Onions: useful properties and contraindications. What is useful onion

There are at least 400 types of onions in the world, the most popular of which are turnip and feather leaves. Is onion good? Yes, this product is rich in useful substances that give strength to the human body.

Useful properties of onions

Onions are rich in B and C vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential oils. All these important elements can be obtained by eating both raw and processed onions. Potassium-rich onions have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In the juice of onion feathers, there is a lot of carotene, folic acid, vitamins, essential oils, carbohydrates. Spicy onions have more sugars. This product stimulates appetite, improves the tone of the whole organism, it is an excellent antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-sclerotic agent. It will help in the fight against low blood pressure, will not allow cancer cells to form. This fruit is taken both internally and locally, for example, by applying raw onions to the heels for colds.


Useful substances of onions:

  • Vitamins (PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, PP);
  • Macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, sulfur);
  • Trace elements (aluminum, boron, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium, cobalt, fluorine, nickel, rubidium).

Is onion good for you

Useful properties of onions were described by Hippocrates and Avicenna. The ancient Greeks treated them with rheumatism, gout and obesity. Ancient Roman soldiers ate onions every day.

This is an excellent remedy for combating beriberi, it normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases the tone of the body, and has a diuretic, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Onions are useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is used in the manufacture of medicines.

For cosmetic purposes, an onion mask will cure seborrhea, patchy baldness, remove dandruff and strengthen hair roots. Freckles are removed with onion juice, it improves the condition of the skin, evening out its color, giving a blush.

Is boiled onion healthy?

Boiled onions are rich in all the same useful ingredients as fresh ones. During heat treatment, it loses a minimum amount of useful properties.

Boiled onions are often used in traditional medicine recipes. For example, in case of skin diseases, a bandage with boiled onions is applied to the affected area. Onions boiled in milk are used topically for trichomonas, bronchial asthma and bacterial colpitis, boils, hemorrhoidal bumps.

Apply an onion cooked in table vinegar to unwanted corns and warts.

Is fried onion healthy?

Fried onions also have medicinal properties. Among other things, it helps to increase sexual function, fights impotence, and increases sperm production. Even Pliny the Elder said the following about the bow: "... the bow pushes sluggish and elderly men into the arms of Venus."

Are green onions healthy?

The juice of green onion feathers is saturated with useful substances, trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates and essential oils, like any other onion. This is an excellent tool for combating beriberi, it increases appetite, speeds up the process of digestion, keeps the body in good shape, is useful for ARVI and influenza, and in other cases in which onions are also useful.

Onions are contraindicated:

  • With bronchospasm;
  • With flatulence;
  • With diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Patients with a stomach ulcer;
  • Patients with duodenal ulcer;
  • With glomerulonephritis;
  • With heart defects.

How much onion can you eat per day

Half an onion every day will help lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart attacks, and lower blood pressure.

How to choose and how to store onions

Golden onions keep the longest.

The bulb should be covered with a dense layer of scales without damage.

The tail of the bulb should be dry, and the base should be flat and rounded.

The surface of the onion should be hard and dry.

Recipes for healthy dishes with onions

Onion stuffed with chicken fillet

  1. Peel two large onions without cutting the root part. Cut each onion in half. Put in a saucepan, add half a liter of water, 1 tsp of vinegar, salt and spices to taste. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes, remove from water and set aside.
  2. Beat off 150-200 g of chicken fillet, fry on each side for 4 minutes. Finely chop the finished meat, add 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of olives and 50 g of cheese to it.
  3. Put the minced chicken in the onion halves, pour over a small amount of vegetable or olive oil, put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Appetizer of onion with pepper

  1. Cut 4 peppers into strips. Boil them together with onions in salted water for 5 minutes. Chilled onions, from which the cores were taken out, fill with pepper.
  2. In the broth add 5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and pour them onions. Insist a snack for a day.
  3. The next day, drain the liquid and bring it to a boil again. Pour the chilled marinade over the onion again. Send the snack in the refrigerator for several days. Is onion useful in such an appetizer. Of course yes.

Enjoy your meal!

However, ordinary onions, which we use in various dishes, can cause serious poisoning. How to avoid such dangerous consequences? Doctors have found that an incised and set aside for a while onion can cause a serious intestinal infection or toxic poisoning. The reason for everything is a damaged bulb, which accumulates bacteria.

Onions accumulate bacteria, which is so good for preventing colds and chills, but perhaps for the same reason, it's best not to eat onions that have been cut and left for a while and exposed to these same bacteria. Often the cause of the disease is onions. Onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, and especially raw onions. Never store a piece of chopped onion in any form, and even in the refrigerator. (Note that often you are offered sandwiches with sausage and onions - this is a dangerous onion). Keep in mind that it is dangerous to use chopped onions for cooking the next day, they become poisonous even after one night, they accumulate bacteria that can lead to infection and even toxic poisoning of the food itself.

Feeling unwell after eating salad dressed with mayonnaise, people think that the problem was caused by the dressing. Mayonnaise manufacturers claim that the chemical composition and pH of sauces are completely unsuitable for the life and reproduction of bacteria. The product, manufactured under industrial conditions in compliance with the production technology, is absolutely sterile. Opened packaging can not be stored in the refrigerator.

However, an onion cut some time ago, subjected to prolonged heat treatment, as safe as a whole head.

Useful and healing properties of onions

The plant emits phytoncides, volatile substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. A small piece of onion is enough to cleanse the mouth of all germs.

People who profess healthy lifestyle and , know that the plant contains almost no fats and proteins, while it provides:

  • salts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium;
  • iron (0.8%);
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • maltose;
  • sugar;
  • citric and malic acids;
  • B, PP, C (about 60 mg);
  • carotene;
  • essential oils and glucosides.

Influenza rhinitis capitulates to cotton swabs moistened with fresh plant juice. The procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes three to four times a day. The use of the method during influenza epidemics is an excellent prevention of the disease. Eating onions boiled in milk or fried in butter helps alleviate coughs.

Inhalations from freshly grated onions are indicated for tonsillitis and purulent processes in the lungs. Applying the resulting mass to burns reduces irritation of the skin and prevents the rejection of the damaged layer.

With regular consumption of onions in the blood, the level of cholesterol and sugar decreases.

Since ancient times, grated onions have been rubbed into the scalp to strengthen hair and stimulate their growth. The gruel causes irritation of the skin, providing blood flow to the hair follicles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

A decoction of onion peel will help you forget about dandruff and give your hair a beautiful shade. The recipe is simple: boil 4-5 tablespoons of chopped husk for 5-10 minutes in a glass of water. Let stand (4 hours) and pass through a strainer.

Onions are considered one of the most ancient vegetable crops. For many years of its existence, this product has healed and nourished entire nations. Onions are indispensable in cooking and are a seasoning for most dishes that are prepared daily. However, the unique taste of the product is not its only plus, because the medicinal properties of onions are known all over the world, thanks to which it is the most popular culture in every country on the globe.

Green onion leaves contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. The product is widely used for the prevention of colds, as an antihelminthic, fights low blood pressure, and is also indispensable for weight loss. There is even a separate onion diet designed to save a person from excess weight. But all this should be told in order.

Useful properties of onions

How useful is an onion?

Onions contain substances that can kill various infections, bacteria and fungi. These substances can even fight against tuberculosis and diphtheria bacillus. Bulbs contain a variety of sugars, including glucose, sucrose, and fructose.

Fresh product promotes the release of digestive juices, has diuretic properties. Onions significantly improve the absorption of food by the body, which is so important when following a particular diet.

The beneficial properties of onions are clearly visible in the following ailments and diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus - both raw and boiled onions are optimal, which normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • liver disease - it is recommended to eat 100 g of green onions daily;
  • gastrointestinal upset - improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • colds - in this case, onion juice is used;
  • for insect bites, onions are applied to the bite site or compresses are made from onion gruel.

Is onion good? Of course, yes, there should not be the slightest doubt about it. This product is recommended for use in atherosclerosis, as a remedy for dandruff, itching, to strengthen hair.

Moreover, this product has always aroused genuine interest not only among traditional healers, but also among doctors who prefer traditional medicine. Many preparations have been created on the basis of onions, including those for the prevention of severe oncological diseases.

Onions: contraindications

Harm from onions can occur in the following cases:

  • in people suffering from heart disease;
  • in people suffering from kidney disease;
  • onion contraindications can also be associated with the fact that it increases blood pressure.

In all other cases, the onion is suitable for food. A harmless contraindication may be bad breath after using this product. That is why it is not recommended to eat onions before a business meeting, date, etc. Although even the strongest smell can be eliminated with roasted walnuts or parsley.

Now you know how harmful onion is, and you can decide for yourself whether it is worth abstaining from its use or you can start treating any disease, losing weight right now.

Onions and weight loss

The product contains a lot of substances that the human body needs and can help those people who dream of losing extra pounds and having a slim figure.

Onion for weight loss is useful, first of all, because it restores metabolism. In addition, it is able to prevent the development of fat cells. To get rid of excess weight, you need to eat different types of onions: onions, green, red. Leek is also very popular today, and can be used for weight loss.

There are many ways to lose weight with onions. There is a separate onion diet, which will be discussed a little later, and onions are also used as additives to main dishes (added to soups, cereals, salads).

Ways to use onions

The following tips will help you answer the question of how to lose weight with onions.

  1. onion diet
    Such a diet is designed for 7 days, during which time you can get rid of 5-7 kg. The basis of the diet will be onion soup, to which vegetables and lean meat are added.

    The diet menu may look like this: for breakfast, you can drink tea without sugar or yogurt. For lunch, onion soup is prepared - 6 onions, a head of cabbage, pepper, celery, tomatoes to taste. The ingredients are placed in a saucepan and filled with water. Bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables soften. For dinner, you can cook a vegetable salad or eat a few fresh vegetables.

  2. Leek
    This type of product is added to dietary vegetable salads. The result is a low-calorie and tasty salad, perfect for dieting.
  3. Dishes with green onions
    You can cook chicken liver baked with vegetables and onions, spring green onion soup, bell pepper, tomato and onion salad and many other dishes based on onions and vegetables are suitable.

Onions during pregnancy

Expectant mothers may ask the question: can onions be pregnant? The answer is obvious: it is not only possible, but also necessary to use this product during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that onions go well with various products and can bring great benefits to the female body.

Onion during pregnancy is also important for the reason that it has a beneficial effect on the woman's body, in which active hormonal changes take place. The product contains substances that are indispensable during pregnancy to restore metabolic processes in the mother's body.

At the same time, onion during pregnancy is contraindicated in too large quantities, as this can adversely affect the condition of the mucous membrane, as well as cause a number of negative reactions from the body.

Consuming the product in small amounts will not only not bring any harm, but will also improve your overall health.