to liberalization that tolerance towards representatives of sexual minorities has become almost the main problem and topic for discussion in society.

It is clear that the spread of pederasty is only one of the forms of depopulation (destruction) of the population of the former USSR.

But the symbolism of this phenomenon lies precisely in the fact that Western civilization is afraid of Russian civilization.

After all, what are the symbols of liberalism?

They do not have deep symbols like the pagan hammer and sickle. The emptiness of this phenomenon is so obvious that even their ideology does not carry any rational grain. It's simple: they came to destroy all traditions, so that no one bothers them, sorry, to have sex in the holes they want. Yes, the association is very rough, but symbolic. They are really against all traditions, they are really destroyers. What did they bring to our civilization? Tolerance? Multiculturalism? Democracy? Pluralism? Cosmopolitanism?

What did these newfangled chips lead to? Only to the fact that it is customary to bomb for oil, bringing democracy, that they began to treat flawed people better than full-fledged ones, that a woman became a vaginal citizen, a man became pennisual, a father became parent No. 1, a mother became parent No. 2, perverted sex became norm and fashion ... And so on - to the point of complete absurdity. This is the achievement of civilization for them. Sadly.

Let's go back to the hammer and sickle symbol.

It is clear why this most powerful symbol is so terrible for liberals. After all, it carries a huge charge of the traditional worldview, at first referring us to the times of the USSR, then to the Christian and Islamic Middle Ages, and ultimately to the depths of pagan antiquity, when moral purity was not merit or nonsense, but commonplace, natural property person.

I'll add one more thing. Any dual symbol always carries a certain contradiction and a third one is needed. In the USSR, it was the correct pentagram - a symbol of man. It was a commonly used symbol on the banner, coat of arms. But there was an organization in the USSR, where another ancient symbol was used, also associated with the cross. The third symbol, which brought harmony to the contradiction of the hammer and sickle. Sword.

Got the idea in the comments: In the most ancient times, when the gods were depicted zoomorphically, Veles was a bull-god (half-bull, half-man), and Perun was an eagle. Veles is the lord of NAVI - the lower world, Perun - RIGHT - the upper one, (Hell and Paradise) - hence their enmity, and rivalry for the souls of YAV - our middle world.

The Bolsheviks successfully combined the symbols of these two gods "Hammer and Sickle" for the complete Triglav, only the sword is missing - the symbol of Yarila - the lord of YAVI.

But he is on the insignia of the Cheka-KGB".

Of course, not everything can be agreed in these interpretations. And not everything is important for this topic. Nevertheless, this is the final touch that brings harmony to the symbolism of the hammer and sickle of our country, the USSR. So:

Hammer - solar sign (Rule)

Sickle - lunar sign (Nav)

The sword is a human sign (Yav).

The sword, like the hammer, merges with the symbolism of the cross. But if the hammer is a creative tool, then the sword is a destructive tool. The sword is a cross, but when it is in an active position, it is an inverted cross. And at rest - the usual cross.

But there is something else: the sword is often adjacent to the shield...

And here we stumble upon a topic disclosed, for example, in Tarot cards (the prototype of playing cards):

swords (spades), wands (clubs, hammer?), circles (diamonds, coins, shields), bowls (worms, sickle?).

The ambiguity of the symbolism of the Tarot cards is very seriously discussed in the occult and by those very Freemasons. However, is it worth digging further?

At least one thing is clear: the symbolism of the hammer and sickle is not so simple ... The Bolsheviks who took these symbols as a basis were not so simple. Whoever had a hand in it, how the Zionists or the Masonic lobby appeared here, is no longer the essence. The symbols remain. Now these are the symbols of Victory. Victory of Light over darkness, Truth over falsehood, Great Russia over fascism...

And therefore it becomes even more interesting to observe how this symbolism is hated not only by liberals, but also by fascists of all stripes - especially Zionists and coming out neo-Khazars. Just neo-fascists openly like to use pagan symbols, vulgarizing and denigrating it, filling it with gloomy content. They also understand how powerful symbols are for the collective unconscious, and how these symbols can control the crowd or vice versa - awaken the human in people.

Do you think that Soviet symbols infuriate them just like that?

Do you think it's just that such a powerful struggle of symbols around the world is going on? No, this is a struggle for our souls, for the collective unconscious of peoples, in order to tear us away from our roots, from nature, from everything human.

And the symbols must be protected, especially if they are charged with such powerful positive and all-conquering energy as the hammer and sickle.

July 3rd, 2009 08:51 am

Let temporary damage drive us
Into darkness, into cold, into defeat, into hunger:
No, it's no coincidence that the new coat of arms
Lit over the world - Hammer and Sickle!

We will reclaim the earth with labor,
The sword of the enemy will be split again:
No wonder we, shining with a sickle,
They threw together a powerful hammer.

But boldly, thought, in such days,
Fly over the edge, into the planetary cold!
The universal sickle, sowing the truths of life,
The thickness of the secrets of fractions, the universal hammer!

The world has lived for a long time! Enough lies!
As in autumn, the fruit is ripe gold.
Put us in a single sheaf, sickle,
Forge us into a single plinth, hammer!

But forever by the light of spring willows
The human spirit is fresh and young!
Sharpen for a new harvest sickle,
Keep the hammer for a new battle!

Valery Bryusov - Hammer and Sickle (1921)

The hammer and sickle is a symbol of the union of workers and peasants and the Soviet state emblem. Together with the red star, the hammer and sickle appeared on the flag of the USSR in 1923, and in 1924 the symbol was written into the constitution. All this is known to both old and young, but do we know what these symbols mean for those who have hidden knowledge? And another question, is it necessary to know? My opinion is that we should know everything. And it is quite another matter what attitude we will develop towards such knowledge.

But before we go deeper, let's remember how this symbol appeared on our banner.

How many people know the history of the birth of this emblem?

One modern artist needed to depict with symbols the state concept invented by Count Uvarov: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality. The Creator complains: “Orthodoxy is a cross, autocracy is a crown. And what about the nationality? No, it turns out, in the Russian history of such a symbol! Well, not a bast shoe or a plow! Now, if only - a sickle and a hammer ... But this is from a different, non-Orthodox, non-autocratic time!

It is paradoxical that for the first time only in the Soviet period of Russian history, a symbol of the union of peasants and workers, the people as such, was created. And whispers like the one that Masons-masons introduced it into the coat of arms of the RSFSR and the USSR are completely excluded when you find out that the artist of the Zamoskvoretsky Theater of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies, 30-year-old Yevgeny Kamzolkin, the great-grandson of a serf, Orthodox, first drew it on a red cloth. what he didn't hide. Isn't that why the symbol created by insight - a hammer superimposed perpendicularly on a sickle - is also a cross?! Not everyone noticed it, but they accepted it with their heart, soul, on a subconscious level! As well as the banner of red, scarlet color, under which the ancient Russians fought!

The moment of the birth of the symbol - the eve of the celebration of May Day 1918 in Moscow - is described by Sergei Gerasimov, the author of the famous painting “Mother of the Partisan”, as follows: “Yevgeny Kamzolkin, standing next to me, thoughtfully said:

— What if you try such symbolism? - At the same time, he began to walk on the canvas. - This is how to depict a sickle - it will be the peasantry, and inside the hammer - it will be the working class.

The symbol of the bond between workers and peasants was sent the same day from Zamoskvorechye to the Moscow City Council - and all other sketches were rejected: a hammer with an anvil, a plow with a sword, a scythe with a wrench ...

This is how, salutarily crossed, the hammer and sickle were transferred to the state emblem of the RSFSR by the artists A. N. Leo and N. A. Andreev, and then to the state emblem of the USSR by the artist I. I. Dubasov.

Unfortunately, the name of the symbol's author was soon forgotten. Only on the 30th anniversary of the Great October Revolution in 1947, inquisitive journalists found him in the town of Pushkino near Moscow in a modest log house with birches under the window. “Of course, I considered this emblem only as connected with the decoration of the May Day holiday,” explained Evgeny Ivanovich. “I had no idea that later the emblem would be included in our state emblem as a symbol of people’s power…”

Conspiracy theorists see the history of the creation of the symbol from a different point of view. There is a rather interesting and informative conspiracy site. Although it is wrong to use the word conspiracy theorist in relation to the creator of the site. Conspiracy theorists claim the existence of a secret society (organization of people), whose members seek to subjugate the world and create a new order in which they will reign supreme. The creators of this site call themselves differently - iverologists. They believe that Jews (Ebers, Ivers) were created by aliens, and the whole human history it is the process of Jewish influence on other peoples. This process is studied by iverologists. That is, the world that we know is the world order that is imposed on us by strangers. I do not undertake to condemn or support iverologists. I want to consider their hypothesis of the origin of the hammer and sickle in communist symbols.

Here's what verologists think:

I will now show you the cover of a Jewish book, which I photocopied in the library of the Jewish hospital. The book is called "Jewish Dietary Laws" by the author. Seymour Siegel. 1966. You will see the title in English. This book is about kosher. But in this case, we are not interested in the contents of the book. We are interested in her cover! On this cover, some letters of the Hebrew alphabet make up the background. Here you see the middle row with the Hebrew letter. This is the Hebrew word "Kosher". The letter is named in the middle. "Shin", that is, corresponds to the Russian letter "Sh". - DO YOU SEE A GRAPHIC IMAGE OF WHAT? - PROLETARIAN "HAMMER AND SICKLE!" AND THE LETTER "SHIN" MEANS THE HEBREW WORD "SHADDAI" - MEANING "THE HIGHEST GOD" "Shaddai", meaning "Almighty." - This is an illustration of the fact, Watson, that you live in a coded world and do not know about it. Look at the graphic explanations from this site for yourself and you will understand everything yourself.

I will allow myself to doubt the fidelity of this idea. And with this essay, I am addressing the vereologists in order to point out to them that they can be wrong. And in the end, I will point out why they are probably wrong, if you look at this issue from the position of a working person (earthling).

I want to express the main idea right away. Even if we assume that if the Jews were directly involved in the creation of Bolshevik symbols, it is not a fact that what they tried to bring in remained with them. I repeat, if this can be allowed, history is silent about this. Nevertheless, the initially quite common Trotskyist "goat" inverted pentagram, as the communist regime was established, was turned into a "human" likeness. (Trotskyist, at the same time, I call the star conditionally, in view of the use of such in party and state life mainly after the revolution and during civil war. A typical example of which can be seen on the Order of the Red Banner, established in 1918.) And the same hammer and sickle, before becoming today's stylization, has gone through many of its transformations. And in the 20s and 30s, there were often various combinations of these heraldic symbols. More often crossed, but there was also a separate, symmetrical image of a hammer and sickle. The hammer was depicted as a blacksmith's (with a bevel) and a mason's hammer (without it). Which is why, by the way, there were references to the fact that this is a symbol of Freemasonry (from the French franc-maçon, the literal translation of this name is a freemason), where the hammer, as you know, an attribute of the master of the lodge symbolizes the creative mind.

By the way, it is interesting how the view of the verologists on the origin of the hammer and sickle resonates with the medieval representations of the pentagram in occultism.

In the Renaissance, another mystery of the pentagram was revealed. If you enter a human figure into it, connecting it with the five elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit), you get an image microcosm - a sign of occult Spiritual Work on the material plane. For the first time openly wrote about this in 1531, the famous magicianCornelius Agrippa in the second book of his Occult Philosophy. Astrologer Tycho Brahe went further, in his work "Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum" in 1582, he published the image of a pentagram, on the rays of which were depicted the letters of the Kabbalistic divine name of the savior IHShVH ( יהשוה ), where ש - a symbol of the Divine presence, spiritualizing the four material elements, symbolized by the name יהוה.

Can these symbols be read from other positions? Reading, for example, them as symbols of another script. Here is a look at the Wikipedia article Bulgarian runes. In the text is an illustration posted by the user Volkgar.
If you take a look at position 107 in the table, you will see that it is more like the stylization of the sickle and hammer in communist symbols that is generally accepted today. Except it's mirrored. At the same time, if it were necessary to trace the relationship between the rune and the emblem, I would compare such mirroring with the different spelling of the letter and sound "E" in the Slavic alphabets (E - Ukrainian letter, E - Russian).

Why not? If you can read the emblem in the Semitic language, then why can't you read the same symbol in the Proto-Bulgarian script? At the same time, the Soviet emblem of the five-pointed star above the crossed sickle and hammer can be considered as a runic inscription not only for the Proto-Bulgarians. After all, it is known that there was both the Proto-Slavic runic writing and Slavic. It is quite possible that these same runes were in our no longer runic, but still non-letter "alphabets". And it is quite possible that they were deciphered in a similar way, because in those days Vedic knowledge was common to different peoples. And such a decoding would be much more appropriate, given that:
- The communist symbolism was at the peak of its development in the world under the Jewish fighter Stalin.
- The driving force behind the communist idea was Russian passionarity and the Russian word.
- Communism does not accept Zionism, like any other anti-human idea.

I will clarify the latter by mentioning the accusations of the inhumanity of the communist idea itself. I believe that any idea can be used against a person, just like any information can be used for evil. Therefore, the consideration of the declared aspirations of the idea should become fundamental in the analysis of such a question. If communism proclaims it as its own goal. And in it (communism) everything exists for man, this is his first characteristic. Suppose, if we draw parallels in this with Christianity, then at first glance, there is a similarity - there, too, heavenly places for a person are proclaimed at the end. After a certain lustration (Judgment Day), the Kingdom of God will be established on Earth as in heaven. Roughly speaking, direct divine control. Who and what is a person, I kind of know. Well, I'm not sure how God will behave. And in general, if we continue to study Christianity, then it will be necessary to mention the servants of God's angels. Who will vouch for the behavior of the winged? And who guarantees that the "gray" people did not work and work in their office? And these are simple consequences from a simple analysis. At the same time, do they call to evil in Christianity? - No, on the contrary. Do they call for evil in communism? - No, they don't. However, both teachings and the other were used for evil at different stages of their history. And they are used. (And will be used by skilled manipulators.) What matters is how it all ends.

Back to the star, hammer and sickle. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to decipher the communist emblem from the runic inscriptions. I can only surmise that the pentagram could mean God-Man. That is, in his usual different cultures sense - a spirit immersed in a material body.

In the proto-Bulgarian runic script, the hammer and sickle rune (122) is very similar to the outline of the KX rune (35). It is possible that they had a close meaning. P. Dobrev in the book "Inscriptions and the alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians" deciphers this rune in different inscriptions. Such as KH AN O T E S - Khan-father. (Where AN, according to P. Dobrev, means heaven or paradise). And also AN E KH N ESH - Holy oath. On the face of the use of this sound and runes in the word formation of "special" words. It is pointless to draw parallels in sound with Slavic words, because you need to know their corresponding runic inscription, so we won’t. It is only necessary to mention that the mutual influence of the Proto-Slavic and Proto-Bulgarian cultures is great.

Again, I am sure that Iverologists will want to assume the influence on the Proto-Bulgarians and Proto-Slavs from the side of the Khazars, who were directly dependent on the Jewish settlers (if not by them). Which, in turn, supposedly should prove that the Hebrew Shin could become the Proto-Bulgarian Hammer and Sickle. I assume that it was rather the other way around. And much earlier. Rather, in our ancient writing, and Proto-Bulgarian, and in Semitic, this symbol appeared from earlier writing. And yes, it could mean the same thing. It is also important to mention that the Russian language, like Proto-Bulgarian, belongs to the Indo-European macrofamily of languages. At the same time, the modern Russian language is the closest relative of Sanskrit, which is more than 3.5 thousand years old. While the Semitic languages ​​belong to the Afroasian macrofamily and they are younger, in any case, according to the data known today. Not a fact, but yes, Semitic writing could influence other people's writings. At the same time, it is not a fact that they did not receive this writing from even earlier ones.

After all of the above, there are more questions than answers. But it was much more correct than to remain silent and continue to promote the Semites. Created by the ancient Egyptian priesthood, the Jews carry the task of serving God through the centuries. Considering what they are doing at the same time, it can be assumed that their God is going to arrange a single secular government for the entire Earth. Omit, the characteristic is bad or good. And let us recall the facts known to date. Yahweh is not only God for the Jews, but also the only god for all people. Unless it's called something else. Moreover, this is not contradicted by the supposedly breakaway Christian religion, not a close relative of Islam. Even the ancient Vedic monotheistic religion speaks of the Gods as different incarnations of the One God. It is not known for certain whether there is a single god on the American continents or pre-Buddhist China. But, the conclusion suggests itself that there have always been Gods who recognize the power of God higher.

Let's get back to decryption. Iverologists noticed the similarity of the hammer and sickle with the Hebrew letter Shin (ש). It would not be superfluous to mention that the Hebrew letter Shin came from the Phoenician letter Sin (W). In addition, it is believed that the Phoenician script became the ancestor of most modern writing systems. It is also known that in antiquity the Phoenician script could be used to record any languages ​​of the Middle East, both Indo-European and Semitic. It is possible that in the Phoenician letter it meant the same as in Hebrew. But I won't claim it.

Returning to the Bulgarian runes and their deciphering, it is interesting that among the Proto-Bulgarians the sound SI meant God.

... The first character is read "SI", the next - "e", so the first word is "SIE", i.e. the Saints. Behind the word "SIE" lies the ancient oriental word SI (GOD), known in Assyrian and Old Syriac along with another definition of the deity - AN.

But what did it mean in Hebrew? The Iverologist writes that "A LETTER "SHIN" MEANS THE HEBREW WORD "SHADDAI" - MEANING" THE ALWAYS GOD"". Actually it is not. Rather, Shaddai (שדי) can be translated as the Almighty.

El Shaddai - in the Russian synodal translation "God Almighty". The root of the word "shad" means the female breast and is an image of motherhood, caring tenderness, feeding, quiet calm.

EL SHADDI , El Shaddai (Hebrew. "Strong God") - one of the oldest names for God in the Tanakh - the Bible of Judaism, which became part of christian bible. Traditionally translated as "Almighty". According to modern hypotheses, it can be understood as the "God of the Mountain" ("Mountain" in the meaning of "World Mountain", "Abode of God"). See Shaddai, El, see also Tanakh. (G.V. Sinilo)

The basis of the name "Almighty God" first of all - El - the name used by the Semitic peoples to designate the Deity. Although the exact meaning of the name Shaddai is not entirely certain, the translation "Almighty" seems to be the most appropriate (cf. Isaiah 13:6; Joel 1:15). The main meaning of this name is probably in contrasting the power and strength of God with the weakness, vulnerability and impotence of man.

And on outside(scroll of parchment - mezuzah - from the skin of a clean (kosher) animal, attached to the outer jamb of the door in a Jewish house) - the word Shaddai (שדי - 'Almighty'; it is also interpreted as an acronym for the words "Shomer Daltot Yisrael" - `Guarding the doors of Israel`).

In connection with the above, I would define Shaddai as one who protects and feeds. But, probably, it’s still more precisely simply - Almighty.

Yes, undoubtedly, the connection between writing and reading a letter on different languages there is. But it's still not straight. At the same time, a hint of some kind of holiness, sacredness, if you like, divinity is more distinct if we consider more ancient languages ​​than Hebrew. And as mentioned above, the outline of the modern emblem, while being seen much more clearly, is not at all in Hebrew.

Summing up the above, I would still like to try to decipher the communist symbol of the star with a hammer and sickle. And just like that, together, as it is depicted on the Flag of the USSR and the Banner of Victory. Deciphering (and as we saw from different scripts), the simplest one suggests itself - a holy man, which is expressed in his self-sufficiency for his own happiness and prosperity. At the same time, I would not focus on the atheistic interpretation of the symbol. Rather, it is a recognition of one's divine essence, which no one has the right to deny. We are all creations of the Most High God, which means that we have a certain part (degree, if you like) of divinity. And I think that it is much more useful for a person to remember this than to point out to him in every case his material (and in Christianity, sinful, to boot) nature. Man must become Man. At the same time, I want to draw attention to the fact that such an interpretation does not call into question the power of the Almighty over oneself. Just to each his own. There has been no direct Alien control for a long time. And we will, hopefully not. This is what the communist flag proclaims - the power of man.

However, this is again only an attempt at decryption.

The main thing I would like to say. Even if we assume that the Jewish genome exists in parallel with the universal, and performs its special role, which they constantly repeat (God's chosen people). It would be foolish, agreeing with this, to recognize their goals and tasks that they set for themselves. You need to reject them. And iverologists do it. But rejecting them, one must not go too far, and with it not break the back of all mankind. After all, the fact that the Egyptian gods created the Jews does not mean that the other gods agreed with this. This means that what our gods gave us, by itself, may somewhat coincide with what the Egyptian gods (and the ancient Egyptian priesthood) gave to the Jews. Therefore, rejecting Judaism and their goals, it is foolish to reject everything that is characteristic of their creators.

To illustrate the idea, I will give examples. Some researchers have an opinion that the Russians were actually Jewish people. They write: "Rus got its name from the Hebrew word (rash) ר שעה - רשע... (Rosh-Ros) - the people of the tribe of Benjamin living in the Northern Black Sea region." Hence, in their opinion, the connection between the trading people of the Varangians, called Rus in the annals. How angry it is that libraries are being burned, manuscripts are disappearing, and instead of knowledge, humanity has research. To this miserable, sickly people will soon be credited with the creation of mankind. By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if iverologists are among the first to investigate this further. But I didn't want to point that out. Even if we assume that the Jews believe in this, it is important at the same time who we (Russians) really are. Who are we Russians today?!...
And one of the correct definitions will be - Russians are not Jews. No matter how the Jews would like to find in this word the Hebrew Ros. What matters is what can always be found in the Hebrew word Russian Rus! Another example, for some time now, the orange orange in Ukraine has become a symbol of anti-Russian pro-Western civil disobedience. But the orange was an orange before the oranzhoids, and it will remain so after them. All the same applies to the red star, hammer and sickle. Perhaps the revolutionary Jews wanted to see something of their own in the hammer and sickle. Maybe. What matters is how we see this symbol. Someone wants to see the sign of Satan in the pentagram. I see the sign of a spiritualized person. Someone wants to see a Masonic sign in a mason's hammer. I see the blacksmith's hammer of the proletarian (it is he who is in the Soviet coat of arms), the real driving force of mankind. Someone wants to see the sign of death in a sickle. I see the bread-giving labor of a peasant woman. In the aggregate of these symbols, I see a Man. Because what you see is what it means. And it doesn't matter what they do with these objects and how others see them. They are other in all senses...

Jokes are jokes.

And seriously.

If we are talking about symbolism, we immediately note: there are no unambiguous symbols.

A symbol is a symbol because it reflects some deep essence of reality, something in the collective unconscious that connects the material world and cosmic forces.

The easiest way, of course, is to say that the sickle is only a symbol of the peasantry, and the hammer is a symbol of the proletariat.

For starters, let's agree. This is true. But this is only part of the truth. Very superficial.

The symbol would not be such if it had no meaning for our unconscious.

Let's take a closer look at this symbolism, so hated by today's liberals. Is it just that they associate these symbols with the USSR and with the manual labor they hate?

Let's talk about the deep meaning of the hammer and sickle.

Often they are called Masonic symbols.

But what are miserable Freemasons when we understand that symbols are eternal and have survived more than one generation of regular Freemasons! And it’s clear that the sickle, like a reflection of the moon, was not invented by the Masons. And the hammer is a very economic item at all, and was invented, of course, long before the master Hiram (this is the same Masonic proto-teacher - the builder who led the construction of Solomon's temple).

The crescent of the moon is even called that. And this symbol is present both in Russian civilization and in Islam.

A symbol in general can only be accepted and tried to saturate with additional meaning of its own. The Nazis took the ancient meaning of the swastika and tried to saturate this symbol with their content.

But symbols never lose their original meaning. Traditions are always stronger than ideologies, as they are rooted in such an antiquity that our technological and consumer civilization is not even familiar with.

So sickle.

What is this symbol?

Visually, the association immediately suggests itself with the crescent of the moon (waning or growing), as well as with the horns of a cow.

It is very significant that the sickle, as a lunar symbol, was used in pagan pantheons by many lunar gods, and in particular by gods, one way or another connected with death or with the other world.

For example, the dark goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva. In Hinduism, this goddess, as the "Black Mother", is a very important element of the Kali Yuga era. This era (Iron Age) is the shortest and most cruel. Kali in a sense is the goddess of death and patronizes illusions - Maya, in which consciousness is limited.

In Slavic paganism, the sickle is one of the symbols of the goddess of death and winter - Morana (Mary, Marzhana).

Sometimes Mara is considered the reverse side of Zhiva, the goddess of life. In fact, these sisters are two sides of the same image.

Mara also has the function of measure. And she uses the sickle for its intended purpose, i.e. reaps ears - harvests. Determines (together with Living) the measure of life and death.

A similar function exists in the pagan pantheons of the Greeks and Romans. The sickle is also the instrument of Saturn. Saturn (in the Roman pantheon), he is also Kronos (in the previous Greek), he is also Number God (in the Slavic world), the God of Time.

And here is the same function of a measure, where the sickle is an instrument of time, destroying the past to create the future.

Is it possible to unequivocally call the sickle a weapon of death? Obviously, harvesting is, in a sense, death for the ears; death for something material, but the continuation of life in a new capacity. Indeed, in the end, the ears turn into bread that gives life, and the remaining seeds go to the next sowing.

The lunar crescent or crescent shows the same depth of symbolism. The Horned Moon is a symbol of the Great Mother, it is a passive feminine principle; both the Mother and the Heavenly Virgin. It can take the form of a moon boat, a bowl. The incomplete Moon in the radiance of the rays means mourning, the apotheosis of death. In the medieval emblems of the Western world, and especially when associated with a star, the crescent moon is a symbolic image of paradise.

As an emblem, the sickle was used long before the advent of Islam. Back in 341 BC. in the ancient Greek policy of Byzantium, coins were minted with the image of a crescent and a star in honor of Hekate, who, according to legend, defended the city from the Macedonian siege: the sortie was thwarted by the unexpected appearance of a crescent in the sky.

In Egypt, the solar disk with the horned Moon, or located between the horns of a bull (the same symbol), means the divine unity of two in one, the common solar-lunar gods and the secret marriage of divine couples.

For Christians, the crescent is a sign of the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven - the emblem of her virginity. Essentially the same function as Isis. Also, the name Maria has something in common with Morana-Mara.

In Islam, the horned moon with a star means deity and supreme power. Since the time of the Crusades, it has been opposed to the cross: this is how the red crescent is used instead of the red cross in Islamic countries. Currently, the crescent is placed on the state flags of many Islamic countries.

This, of course, is not the full depth of the sickle symbol. But even this is enough to draw a conclusion about the deep essence of this symbol and its importance in the pagan, i.e. natural or folk worldview.

Now let's turn to the hammer.

The hammer of Thor, the son of Odin, from Germanic mythology immediately comes to mind.

The hammer Mjolnir is a mythological weapon of terrible destructive power.

Association with similar weapons can be found in Hinduism. This is a symbol of the vajra - the same powerful divine weapon.

Be sure to mention Svarog here. This Slavic sky god was also a blacksmith. Descriptions of his hammer have not been preserved, but there are references that he used the wonderful stone Alatyr as an anvil. The very fact of using the hammer by such an important deity of our ancestors is important. The use of a hammer in the forge leads just to the appearance of a sickle, which had to be forged. With the same hammer, Svarog gave birth to Semargl - the god of fire, which

You can pay attention to the universality of this symbol. The cross is also found long before Christianity. Celtic cross, Lithuanian and many others.

The same Ankh and Tau-cross completely coincide with the image of the hammer.

The cross also symbolizes the ancient ideas of man about the surrounding space. The four sides of the cross serve as a kind of signpost. Everyone is familiar with the expressions: “around”, “on all four sides”, “neighborhood”, etc. A lot of beliefs are associated with crossroads. The cross is a symbol of the choice of the path, the road, and the epic hero, and the hero of myths stopped in front of a stone at the crossroads, which, according to tradition, indicated the variability of fate and the choice of path.

There is a sacralization of the number four: the cross means the division of the world into four elements (water, fire, air and earth), or as a division into the divine (vertical line) and earthly (horizontal line).

The cross with a circle - a symbol of life, originated from the solar sign, symbolizing the movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere. The point in the uppermost part of the circle symbolizes noon, in the lower - midnight; right and left points - sunrise and sunset. Later interpretations associate the cross with the days of the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Of course, this is also not the whole depth of this symbol. But the hammer, as a kind of cross, carries the same deep meaning. It is not just a tool, but a tool of the Creator.

So what have we found out?

The cross, unlike the lunar sickle, carries active, masculine energy.

By connecting the cross and the crescent, or the hammer and the sickle, we connect two principles: the male active and the female passive.

Also, this connection can symbolize the unity of two civilizations: lunar - conditionally eastern Islamic and solar - conditionally western Christian. This unity is what Russian civilization embodies. It is not surprising that a similar symbol began to be used in the USSR, in Russian civilization, where Islamic and Christian peoples coexisted beautifully and peacefully. By the way, until the time when the power of the symbol has not dried up. And after the abolition of the hammer and sickle, we remember how the peoples were pitted against each other. And the most bloody were the conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

So what is the liberal afraid of?

It's no secret that the concepts of a homosexual and a liberal correlate and correlate according to the principle: not every liberal is a homosexual, but every homosexual is a liberal. After all, it is thanks to liberalization that tolerance towards representatives of sexual minorities has become almost the main problem and topic for discussion in society.

It is clear that the spread of pederasty is only one of the forms of depopulation (destruction) of the population of the former USSR.

But the symbolism of this phenomenon lies precisely in the fact that Western civilization is afraid of Russian civilization.

After all, what are the symbols of liberalism?

They do not have deep symbols like the pagan hammer and sickle. The emptiness of this phenomenon is so obvious that even their ideology does not carry any rational grain. It's simple: they came to destroy all traditions, so that no one bothers them, sorry, to have sex in the holes they want. Yes, the association is very rough, but symbolic. They are really against all traditions, they are really destroyers. What did they bring to our civilization? Tolerance? Multiculturalism? Democracy? Pluralism? Cosmopolitanism?

What did these newfangled chips lead to? Only to the fact that it is customary to bomb for oil, bringing democracy, that they began to treat flawed people better than full-fledged ones, that a woman became a vaginal citizen, a man became pennisual, a father became parent No. 1, a mother became parent No. 2, perverted sex became norm and fashion ... And so on - to the point of complete absurdity. This is the achievement of civilization for them. Sadly.

Let's go back to the hammer and sickle symbol.

It is clear why this most powerful symbol is so terrible for liberals. After all, it carries a huge charge of the traditional worldview, at first referring us to the times of the USSR, then to the Christian and Islamic Middle Ages, and ultimately to the depths of pagan antiquity, when moral purity was not a merit or nonsense, but an ordinary, natural property of a person.

I'll add one more thing. Any dual symbol always carries a certain contradiction and a third one is needed. In the USSR, it was the correct pentagram - a symbol of man. It was a commonly used symbol on the banner, coat of arms. But there was an organization in the USSR, where another ancient symbol was used, also associated with the cross. The third symbol, which brought harmony to the contradiction of the hammer and sickle. Sword.

Got the idea in the comments: In the most ancient times, when the gods were depicted zoomorphically, Veles was a bull-god (half-bull, half-man), and Perun was an eagle. Veles is the lord of NAVI - the lower world, Perun - RIGHT - the upper one, (Hell and Paradise) - hence their enmity, and rivalry for the souls of YAV - our middle world.

The Bolsheviks successfully combined the symbols of these two gods "Hammer and Sickle" for the complete Triglav, only the sword is missing - the symbol of Yarila - the lord of YAVI.

But he is on the insignia of the Cheka-KGB".

Of course, not everything can be agreed in these interpretations. And not everything is important for this topic. Nevertheless, this is the final touch that brings harmony to the symbolism of the hammer and sickle of our country, the USSR. So:

Hammer - solar sign (Rule)

Sickle - lunar sign (Nav)

The sword is a human sign (Yav).

The sword, like the hammer, merges with the symbolism of the cross. But if the hammer is a creative tool, then the sword is a destructive tool. The sword is a cross, but when it is in an active position, it is an inverted cross. And at rest - the usual cross.

But there is something else: the sword is often adjacent to the shield...

And here we stumble upon a topic disclosed, for example, in Tarot cards (the prototype of playing cards):

swords (spades), wands (clubs, hammer?), circles (diamonds, coins, shields), bowls (worms, sickle?).

The ambiguity of the symbolism of the Tarot cards is very seriously discussed in the occult and by those very Freemasons. However, is it worth digging further?

At least one thing is clear: the symbolism of the hammer and sickle is not so simple ... The Bolsheviks who took these symbols as a basis were not so simple. Whoever had a hand in it, how the Zionists or the Masonic lobby appeared here, is no longer the essence. The symbols remain. Now these are the symbols of Victory. Victory of Light over darkness, Truth over falsehood, Great Russia over fascism...

And therefore it becomes even more interesting to observe how this symbolism is hated not only by liberals, but also by fascists of all stripes - especially Zionists and coming out neo-Khazars. Just neo-fascists openly like to use pagan symbols, vulgarizing and denigrating it, filling it with gloomy content. They also understand how powerful symbols are for the collective unconscious, and how these symbols can control the crowd or vice versa - awaken the human in people.

Do you think that Soviet symbols infuriate them just like that?

Do you think it's just that such a powerful struggle of symbols around the world is going on? No, this is a struggle for our souls, for the collective unconscious of peoples, in order to tear us away from our roots, from nature, from everything human.

And the symbols must be protected, especially if they are charged with such powerful positive and all-conquering energy as the hammer and sickle.

When another liberal or neo-fascist (it’s not even strange that they often agree) declares that the hammer and sickle should be abolished as symbols of the totalitarian USSR, I want to ask him: good sir, are you afraid for your personal belongings and oak head? Who is going to beat you with this hammer, and who threatened you with a sickle? ..

Jokes are jokes.

And seriously.

If we are talking about symbolism, we immediately note: there are no unambiguous symbols.

A symbol is a symbol because it reflects some deep essence of reality, something in the collective unconscious that connects the material world and cosmic forces.

The easiest way, of course, is to say that the sickle is only a symbol of the peasantry, and the hammer is a symbol of the proletariat.

For starters, let's agree. This is true. But this is only part of the truth. Very superficial.

The symbol would not be such if it had no meaning for our unconscious.

Let's take a closer look at this symbolism, so hated by today's liberals. Is it just that they associate these symbols with the USSR and with the manual labor they hate?

Let's talk about the deep meaning of the hammer and sickle.

Often they are called Masonic symbols.

But what are miserable Freemasons when we understand that symbols are eternal and have survived more than one generation of regular Freemasons! And it’s clear that the sickle, like a reflection of the moon, was not invented by the Masons. And the hammer is a very economic item at all, and was invented, of course, long before the master Hiram (this is the same Masonic proto-teacher - the builder who led the construction of Solomon's temple).

The crescent of the moon is even called that. And this symbol is present both in Russian civilization and in Islam.

A symbol in general can only be accepted and tried to saturate with additional meaning of its own. The Nazis took the ancient meaning of the swastika and tried to saturate this symbol with their content.

But symbols never lose their original meaning. Traditions are always stronger than ideologies, as they are rooted in such an antiquity that our technological and consumer civilization is not even familiar with.

So sickle.

What is this symbol?

Visually, the association immediately suggests itself with the crescent of the moon (waning or growing), as well as with the horns of a cow.

It is very significant that the sickle, as a lunar symbol, was used in pagan pantheons by many lunar gods, and in particular by gods, one way or another connected with death or with the other world.

For example, the dark goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva. In Hinduism, this goddess, as the "Black Mother", is a very important element of the Kali Yuga era. This era (Iron Age) is the shortest and most cruel. Kali in a sense is the goddess of death and patronizes illusions - Maya, in which consciousness is limited.

In Slavic paganism, the sickle is one of the symbols of the goddess of death and winter - Morana (Mary, Marzhana).

Sometimes Mara is considered the reverse side of Zhiva, the goddess of life. In fact, these sisters are two sides of the same image.

Mara also has the function of measure. And she uses the sickle for its intended purpose, i.e. reaps ears - harvests. Determines (together with Living) the measure of life and death.

A similar function exists in the pagan pantheons of the Greeks and Romans. The sickle is also the instrument of Saturn. Saturn (in the Roman pantheon), he is also Kronos (in the previous Greek), he is also Number God (in the Slavic world), the God of Time.

And here is the same function of a measure, where the sickle is an instrument of time, destroying the past to create the future.

Is it possible to unequivocally call the sickle a weapon of death? Obviously, harvesting is, in a sense, death for the ears; death for something material, but the continuation of life in a new capacity. Indeed, in the end, the ears turn into bread that gives life, and the remaining seeds go to the next sowing.

The lunar crescent or crescent shows the same depth of symbolism. The Horned Moon is a symbol of the Great Mother, it is a passive feminine principle; both the Mother and the Heavenly Virgin. It can take the form of a moon boat, a bowl. The incomplete Moon in the radiance of the rays means mourning, the apotheosis of death. In the medieval emblems of the Western world, and especially when associated with a star, the crescent moon is a symbolic image of paradise.

As an emblem, the sickle was used long before the advent of Islam. Back in 341 BC. in the ancient Greek policy of Byzantium, coins were minted with the image of a crescent and a star in honor of Hekate, who, according to legend, defended the city from the Macedonian siege: the sortie was thwarted by the unexpected appearance of a crescent in the sky.

In Egypt, the solar disk with the horned Moon, or located between the horns of a bull (the same symbol), means the divine unity of two in one, the common solar-lunar gods and the secret marriage of divine couples.

For Christians, the crescent is a sign of the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven - the emblem of her virginity. Essentially the same function as Isis. Also, the name Maria has something in common with Morana-Mara.

In Islam, the horned moon with a star means deity and supreme power. Since the time of the Crusades, it has been opposed to the cross: this is how the red crescent is used instead of the red cross in Islamic countries. Currently, the crescent is placed on the state flags of many Islamic countries.

This, of course, is not the full depth of the sickle symbol. But even this is enough to draw a conclusion about the deep essence of this symbol and its importance in the pagan, i.e. natural or folk worldview.

Now let's turn to the hammer.

The hammer of Thor, the son of Odin, from Germanic mythology immediately comes to mind.

The hammer Mjolnir is a mythological weapon of terrible destructive power.

Association with similar weapons can be found in Hinduism. This is a symbol of the vajra - the same powerful divine weapon.

Be sure to mention Svarog here. This Slavic sky god was also a blacksmith. Descriptions of his hammer have not been preserved, but there are references that he used the wonderful stone Alatyr as an anvil. The very fact of using the hammer by such an important deity of our ancestors is important. The use of a hammer in the forge leads just to the appearance of a sickle, which had to be forged. With the same hammer, Svarog gave birth to Semargl - the god of fire, which

You can pay attention to the universality of this symbol. The cross is also found long before Christianity. Celtic cross, Lithuanian and many others.

The same Ankh and Tau-cross completely coincide with the image of the hammer.

The cross also symbolizes the ancient ideas of man about the surrounding space. The four sides of the cross serve as a kind of signpost. Everyone is familiar with the expressions: “around”, “on all four sides”, “neighborhood”, etc. A lot of beliefs are associated with crossroads. The cross is a symbol of the choice of the path, the road, and the epic hero, and the hero of myths stopped in front of a stone at the crossroads, which, according to tradition, indicated the variability of fate and the choice of path.

There is a sacralization of the number four: the cross means the division of the world into four elements (water, fire, air and earth), or as a division into the divine (vertical line) and earthly (horizontal line).

The cross with a circle - a symbol of life, originated from the solar sign, symbolizing the movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere. The point in the uppermost part of the circle symbolizes noon, in the lower - midnight; right and left points - sunrise and sunset. Later interpretations associate the cross with the days of the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Of course, this is also not the whole depth of this symbol. But the hammer, as a kind of cross, carries the same deep meaning. It is not just a tool, but a tool of the Creator.

So what have we found out?

The cross, unlike the lunar sickle, carries active, masculine energy.

By connecting the cross and the crescent, or the hammer and the sickle, we connect two principles: the male active and the female passive.

Also, this connection can symbolize the unity of two civilizations: lunar - conditionally eastern Islamic and solar - conditionally western Christian. This unity is what Russian civilization embodies. It is not surprising that a similar symbol began to be used in the USSR, in Russian civilization, where Islamic and Christian peoples coexisted beautifully and peacefully. By the way, until the time when the power of the symbol has not dried up. And after the abolition of the hammer and sickle, we remember how the peoples were pitted against each other. And the most bloody were the conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

So what is the liberal afraid of?

It's no secret that the concepts of a homosexual and a liberal correlate and correlate according to the principle: not every liberal is a homosexual, but every homosexual is a liberal. After all, it is thanks to liberalization that tolerance towards representatives of sexual minorities has become almost the main problem and topic for discussion in society.

It is clear that the spread of pederasty is only one of the forms of depopulation (destruction) of the population of the former USSR.

But the symbolism of this phenomenon lies precisely in the fact that Western civilization is afraid of Russian civilization.

After all, what are the symbols of liberalism?

They do not have deep symbols like the pagan hammer and sickle. The emptiness of this phenomenon is so obvious that even their ideology does not carry any rational grain. It's simple: they came to destroy all traditions, so that no one bothers them, sorry, to have sex in the holes they want. Yes, the association is very rough, but symbolic. They are really against all traditions, they are really destroyers. What did they bring to our civilization? Tolerance? Multiculturalism? Democracy? Pluralism? Cosmopolitanism?

What did these newfangled chips lead to? Only to the fact that it is customary to bomb for oil, bringing democracy, that they began to treat flawed people better than full-fledged ones, that a woman became a vaginal citizen, a man became pennisual, a father became parent No. 1, a mother became parent No. 2, perverted sex became norm and fashion ... And so on - to the point of complete absurdity. This is the achievement of civilization for them. Sadly.

Let's go back to the hammer and sickle symbol.

It is clear why this most powerful symbol is so terrible for liberals. After all, it carries a huge charge of the traditional worldview, at first referring us to the times of the USSR, then to the Christian and Islamic Middle Ages, and ultimately to the depths of pagan antiquity, when moral purity was not a merit or nonsense, but an ordinary, natural property of a person.

I'll add one more thing. Any dual symbol always carries a certain contradiction and a third one is needed. In the USSR, it was the correct pentagram - a symbol of man. It was a commonly used symbol on the banner, coat of arms. But there was an organization in the USSR, where another ancient symbol was used, also associated with the cross. The third symbol, which brought harmony to the contradiction of the hammer and sickle. Sword.

Got the idea in the comments: In the most ancient times, when the gods were depicted zoomorphically, Veles was a bull-god (half-bull, half-man), and Perun was an eagle. Veles is the lord of NAVI - the lower world, Perun - RIGHT - the upper one, (Hell and Paradise) - hence their enmity, and rivalry for the souls of YAV - our middle world.

The Bolsheviks successfully combined the symbols of these two gods "Hammer and Sickle" for the complete Triglav, only the sword is missing - the symbol of Yarila - the lord of YAVI.

But he is on the insignia of the Cheka-KGB".

Of course, not everything can be agreed in these interpretations. And not everything is important for this topic. Nevertheless, this is the final touch that brings harmony to the symbolism of the hammer and sickle of our country, the USSR. So:

Hammer - solar sign (Rule)

Sickle - lunar sign (Nav)

The sword is a human sign (Yav).

The sword, like the hammer, merges with the symbolism of the cross. But if the hammer is a creative tool, then the sword is a destructive tool. The sword is a cross, but when it is in an active position, it is an inverted cross. And at rest - the usual cross.

But there is something else: the sword is often adjacent to the shield...

And here we stumble upon a topic disclosed, for example, in Tarot cards (the prototype of playing cards):

swords (spades), wands (clubs, hammer?), circles (diamonds, coins, shields), bowls (worms, sickle?).

The ambiguity of the symbolism of the Tarot cards is very seriously discussed in the occult and by those very Freemasons. However, is it worth digging further?

At least one thing is clear: the symbolism of the hammer and sickle is not so simple ... The Bolsheviks who took these symbols as a basis were not so simple. Whoever had a hand in it, how the Zionists or the Masonic lobby appeared here, is no longer the essence. The symbols remain. Now these are the symbols of Victory. Victory of Light over darkness, Truth over falsehood, Great Russia over fascism...

And therefore it becomes even more interesting to observe how this symbolism is hated not only by liberals, but also by fascists of all stripes - especially Zionists and coming out neo-Khazars. Just neo-fascists openly like to use pagan symbols, vulgarizing and denigrating it, filling it with gloomy content. They also understand how powerful symbols are for the collective unconscious, and how these symbols can control the crowd or vice versa - awaken the human in people.

Do you think that Soviet symbols infuriate them just like that?

Do you think it's just that such a powerful struggle of symbols around the world is going on? No, this is a struggle for our souls, for the collective unconscious of peoples, in order to tear us away from our roots, from nature, from everything human.

And the symbols must be protected, especially if they are charged with such powerful positive and all-conquering energy as the hammer and sickle.