How to use an ultrasonic dog whistle. Ultrasonic dog whistle: what is it for? How a whistle works and how to use it

Ultrasonic whistle often used to train or scare dogs. Its main advantage is that only animals can hear it, that is, you will not create discomfort for the people around you.

What is the Trixie whistle suitable for?

A whistle for scaring dogs and training is one and the same device. There is a screw in the body that changes the frequency and tone (you can switch from training mode to repellent mode in a matter of seconds). The more you tighten it, the more the frequency will increase. This is the most humane way of protecting animals.

If you plan to scare away stray dogs- tighten the screw to the maximum, but if the purpose of the purchase is to train your pet, careful adjustment is needed.

Setting the whistle to training mode

The first step is to set the frequency specifically for your dog. Unscrew the screw almost completely and, without being too zealous, blow while the dog is sleeping. If he raises his head and looks in your direction, everything is set up correctly. Otherwise, blow and slowly tighten the screw until the dog responds.

How to train a dog using a whistle?

Just buying a device is not enough, you need to teach how to understand it and bring the reaction to reflexes. This requires regular training. Remember: ultrasound is an irritant for dogs. So if a pet follows a command given by a whistle, you must definitely reward it with some kind of treat (it could be dog biscuits, processed cheese or something else).

Let's look at the procedure using the example of the “come to me” command. It is extremely important that before learning to obey ultrasound, the dog perfectly follows the command given by voice.

  1. We take an ultrasonic whistle, having previously configured it for training, and give a long signal.
  2. Immediately after the whistle we give the voice command “come to me”.
  3. When the dog approaches, we give him a treat.

Usually the pet begins to understand what’s what after several dozen repetitions, and after a few days of training it will perfectly follow the command given by the whistle.

Other commands are learned using the same principle. For example, for the “sit” command, you can teach the dog using the method described above to two short signals.

An ultrasonic whistle is often called a hunting dog whistle. The reason is that during the hunt they go far from the owner, and the animal can hear the sound of this device at a distance of a kilometer or more. As a result, the hunter does not have to shout “come to me” throughout the forest.

Disciplining a dog and teaching it to follow all commands exactly is a difficult, painstaking task and requires patience. For these purposes, dog handlers use a special dog whistle that can produce a high-frequency sound.

Anyone who wants to independently train their four-legged friend can use the device. But besides this, an ultrasonic whistle (due to its properties) can also be used.

How does a whistle work and how to use it?

The dog reacts quickly to ultrasound because its hearing aid is capable of perceiving it. A person does not feel these sound waves. For the first time such a device was presented in England. It was invented by a circus trainer. Using a whistle, he achieved precise execution of commands and the learning process of animals was reduced.

A dog training whistle produces a special sound that is produced by a resonator when pressurized gas is applied to it. The strength of the sound depends on the diameter of the nozzle; on average for all devices the value is 170 kHz, this is the frequency that the animal’s ear perceives. It is impossible for a person to hear it, since the threshold is 20 kHz.

When purchasing, each device is accompanied by instructions; using it, you can adjust the sound frequency by tightening the lock nut. The description contains templates, following which the animal’s training takes place in a calm atmosphere and at a fast pace; it is important not to forget to reward the pet with treats.

Where can an ultrasonic whistle come in handy?

To train a dog, it is recommended to use an ultrasonic whistle from puppyhood. The dog develops reflexes faster, gets used to such commands and quickly finds contact with the owner.

The device will be useful:

  • for dog training;
  • from teaching from barking;
  • scaring away aggressive or stray animals.

In order to tell the animal a command, the owner only needs to blow the whistle (or press a button if the whistle is electronic) maintaining the duration and equal intervals of time. Each command has its own signal, like in Morse code. Several courses and the animal begins to show results.

Gradually, the dog subconsciously begins to perceive the synchronicity of the whistle signal, hand gestures and voice as a command. After it has been worked out, only exposure to ultrasound is enough to fulfill the owner’s requirements. You can develop several options for conventional signs; of course, you should not overuse them.

What we call ultrasound is just sound for an animal. For humans, a silent dog whistle only works when the result is visible. In other cases, one can only guess about its action. It is important to monitor the condition of the nutrient element installed in the device; some manufacturers equip the whistle with an indicator.

Using a whistle makes it easier for the owner of the animal to control it; when issuing a voice command over a long distance, it is difficult for both the pet and the person himself. The wind and noise drown out the voice. But ultrasound can reach an animal's ears up to 450 meters, depending on the design of the whistle and the area where the person and dog are located.

How to choose a whistle model?

The manufacturer takes into account that the device will be used daily and actively, so the whistle body is made of steel or durable and high-quality plastic. The design of the model is also given great importance, because the whistle is used by amateurs, dog handlers and professional observers in sports centers where animals participate.

The whistle has a molded eyelet for attaching a strap or ring, so that the whistle is convenient to use and not lost.

The photo shows a metal Chinese whistle for dogs Hunter

There is a nut on the body that can be used to adjust the frequency of the sound so that it is recognizable to the dog. In addition, by changing the tone, it is easy to change the frequency of the sound so that it becomes unacceptable to the dog and can suppress his aggression or scare him away. Does an ultrasonic whistle help against stray dogs? - Internet users are interested in preparing for unforeseen situations that may arise.

There are many opinions on this matter, some claim that the device is useless and the dog does not change its behavior when using the whistle.

It is noticed that service breed dogs and fighting dogs are not so sensitive to ultrasound. Stray dogs will react faster to an unfamiliar sound.

How to protect yourself when meeting an aggressive animal or distract its attention with a whistle?

It is necessary to blow the whistle continuously (or at different intervals) until the animals move to a safe distance. Slowly move back from the source of danger and leave the meeting place with the dog as quickly as possible.

The ultrasonic whistle for dogs is an improved invention of the Englishman Francis Galton, who back in 1883 invented a device for training circus animals. Modern whistles are also used for training, but this time for domestic animals, in particular, any breed of dog. Their advantage is that the sound produced is heard only by dogs, which means that such work with the animal will not bring any inconvenience to strangers.

How does it work

The device creates acoustic vibrations, which can be compared to the sound signals emitted by the tip of a knife when an air flow is directed at it. The role of the tip is played by a cylindrical resonant cavity, and the gas passed under high pressure contributes to the emergence sound vibrations, the frequency of which depends on the size of the nozzle itself and the resonant cavity.

Most models of ultrasonic whistles have a frequency of 170 kHz. It must be said that the human ear perceives the sound range ranging from 16 to 20,000 Hz, but the dog's ear is more sensitive.

A person cannot hear the sound produced by the device, but a dog can recognize it at a distance of 450 m.

The device is compact, light in weight, and the training process with its help is simple. The material used is nickel-plated brass, which gives the device strength and durability. For ease of wearing there is a fastening ring. Today you can find devices on sale in which you can change the tone and sound frequency. In particular, change the training mode to the repelling mode. Thus, you can protect yourself and your loved ones, as well as your beloved pet, from a pack of stray dogs.

How to use

Many people are interested in how to properly use an ultrasonic whistle?

It takes time and repeated repetition to develop a conditioned reflex. Moreover, sound as a conditioned stimulus should always precede the unconditional stimulus, that is, a treat. It is necessary to alternate signals of different lengths. For example, to teach the recall, the command “come to me”, emit a long series of signals, and for the dog to remember the command “sit”, produce a series of short consecutive signals.

When you go for a walk with your animal, loosen the leash to the maximum possible length and use an ultrasonic whistle to call the dogs, blowing it three times. Stop and pull the leash towards you, letting your pet know that you are calling him to you. Secure the result by repeating these steps 5 times. If necessary, you can change the tone of the whistle, choosing the most optimal one for your pet. Having consolidated the behavior reflex, you can try to let the dog off the leash and force it to approach only with the help of a whistle.

To scare away dogs using an ultrasonic whistle, it is recommended to switch the device to the appropriate mode and point it at the object, holding the button pressed for 3-6 seconds. As practice shows, animals begin to react to it differently: some tuck their tails and run away, others whine and back away. It may happen that the repellent device does not work. In this case, the cause can be sought either in dead batteries or in the animal’s weakened hearing.

How to make it yourself

You can also make a dog whistle with your own hands. To do this, you only need a small willow branch 25 cm long and slightly thicker than the thickness of your thumb.

Stages of making a whistle with your own hands:

Everyone understands how to use such a whistle. You can also make a good ultrasonic whistle for scaring dogs with your own hands from a regular stun gun.

After all, dogs are afraid not only of sharp sounds, but also of bright flashes of light and the smell of ozone. And this device cracks loudly and sparkles brightly, and even emits ozone.

As practice shows, it works on any breed of dog - both the smallest representatives and large, frightening-looking specimens. You can carry it with you in your purse, and for cyclists, whom dogs “love” so much, it can be placed in a purse. While on the move, tap the device and move on calmly. That's all the recommendations. During the training process, do not forget to praise your four-legged friend, and the learning process will go faster.

On the streets of both big cities and the smallest villages you can find packs of stray dogs. This happens because people are careless about their four-legged friends, special services are inactive, and shelters are overcrowded. But the fact remains that entire flocks of hungry animals can cause serious harm to life and health. Then how to protect yourself?

Types of repellers

Technologies do not stand still. Various devices and devices are replacing improvised materials. In order to avoid a collision with an angry animal, there are special dog repellers, which come in different types:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electronic;
  • Gas;
  • Stationary.

Ultrasonic repellers are the most effective today, as they emit a strong ultrasonic signal, which is completely safe for humans. But animal hearing is different from human hearing, so the right frequency can scare away different animals.

Electrical devices are represented by stun guns, which, among other things, also produce an unpleasant sound for dogs, as well as the smell of ozone.

Ultrasonic dog repeller

Gas cans can be used at a distance of one to one and a half meters from animals. But here it is important to choose the right gas, because certain substances do not have any effect on dogs.

Stationary repellers operate on the principle of ultrasound, which can protect your home area from visiting various animals. Having directed them to a certain place, it immediately becomes undesirable for dogs to visit. Another plus is that their frequency is constantly changing, which avoids addiction.

Note! Another small variety is the ultrasonic whistle. However, users note its low effectiveness.

Operating principle of an ultrasonic dog repeller

The basis of any ultrasonic device is based on special noise waves that can be detected by the animal’s ear. While humans' perception is limited to sounds up to 20 kHz, dogs are able to perceive sounds up to 40 kHz. Basically, ultrasonic devices produce sound with a frequency of 116 decibels.

When the device is turned on, it operates at a distance of up to 30 meters. The greatest efficiency is achieved at a short distance. Such a mechanism is capable of causing animals to flee or keep a distance of 10 meters.

How to choose the right device?

When choosing an ultrasound device, you need to be guided by several parameters. First of all, depending on the type of mechanism, you need to pay attention to the frequency.

Let us repeat that a dog’s hearing is stronger than a human’s, so a good repeller should operate at a frequency of 20 to 30 kHz. The average indicator of quality devices is from 24.3 kHz. Naturally, stationary devices are much more powerful, because they create a sound load of more than a hundred dB. Compact options are much weaker, but individual copies can create sound with a volume of up to 250 dB.

Operating principle of an ultrasonic dog repeller

It is important that the pocket repeller works at a distance of 10 meters. This will help avoid the approach of animals. Devices that start working at a shorter distance are best suited for children.

The choice of range for stationary models should be based on the size of the area that needs to be protected. So, there are options that cover the territory of a small yard, and there are also those that work for several hundred square meters.

Note! As a rule, the battery charge in repellers is enough for 1000 uses (depending on the model). The batteries used are Krona, AA or AAA batteries. Stationary models operate from mains power (220 V) or solar panels.

Of course, it is worth paying attention to some additional features. For example, some devices may be equipped with a strong sound siren, which creates additional security and can also attract the attention of other people in the event of an attack.

The most effective additional feature is a light flash that blinds a dog that comes close.

Most popular models

The market offers a wide selection of this type of device from different manufacturers. Which one is best to choose?

One of these devices is the “Cobra”, which was made in Smolensk. This is a portable unit emitter, which is produced in a plastic case. It is also equipped with an LED flashlight. According to the manufacturer's description, the device's power is 120 dB at a distance of 0.5 meters, frequency from 22 to 25 kHz. According to reviews, the device is weak.

  • Really can scare dogs away.
  • The emitter is framed by a metal ring, which is capable of concentrating the direction of energy.
  • Unreliability and water permeability of the case.
  • The LED operates continuously, which reduces operating time and also does not provide any additional benefit during the daytime. Turning on occurs with the press of a button.
  • Small working distance.

Another domestic pocket dog repeller is “Dogs.Net Flash+”. It has a power of 120 dB at 1 meter. The maximum range is 20 meters. Equipped with LEDs operating in 2 modes: flash or flashlight.

  • Compact and lightweight body.
  • Durable design.
  • Charge level indicator;
  • Does not harm animals.
  • Automatic operation, as well as LED mode switch.
  • Deaf, hard of hearing, or rabid animals may not perceive the device.

“Anti Dog Dazer II” is a powerful device that affects not only dogs, but also cats, rodents, etc. The device has a frequency of 24.3 kHz and a power of 166.5 dB. It works effectively at a distance of up to 15 meters.

  • Scares away various animals.
  • High power.
  • Fastening for belts.
  • Short range.
  • There is no way to regulate the radiation strength, for example, for training.
  • No light source.

Anti Dog Dazer II

The manufacturer of the compact device, Rexant, guarantees that it can repel even the most aggressive dogs. Work is carried out at a distance of up to 30 meters. The frequency is 25 kHz. Equipped with a flashlight.

  • Ability to switch between repellent and training modes.
  • Long distance.
  • Does not harm animals.
  • Does not repel all types of dogs.

The MELEON ultrasonic repeller works at a distance of 10 to 15 meters. It has a frequency of 25 kHz. Country of origin - China. Available in black and yellow colors.

  • Ability to switch training, repellent and flashlight modes.
  • Proven to drive dogs away, but from a closer distance than stated.
  • Low range of use.
  • The LED only works in flashlight mode, there is no flash.

Ultrasonic repeller MELEON

One of the best domestically produced devices is the SITITEK Grom-250M, the range of which is limited to 20 meters. Operating frequency - 25 kHz.

  • High range of use.
  • Equipped with a flashlight and siren.
  • Safe for animals and people.
  • Compact size.
  • High price.

It is worth noting that everything compact types have a similar operating principle. To activate the ultrasound, you need to press the button and point it at the animal. If the appropriate functions are available, many models have a special signal strength switch for training and repelling, as well as flash and flashlight.

Broad-spectrum repellers are stationary. Of these, the Tornado-115 model stands out the most. The device is equipped with 2 emitters, which helps to expand the operating angle of the device. It is usually placed in front of the entrance of the home site. The power is 115 dB, the range is 20 square meters. meters. Operates on 220V power supply.

Model "Tornado-115"

Another a good option- "EcoSniper LS-937CD". It operates at an angle of 90 degrees, with a range of 15 meters, which provides a coverage area of ​​200 square meters. meters. Frequency from 16 to 23 kHz.

  • Large area of ​​influence.
  • Guaranteed dog repellent.
  • Safety for people and light weight.
  • Fragile body.
  • Permanent connection to the power supply (220V)

Thus there is a large number of options for scaring away stray dogs both on the site and from a specific person. The main thing is to take into account all the necessary parameters when choosing to achieve the best result.

Ultrasonic whistle for animal training. Taken for defense purposes against stray dogs. About the main thing: for the stated purpose it is useless.
The product arrived without any packaging. A Chinese crown-type battery, as stated, was included in the kit, completely new in a protective film.

There were also instructions on the use and training of dogs in Chinese/English.

The device operates in three modes: “flashlight”, “attraction”, “fright”. There is a slider at the bottom of the device to select a mode. To activate the ultrasonic whistle there is a button at the top.
Upon receipt, I didn’t wait for an opportunity; I decided to test it on pets first.
“Flashlight” mode: everything works, the LEDs glow, it’s not suitable as a flashlight, but you can illuminate something.
“Attraction” mode: I don’t really like cats, I rarely pet them, so attracted either by the whistle or by the owner’s unusual interest in him, the cat purrs joyfully and rubs against his legs. Okay, let's say...
“Fright” mode: I expected a reaction and got it... The device began to flash its LEDs threateningly. Belatedly, I think - the curtains are gone, the cat will run to the ceiling out of fear. But that was not the case - the cat, as if nothing had happened, continued the ritual of licking in the hope that something might happen...
Well, I think maybe it doesn’t work on cats, but it will work on dogs. The reaction was identical - no reaction.
Thought about it. Maybe the ultrasonic whistle is not working? He stuck it to his ear. It was a mistake: it hit me sharply and unpleasantly. So now I will try to stay away from people with such a whistle.
Well, I think maybe only those at home shouldn’t be afraid. They are no strangers to ultrasound in the house. Strays are wild. Alas, the device made a similar impression on the dogs hanging around the bus stop - they came running wagging their tails in the hope of getting an orange sausage for their grub :)
Maybe some dogs will be impressed by the device, but I wouldn’t rely on it.
P.S. No animals were harmed during the experiment. Only yours truly for 8 bucks.

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