Lenten Pannacotta. Panna cotta or panna cotta, creamy jelly Sour cream panna cotta on agar

Such a delicate creamy dessert came to us from the north of Italy and quickly won the hearts of the sweet tooth around the world. The panna cotta recipe necessarily includes cream, vanilla (or vanillin) and granulated sugar. In addition to the classic version, you can cook interesting varieties of it - with strawberries, coffee, chocolate and even citrus fruits.

The name of the dessert panna cotta is translated as "boiled cream" or "boiled cream". In its composition and method of preparation, it resembles pudding or ice cream, which is more familiar to us. But the taste of the treat is more tender. This dessert is perfect for holiday table. Especially if the original decorate it.

The cream in this treat is mixed with sugar, vanilla and other delicious ingredients.

The only drawback of the delicious panna cotta is its high calorie content - 298 Kcal per 100 g. For this reason, it is rarely prepared by young ladies who are worried about their figure.

Classic panna cotta recipe at home

Ingredients: 310 ml of very heavy cream, 90 g of cane sugar (brown), a package of gelatin, 60 ml of unflavored cognac, a pinch of vanilla.

  1. Cream is poured into a convenient dish with a thick bottom. Such a container will not allow the dairy product to burn when heated.
  2. Brown sugar and vanilla are immediately poured to it. The mass is heated over low heat. Be sure to constantly and continuously stir it. The cream should not boil, otherwise the dessert will be spoiled.
  3. Gelatin dissolves in 50 ml of water. The manufacturer will tell you the exact amount for such a volume of liquid - gelatin is diluted according to the instructions on the package. Usually, for this you just need to pour the product with hot water, stir and leave until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Prepared gelatin is poured into hot cream through a fine sieve. A piece of gauze is also suitable for filtering.
  5. Next comes the cognac. If the dessert is prepared for children, such an ingredient should be excluded.
  6. The resulting mass is poured into silicone molds and the sweetness is sent to coolness for several hours until completely solidified.

The classic panna cotta recipe can be improved to your liking. For example, instead of cognac, use melted chocolate.

Unusual coffee treat

Ingredients: half a liter of very heavy cream (for whipping), 80 ml of purified water, 14 g of gelatin, 2 small. spoons instant coffee, 60 g of granulated sugar, 110 g of high-quality dark chocolate.

  1. Gelatin is diluted according to the instructions in the required amount of water.
  2. Instant coffee is poured with the amount of boiling water indicated in the recipe.
  3. Sugar dissolves in cream. The mixture is heated over medium heat. Sweet grains should completely dissolve in warm liquid.
  4. When the cream is already hot, pieces of broken chocolate are sent to the container.
  5. After removing the dairy product from the heat, coffee and gelatin are added to it.
  6. The mass is filtered and poured into silicone molds.

The resulting coffee panna cotta is sent to cool until completely cooled and solidified. The dessert is decorated with ground nuts.

How to make a diet pana cotta?

Ingredients: 2 tsp. agar-agar, 610 ml low-fat milk (0.5%), 6 large egg yolks, 2 g vanilla pods, stevia drops (4 drops), 320 ml purified water, 4 small. spoons of cornstarch.

  1. Agar-agar is filled with water for 25 - 35 minutes.
  2. Milk, slightly beaten yolks, stevia, vanilla, corn starch are mixed in a separate bowl. All of these ingredients are whipped at the slowest speed of the mixer.
  3. The mass from the previous step is sent to a water bath and heated until thickened. It is possible that the cream boils a little, because it uses raw proteins.
  4. Agar-agar is brought to a boil on fire and boiled for 1 - 2 minutes.
  5. The boiled mixture is poured into the milk cream. The mass is whipped with a mixer until cool.
  6. The future dessert is poured into molds and cleaned in the cool.

Ready diet panna cotta is served with tea after hardening.

The most delicious chocolate panna cotta

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. fat milk and the same amount of cream (for whipping), 14 g of instant gelatin, 90 g of granulated sugar and dark chocolate, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

  1. Milk is brought to a boil in a saucepan. Then it is removed from the fire and cooled. Cream is poured into warm milk. The fatter, the better.
  2. Gelatin is poured into a glass or ceramic bowl. 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature is poured into it. The ingredients are stirred and left for 6-7 minutes.
  3. Chocolate is melted in a separate bowl and poured into dairy products. Two types of sugar are also poured here.
  4. Dissolved gelatin is poured into the mass from the third step. Over medium heat with constant stirring, the mixture warms up well, but does not boil.
  5. The future dessert is poured into bowls and put in the refrigerator until completely cooled and cooled.

The finished chocolate panna cotta is decorated with coconut flakes.

With strawberry

Ingredients: 160 ml of heavy cream, 90 ml of milk, 70 g of regular sugar and 2 pinches of vanilla, 220 g of fresh strawberries, 11 g of gelatin, 60 ml of boiling water.

  1. Gelatin dissolves in boiling water. The components are mixed with a fork and left for 6 minutes.
  2. Two types of sugar are poured into a container with a thick bottom. Both dairy products are also included here. Do not use homemade cream, as when heated, they instantly turn into thick fat.
  3. The mixture warms up for a couple of minutes, but does not bring to a boil.
  4. The container is removed from the stove, gelatin is poured into it. The components are well mixed and slightly cooled.
  5. Strawberries are cleaned of tails, mashed. The berry mass is poured into bowls. The butter mixture is spread on top. The layers are gently mixed with a fork.

Kremanki with strawberry panna cotta are sent in the cool until completely solidified.

Tangerine or orange

Ingredients: 3 tangerines, 310 ml heavy cream, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 15 g of high-quality gelatin, 50 ml of boiling water, 2 drops of vanilla essence. How to cook citrus panna cotta is described below.

  1. Citrus fruits are scalded with boiling water and juice is squeezed out of them.
  2. Gelatin is poured with hot water, left for 4 - 5 minutes.
  3. The cream is poured into a saucepan, heated until the first bubbles appear on the surface.
  4. in hot milk product sugar is poured (1.5 tablespoons), vanilla essence is added.
  5. Half of the gelatin mixture is introduced.
  6. After thorough mixing, the mass is poured into glasses (filling them 2/3). The containers are cleaned in the cold for half an hour.
  7. As soon as the layer thickens, a mixture of tangerine juice, remaining sugar and gelatin is poured onto it.

Such a puff dessert is again removed in the cold. You can also use orange juice instead of tangerine juice.

vanilla dessert

Ingredients: 620 ml of medium fat cream, 140 ml of milk, 6 g of vanilla sugar, 11 g of gelatin, 60 ml of purified water, 65 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Gelatin is poured cold water. The components are stirred with a fork and left for 12 - 14 minutes. You can not increase the amount of gelatin - the finished panna cotta should not be too dense.
  2. Cream is poured into thick-walled dishes. Milk is added.
  3. The container with dairy products is sent to medium heat. It is not necessary to bring them to a boil, it is enough just to warm the liquid well.
  4. Two types of sugar are poured into the hot mixture. Next, the prepared gelatin is introduced.
  5. The mass is stirred for a minute, and then filtered through a fine sieve.
  6. The resulting liquid is poured into molds.

First, they are cooled at room temperature, then covered with cling film and cleaned in the cold.

Traditional italian panna cotta recipe

Ingredients: 210 ml full fat milk, 140 g granulated sugar, a couple of drops of vanilla essence, lemon, 55 ml rum, 620 ml heavy cream, a bag of gelatin.

  1. Gelatin is poured into a bowl and poured with non-cold milk. The components are mixed.
  2. Vanilla essence, finely grated zest from a small lemon is added to the cream (410 ml).
  3. When the mass boils, it is filtered from citrus chips.
  4. The remaining cream is whipped with sugar. Rum is added to them.
  5. The mixture from the previous step is poured into hot strained cream, milk and gelatin are also added here. If the latter is not completely dissolved, the mass is passed through a fine sieve.
  6. The future dessert is poured into silicone molds and removed in the cold.

To easily remove the treat from the containers, you need to dip them in hot water for a few seconds.

With raspberry sauce

Ingredients: a glass of cream 10% fat and 2 cups 33% fat, a small piece of lemon zest, 1 tbsp. l. vanilla extract, 80 g sugar, 9 g gelatin, 50 ml water, 130 g fresh or frozen raspberries, 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of water, left to swell.
  2. Cream, sugar are mixed in a saucepan, zest is added. The mass heats up.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, it is removed from the heat. The zest is removed and discarded. Vanilla extract is added. The mixture is filtered and poured into molds, after which it is removed in the cold.
  4. Raspberries with the remaining components are pureed.

Ready panna cotta is poured with berry sauce and garnished with fresh mint leaves.

Step by step recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Ingredients: 4 leaves of gelatin (10 g), a glass of heavy cream, kefir and milk, 90 g of granulated sugar, zest from 1 orange, vanilla pod.

  1. Gelatin flakes are poured with cold water.
  2. All cream is immediately mixed with milk. To them is added a vanilla pod and the pulp scraped out with a knife from its middle. A little sugar is poured in. The mass is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat.
  3. Kefir is combined with orange peel (very finely grated).
  4. The gelatin leaves are gently squeezed out using paper towels and placed in the hot mixture from the second step. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the vanilla pod is removed from the container.
  5. Kefir is whipped with a blender. Hot cream with milk and other ingredients is introduced into it.
  6. The mass is poured into small cups and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

The resulting delicacy is decorated with fresh berries.

Panna cotta from Chef Hector Jimenez

Ingredients: 680 ml of milk and heavy cream, 25 g of quality gelatin. 1 vanilla pod, 170 g granulated sugar, 230 g fresh and 130 g frozen strawberries.

  1. All dairy products and 100 g of sand are mixed in a saucepan. The mass is brought to a boil and the center of the vanilla pod is introduced into it.
  2. The gelatin soaked for a few minutes in cold water is added to the warm mixture from the first step. The completely cooled mass is slightly whipped.
  3. The sweet composition is poured into glasses and removed in the cold to solidify.
  4. Pureed thawed strawberries are mixed with the remaining sand, boiled until thick and cooled. The sauce is combined with slices of fresh strawberries.

Ready panna cotta is poured with strawberry sauce and served immediately as a dessert.

The nuances of preparation and serving

For the preparation of panna cotta, very heavy cream is always taken.

But their fat content should not exceed 35%, otherwise the product will turn into fat when heated.

To avoid dense lumps in the dessert, the gelatinous mass is always filtered before being added to the creamy mixture.

Panna cotta can be served with any berry or fruit sauces. It will be effective to decorate it with grated nuts, fresh berries and pieces of fruit, coconut flakes, seeds. You can simply pour the delicacy with condensed milk or melted chocolate.

Hi all!

I'm with panna cotta again. More precisely, with the next version, which does not melt in the heat. As is known, literal translation This Piedmontese delicacy sounds like “boiled cream”, and they must be as fat as possible, otherwise you won’t get that very famous texture - very creamy and a little rough on the cut. By the way, if you want to reduce calories, then easily take milk as the basis, but this will already be biancomangiare (biancomangiare, Italian), it is blancmange. Which is no worse, just different.

There are several ways to prepare panna cotta - you can boil the cream for a long time until it thickens and then cool it well, you can give a jelly texture with gelatin, or you can use agar-agar. In the old days, in general, they boiled cream on fish bones and did not even add sugar. Well, now we have a choice - on the hottest days, panna cotta on agar is especially good, and if you cook it according to all the rules and do not overdo it with agar, then we are provided with a rough cut. It will not instantly melt in the mouth, but it will not melt on a plate or in a bowl, because the gelling temperature of agar is higher than that of gelatin.

In addition, I really like this version with the speed of preparation - even a two-layer version with berry jelly will be ready in 30-40 minutes, and not in a few hours. So, lovers of quick desserts, follow me ...))

Ingredients for 4 servings:

The foundation:

Cream 33% - 350 ml,

Sugar - 60 g or more

Agar-agar - 0.5%

For the berry compote:

Redcurrant (or other berries) - 100 g,

Water - 100 ml,

Sugar - 50 g or more.

For jelly:

Agar - 0.5%

For currant spheres:

Currant compote ~ 100 ml,

Calcium lactate - 1%

Alginate bath (0.5%) - 200 ml

For chocolate eggs:

Cocoa 100% - 50 g,

Water - 150 ml,

Sodium alginate - 0.5%,

Calcium bath (1%) - 200 ml.

I first made all the blanks for the spheres and eggs, then I cooked a quick redcurrant berry compote. I filtered it, weighed half and boiled it again with 0.5% agar until the latter was completely dissolved. I poured it into molds with a layer of no more than 1 cm. While the jelly was solidifying, I brewed the cream - brought it to a boil, introduced 0.5% agar, boiled it a little over low heat, stirring constantly. After making sure that the texture was completely dissolved, poured a second layer into the molds. The jelly hardens very quickly - while the cream was cooking, the berry layer had already set well even without a refrigerator.

Then she made currant spheres from the remnants of compote, and just before serving, chocolate eggs. Served like this...

And also like this...

And then like this...

In short, I am very pleased with this dessert. Once again! It is not at all cloying, but very creamy and satisfying - a chic option for breakfast. And, before the summer is gone, I advise you to try this panna cotta ...))

Well, supporters of the gelatin version can lookhere, we prepared it within the framework of the Piedmontese cycle.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Panna cotta (Panna cotta) - this is the name of a very tasty delicate Italian dessert, in fact - creamy jelly with berry or other sauce. I offer you step by step photo recipe pannacottas on agar-agar. Preparing is very easy!

Having prepared panna cotta in heart-shaped molds, it will be a great dessert for Valentine's Day!

Agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin. By the way, very helpful. It is used in cooking in the preparation of jelly (for example, in or), and also as a thickener. It can be bought in online stores or where spices are sold, in pastry shops. I buy from the market.

Panna cotta can be cooked with cream alone (20%), or with a mixture of heavy cream and milk (up to 1:1), but the more cream, the tastier.

Panna cotta (Panna cotta)


A fatter but tastier option:

  • 250 gr cream (from 33% and above, homemade)
  • 150 gr milk

or lower calorie option:

  • 200 gr cream (from 33%)
  • 200 gr milk

As well as:

  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoons of agar-agar

How to cook panna cotta - recipe with photo:

  1. Prepare the products indicated in the recipe. Since agar-agar can be different, I recommend that you test its gelling properties before preparing panna cotta by making some kind of jelly (for example, jelly on agar-agar or dairy from Anechka) to determine the optimal amount of agar-agar. It took me 1.5 teaspoons.

    Required Ingredients

  2. Mix milk, cream, sugar (including vanilla) and agar-agar in a saucepan.
  3. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Turn off the fire.

  4. Pour the hot mixture into molds (or bowls). It is best to use silicone (put the whole form on a tray so that you can easily transfer it to the refrigerator later). I have molds in the form of hearts with a bulge inside.

    Pour mixture into molds

  5. When the spilled mixture has cooled to room temperature, transfer the molds to the refrigerator and leave there for 1-2 hours.

    frozen panna cotta

  6. When the panna cotta has hardened, transfer it to a plate.

    Taking out of molds

  7. Pour berry sauce on top, for example, from thawed strawberries grated with sugar, or jam syrup (delicious with, strawberry or).

Delight your loved ones with such a spectacular, delicious holiday dessert!

Panna cotta with currant and cherry syrup

Delicious panna cotta served with whipped cream.

Homemade cream panna cotta with whipped cream and strawberries

P.S. If you liked the photo-recipe, don't forget not to miss anything tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Julia recipe author

The post is long, and I broke my whole head that such a lean could be prepared as a dessert, so that it would not be applesauce. And I came up with! Slightly changing classic recipe panna cotta, we make it lean! My favorite recipe, so simple that even a child can do it!
I will give the original recipe for those who do not fast, and indicate what should be replaced with what. Only 1-2 replacements, honestly!

HIGHLIGHTS: replace cream and milk with coconut milk, and gelatin with agar-agar.

I'm not very sure how strict the fast is, or if 20 grams of gelatin would be considered a violation. If you do not adhere to the canons very strictly, but simply respect the post, then this may not be required. But if everything is very serious, then you will have to buy agar-agar. Coconut milk is sold in any supermarket, but agar-agar will have to be searched on the Internet, for example, in nevkusno.ru, or from Indian spice stores.

Here is the original recipe.

The easiest dessert recipe is panna cotta! And the most advantageous, because ostentatious and refined - few people know that cooking panna cotta is easier than semolina.

In short, the cooking technology: boil cream (or coconut milk) with sugar, add gelatin or agar, cool, pour berry sauce. And that's it!

Pannacotta will keep in the fridge for a week or two. And in a good refrigerator it can last longer! You can serve every morning for breakfast to a family that has gone nuts from such luxury.

Now the recipe is in more detail.

Would need:

Cream 250 ml, that is, a glass (fat content to taste, the fatter, the more refined)
Milk 250 ml, that is also a glass
FOR LENTENING OPTION 500 ml coconut milk. Replace milk and cream with coconut milk. Sold in cans in any supermarket.

Sugar 60 g is three tablespoons with a slide

Sheet gelatin 15g is about 7 sheets.
FOR A STRICTLY LENTENING OPTION, replace gelatin with 2 tsp. agar-agar.

Vanilla sugar 1 sachet. Better with natural vanilla, but what will it be.

Disposable cups, preferably half a liter. Or other forms.

Soak gelatin in cold water! water. If soaked in warm, it will melt. Agar-agar does not need to be soaked.

Cream and milk (or coconut milk instead) with sugar and vanilla sugar in a saucepan, put on fire, stir until sugar dissolves, bring to a boil. Look into both eyes, otherwise it will run away!
FOR THE AGAR-AGAR OPTION - add agar-agar along with sugar and vanilla directly to cold coconut milk and boil! It is very important to boil agar, it acquires gelling properties only at high temperature.

FOR THE GELATIN OPTION. Remove the cream/coconut milk from the heat, throw in the swollen gelatin. Gelatin must be squeezed in your hand so that the cream does not dilute with water.

Cover the surface of the cream (coconut milk) with cling film. We put cellophane directly on the cream and are not afraid that it will get dirty! This is necessary so that when cooling does not form a tasteless crust. If there is no cling film, any bag will do.

Cool down to room temperature. In the variant with agar - up to 50 degrees, that is, the liquid should be warm.
Here's the trick: if left too long, the panna cotta will harden in the saucepan. If this happened to you, you just need to heat it up again.

Pour the cooled, but liquid panna cotta into glasses. If there are no disposable ones, you can pour it into molds, into bowls, or at least into cups. If poured into glasses, then a beautiful shape is obtained at a height of about 5 cm. That is, from 500 ml of cream + milk, about 5 servings will be obtained.
Put in the refrigerator to harden.

Shake the frozen pana cotta onto a plate. To do this, draw a knife along the edge to separate the panna cotta from the top of the glass. Then turn the glass upside down on the palm of your hand and shake it vigorously several times. Panna cotta falls on the palm of your hand, transfer it to a plate, pour with berry sauce.

About the sauce. Panna cotta is not very tasty without sauce. Freshish. The sauce can be made from fresh berries or boiled.
From fresh strawberries, deliciously mashed with sugar - this is how they do it in Coffeemania, for example.
I personally love the classic version - raspberry boiled sauce. We take a pack of frozen raspberries, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, put in a saucepan. Boil, stirring, until the berries are soft, that is, about five minutes. We filter through a sieve. If not strained, raspberry pits spoil all raspberries, pardon the pun. The sauce also keeps for a long time in the fridge.
If there is no sauce at all, you can try panna cotta with jam. I have never tried it, so if anyone is going to, share your feelings!

All ease in the post!

Three-layer homemade panna cotta with agar-agar is a very fragrant and beautiful diet dish to serve. This version of the Italian dessert excludes heavy cream and gelatin, and any sweetener will help make it even more dietary. If the calorie content of the dessert is not so important, then you can mix cream and milk in equal proportions, replace agar-agar with gelatin and use regular sugar. Such a beautiful delicacy is perfect for children, as it is rich in proteins, healthy and very tasty. A step-by-step photo recipe will help you quickly prepare panna cotta at home.


  • agar-agar - 1.5 tsp for 500 ml;
  • milk - 1.5 l;
  • cocoa -1 tbsp;
  • coffee - 20 ml;
  • vanillin - 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - to taste.

How to cook panna cotta with agar-agar at home

First, you need to prepare the ingredients for the first layer. Divide the entire mass of milk into 500 ml for each layer, and also divide the agar-agar - 1.5 tsp.

The first layer will be coffee panna cotta. To prepare it, you will also need sugar and coffee.

Bring milk to a boil and dissolve agar-agar and sugar in it to taste.

Remove from heat and add coffee brewed in advance.

Pour into clear glasses. For uniform layers with clear boundaries, you need to use a watering can.

Let the coffee layer dry.

The next layer is chocolate panna cotta. Its preparation is similar to coffee, just replace coffee with cocoa.

Pour the cold chocolate mass into the next layer.

Let it freeze.

The last, third layer is vanilla milk panna cotta. We will cook like the two previous layers, but add only vanilla to the milk.

The chilled milky vanilla mass can simply be poured with the last layer.

Let the layer dry.

Then, you just need to decorate the dessert with grated chocolate.

Now, you can serve a beautiful and delicious jelly to the table! Such a dessert will be a good addition to any holiday.

With agar-agar, it keeps its shape well, beautifully framed, very fragrant and tasty. It only takes an hour for the original dessert to appear on your table!