Original competitions for the new year for children. New Year's contests for children and parents


New Year's entertainment: games at home and away

Pinocchio (Eeyore)

On a frame covered with dense matter, they draw the physiognomy of Pinocchio - or the profile of the donkey Eeyore (you can also attach a sheet of paper to the foam rubber, but the paper will quickly become unusable). The nose is made of foam rubber, the tail is made of lace. A long curved pin is attached at the base of the nose/tail. An eye patch is also required for the game. Taking the nose / tail, the player stands on the line six steps from the wall on which the frame hangs. He is blindfolded. The player's task is to approach the wall and, without feeling for the frame, immediately pin the nose / tail to the right place. This rarely succeeds, in most cases the nose / tail is not at all where it should be.

Who am i?

Everyone sits in a circle. Each player is given a small piece of paper on which they need to write down the name of some famous character in a fairy tale (any other literary work, film) or a famous person. The main thing is that this hero is familiar to everyone. Then each player attaches his sign to the back of the neighbor on the left with tape or a safety pin. The task of the participant is to guess what kind of hero he is. He can ask other players questions to which the interlocutor answers only "yes" or "no". If the answer is "yes", then the player asks the next question, and if the answer is "no", then he looks for another interlocutor.

Who is sooner?

The participants of the game become in a circle. The driver runs around the circle and, slapping someone on the shoulder, continues to run in the same direction. The one who was slapped by the driver immediately runs around the circle in the opposite direction. The task of each runner is to go around the circle as soon as possible and take an empty seat. Left without a seat leads.

Pillars (Ladushki)

Two players stand at arm's length from each other, feet together. They join hands with palms and try to deprive their partner of balance. You can play with or without taking your hands off. Touching is allowed only on the partner's palms. You can also play "Ladushki" while standing on one leg. If there are many participants, you can arrange a tournament for the title of champion.

crawling out

One player lies on the floor, 3-4 more people are laid across it across. The player lying below must crawl out from under the pile of bodies. This cannot be done with strength; you need to tense different muscle groups in turn. With some skill, you can crawl out from under 5-6 people.

Holy place...

One chair in the circle is left free. The participants in the game quickly move from chair to chair to the left in a circle, so that one place is empty all the time. The driver is trying to take it. When the driver manages to sit down, he is replaced by the one who turns out to be his neighbor on the right side.

fun geography

Sitting in a circle, the players are divided into two groups that compete with each other. One team invites the other to say in five minutes as many geographical names as possible, starting with the same letter, which is immediately indicated. When the time is up, the second teams playing within two minutes can add names not mentioned by the opponents. For each such name they count one point. Then the groups change roles, and a different letter is indicated. The team that scores the most points wins.


The players stand in a circle; 3-4 steps from him is the leader. He gives one whistle, then two. At one whistle, all participants in the game must quickly raise their right hand up and immediately lower it; You can't raise your hand on two whistles. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play along with the rest. Those who make the fewest mistakes are considered the winners.

hot pens

The players stretch their arms out in front of them and hold them palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. At the moment when he tries to do this, the player pulls back or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm of his hand, he goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Magic word

Players can sit or stand in the game. The host very quickly gives various commands that need to be executed only if the word "please" is added to them. Without this word, the command is invalid and should not be executed. The one who makes a mistake gets up or goes one step forward, but does not lose the right to continue the game. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Do not hurry

The players become a semicircle. The leader shows them various physical movements, which they repeat, always lagging behind him for one movement: when the leader shows the first movement, everyone stands still; at the second movement of the leader, the guys repeat his first movement, etc. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins. In this game, you can, for example, show the following movements: both hands up; the left hand is lowered, the right is extended forward; the right hand drops, half-turned to the left; hands to the side; hands on hips, squat. More than 10 movements should not be shown.

Crooked mirrors

Having placed the participants in the game in front of him in a semicircle, the leader makes movements to the music, having previously agreed that if he raises his hands up, then everyone puts their hands on their knees; if he bends his elbows, then everyone raises them up; if he spreads his arms to the sides, then everyone bends his elbows, but if he throws his hands forward, then everyone throws them forward. Who, by inattention, confuses the movements, he leaves the game. When there are only two people left who have not made any mistakes, the game ends.

half a word for you

The players stand in a circle. In the center of it is the leader with the ball in his hands. The host throws the ball to any participant in the game and loudly says part of a word (noun). The player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and immediately finish the word. The one who hesitates raises his hand up and stays like that until the leader throws the ball to him again.

Four forces

The leader, standing in the center of the circle, throws the ball to any participant in the game and at the same time says one of four words: "earth", "water", "air" or "fire". The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it, throw it back to the leader and, if the word "land" was said, name any animal that lives on land, if "water" - any fish, if "air" - a bird. And if the host said "fire", the player, having caught the ball, must silently turn around. Whoever makes a mistake in the answer or hesitates, he raises his hand up and holds it until the leader throws the ball to him again.

I won't answer myself

The participants of the game stand in a circle, in the middle of it is the leader. He asks the players various questions, without observing the order. The one asked must remain silent; his neighbor on the right side is responsible for him. The one who answers the question himself or is late to answer for a neighbor leaves the game.

Louder - quieter

The players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The driver leaves the room. In his absence, they hide a pre-planned object - a matchbox, a book, a ball, a cap. After that, they call the driver and offer him to find the hidden one. At the same time, the players sing a well-known song to everyone, and the driver starts searching, listening to the singing. If he moves away from the hidden object, they sing quieter and quieter, if he approaches, the sounds of the song grow. When an object is found, the driver changes. The song can be played with a guitar.

flying birds

Each player chooses the name of a bird for himself. All names must be different. The driver, standing in the middle of the circle blindfolded, loudly calls two birds. Both called quickly change places. During the run, the driver tries to catch one of them. If he fails, he summons a new pair of birds. The one who is caught replaces the driver.


The children sit in a circle, divided into pairs. Everyone comes up with a name for any flower. The names are announced to all participants in the game. One of the players gets up from the chair and goes to the middle of the circle - this is the leader. The one left without a pair invites any of the players to the vacant seat, naming one or another flower. The called one quickly runs to a new place, and the one who was paired with him also invites any of the participants to his place. During these runs, the driver tries to sit on a free chair before the one who was called has time to take this place. If the driver succeeds, the latecomer replaces him. It may happen that the driver takes a chair before the one left without a partner calls another player to him. In this case, the one who did not have time to invite someone to join him goes to drive.


All the guys choose who will be which flower, after which the leader - the gardener - says: - I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ... (chamomile). The named flower says: - Oh! Gardener: - What's wrong with you? - In love. - In whom? - In a cornflower. Cornflower: - Oh! - What's the matter with you? .. The gardener and the flowers should not hesitate to answer and think, otherwise they are told: - One, two, three, drive the phantom. After these words, the participant must give some kind of forfeit, so after the "Gardener" it is logical to play forfeits.


First you need to collect forfeits from all those present. It can be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name on it, or any attractive item. The main requirement for a phantom is to be able to accurately determine which of those present is its owner. There are two presenters, one takes out forfeits, shows them to everyone except the second presenter, and asks: "What should this fanta do?" The second presenter ("mirror") gives the task - to sing, dance, crow, go outside and run around the house, go into the room and bring sweets, wash the dishes. It all depends on the imagination and on the pre-agreed scope of the tasks performed.


The players sit in a row and fold their hands in front of them in a boat, closing the space between them with their thumbs. The driver has some object in his palms (palms folded in the same way): a coin, a ring, etc. The driver needs to quietly put this object into the hands of one of the participants. The one who has the object should not give a look and jump out of the row immediately after the words of the driver: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" The rest of the task is to guess who is the lucky one and not let him out. If the player fails to escape, then the driver remains the same.


Usually 5-7 people play. Choose a driver who asks everyone questions. The driver moves away from the participants, and in the meantime they say one word to each other. The driver asks a question, and the participant answers the word that the neighbor gave him. The driver becomes the one whose answer is most accurate, real. For example, the player has the word "water". The driver asks the question: "What are you drinking?". The participant answers: "Water." "Nonsense" is a fun game built on the mismatch of the question and the answer. For example, the driver asks: "What are you flying on?" And the participant replies: "On a flower," etc. In this game, the driver must show ingenuity. He must sometimes ask such a question in order to get the right answer. Usually such questions are: "What did you see in a dream?", "What did you draw?", "What were you thinking about?".

No no no!

The principle of the game is the same as in the game "Nonsense". There is a driver and players. The driver leaves, and the players say to each other a combination of three "yes" and "no", for example, "no-yes-yes." The driver asks three questions to each player, and he names the answers in the order that the neighbor asked him. - Can you walk? - Not. - Your name is Valenok? -Yes. - Do you like me? -Yes. The driver also becomes the player whose answers were closest to the truth.

Broken phone

The host thinks of a word and quickly whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly so that no one hears, and quickly) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last member of the team says the word aloud. Sometimes you can hear very funny versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the "damaged phone". Many complicate the game: the host does not think of a word, but a whole phrase.

Theatrical Charades (Associations)

The players are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of a word or phrase (by agreement). Then they choose someone from the opposing team and say the hidden word in his ear. This person must silently portray the named word, and his team tries to guess. You are given a certain amount of time to guess. Then the teams switch roles. You can keep track of the game. Sometimes they come up with a system of signs to make it easier to guess. For example, a team can ask questions to the performer, and he, with the help of gestures, answers them with “yes” or “no”.

Ocean is shaking

The driver says: "The sea worries - one, the sea worries - two, the sea worries - three, sea figure, freeze on the spot!" Smoothly moving players freeze on the last word, depicting some kind of frozen action, a characteristic position (not necessarily related to the sea). The driver goes around the statues and, pointing to one of them, tries to guess what kind of figure it is. If the driver guesses, then the figure comes to life and represents some kind of action. After finishing it, the player becomes the driver. The game starts over. In another version of this game, the host orders who needs to be portrayed: "The figure of a ballerina (bear cub, rose, rain), freeze in place." Then he selects several figures, touches them in turn - the figures "die off", make several movements. Then the leader determines the most beautiful, artistic performance - this player becomes the leader.


The name is French and means "rhymed ends". The game consists in writing verses on predetermined rhymes. It is held in the form of a competition. For example: business, class, boldly, times.

Our Petrusha knows the business,

Just look - whole

Sandwiches twenty boldly

Eats one at a time!

Living pictures

The players are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a picture. One person separates from the second and goes into another room. The first team announces their painting to the second team, and they try to silently depict the subject of the painting, forming a sculptural group. They invite the departed person, he must guess the plot of the picture. Then the teams switch roles.

Quick brush

Having tightly closed the circle and holding their hands behind their backs, the players pass the clothes brush to each other, trying to do it so that the driver who walks inside the circle does not notice. In order to find out who has the brush, the driver stops in front of any participant in the game and puts his hand on his shoulder. The player must immediately extend both hands forward. If he has the brush, he replaces the driver. Having seized the right moment, the guys can brush the driver with a brush and immediately start it again in a circle.

Lady (Will you go to the ball?)

The lady sent a hundred rubles. Whatever you want, take it. Do not take black and white, do not say "Yes" and "no". Do not laugh, do not smile, Keep your lips in a bow. This is followed by questions that cannot be answered with the words "yes" and "no", to name black and white colors in the answers, it is also forbidden to smile and laugh. Anyone who does not follow the rules is out of the game. Question: "Will you go to the ball?" Answer: "Probably", etc. Whoever violated the rules is out of the game.


Each player receives a pen and a long piece of paper. First, everyone writes the answer to the question "who?" on top, then they wrap it up and pass it on to a neighbor. Then everyone writes the answer to the question "with whom?" (under the wrapped part, and not on it!), Wrap it up and pass it around again, then - "when?", "Where?", "What did you do?", "As a result ...", etc. Questions others can be added. Then all this is revealed and read aloud. Usually a very funny and ridiculous story is obtained, for example: "Santa Claus and Marivanna robbed a store in Africa half an hour ago. As a result, global warming began."

Left - right

Take a pencil (or a piece of chalk if you have a board in front of you) in your left and right hands. Now try to write the number 2 with one hand and 7 with the other. Or draw a house with one hand and the sun with the other. Or at least draw a square with your right hand, and a triangle with your left. Remember! Hands must work at the same time!

Who is more agile?

To play, you will need two large reels (perhaps made by yourself), two round sticks are also suitable, as well as a rope 6-8 m long, the middle of which is marked with a ribbon. Two players take the coils and diverge from each other, as far as the rope allows. On a signal, each of them begins to quickly rotate the coil in his hands and, winding the rope around it, moves forward. The winner is the one who winds the rope to the middle first.

Three prizes

In the flight of doors, hang three small prizes on threads. Stand six paces from the door. Let each of you, taking scissors in your hands, try to cut off any prize with a blindfold. The Elusive Chair Two lines are marked on the floor; the distance between them is eight paces. The player becomes on the line; he is blindfolded. He must go to another line, turn around here and sit on the chair that is behind it. When the player steps on the line, he is stopped; he can make an attempt to find a chair only once, and even then without the help of his hands.


On the floor in a straight line, 5-6 pins are placed at a step distance from one another. The player becomes two steps away from the extreme, turning his back to the line. The task of the player is to look straight ahead and move backward, to go between the pins, alternately bending around one of them on the right, the other on the left. If at the same time at least one skittle is knocked down, then the task is considered failed.

Making an unforgettable holiday for children is not an easy task. But this article will help you with that. In her we have collected interesting competitions for the New Year for children. All of them are exclusively thematic and will easily fit into any New Year's scenario.

Note also that for the New Year, games for children can be team, pair and intended for the whole team. We have divided the types of these games for your convenience.

Children's New Year's competitions for two participants

Competition "Christmas bags"

Two children can take part in each round of this New Year's game. The host gives them each a bag decorated in the New Year's style and invites them to come to the table, on which there are two medium-sized cardboard boxes containing small unbreakable Christmas toys, New Year's figurines and other items.

The facilitator blindfolds the children and offers to collect as many New Year's items in the bag as possible, observing one condition: participants can take from the box and put into the bag only one item at a time.

The competition is accompanied by musical accompaniment. After 30-45 seconds, the music stops, the children are uncovered and offered to look at the contents of the bags. The winner is the participant who has more New Year items in the bag.

Competition "Get to the tree"

There is a prize under the tree. The host puts two participants at the same distance from him, but from different sides, and offers to race on command to jump to the prize on one leg. The most agile wins and receives a prize.

Competition "Snowflakes"

This competition, like some other New Year's competitions for children presented here, requires preliminary preparation. Between the chairs you need to pull a thread with New Year's tinsel. Paper snowflakes are hung on tinsel. The host blindfolds the two participants in the game and gives out small scissors. Players are brought to a stretched thread, the command is given to start. The task of each participant for a certain period of time is to cut as many snowflakes as possible.

It is possible to play without scissors, in which case the snowflakes should be easily removed from the tinsel.

Competition "Christmas tree with a surprise"

To prepare for this New Year's game, it will take a little more effort and time than in the previous version. It is necessary to make a Christmas tree layout from cardboard. Holes imitating Christmas balls are cut in it. On the reverse side of the layout, a bag is attached under each hole (but you can do without them).

The host gives the participants 5 small balls. The player's task is to get them into the cut holes. The one who hits the most times wins. He takes the main prize, which can be hidden for the time being on the branches of the main Christmas tree.

Competition "Who is the first?"

For this New Year's game, prepare two chairs and a couple of sets of winter clothes. A winter jacket turned inside out with sleeves is hung on each chair. A hat, scarf and gloves are placed on the seat. Two children take part in each round of the game. They take a position not far from the chairs and, at the command of the host, run towards them. They need to turn back and put on a winter jacket, gloves, a scarf and a hat. The winner is the one who gets dressed faster, sits on a chair and shouts “Happy New Year!”.

Competition "New Year's Castle"

The host selects several who wish to participate in the competition. They receive a drawing of the New Year's castle of Santa Claus, which is given 30 seconds to memorize. After that, the participants are blindfolded and given a set of plastic cups. The task of the players is to collect an exact copy of the castle from the cups. The child who completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Team games and competitions for the New Year for children

Competition "Where is the tree?"

The players are divided into two teams. Each chooses a captain. Then the teams line up in two lines parallel to each other. Team captains receive a set of three flags. On two of the set, a forest animal or a character from a fairy tale is drawn. And on the third is a Christmas tree.

At the command of the host, the team captains begin to pass the flags along the chain back. The flag with the Christmas tree must be transmitted last. As soon as the extreme participant in the chain receives a flag with a painted spruce, he shouts: "Christmas tree!" and raises his hand up. The team that does it faster than their opponents wins.

Competition "Decorate the Christmas Tree"

To play this game for the New Year for children, you need two small artificial Christmas trees and a couple of cardboard boxes with unbreakable Christmas toys. Christmas trees are placed at a distance of 2-4 meters from the boxes.

The facilitator divides the children into two equal teams. Each goes to their starting line, located by the toy box. At the command of the host, the participants in the game take turns decorating the Christmas tree. Each player can take only one toy at a time. The first team to empty their toy box and decorate the Christmas tree wins.

"Don't miss" contest

To play, you will need a small gate, in the amount of two pieces, and table tennis balls. The host divides the children into 2 equal teams. Each player receives one ball. The task of the participants is to roll the ball into the goal from a certain distance. Players perform their attempts in turn. The team whose players rolled the most balls wins.

Competition "Magic Scooter"

To play, you will need two children's scooters and small artificial Christmas trees. The facilitator divides the children into two equal teams. Each line up opposite its row of Christmas trees. At the command of the leader, the first pair of participants on scooters goes around each of the Christmas trees in their row and returns back to pass the baton to the next one. The team that covers the distance the fastest and knocks down the least Christmas trees wins.

Competition "New Year's tinsel"

The game requires tinsel and a cheerful melody, for example, "Jingle bells". The host divides the children into two equal teams and gives each one a string of tinsel. The teams line up and, at the command of the leader, the first member in the team must tie the tinsel on the neighbor's hand. He, in turn, ties the next one. The last members of each team run to the first and tie the tinsel to them. The team that will raise their hands with tinsel tied to them faster than the competitors wins.

Remember that you can easily get hurt on some New Year's tinsel, and try to choose the safest version of the product. Conduct only such children's games for the New Year, which you are sure are safe.

Competition "Collect snowballs"

3-4 teams can participate in the game at the same time. In advance, you should prepare a lot of small white balloons (these will be snowballs) and large garbage bags. From the bags you need to make something like bloomers, cutting off the two lower corners so that the legs crawl into the holes.

Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to choose one participant from each team, they will need to crawl into the prepared bags, and the rest, at the command of the leader, will have to fill their bag with balls. The team with the most snowballs in their bag wins.

Competition "New Year's bowling"

Decorate skittles or plastic bottles with tinsel - they will act as icicles growing out of the ground. The competition can be both team and individual. The task of each player from a given distance is to knock down as many skittle icicles as possible with a snowball.

Entertainment for the new year for all those gathered

Competition "What does the Christmas tree like?"

The host tells the guys that he has been preparing for this holiday for a whole year and has learned about everything that the tree loves. And now he asks the guys to test his knowledge. Children must either confirm (if they agree) his statements by saying "yes", or deny the facilitator's incorrect opinion by saying "no".

Green needles...

Sweets and gingerbread…

Plates and teapots…

Games and fun...

Boredom and idleness...

Windows and stairs...

Poems and songs...

Poppies and mimosa...

Santa Claus...

Nuts and cones…

Dresses and pants…

Confetti, crackers...

Pistols, guns...

Masquerades, balls...

Decorated rooms…

Riddles and jokes...

Drums, pipes...

And Happy New Year...

Competitions for the New Year for children in the form of simple questions and answers are perceived with great interest by children of preschool and primary school age. Use them between dances or outdoor games, giving children the opportunity to relax a bit.

The following interesting competitions for children for the New Year will also help to relax and at the same time have fun.

Competition "Choosing a tree"

All children participate, they stand in a circle and hold hands, and Santa Claus is with them. He explains and shows the audience what Christmas trees are:

  • high - everyone in the circle, together with Grandfather, rises on their toes and pulls their hands up;
  • low - everyone squats and lowers their hands down;
  • wide - everyone is trying to expand the circle as much as possible;
  • narrow - the circle should be narrowed as much as possible.

Then Grandfather begins to walk around and "choose" the Christmas tree. “Oh, well, high!”, “And this one is too narrow!”. According to the parameters voiced by Grandfather, the children depict the Christmas tree that he saw. Frost himself is trying to bring them down, demonstrating the wrong movements.

Competition "New Year's cap"

The players form a circle. Cheerful New Year's music is turned on, and the children begin to pass the New Year's cap in a circle. The music stops intermittently. The participant, who had the cap in his hands during the stop of the music, puts it on his head and fulfills the wish of Santa Claus. Grandfather Frost may wish that they sing a song to him, tell a rhyme, guess a riddle or dance. Everyone who fulfills his wish receives a sweet prize.

Competition for the best New Year's costume

Young children love to dress up in carnival costumes and portray a variety of characters. The competition for the best New Year's costume for children should be notified in advance. There may be several nominations, but first everyone will have to "defend" their costume. This will make it possible to evaluate not only the originality of the outfit, but also the artistic abilities of the child, who, having entered the role, can portray habits, sing a song or read a monologue of his hero.

New Year's entertainment "Lucky number"

Everyone loves pleasant surprises, and children especially. Prepare small gifts in advance (there should be as many as there will be children at the holiday) and wrap them in multi-colored paper, then number them. Put them in Santa's bag or place them under the Christmas tree.

Cut out small tokens from cardboard according to the number of gifts in the form of Christmas balls or Christmas trees and also number them on the reverse side. Hang the tokens indoors in prominent places.

When it's time for gifts, invite each child to find one token for themselves. Now Santa Claus knows exactly who to give a gift to.

Human memory is so arranged that for the rest of our lives we remember only the brightest and most exciting events of our lives. And most of these events for each of us come from childhood. We hope that the children's competitions prepared by us for the New Year will help you create an original entertainment program that will become another bright and unforgettable event for children's memory.

Contests for the New Year. Children's holiday.

Maybe for many people the New Year is associated with tangerines and champagne, but for real caring parents, the New Year is exclusively a children's holiday. After all, it is the children who believe in Santa Claus and are waiting for New Year's joys and miracles, it is for the kids that the Christmas tree is dressed up and the house is decorated. And the pre-New Year fuss of parents is connected not only with what and how to give a child to make it look like a miracle, but also with how to organize New Year's contests for children so that the holiday is sincerely fun.

Encyclopedia of the best New Year's competitions for children

That's right - before you is a complete collection of scripts for competitions for children for the new 2019!

You can even turn a holiday into a celebration and carefree fun at home, especially if there are a lot of children, and you take care to hold contests among children.

The New Year is a great occasion to get together with friends and their children, hold various New Year's competitions for children and see how your child does everything to win. And the victory in the children's competition is a pride for the baby and his parents.

New Year's fun: games, quizzes, contests for children of all ages

You are going to be a big family or a loud friendly company. Everyone has children, but here's the bad luck - children of different sexes and ages. No problem! In the encyclopedia "Home Holiday" you will find entertainment for every taste.

We advise you to take care of the preparation for the holiday in advance. Do you already know that there will be children aged 12, 13 and 14 at the party? - It's just great. They have the same interests and fun for them you will find in the section of competitions for school children. At the same time, you will distinguish yourself favorably in their eyes, because you will be able to find the most original and funny New Year's contests for children. For children from 5 to 7 years old, you can find good ideas for entertainment - among the New Year's competitions for preschool children or elementary grades. Here you can not only find ready-made holiday contests for children, but also take something as a basis in order to independently refine and translate it into a new contest for children.

New Year 2019 - from morning to joyful fatigue

You can start giving a New Year's miracle long before the feast at home. For example, in schools, holidays are held a little in advance. Therefore, you can take the initiative into your own hands and offer your child's teachers New Year's competitions for children at school, and, believe me, they will be original and will be able to truly please the children.

And with competitions for children at home, you can think of a whole program for the whole celebration. Of course, one cannot leave aside music and dance competitions for children for the New Year, there are also a lot of them in the encyclopedia. Find or come up with contests for children at the table so that during the New Year's feast, children do not get bored with the conversations of adults - otherwise they will start acting naughty. After eating, it's time to move on to active and mobile New Year's competitions for children, but they need to put their energy somewhere. The funniest competitions for children are best held in between the performances of young singers and dancers so that everyone has fun. If, after a home holiday, you plan to go to the Christmas tree on the street, then find scenarios for New Year's outdoor competitions for children in advance. It will be unexpected and very interesting!

And for your adult children, who, after a family feast, plan to get together with a youth company, you can prepare a whole New Year's party, respectively, look for contests for parties for children.

To give a miracle - you don't have to be a magician, it's enough to sincerely love and give loved ones what they dream of.

Pigtail of the Snow Maiden

You will need a satin ribbon. Cut it into three equal parts and tie these parts with one knot from above (pieces 40-60 cm long). Make two of these braids. A team of 4 people: one holds the pigtail by the knot, and the other three weave the pigtail, while they cannot let go of their part. Which team will braid the braid faster.

"New Year's Cinderella"

This competition will be interesting for both adults and children. Presenters in the form of Santa Claus and / or Snow Maiden bring pre-prepared gifts. It can be boots or women's shoes. The girls participating in the competition take turns trying on the shoes they brought. Moreover, before trying it on, you need to guess the riddle of the cunning Santa Claus. Guessed - there was an attempt. Whoever fits the shoe first wins.

"Dress up Santa Claus!"

Each Snow Maiden chooses Santa Claus for herself, and dresses him up in all possible ways using any means at hand: from Christmas tree decorations to cosmetics. It is necessary to present your Santa Claus to the public with the help of advertising, songs, proverbs, poems, etc. Which Santa Claus is better? The one who is best presented! After all, advertising is the engine of commerce! Imagine - such a bearded Santa Claus comes out with huge goat horns, a bottle of beer and says: “Europa Capital: immigration to the Czech Republic for everyone! By the way, I'm from there! A real Czech Santa Claus!” You will definitely mark such Santa Claus. And if then the most ordinary Santa Claus comes out - a red nose and starts telling ancient rhymes. Boring. So try to come up with something new and unusual. Then the holiday will succeed and a good mood is guaranteed!

Santa Claus Competition

The number of players can be set depending on the number of people invited to the party.

Pre-cut snowflakes are placed on a clean table in front of the participants. "Santa Clauses" must blow snowflakes with all their might until they are blown off the table. The essence of the game is that the participants must first think that the one who first blows off his snowflake will win. However, at the end of the competition, the presenter announces that the winner is the "Santa Claus" who blew off his snowflake last. This will mean that he has the most icy breath, as his snowflake froze to the table. The winner can be given a prize.

Carry it in a bag!

A bag is placed in front of the Christmas tree (it is partitioned into 2 parts, one of them has no bottom). Santa Claus calls children who want to ride in a bag. He puts the child in a bag and carries him around the Christmas tree. He puts another child in that part of the bag where there is no bottom. Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, and the child remains in place. Santa Claus returns and is "surprised". The game is repeated.

Give the snowman a nose!

2 coasters are placed in front of the Christmas tree, large sheets with the image of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children are involved. They are blindfolded. On a signal, the children should reach the snowmen and stick their nose (it could be a carrot). Other children help with words: to the left, to the right, below, above ...

Felt boots.

Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on boots.

Who gets the most snowballs?

Two children are playing. Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket each. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one with the most snowballs wins.

Pick up a snowman.

To play, you need two flannelgraphs (a board or a frame with a flannel stretched over them measuring 100x70 cm) and parts of the Snowman figure cut out of paper and glued onto the flannel, a carrot nose, a broom, a hat (2 sets).

Two compete. Everyone tries to collect their Snowman as soon as possible.

Journey in the dark

This game will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. Skittles are arranged in a "snake" in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. Whose team will have fewer knocked down pins will win the "journey". How many pins not knocked down - so many points.


Team game. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, there is a thick sheet of paper on the floor, divided into cells in which the endings of names are written (cha; nya; la, etc.). Another sheet of paper with the first half of the names of the names is pre-cut into pieces in the form of postcards, which are folded into shoulder bags. Leading the game - Santa Claus. The first numbers of the teams put the bags on their shoulders, at the signal of the leader they rush to the paper sheet on the floor - the addressee, take out a postcard with the first half of the name from the bag and attach it to the desired ending. When they return, they pass the bag to the next player on their team. The team whose mail finds its addressee faster wins the game.

All the way around

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed with their right


The participants of the game are given plasticine or clay. Host - Santa Claus shows or calls some letter, and the players must mold an object as quickly as possible, the name of which begins with this letter.


Participants are invited to stand with one foot on the base of the dumbbell, and the other, starting from the floor, to overcome a given distance.

draw the sun

Teams take part in this relay game, each of which lines up in a column “one at a time”. At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants is to alternately, on a signal, running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around their hoop - “draw the sun”. Santa Claus commands: to the start, attention, march! and ... The team that completes the task faster wins.

Ride the ball

All participants of the competition line up in teams of 3 people. Each "troika" of players receives a tight volleyball. The host is Santa Claus. At his signal, one of the players of the trio, supported under the elbows by two other players, stepping on the ball, rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.

Mysterious chest

Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase, which contains various items of clothing. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of Santa Claus, they begin to put on things from the chest. The task of the players is to dress up as quickly as possible.

with signs

At the entrance, each guest receives his new name - a piece of paper with an inscription is attached to his back (giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, cucumber, etc.). Each guest can read the names of the other guests, but, of course, he cannot read the names of himself. The task of each guest is to learn their new name from the others during the evening. Guests can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The first to know what is written on his piece of paper wins.


It is necessary that the majority of those gathered before this did not play it. In an empty room, a long rope is taken, and a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, passing, sits down somewhere, steps over somewhere. Having invited another player from the next room, they explain to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, before that remembering the location of the rope. The audience will tell him. Then Santa Claus blindfolds the player, and at this time the rope is removed. The player sets out on a journey by stepping over and crawling under a non-existent rope. Spectators are asked in advance not to give out the secret of the game.


Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center is the driver (Santa Claus) with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone subsides. As soon as the handkerchief touched the ground, this is where laughter begins, and we take a phantom from the funniest - this is a song, a verse, etc.


The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands. Santa Claus is the leader. He starts and announces the winner

little pigs

For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. Santa Claus is the presenter and commentator - who will eat his portion faster and more beautifully.

Let's make caps

Santa Claus invites the participants of the game to look at a set of jars of various sizes and shapes from afar. You cannot take them in hand. Each player has a piece of cardboard, from which they must cut the lids so that they fit exactly into the holes of the cans. The winner is the one who has more lids exactly matched the holes of the cans.

The Snow Queen

Equipment: Ice cubes.

The host is Santa Claus.

Game: participants take an ice cube. The task is who will be able to melt the ice faster at the command of the presenter.

Winner: The participant who completed the task first.

Crush the ball with your foot

Inventory: Balloons according to the number of players.

The host is Santa Claus.

Game: In front of the players at a distance of 4-5 steps, a balloon is placed on the floor. The task is to approach the ball with a blindfold at the command of the presenter and crush it with his foot.

Winner: The contestant who crushed the balloon.

It's funny if after tying the balls are removed

Newton's law

Inventory: 2 bottles, 20 peas (you can dragee).

The host is Santa Claus.

Game: Two bottles are placed in front of two players, each is given 10 peas. The task is to lower the peas from above into the bottle without bending (hands at chest level) at the signal of the leader.

Winner: The participant who put more peas into the bottle.

Crumple up the newspaper

Inventory: Newspapers according to the number of participants.

The host is Santa Claus.

Game: An unfolded newspaper spreads on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the signal of the presenter, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.

Winner: The participant who gathered the newspaper into a ball the fastest.


Inventory: 2 chess officers, fake swords made of rubber or foam rubber.

Preparation: A chess piece is placed on the edge of the table.

The host is Santa Claus.

Game: Participants stand 2 meters from the table. The task is to make a lunge (step forward) at the leader’s command and hit the figure with an injection.

Winner: The participant who hits the figure first.

Option: A duel between two participants.

Robin Hood

Inventory: Ball or apple "basket" from a hat, bucket, box, ring, stool, various items.

Game: presenter - Santa Claus offers several options:

a) The task is to knock down various objects standing at a distance on a stool with a ball.

b) The task is to throw a ball, an apple, etc. in the "basket" at a distance.

c) The task is to throw rings on the legs of an inverted stool.

Winner: The contestant who did the best on the task.

New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

The games proposed in the article will allow organizing an entertaining all-around tournament for everyone remaining in the house, class. Competitions can be held according to the Olympic system: participants are divided into pairs, the losers are eliminated from the game and become fans, and the winners meet among themselves. With each round, the tasks become more difficult: the distance to the target increases, the number of items to be remembered increases, the size of the throwing rings decreases, the size of the targets, etc. Everything you need for the attraction games must be prepared in advance - this will make them more dynamic. The role of judges is usually performed by the owners of the house or those who prepared the evening.

And don't forget the prizes for the winners! Try to understand that a gift is not expensive, but attention is expensive. "Gift system" can be quite diverse. Much depends on your imagination.


"Gift Game". A rope is tied to the width of the room, paper bags with gifts are tied to it at a distance of 10-15 cm (the number of bags should be equal to the number of guests). All participants move 1-2 m away, with the help of a counter they choose who will be the first owner of the gift. They blindfold him, spin him around 5 times and send him to the side where the rope is stretched. His task is to cut off "his" bag. Then the next participant is selected, and the game is repeated from the beginning until each of the guests finds a gift for himself.

"What changed?". The game involves 3-4 people. Various items (toys, pencils, keys, coins, etc.) are laid out on the table, the number of which depends on the age of the players. The participants in the game are invited to remember the location of objects on the table for 1-2 minutes and, at the signal of the host, turn away or leave the room; meanwhile, some of the items are shifted to other places or removed altogether. The winner is the one whose answer to the question "Have all the items remained on the table and which ones have been rearranged?" - will be more accurate. The game can be complicated by using chess, checkers, dice, dominoes, etc. for this purpose.

"Don't drop it." At the same time, 5-6 people participate in the game. They sit on chairs in 4-5 steps opposite each other. Each of them is given props: a small stick, a pencil or thick paper folded into a tube. The task of the players: standing up on a signal and holding the object vertically at the tip of their finger, reach the "opponent's" chair and sit on it, without dropping the object from the finger. If the object falls, then the participant of the game gives the phantom to the leader and leaves the game. And at the end of the evening, the phantom “redeems”. "Redemption" should not be delayed, the task is given by the host of the evening. They should be simple and easy to do. For example: sing one verse of a song, say a tongue twister, etc.

"Who has a better eye?" The game involves 4 people. To play this game, you need a ruler and several sheets of unlined paper. Each competitor is given a sheet of paper folded into 5-7-9 (necessarily an odd number) strips of equal width. The task of the players is to determine by eye the length and width of the strip and the entire sheet.

The host uses a ruler to determine the winner. Whoever has more accurate readings wins. You can set other tasks: determine the length of the circumference of the table, the height of one of the players, etc.

"Who is more stable?" 3-4 people participate. A ribbon is stretched on the floor from strips of paper or twine - a path along which you must walk with your eyes closed. In turn, each of the participants is blindfolded, spun around him 3 times and sent to the track.

The winner is the one who made the most accurate steps along the ribbon.

"Come with binoculars". 3 - 4 people participate. A rope several meters long is laid on the floor; it is necessary to put binoculars with wide lenses to the eyes (thereby the rope will move away from the player). The task of the player is to walk exactly along the rope to the end.

The one who completes the task correctly wins.

"Determine without looking." 4 people participate at the same time. Participants of the game can be asked to determine by touch the type of fabric, the type of cereal, the material from which the object is made, and even the names of magazines. In the latter case, the competitors are first given the opportunity to look at the magazines (in appearance they should not differ significantly from each other). At the leader's signal, the players are blindfolded. Their task is to correctly determine the material from which the proposed items are made in 2 minutes (their number should not exceed 5 pieces).

The one with the most correct answers wins.

"Basket with" snowballs ". Two players participate at the same time.

On the crossbar, located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor, two paper baskets are hung. They are decorated with white corrugated paper. Pale blue snowflakes can be glued onto paper.

The players are given 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to throw the maximum number of "snowballs" into the swinging basket. The winner will be the one who throws more "snowballs" into the basket.

Making "snowballs" is very simple: sew round small bags of thick fabric and stuff them with cotton wool.

"Take the Prize". 5-6 people participate. A prize (toy, fruit, candy) is placed on a chair or stool under a bright cap. The host invites one of the players to stand with their backs to the chair, put on a mask with their eyes glued (or, if there is no mask, blindfold their eyes with a handkerchief), go forward 5 steps, turn around and, returning to the chair, raise the cap in one motion. The one who raised the cap wins. He takes the prize for himself.

"Nose to the snowman!" 3-4 people participate. From gauze, cotton wool, papier-mâché and a wire frame, they make a snowman as tall as a man. They put a hat on his head, give him a broom in his hands. Instead of eyes, coals are glued, and where the nose should be, a circle is drawn.

The player stands at a distance of 5-7 steps from the snowman, he is put on a mask with his eyes glued. They give a carrot made of papier-mâché, and offer to walk to the snowman and stick a carrot nose. If the player gets a carrot into the circle, he is awarded a prize.

A snowman can also be made flat (from plywood or cardboard).

"Collect the bumps." Two people are involved at the same time. Each player is given a basket in his hands and blindfolded. Cubes, balls, cones, pencils, etc., in the amount of 15 pieces are placed on the platform. These are “bumps”, which, at the signal of the host, begin to blindly look for the competitors and put them in the basket. One minute is given to collect the "bumps".

The winner is the one who collected the "bumps" the most.

"Bubble". 4 people take part in the game at the same time. The players receive a bottle of soap bubbles.

Task: to blow that there are forces.

The winner is the one who releases as many bubbles as possible at a time. The participant who has fewer soap bubbles is out of the game.

In the second duel, three players participate. They need to inflate one big soap bubble. Whoever has the biggest bubble wins.

"Crush the ball with your foot." Two are playing. They are tied to the left leg with three balloons.

Task: crush the opponent's balls and protect your own. The winner is the one who has kept at least one ball.

"Cockroach Run". 3-5 people take part in the game. We need ropes, skittles, cubes. Each player is tied with a rope around the waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail. A pin is tied to the tail. A cube is placed in front of the participant. At the signal of the leader, the players must roll the bowling pins to the finish line without the help of their hands.

The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Reach for the prize." Two players take each other's palms with their right hands. Ahead of each, two meters from him, they put a prize on the floor. Each of the players pulls the opponent in his direction, trying to take the prize with his left hand.

The winner is the one who pulls the opponent and takes the prize.

"Who is faster?" 4 people participate at the same time. Competitors are divided into pairs. Everyone has a book in their hand, on which there is a small prize, such as a chocolate bar. At the signal of the leader, the players approach each other, each of them tries to take a prize from the opponent's book. The book can be started behind the back, but if the prize falls to the floor, the player loses. The winner is the one who took the opponent's prize and did not drop his own.

"Pull out the prize". 10 people participate at the same time. 10 ribbons hang from a large box, the prize in the box is tied to only one of them, the rest of the ribbons are empty. The players take the ribbons and, at the signal of the host, simultaneously pull out one ribbon at a time. Whoever has the ribbon with the prize wins.

"Lump". 3-4 people participate at the same time. In front of each participant, an unfolded newspaper is spread on the floor or a sheet of paper is placed. The players put their right hand behind their backs, and with the left hand, at the signal of the leader, bending over, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.

The winner is the one who crumples the newspaper the fastest and who has the smallest lump.

"Fishing rod". Three are playing. For the attraction you need 3 bottles and 3 fishing rods. Each player is given a fishing rod with a ring at the end - the rings can be made of wire, they must be of such a size that they can be put on the neck of the bottle. At a distance of 1.5-2 m (depending on the length of the fishing rod), bottles are placed in front of each participant. At the signal of the leader, each player begins to “fish”.

The winner is the one who puts the ring on the bottle first.

"Wanderers". 2 people play. To a rope 3-4 m long, they are tied at both ends with a stick or a pencil, the middle of the rope is marked with a ribbon. Two players take sticks and diverge from each other, pulling the rope. At the signal of the leader, everyone begins to quickly wind the rope around the stick, moving forward.

The winner is the one who winds the rope faster to the middle.

"Dip your tail in a bottle." 5-6 people can take part in the game. You need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied with a rope around the waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail.

A pencil is tied to the tail. Empty bottles are placed behind the participants. At the signal of the facilitator, each participant tries to lower his tail into the bottle.

The winner is the one who first hits the neck of the bottle with a pencil.

"Most Attentive". A small team of 6-7 people can take part in this game. The leader, using the game “Who has more buttons”, determines the driver of this game. It becomes a person who has more or less buttons of all. He leaves the room and changes something in his appearance. For example: he unbuttons his jacket, takes off his tie, takes a newspaper, stoops unusually, etc. (there should be no more than 6 such changes). Thus prepared, he enters the room where the players are waiting for him. Everyone tries to quickly see what he has changed in his appearance, and immediately says aloud everything that he noticed. The facilitator records the answers of the players.

The winner is the one who noted the most changes.

"Rotating Hoops". 4 people play. They get four hoops. The participants of the game put them on the floor on the edge and, at the signal of the leader, they begin to twist. Whose hoop scrolls longer, he won.

"Pass through the hoop." 3 people play. Each player is given a hoop and a box with children's cubes. At the leader’s signal, you need to open the box, put all the cubes one on top of the other in a slide and carry them on one hand from the start to the finish, where the hoop lies on the floor (approximate distance is 5-6 steps). Continuing to hold the pile of cubes, you need to sit down, take the hoop in your hand and climb through it without letting go or dropping the pile of cubes.

If the slide fell apart along the way, the player collects it at the place where he failed, and continues the game on.

The winner is the one who coped with this difficult task the fastest.

"Fun Boxing" Play 3-4 people in turn. The balloon is hung at chest height. A boxing glove is put on the player's hand. The player stands at a distance of 10 steps from the ball. He is blindfolded, spun 2-3 times and offered to walk 10 steps to the ball and with one blow of the hand to knock him down.

A prize will be awarded to those who complete this task.

"Hold the snowflake." The number of players is 10-15 people. The host distributes to those who wish to play a small ball of cotton wool, it must be loosened so that it can be blown and it would fly like a feather.

The task is not to let the “snowflake” fall, it is necessary to blow on it, keeping it in the air. You can not pick up the fallen "snowflake".

The game starts at the command of the host.

The player who keeps the "snowflake" in the air longer than the other participants wins.

"Find a clothespin." 3-4 couples participate. The presenter blindfolds one player from each pair with a blindfold, gives the other 5 ordinary clothespins, which he clings to himself. The task of the blindfolded player is to find the clothespins by touch.

The winner is the one who finds all 5 clothespins faster than others.

"Wrap yourself in a rope". Two are playing. To play, you need a rope or tape 8-10 meters long. Players stand at opposite ends of the rope, wrapping it once around themselves. On a signal from the leader, they begin to rotate forward, winding the rope around themselves until they collide together.

The winner is the player who winds more meters of rope.

"Lasso the horse." Up to 4 people can participate at the same time. In American films, dashing cowboys of the Wild West throw a lasso on mustangs, and our players will have to demonstrate the same accuracy.

A lasso or lasso is made from a rope 3 m long. At a distance of 2.5 m, they put a large playground or cut out a horse's head from plywood, nail a stick to it.

At the signal of the host, the players make 3 attempts to throw a lasso on the horse.

Those who fail to throw are eliminated from the competition.

The winner is the one who made the most accurate throws.


"Running with a burning candle." There are two teams of 4 people.

With the help of skittles, the start and finish of the movement of the players are determined.

The host gives the players a plate to which a burning candle is glued. Competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. The first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the next participant.

The team that finishes the game first and whose candle does not go out during the run wins.

"Crush the ball." Teams of 2 play. The facilitator gives each pair one inflatable ball. Participants hold the ball with their stomachs, holding it on both sides.

At the leader's signal, everyone should begin to press hard on the balls.

The winner is the pair whose ball bursts, unable to withstand the pressure.

"Get dressed." There are two teams of 5 people. At the finish line, in front of each team, trousers, a fur coat and a hat are placed on a chair. On a signal, the first players of both teams, having reached the chairs, put on the lying clothes, then run back, take off their clothes and pass them to the next player.

He must put on trousers, a fur coat, a hat and run to a chair, undress there and run back, touch his hand to the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes off, etc.

The team that finishes the dressing run before the other team wins.

"Chamomile". 2-4 teams of 5-6 people can participate in this game. It is necessary to make a chamomile flower out of paper and write tasks on the back of the white petals. Then a representative of each team approaches the chamomile, tears off the petals and returns to the team, which must prepare the proposed task in 3-4 minutes, and then show it. Task options:

1. You know that there is a "Saber Dance", and you come up with a dance

With boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With mops, etc.

2. Perform the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" as if you:

Mumba Yumba Indians;

Gypsies from the camp;

Highlanders of the Caucasus;

Song and dance ensemble, etc.

3. Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, but you can only bark, mumble, crow. So sing in the animal language the song "In the forest. A Christmas tree was born" or "It's cold in the winter for a small Christmas tree."

4. Compose "Burime", i.e. write a poem for the given rhyming words:

Winter is cold;

Snowflake - fluff;

Frost - nose;

Herringbone - a needle.

"Bring matchboxes". There are two teams of 4 people.

The host puts matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players, like shoulder straps, one box on the right and left shoulders. The task is to run to the indicated place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players number one pass the boxes to the next members of their team.

The second participant does the same. If the box falls, then the participant picks it up, puts it on his shoulder and starts moving from the place where he dropped the box.

The team that finishes the game first and has the fewest box falls wins.

"Give it to someone else". This is a very simple and funny game, 3-4 couples or two teams of 5-6 people can participate in it.

The upper part of the matchbox is taken and put on the nose of the first participant. Task: to transfer without the help of hands the boxes from your nose to the nose of another player. If the box falls from the nose, the dropper picks it up, puts it on his nose and passes it to the next player.

Those who complete the task faster and more successfully win.

There are several varieties of this game:

1. Participants are given an orange or an apple. The player holds the orange, pressing it with his chin to his chest, and tries, without dropping it, to pass it to another / another participant without the help of hands tries to intercept the orange with his chin, pressing it to his chest.

2. Holding the pencil between the upper lip and nose, pass it to another without dropping it.