The poems about Michael are funny. Happy birthday to michael

The meaning of the name Michael: "who is like God" (Hebrew).
There are other forms of the name: in England - Michael, in Germany - Michel, in Spain - Miguel, in France - Michel.

Michael always a strict and serious young man. Able to think logically. Sometimes he likes to argue and tries to win the argument. It is better to immediately admit that he is right than he will spend hours proving it to you. Even if he is absolutely wrong, he will still prove the opposite. He does not like criticism and never engages in self-criticism. He does not perceive jokes in his address, you can take it for an insult and be offended. However, he does not hold a grudge for a long time, he quickly forgives everything.

In professional terms, he can reach any heights and work in absolutely any specialty. It all depends on his abilities and desires. Michael can even become the highest leader. It is easy to communicate with him, he successfully inserts jokes into the conversation. It can easily lift your spirits.

She loves women who are flexible, kind, soft and sympathetic. He chooses as his wife a woman who will endure his mood swings and forgive him everything. In general, in relations with his wife, Misha is kind and accommodating. The main problem is his inability to control his emotions sometimes.
Other forms of the name Mikhail: Misha, Mikhailo, Mikhey, Micah, Mihai.

Name day: September 15, September 17, September 19, October 1, October 3, October 13, October 14, October 15, October 17, November 1, November 20, November 21, November 23, November 27, November 29

Congratulations in verse to Michael

Happy holiday to you, dear Michael!
Be happy all the time
So that you are always full of strength,
Joy and positivity.
Luck always accompanies
Let in any life front,
Let your star shine bright
In the blue night horizon.

We wish you health and strength,
And happiness in addition - to you, Michael!

Today is your birthday
Today is not an easy anniversary.
I will tell you sincerely, loving -
You are a real, true man!
Michael May you be lucky in everything
Let luck turn its face
Health never fails
And outside the window, let the sun shine more often!


M soft, tender
And Darling...
X cheeky and unique!
BUT ngel light,
And sparkling -
L golden teacher of the sun!

Poems about Misha

Michael is a great master
Joke and laugh.
Jokes instead of "Hi"
And people rush to him.


Misha, my boy, kitten!
You are still just a child.
Be funny, be naughty
You are a blessing to all your family.
Learn a lot in life!
Be strong, brave, kind!
Let dreams come true!
You are the best in the world!

Mishenka, Mishutka is a little prankster,
Sit down and calm down, we have a holiday today,
You see everyone is laughing, there is a cake on the table,
So it will be delicious, open your mouth soon,
Grow up and be diligent, please mom and dad,
Life is very interesting, happy holiday, give me a paw!

I so want to believe in your fate, bear,
In life from fairy tales, legends, adventures.
Be a good, cheerful and kind boy,
Full of ideas and hobbies.


Like a flame
Light and cheerful
Pleases the family.
Waking up in the morning -
Filled with laughter
In the evening lulls
Your little sister.
How we love Mishenka,
Our little boy
How we cherish it -
There are no such words.
He is like the sun for us
He is like a month for us,
He is our main
The Greatest God!

Misha, Mishenka, Bear,
Stop crying in vain!
Record your roar on tape
Let everyone listen to the child.

Misha, Misha Mishenka
Brought Dana a cherry
Apricot smooth
And sweet raspberries
Cherry plum is beautiful,
Plum dark blue.
Mom cooks compote for them
And jam for the whole year.

Misha, Misha, you are a baby.
What? Why don't you sleep?
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And go to sleep soon.
Sleep with grandma and mom
Sleep, my stubborn granddaughter,
Sleep, spinner and talker,
Sleep, my little rascal.

Rides, rides bear
In brand new pants.
Riding down an icy hill
Like an inflatable ball.
Our bear does not want to wash,
He overturned the trough.
I shouted loudly - I do not want,
I will douse everyone with water!

Evening, the rain is pounding on the roof,
scary little Misha.
He doesn't want to go to bed
Because he is afraid.
Mom sat down by the bed
And softly she sang:
"The blue night floats,
Clouds lead a round dance,
Sleep, son, sleep
Sleep, son, bye, bye.
Close your eyes soon
The dream will tell you tales:
About hedgehogs, forest bear,
About a titmouse and a hare.
Sleep descended, hush, hush,
The boy Misha is sleeping peacefully.

Our Misha, little boy,
Such a naughty and mischievous:
Then he will tear his mother's book,
Then the soup will spill in a bowl,
Scatters toys everywhere
Take one and play with it.
Him: You Misha don't pamper.
And he answered: only: Ay! Yes - wow!
Give-give, Ba-ba and hoo,
This is his speech.
At the dacha he picks flowers
And then carries to the grandmother,
And smiles at her clearly
Take granny, you are beautiful.
And grandmother blooms with happiness
And, Misha, it’s not misfortune at all,
But it takes a lot of work
He is only a year old.

silver spoon
A little wrinkled
Shiny and black
Patterned at the waist
Antique silver spoon.
Among your girlfriends
Cheerful noisy spoons
She is always a princess
And the queen too.
And small Misha
Everything feeds a little,
All royal porridge
Silver spoon.

Mama lowered the curtains
The doors to the room closed
- The night has come, it's time for everyone to sleep,
Fast, Mishenka, in bed!
- They say that the night has come!
Where has she been all day?
I'm embarrassed again,
Why is it not visible?
I see dad, I see mom
I see my brother all the time...
Why am I this lady
Never meet?
Not in the kitchen, not in the hallway ...
Who does she look like?
My family dreams
Mom, dad, Dimka,
Why can't I see
Where does the invisible man sleep?
In the morning gently again
Mom will say: "Mi-sha,
The night is gone, it's time to get up!
How could I not have heard?

Maryin Misha- just a treasure.
He comes to kindergarten
Undressing in the hallway
Everyone faster, they say.
He is combed, he is washed,
Looking up is fun.
He skillfully brushes his teeth -
How the smile shines!
Little Petya fell -
Misha immediately ran up,
And stroked his head.
Peter stopped crying.
Pavlik was very upset -
The ball rolled somewhere.
Misha did not guess for a long time -
I quickly found the ball.
Misha does not interfere with adults,
And he helps the kids.
That's why they say:
- Hey, boy! Just a treasure.

... we have such an autumn - the real one, and not very cold. Everything is red and black - from leaves and wet asphalt, it's raining but the air temperature is plus 12 ...

And here I found amazing poems about bears and blinded a whole selection. I really hope that they will cheer someone up, because here for every taste - from lyrics to almost hardcore. Seriously - read and see for yourself :)

Christmas lullaby
for teddy bears

Until the face of the moon is erased in the window
And spots of light slumber on the floor,
Dream, my favorite plush Orso,
Ball stuffed with sawdust.

When the rumble of a blizzard suddenly subsides in winter,
Listen - you will hear a quiet glanders ...
How serene is this bearish dream,
What bears dream of miracles !!!

The bears are sleeping, the moon does not interfere with them ...
Wonderful love keeps a light sleep.
Bear dreams are simple, but who understands them?
Who will smile at them and who will bless them?

Let the pure snow sparkle outside the windows.
I'll ask the wizard to help
Two bears dream of each other
On a magical Christmas night.

bear dream

The bear is sleeping, scaring mice with snoring,
Thick and gray-haired from the jacket.
Pulls a greasy paw
A tenacious handful of lips and tongue.
Pulls and smacks his lips: "Delicious!"
... Lazy dew falls,
Aged to sugar crunch
A strip of milk oats.
The moon sleeps in the early morning mist,
Night watchmen sleep in the village,
Only a stream through a berry meadow
Rolling, trembling on the pebbles ...
And above all above this, behind the fog,
The ringing of birches, the rustling of a snowstorm,
The wolf howl of a blizzard.
T. Belozerov

The next one really hurt my heart... :(
Who knows how to cry like that?
Just an angry bear!
Who displeased him
Who made the bear angry?
What in it, the devil moved in?
Just a bear wants to go to the forest!
There is expanse and space!
Living in a cage, what a shame!
There, in the forest, relatives live
And the bearish whole family.
The bear was separated from them
Learned to live in an aviary.
Only the bear does not give up,
It still breaks free.
He rushes around the cage,
His sadness is incurable.
N. Batsanova

Well, here he is, a bear ...
Bear, bear, couch potato

Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deep
Slept through the whole winter
And didn't hit the tree
And I didn't go sledding
And didn't throw snowballs
Everything would be a little bear to snore.
Oh, you little bear!
V. Berestov

but because - here! and indeed...
Why does a bear sleep in winter

Bear, bear! What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
- Because snow and ice -
Not raspberries and not honey!
V. Orlov

being polite can do wonders, right? :)
Sat down Bear - belly, like a globe,
On a crowded bus.
I began to make my way to the window,
And he had to push.
Clumsy, clumsy
Stepped on the Fox's paw;
He kicked the Hedgehog by accident, -
He screamed desperately;
Elbow gave the she-wolf in the back,
She howled, making a face.
Almost crushed Uzh,
I didn’t want to - he scared Chizh away ...
In general, wittingly or unwittingly,
Many Misha hurt.
But for all
He tried to be polite
I apologized, I apologized
- Sorry, miss
Here, please take...
I didn't push on purpose
Sorry, I accidentally.
Don't move, Beavers,
Be kind brothers.
Animals shunned, huddled,
But imagine not being offended.
Although the Bear was well-fed,
The main thing - he was brought up!
And try to be kind
Know baby, it's not useless.
Polite people will always be noticed
You will be kindly answered.
O. Tain

hard to wake up a bear...
Oh what a pleasure
Rivers and forests awakening!
The sun ray touched
And they were completely awake.
The fish are playing in the river
The birds welcome the sun.
The sound of swollen kidneys is heard,
And the bear doesn't want to get up!
Two sisters came running
Two shaggy foxes
They began to knock with their paws,
Shout out loud like this:
"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,
Go fishing.
Well you emaciated for the winter
And became completely powerless.
The animals have been at work for a long time.
They build houses, in care!"
And the bear growls in response:
"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"
L. Khramova

everything is really very simple
Come on, bear
Answer us quickly
Why are you called a bear?
- I'm in charge of honey,
Where is he hidden? -
The bear answered.
Is it healthy?
V. Chardin

bears are very inquisitive :)
- Where did you go, bear?
- I went to look at the moon.
I'm with reverse side
Haven't seen the moon yet!
I climbed over the mountain
Walked along the river, through the forest -
But everywhere was visible
Same moon!

and not at all evil ... when they sleep :)

He slept in the winter in a lair,
He didn't run on the road.
He sucked his paw.
Saved the fat from the cold.
And the bear is warm here.
Turn from side to side
Grumble and smile...
Y. Asaeva

very lyrical :)
Bear lullaby

Sleeping bear in his lair.
He is warm, comfortable, happy.
And winter is on the doorstep.
Snowfall outside the window.
The bear sleeps, lies, does not grieve.
And in a dream he sees honey.
Silence stands outside.
A blizzard sweeps the ground.
Sleeping bear. White snow swirls.
Sweet, soft bed.
Wind in the yard, and cold.
The blizzard starts.
Sleeping bear. Knows no grief.
He sucks his paw in his sleep.
And does not know that, soon,
There will be a holiday New Year.
Sleeping bear. A star is like a candle.
The winter world is full of wonders.
The ice is shining, the river is frozen.
And the forest is covered with snow.

do not scare the bears, otherwise they will not meet you
Once upon a frosty winter
Along the forest path
The bear went to his home
In a warm fur coat.

He walked, walked to his lair
Along a country road
And walking across the bridge
Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry
The dark forest rustled
A bear with a fright in an instant
Climb a big pine tree.

Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
Squirrel's house caulked
And he said: "You, bear,
You have to watch your feet."

Since then, the bear decided
That you need to sleep in winter
Do not walk along the paths.
Don't step on the tails.

And calm in winter
The bear sleeps under a snowy roof.
And happy not casually
Who was born without a tail!

tin, for some reason I even felt sorry for the bear ...
About a girl
who found her bear

Bear, bear, shame on you!
Get out from under the dresser...
You don't love me, you see?
What is this mod...
How dare you run away without asking?
Who did you look like?
On the unfortunate watchdog,
For which the hedgehog was chasing ...
All covered in dust
In cobwebs
With a shell on the nose...
This is how they paint in pictures
Only a devil in the forest.
Been looking for you all day
In the nursery, in the kitchen, in the pantry,
Wiped tears with elbow
And shook her head...
I flew in the corridor, -
Here, a scratch on the lip ...
Do you want soup? I did not eat -
I left everything for you.
Bear-mish, furry bear,
My fluffy baby!
Once upon a time there was a cat and a mouse...
Don't play pranks! Do you hear, honey?
Sorry, say I won't
Get under the dressers.
I will buy you a camel
And a green bed.
My most favorite bow
I will tie on your chest:
You will be cute, you will be a dandy, -
Just be obedient...
Why are you keeping silent? Let's take a brush -
We need to remove all the dirt.
To hurry you, freak,
I could kiss.
Sasha Black

still tin, if you imagine all this - try it :)
Bears and ears

In houses where naughty children live
Ear bears come at night
Because those who are sometimes disobedient
Ears hang like dumplings from the pillows.
And to everyone who would like to sing to the music,
A bear steps on the ear.

Ear bears are slightly clubfoot,
They are not afraid of either mom or dad.
They come and stand on the pillow with their paw,
Where harmful ears are sleepily spread,
Give them just a reason to climb onto the bed
And trample the musical ear with your foot.

well almost hardcore!
The Bears

(Initial idea by Kirill Blintsov)

The city was asleep and did not hear anything,
I saw dreams about a new lightning.
He did not hear how the armada of bears
Captured the approaches to the capital.

Machine guns in plush hands
And grenades in backpacks on the backs.
Legs go hard on the grass
High laced boots.

A very strange look in the glass eyes
And a grin on Misha's muzzle.
On banners in the brightest colors
The word “I hate!” blazes

Bears go to avenge their brother,
Bears go to destroy cities.
They threw it on the floor, cut off the paw:
Bears will never forgive insults.
Bears are ruthless and heartless,
Bears arrange total terror.
A new race that has come into eternity
Will pass judgment on eternity...

March for Plush Toys
In the morning it will end at the Reichstag.
Hundreds of planes, hundreds of guns,
Hundreds of waving flags.

The sun rises to the sky.
Adults and children cry in fear.
Avoid righteous anger
Angry teddy bears.

The bear found honey in the forest:
Little honey, a lot of bees.

Bear with a furry paw
Slowly tearing raspberries.
Walks, looking for a clubfoot
Sweet and fragrant honey.
E. Melnikova

Where did you go, bear?
- I went to look at the moon.
I'm on the other side
Haven't seen the moon yet!
I climbed over the mountain
Walked along the river, through the forest -
But everywhere was visible
Same moon!

Come on, bear
Answer us quickly
Why are you called a bear?
- I'm in charge of honey,
Where is he hidden? -
The bear answered.
Is it healthy?
V. Chardin

Oh what a pleasure
Rivers and forests awakening!
The sun ray touched
And they were completely awake.
The fish are playing in the river
The birds welcome the sun.
The sound of swollen kidneys is heard,
And the bear doesn't want to get up!
Two sisters came running
Two shaggy foxes
They began to knock with their paws,
Shout out loud like this:
"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,
Go fishing.
Well you emaciated for the winter
And became completely powerless.
The animals have been at work for a long time.
They build houses, in care!"
And the bear growls in response:
"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"
L. Khramova

Who knows how to cry like that?
Just an angry bear!
Who displeased him
Who made the bear angry?
What in it, the devil moved in?
Just a bear wants to go to the forest!
There is expanse and space!
Living in a cage, what a shame!
There, in the forest, relatives live
And the bearish whole family.
The bear was separated from them
Learned to live in an aviary.
Only the bear does not give up,
It still breaks free.
He rushes around the cage,
His sadness is incurable.
N. Batsanova

Lullaby of a bear.
Sleeping bear in his lair.
He is warm, comfortable, happy.
And winter is on the doorstep.
Snowfall outside the window.
The bear sleeps, lies, does not grieve.
And in a dream he sees honey.
Silence stands outside.
A blizzard sweeps the ground.
Sleeping bear. White snow swirls.
Sweet, soft bed.
Wind in the yard, and cold.
The blizzard starts.
Sleeping bear. Knows no grief.
He sucks his paw in his sleep.
And does not know that, soon,
There will be a holiday - New Year.
Sleeping bear. A star is like a candle.
The winter world is full of wonders.
The ice is shining, the river is frozen.
And the forest is covered with snow.

Sat Bear - belly, like a globe,
On a crowded bus.
I began to make my way to the window,
And he had to push.
Clumsy, clumsy
Stepped on the Fox's paw;
He kicked the Hedgehog by accident, -
He screamed desperately;
Elbow gave the she-wolf in the back,
She howled, making a face.
Almost crushed Uzh,
I didn’t want to - he scared Chizh away ...
In general, wittingly or unwittingly,
Many Misha hurt.
But for all
He tried to be polite
I apologized, I apologized
- Sorry, miss
Here, please take...
I didn't push on purpose
Sorry, I accidentally.
Don't move, Beavers,
Be kind brothers.
Animals shunned, huddled,
But imagine not being offended.
Although the Bear was well-fed,
The main thing is that he was educated!
And try to be kind
Know baby, it's not useless.
Polite people will always be noticed
You will be kindly answered.
O. Tain

bear clumsy
walks through the forest
collects cones,
sings songs.
Suddenly a bump fell
right on the bear's forehead.
Teddy bear got angry
and foot - top!

Once upon a frosty winter
Along the forest path
The bear went to his home
In a warm fur coat.

He walked, walked to his lair
Along a country road
And walking across the bridge
Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry
The dark forest rustled
A bear with a fright in an instant
Climb a big pine tree.

Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
Squirrel's house caulked
And he said: "You, bear,
You have to watch your feet."

Since then, the bear decided
That you need to sleep in winter
Do not walk along the paths.
Don't step on the tails.

And calm in winter
The bear sleeps under a snowy roof.
And happy not casually
Who was born without a tail!

Happy birthday to you, Michael! I wish you every success, everyday miracles, magical moments, success in work and personal life. May everything come true, whatever you want, and no sorrows will even come close to your life and fate, at the same time bypassing your loved ones on a long road.

Your main hobby is originality. You are a very interesting, versatile person, and it is pleasant to have conversations with you, as you can discuss anything with you. Mich, thank you for this. Thank you for the fact that with you the world opens up in a new way, that even in the most difficult moment you do not lose your positive, and you try to infect everyone around with it. You are like the sun breaking through the clouds. This quality is not given to many. And today, on your such a significant day, I just want to wish you unlimited happiness! Do not stop finding joy in the little things, and do not stop being so penetrating and purposeful, and then you will achieve everything.

Mishenka, Mishutka - a little prankster,
Sit down and calm down, we have a holiday today,
You see everyone is laughing, there is a cake on the table,
So it will be delicious, open your mouth soon,
Grow up and be diligent, please mom and dad,
Life is very interesting, happy holiday, give me a paw!

Michael is like God, the best of men.
Those who are close to him in life have no reason to be upset.
Fair, strong, kind and reliable, he is quite,
And Misha has skill and patience, as for me.
I'm proud of you, Mishan, and I wish you always
Your path is brightly illuminated by a guiding star.

Congratulations on a wonderful day!
May you, our Michael,
Every moment brings happiness
Every breath is a surge of strength!

Let love be crazy
Sweet bitter wine!
In the house of light will not decrease
Even at night when it's dark!

And now, do you hear, Misha,
Has the door lock rang?
We are standing in the hallway
They brought their congratulations!

Misha, my boy, kitten!
You are still just a child.
Be funny, be naughty
You are a blessing to all your family.

Learn a lot in life!
Be strong, brave, kind!
Let dreams come true!
You are the best in the world!

We wish the wind in the sails
And in the right direction!
We wish you faith in miracles
Without any doubts!

We wish you a hundred years of health
And enjoy life
Do not know any sorrows or troubles
And swim in joy!

Reading this greeting
At the festive festivities
You can be sure - just in time
All dreams will come true!

There is no more sociable you, there is no more fun,
You and I, Michael, even the day is brighter.
Kindness in your soul knows no weekend
And from the look of your heart comes to life.

Everything that you undertake is waiting for great success,
Well, difficulties are not a hindrance to you at all.
Whatever you do, always pay attention to you.
You can not do without you, you are the soul of the company!

Mikhail, your name is old, Russian
Illuminates your life path.
Your life colors are not dull,
External brightness - that's your essence.

And Misha's soul is pure, bright,
As the fields in Russia are wide.
Your kindness is a quick river -
Both beautiful and deep.

You and I are not sad, but fun,
We are with you all the days are good.
And you, Michael, happy birthday
Congratulations now from the bottom of our hearts.

We congratulate you, Misha!
So that you strive higher and higher.
And I looked for joy in everything.
Moonstone to sparkle
For you, a bright mystery.
He lived so that under the success of the arch.
He always said to be quiet,
But he achieved everything famously.