Real signs of male love. Male psychology in love How to properly show love for a man

It's not always easy to show your boyfriend how much you love him, whether you've been dating for a long time or just a few months. If you want him to know how much he is dear to you, you have to become caring and loving girlfriend but at the same time don't put too much pressure on it. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these simple tips.


Speak the right words

    Tell him how much you love him. In all seriousness. Even if he finds you too sentimental, when you are in the candy-bouquet stage of a relationship, do not forget to repeat these cherished three words to him every day. Your touch and eye contact are very important here. Remember that not only women love with their ears.

    Support him. If you want him to see how dear he is to you, support all his undertakings, big and small. Moral support on the night before an important exam or job interview will not go unnoticed - he will know how important his success is to you.

    • If he is unsure of himself, write down on a separate sheet of paper all his good qualities and virtues.
    • If an important event is coming up, leave him a note wishing him good luck.
    • Convince him to do something risky. If he wants to try running a marathon, convince him that he can do it (within reason) if he takes it seriously.


    Family psychotherapist

    Understand what causes his insecurity. Marriage therapist Alvina Louie says: “Unlike women, men's insecurities are more about skills or careers than looks. See if he feels insecure because his parents are not proud of him, and support him in such situations.

    Talk to him. Communication is the key to maintaining any relationship. If you want to convey your feelings to a man, then you must be able to speak frankly with him. From time to time, check at what stage of your relationship you are now. You can do it like this:

    • Avoid shouting and arguing. Instead of shouting and scandals, calmly state your point of view and wait for an answer.
    • Learn to listen. Communication is not a theater of one actor, there are two of you. First, calm down, why try to hear and understand the arguments of your chosen one, without interrupting him and without shouting about your wounded feelings.
    • Be honest. Tell it like it really is. There should be no misunderstandings between you. Share your experiences with him.
    • Choose the right time and place for a serious conversation. If you have long wanted to tell him something, then do not do it in the middle of a busy street. It is better to settle down somewhere in a quiet place where you can calmly discuss everything.


    Family psychotherapist

    There is never too much empathy. Family therapist Alvin Louie says: “Help him feel safe by acknowledging his feelings. Even if you have to speak negatively about something about him, do it from a position of empathy, not criticism, so that he knows that you are on his side. Keep in mind that he probably expects more respect from you than your girlfriends or sisters, so don't joke about things he's not sure about."

    Learn to compromise. Show the man that it is not so fundamentally important for you to be always right, it is much more important to save your relationship. Both of you must learn to make decisions together. Learn to discuss each decision together and sometimes give in to him on trifles.

    • Before making an important decision, weigh all your pros and cons. Discuss which plan is best and which one will make you happy.
    • Make sure there are two to compromise. Do not always succumb to his persuasion and do not try to impose your point of view on your loved one.
    • Even the little things do everything in turn. If you have chosen where to dine in the evening, let him choose which movie you will watch on the weekend.
  1. Learn to say sorry. If you want him to feel loved, learn to admit your mistakes. If you did something wrong, don't be afraid to say sorry for hurting him. Show that you feel terrible by making this mistake. If you are stubborn, it can soon destroy your relationship.

    • Learn to accept his apology. For the sake of appearance, you can even pout, but know the measure. Do not be vindictive, otherwise such a relationship will not last long.

    Do the right thing

    1. Do little things for your man. He will appreciate small signs of attention, especially if he has a difficult period. It may just be small things, but he will appreciate them. Here are some tips:

      • If he's late at work, bring him dinner if you can. He will appreciate such an act.
      • Sometimes wash his things, but don't get carried away - he can start using you. Let the man take care of you too.
      • Cook him a delicious dinner after a hard day's work. Then all he has to do is enjoy the dish and wash the dishes.
      • Fulfill his small requests if he needs your help. If you're already shopping, offer to buy him a shirt.
    2. Don't force him to do what he hates. While all strong relationships are built on mutual compromise, don't ask him to do a bunch of things for you that he's not even interested in. Of course, you cannot have 100% common interests, but try to make sure that he is comfortable in your relationship.

    3. Try to find out what he is interested in. Of course, it is not necessary to sit with him in the front row at MMA fights, but you will have to go to a couple of football matches. Do not force yourself, but still let him feel that you care about what he likes. Here are a couple of ideas:

      • Root with him for his favorite team. Don't get your face tattooed with the captain of your favorite baseball team, just watch a couple games on TV or go to the stadium with him. Show that you are receptive to new things and try watching sports.
      • Find out what he likes. Offer to go to a concert of his favorite band, even if you've never heard of it. If he's just a sushi freak and you've never been to a Japanese restaurant, give the fish a chance.
      • But don't forget to keep your individuality. In any healthy and long-term relationship, the tastes of partners can naturally converge, but you do not need to turn into a clone of your boyfriend who does not have his own interests. This will only take away his interest.
    4. Be positive. It is very important. If you want your loved one to know how dear he is to you, you must become for him the person with whom he wants to spend all his time and always give him a good mood. Destroy the standard male stereotype that you can only have fun with a “company of friends”, and then return home, where a hot dinner and a girlfriend are waiting for him, holding an aspirin at the ready for a hangover.

      • Well, if you really decide to spend fun nights with your loved one, both of you will need aspirin.
      • In order for him to rush to meet you in anticipation of the positive, you do not always need to be noisy and reckless.

    Be the best girl

    1. Don't be jealous. If you constantly think about his exes and keep girls away from him closer than five meters, this will not convince him of your feelings. On the contrary, he will decide that you are insecure about him and in your relationship, and will simply try not to catch your eye anymore. If you decide to be the coolest girlfriend for him, then believe in your relationship and don't lose your temper when you see him with another girl.

      • No need to be jealous if your lover is discussing another girl with a friend. If she's so beautiful, admit it. Until the greasy jokes and comments begin, show that you can also be a connoisseur of female beauty.
      • If another girl approaches you, do not start criticizing her appearance, figure and the dress that she wore last week - this will show that you are not at all confident in yourself. Instead, acknowledge that you are not the only beauty in the world, because there are such cool girls.
      • Don't be rude and arrogant to his girlfriends. If they like you, they will not fail to tell him about it, and this will lift you up in his eyes.
      • Don't even think about reading his messages on your phone to see if he's talking to girls in in social networks. If he finds out about it - goodbye, trust.
    2. Be nice to his friends. Seriously, if his buddies love you, that's a straight road to his heart. Then you'll all hang out together and you won't be seen as some petty possessive who won't let your boyfriend have fun with his friends.

      • Try to find out more about them. Ask them about life. Let them feel that you see each of them as individuals and not just your boyfriend's buddies.
      • Do not be upset if some of his company behaves indecently. Don't turn into an old mommy giving them morals.
      • If you want your man's friends to love you, then you don't have to ask for them. Never intrude on “purely male” gatherings just because you don’t want to lose sight of your loved one. If you give him some freedom, his friends will also appreciate this gesture and invite you from time to time.
    3. Let him be alone with himself. If you want your chosen one to see how dear he is to you, show him that you see him as a person. And a person will not grow if he is under your pressure twenty-four hours a day. After all, if you sometimes spend time apart, a man will appreciate those moments when you are together even more.

      • Understand what personal time means. If your beloved decided to read, go for a run or just watch TV alone, do not rush to keep him company - this is his time.
      • Don't check where he is and with whom every five seconds. If he's out with friends or alone, don't call him every ten minutes, ostensibly to make sure he's okay. Such actions can make you appear possessive or even too intrusive.
      • Let him spend more time with family and friends. Don't ask him to report back after every meeting.
      • Do not forget about yourself and your interests. While your loved one is walking with friends or doing what you love, take care of yourself - go somewhere with your friends. After all, you don’t want him to start thinking that you don’t have close people besides him.
    4. Look at everything from the positive side. When you are together, you do not need to constantly grumble and complain about life. Yes, you had a bad day, but now you are with your loved one, and not with your psychologist. Let him appreciate the time spent with you, give him positive instead of bad emotions. If you want him to know how much you love him, give him more kindness and warmth.

      • Try to smile more. It will light up your face and cheer up your beloved man.
      • A sense of humor is also very important. You can spend hours together just fooling around.
      • Make it a rule for every compliment to list at least five things that you appreciate in your chosen one. This will lift his spirits. He will know that you feel good simply because he is there and you love him.
  2. Onward to adventure! Take a vacation and go to some fun and mysterious place, or just drive your car to see a waterfall or a strange haunted house. Just close your eyes, randomly select any place on the map and travel.
  3. Always find time for romance. If you want to keep your relationship going, don't forget the little romantic evenings, no matter how long you've been together. Some guys don't like the traditional word "romantic evening," but you still have a candlelit dinner or a glass of wine together at least once a week.

    • When the two of you are exquisitely dressed, it will emphasize the importance of the moment.
    • Do not expect excessive sentimentality from a man on a date - whatever you do together, the main thing is that it is pleasant for both of you.
  4. Making love. Being a passionate lover is also one way to please your man. But do not show him that you are having sex with him just because he wants it, show that you get no less pleasure from it. Tell him how you want him, you can also offer to try something new.

    • Have sex in different positions. Do not make love in the same positions - experiment. When you try new sensations, you will climb one more step.
    • Have sex in more than just the bedroom. The bed is not the only place in the world where you can do this. If you're in a good mood, make love on the couch, on the floor, or even somewhere private. This will spice up your relationship.
    • Remember that not all men like to lie in an embrace after sex. Lie with him for a while, but don't force him to be with you until he falls asleep from boredom.
  • Feel free to kiss him first.
  • Do not hide your emotions from him, always talk about your feelings.
  • Try to cheer him up. If he had a hard day, be caring and patient.
  • Let him know that you will always be there (if this is true).
  • Spend nights/days alone with each other.
  • Look at him when he talks to you. It's not nice to talk to the wall.
  • Show him that you will always find a window in your schedule to meet him.
  • Whisper in his ear how much you love him and that you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But only say these words if it's true.
  • Never ask him to buy you gifts. He will decide that you are only with him for the money.
  • Don't talk about your ex.
  • Don't bring up the past. Live in the present.
  • cook it up favorite dish and don't forget the dessert... He'll love it!
  • Dedicate songs to him.
  • Never make a scandal out of nothing. Just talk about your problems.
  • Don't get hung up on the little things.


  • Jealousy is the cause of many breakups. Don't rummage through your boyfriend's stuff to see if he's interacting with other women, if it comes up, it will be hard to rebuild lost trust.

Relationships between people are often unpredictable. It's not always possible to sort out a woman's feelings when it comes to romance. And what can we say about the feelings of the stronger sex. How to understand love is, or just sympathy, attraction. Men are more restrained in showing emotions. Often, even experienced love relationships it is difficult for women to figure out how serious the chosen one is in their intentions.

Girls, as a rule, strive for stability, constancy. They want to know what a man is guided by when he shows interest, what will be the result, how strong the feelings are. A fleeting romance, flirting, physical attraction or true love - every girl who accepts courtship thinks about this. After all, it also depends a lot on her behavior, what a new acquaintance will develop into, how strong, how long the relationship will be. Only strong feelings are not subject to time, to some everyday problems. Two truly loving hearts can overcome a lot.

How does someone who truly loves behave:

  1. He is always there. Spends all his free and non-free time with his beloved. I agree to everything just not to part. The desire to be near, to enjoy the company of a dear person.
  2. Desire to win, perseverance. Such a gentleman will not accept a simple “no” in response to courtship. If he loves, he will seek reciprocity with all his might. Will go to any lengths to get a response.
  3. Interest in everything related to your beloved, the desire to please, make happy. On a date, he listens more than he talks. Shares the interests and hobbies of his woman. Presents bouquets, sweets. Surprise with a pleasant surprise, please with breakfast or lunch, homemade.
  4. Help and care. Tries to make it comfortable, convenient. Drives away annoying gentlemen, while jealously looking at them. Takes on men's duties, ready to help in everything.
  5. Loyalty. A man will give himself to true love without a trace. He simply does not notice other girls. Everything for her is the only one.
  6. Flexibility, the ability to compromise. Takes the first step after a quarrel, even if he realizes that he was right. He puts the interests of his beloved above his own.
  7. Acquaintance with relatives, friends. Represents the object of his love to family and friends. In his vocabulary, one often hears "we" instead of "I". He does not mind communicating with his girlfriend's family.
  8. Do not rush with intimacy. Sexual intimacy is important for every man. But if he loves, respects his chosen one, then he gives her time and does not rush things. For him, the moral readiness of a partner is above all desires.
  9. Responsibility for the health and well-being of your loved one. He regularly visits the gym, monitors his health and in every possible way attracts his woman to this. He cares about her well-being and mood.
  10. Sharing the hardships and rejoicing in the successes. Substitute a strong shoulder and support in a difficult life period, help to cope with troubles. Sincerely rejoice in the promotion, success in work.
  11. Willingness to start a family, have children. He sees in the future the chosen one as his wife. Strives for a strong relationship, wants to have children from his beloved.

If most of the signs match, most likely you have a man who loves for real. Further, it is up to the woman how ready she is to reciprocate in response. A strong feeling that can withstand the test is not so common, appreciate it, because loving man capable of anything for his soul mate.

The meeting of the eyes burned with a flash. slipped on optic nerve, and already in the chest exploded: he! Excitement was replaced by fear. Hope is the darkness of the void. Wouldn't be embarrassed. If you stare intently and say too much, you will scare away. Indecent. But silently expect male activity - to allow the possibility of losing forever. Loves or not? To know exactly those very signs of a man's love for a woman ...

How does a guy in love behave when he is definitely in love? Imagine yourself next to the most fabulous prince of flesh and blood. Courageous. Beautiful. Smart. What the hell do I look like? Do I like him? What does he feel when I pass by? Maybe change the dress, higher heels? Butterflies fluttered in the throat at the thought of future intimacy. Being in love either closes the access to air, or saturates with the smell of happiness. You tremble with ambiguity.

How does a man in love behave? Secret behind seven seals. Mountains of read literature, films, stories of girlfriends do not help - every time you are lost in conjectures. The conversation is intricate and unpredictable. Silly rush to answer. It is difficult to determine what lies behind the attempt to make you laugh. Has he memorized a phrase-stamp, or is he trying to enchant in an abstruse way? Or maybe he is timid, confused, just does not know how to care? What does this look of a man in love say: is it rehearsed in front of a mirror or is it always like this?

Let's get acquainted with the ability to recognize accurately and unmistakably the signs of a man in love. We will do this with the help of the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. In our hands, dear "weaker sex", a unique tool for knowing ourselves and others has finally appeared - systemic psychoanalysis. Thanks to him, you will know immediately, without test polls and a long “grinding in”, what a man in love feels. So.

We are all different, or Sensual signs of a man's love for a woman

The psyche controls a person regardless of conscious desire. Not always the desire to contemplate the loving look of a man all his life is embodied in reality. It happened to everyone to want something very strongly, and to receive a banal “I want it - I want it!”. Real desires and properties are hidden from the person himself. At the birth of each of us, Lady Nature does not give instructions printed on paper. But in general they are. Stored in a common bank of the collective unconscious.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, eight groups of properties and desires are revealed, 36 in each. These groups are called vectors. Knowledge of the properties of the psyche gives mathematically accurate recognition from the inside, what a man in love feels. What exactly is he? What will be the reactions to the woman's words and actions? Everyone reacts to the situation and the person differently, depending on the vectors. Basically, it’s a way to guarantee great relationships with people. Including happy couples.

Many articles can be found on the Internet on the topic "signs of a man's love for a woman", but they do not say the main thing:

How a man behaves depends entirely on the woman herself and her condition.

You can guess on a camomile likes - does not like ... Leave it to teenage girls. A real woman knows: "Does he love?" - it's just a question of how much you understand a man and whether you understand "System Vector Psychology".

In this article, we will talk not only about the signs of a man's love for a woman, but also about how to make this love possible. After all, you want a guy to go crazy over you all his life? Loved, loved, carried in your arms?

To be happy and beloved girl?

What causes love, symptoms

First: smell

People signal themselves with the smallest odor molecules - pheromones. Do not be surprised, girls, animal nature is built on smells. The vomeronasal organ, recently discovered by scientists, receives them and sends a signal to the brain: this person is dangerous, neutral, upset, or in love. Our feelings, states have a smell. You can check the phenomenon by the behavior of the dog we are afraid of. Flirting with her, a brisk step past and singing a song do not save. "Dog" senses our fear and starts to bark. Noticed?

A woman expects security and safety from a man. This is felt by her as a desire to be with this man all the time. At the same time, the smell of readiness to enter into a relationship should be pleasant to him, desirable. He is good and not so good for women. It depends on the state in which she is: stress, joyful expectation, irritation, physical ailment, flight of fancy - everything has its own smell.

You can listen to more details about smells, the benefits and harms of perfumes at the training. In short: Perfume enhances smell. It is not recommended for a woman to use perfume when she is in a bad internal state. Because in this case, a guy in love will turn around without really getting to know each other. In any case, after the training, thanks to the restoration of inner harmony, the smell becomes healthy and attractive, both for men and women.

A woman who is in good emotional states smells attractive, and the man responds: it is pleasant for him to be near her.

Second: development of properties

Let's consider the aspects of states on the example of a visual vector. People with a visual vector are sociable, bright, demonstrative, kind. They appreciate beauty, thanks to figurative intelligence they make the world around beautiful. The meaning of their life is love. They have a huge range of emotions. The root fear of death (fear for oneself) given by nature, with proper development in childhood, turns into sympathy, empathy.

The desire to notice all the subtleties of life's collisions, the sadness or doubts of those who are nearby, shed tears together with other people in the event of sad events - these are the "spectators". Reading fairy tales in childhood, they mentally try on the images of Gerda or Kai, Pinocchio or Malvina. Merging with the hero in their hearts, suffering and sympathizing with him, they overcome their own fears, save their friends from captivity, defeat the evil Karabas or the Snow Queen. Friends and girlfriends call them "vest", "shoulder".

Love for people is an indicator of the high development of the human psyche. The smell of such a person will attract with kindness, a desire to help the suffering, weak and lonely. This obviously excludes rude, aggressive behavior, indifference in pair relationships. When a man is in love himself, being developed, he, of course, is looking for a woman who knows how to love. It is these couples that we usually notice and admire their beautiful relationships.

If the emotionality of a woman has not been developed, her smell - hysterical, commanding, requiring attention only to herself, always dissatisfied with everything, in stupid fears and phobias - will never attract a man with a healthy psyche. A real, strong feeling will not arise. Most often, such women attract sadists into their lives - the owners of the anal vector, which is in a state of frustration. At the training, any conditions are perfectly worked out, the health of the body and psyche is restored.

Third: the difference from within

Partners with opposite properties are always attracted to a couple. So conceived nature - to combine the properties of two, to increase the likelihood of survival. Let's give an example of how a guy in love with an anal vector behaves. These are always thorough, thorough people. Taking care of your family is their main value. They are economic and homely. But they make decisions more slowly than representatives of other vectors. They analyze for a long time, doubt, think, but is it worth starting a relationship in principle. Be patient and expect the same from others.

Caring, they help a woman in everyday affairs. By nature, they have "golden hands." They expect understanding and praise in return. They can make repairs, nail a shelf in the house, help with their studies. They will definitely begin to compare the girl with her mother - the most significant person in their life for them. It's not easy for them to get married. Real perfectionists, they choose one wife and forever. So they say: "for life." Loyalty, devotion, care are signs of a man's love with an anal vector for a woman.

If there was a bad experience, then decisions can be made for years. They generally live in the past. Their characteristic analytical, generalizing thinking gives the final conclusion on a single unfortunate case. The girl changed, she didn’t wait from the army - and now all women become the same for him, you can’t trust them. At the same time, it is the guy with the anal vector who by nature is best husband, father and son. Responsible, conscientious, reliable and straightforward. He himself suffers when relationships with the opposite sex do not add up.

Skin vector guy is the complete opposite. The meaning of his life is "benefit-benefit, status-money". Having fallen in love, he will begin to give from himself what he values ​​\u200b\u200b. Restaurants, gifts, trips to change experiences will be offered to you as a signal of the seriousness of intentions. Ambitious, athletic, competitive. Give you the opportunity to be proud of their achievements.

Watches, cars as confirmation of status - a topic for conversation. Such a man marries a woman who is able to keep everything that he has obtained - honest, faithful, prone to constancy. Often falls in love with slender, beautiful, model-like girls. This confirms its status in society. Although he quickly loses interest in her and is looking for a new one.

The guy who owns the visual vector is an emotional firework and a holiday. Invite to all kinds of crowded entertainment. You will be haunted by his loving look - bathe, caress and "drown" while playing. The eyes are the erogenous zone of the viewer. Light and color, the union of intellect and beauty - these are books, theater, spectacles, shows. Signs of a man in love with a visual vector - solid romance in a relationship. Such a man constantly needs more and more emotions, so it is advisable for a woman to be prepared for the fact that a partner can stare at girls passing by and really get carried away by another. You need to always be there. He is kind and responsive. It is he who will speak the language of love you understand. Compliments pour from his lips like a cornucopia.

A man with a visual vector does not neglect the discussion of clothes, joint trips to shopping centers. It will be very important for both to look fashionable and elegant. Need to match. A visual guy in love loves to make surprises: he will surprise you with an unexpected appearance, jumping out in the middle of the subway passage, catching him on the way home, and will begin to rejoice like a child. He will find for you rare recordings of your favorite singer, a flower, an ornament. The look of a man in love with a visual vector cannot be confused with anything.

Fourth: emotional connection as the basis of long-term relationships

Of course, we cannot describe in a short article all the signs of a man's love for a woman: for each vector and their combinations, they have their own. But we will indicate the signs common to all by which a woman can determine whether she likes it.


This is a huge topic - food in human life. It must be understood that she is inscribed in the courtship ritual at the genetic level. If you are invited to a cafe or restaurant, then this means that you are very interesting to a man. Sharing a meal is intimate for two, you need to behave appropriately. The common table unites, reconciles in case of disagreement, brings together. There are rules for arranging a family table, the implementation of which is guaranteed to save the family, but more on that in another article.

emotional connection

Surely you have noticed that someone has a wonderful emotional atmosphere in a relationship, and someone has eternal showdowns with each other. It depends on the woman's ability to create an emotional connection. It guarantees long-term, kind-hearted relationships, mutual respect and love. It is not difficult to create it, the main thing is not to delay it. The fact is that passion based on mutual attraction subsides after about three years. The subsequent divorce can become the talk of the town. But when a man is truly in love, at the level of emotions, souls, you will never part.

This is done gradually, with the desire to recognize closer and more subtly feel your loved one. To begin with, you share your own emotional experiences, childhood memories, things that you would not dare to tell anyone else. By evoking reciprocal frankness, listening and empathizing, you are involved in a mysterious inner world each other. One of the main signs of a man in love is his willingness to open up to his one and only.

The knowledge of the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan is guaranteed to help you create a couple that will one day be legendary ... What we wish you!

“…Thank you so much for such colossal information! At the same time with the girl passed your training more than a year ago. The results are amazing!!! The training gave an absolute understanding of each other and harmony in relationships! Based on the awareness of lacks, desires, emotions, states of each other, we were able to develop relationships to such crazy heights that we could not even imagine before the training! This knowledge is priceless!!!

Will the craving for a new darling be another mistake, or will a man find a happy family for the rest of his life? He can foresee this if he does not blindly follow his instincts, but tries to “dissect” his feelings - he will consider them from different angles, focusing on well-known criteria.

Far and near "beacons"

1. If a man is passionate about a woman, then she seems special to him, different from others. It happens that at the same time there are other girls who have interesting features. But if a woman is so unique that she becomes the only one worthy of attention, she is beyond competition. Then it is - a contender for the role of a life partner.

2. In an effort to please a woman, you should not hide any facts of your biography or suppress controversial character traits. In a long-term relationship, such a position is risky, since it is impossible to always follow the words, hold back and hide all information about yourself. Valuable is such a beloved, in which you do not need to show off, which accepts you "without cuts" - the way you are. If a person can be himself, this is not only a comfortable atmosphere for relationships, but also a good resource for any life achievements.

3. A healthy man has a “manufacturer's instinct”. It is difficult to blame him for the fact that he actively reacts to the seductive appearance of a woman and. especially for touch. However, men also have an “antidote”. For example, the forms are attractive, but the lady is dressed vulgarly. Squeaky voice, rude manners, no sense of humor and more. In such cases, And only a truly suitable woman is able to maintain a constant fire in a partner, which can be hotter or weaker, but does not die out completely.

5. By nature, a man is a hunter, earner and protector, he is more comfortable in the position of the head of the family. Therefore, he wants to see in his beloved a sweet weak creature. Responsibility for a woman gives meaning to existence, there is inspiration for bright ideas and achievements, whatever the nature of his activity. Life becomes more complete and interesting.

6. It is very important for a man to make his own decisions. In relations with women, there are two extremes: someone does not delve into the interests of her husband, if only he brings, and many, on the contrary, strive for total guardianship and control. Both positions are fraught with conflicts. The ideal option is a woman who shows participation, but does not impose her opinion. If a loved one is endowed with such qualities, this is an additional plus.

7. Usually in the upbringing of boys, parents and teachers emphasize strength and intelligence. To be sensitive, to have a sympathetic soul for a man is almost indecent. He is taught to suppress his softness, warmth or sentimentality. But these qualities cannot be eliminated, they can only be hidden. As a result, few people harmoniously combine masculinity and sincerity. A man intuitively chooses a woman who has traits inherent in him. Those that he was not accustomed to openly show. It seems that two opposites have converged: he is stern - she is sentimental, he is harsh - she is soft, he is a joker - she is funny and so on. This addition to each other gives another plus in favor of the longevity of the relationship.

Why not marry?

Even in childhood, a woman dreams of a family with enthusiasm, and a man looks at marriage as optional in the program or as an inevitable necessity.

Your craving for one woman should be “examined under a microscope”. Let's say she's good to everyone, but you wouldn't trust her to raise your son. Then marriage is a big risk for you and the unborn child. Or it looks right in all respects: both friends advise, and mom likes it, but you find it too boring. Although it happens that “there are devils in the still waters,” and she may be of interest to you if you get to know each other better.

These seven general points are easy to take into account. In addition, it is worth remembering that the durability of feelings depends on its completeness and harmony.

2 chose

“Stupid, you already know very well how I feel about you” - this was perhaps the most powerful confession that I could hear from my ex. Alas, no matter how much you want to love them with your ears, men rarely confess their love directly. But they do it. How? For a few thoughts on this, see Why Men Leave by Canadian psychologist and relationship expert Brenda Shoshanna.
“Of course men love,” writes Dr. Shoshanna. - But despite this, most women cannot feel happy until they hear the magic words "I love you." Moreover, men also want to hear them. But just as much as a man wants love, he is afraid to show it to the last.
According to the psychologist, there are five ways for men to express their feelings. A woman needs to be able to recognize which one her chosen one prefers.
Method one: speak directly
Each of us knows that different men say "I love you" for different reasons. Dr. Shoshanna identifies two types of male motives.
For many men, the words "I love you" is a really difficult step and a very big emotional shock. Some at this moment feel that they are giving a woman their whole life, handing over their heart. Thus, they promise to take care of their chosen one and support her in everything. It's kind of an oath. Like any oath, it frightens and makes you prepare for such a responsible step for a long time.
However, there are men who pronounce the magic words with ease. Someone seeks thereby to persuade a woman to intimacy; for romantic natures, this phrase marks a certain transition into a fantasy world of dreams. Others, uttering the cherished three words, feel like amazing lovers. And there are those who just like the way a woman's eyes shine at that moment. If you heard "I love you" from your man, Brenda Shoshanna advises taking a short break and trying to fit these words into the context of your relationship. What does their pronunciation mean for a particular man? And is there any other evidence of the sincerity of his feelings?
Method two: gifts
There are many kinds of gifts that a man gives a woman: flowers, sweets, cards, and so on and so forth. But there are others that a woman may not even notice. For example, as the psychologist notes, for many men a gift is time spent with a woman. If he devotes more time to you than to family and friends, he expresses his feelings.
Another sign of obvious concern is helping in difficult situations and in fulfilling your duties, visiting your relatives and planning joint trips, as well as demonstrating that you are No. 1 in his plans and thoughts.
Method three: jealousy
As well as a demonstration of their exclusive rights to a woman. Such men do not want to share your attention with anyone. And with them, as Dr. Shoshanna advises, you should not look at other handsome men, much less talk about them. And although being in control does not mean being loved at all, for many men (and even women), according to the psychologist, these are related concepts. So the partner wants to show that he cares about you, that he constantly thinks about what is happening to you, and in many cases subconsciously wants you to show the same feelings.
Method four: sex
No matter how strange it may sound, some men talk about their love with caresses during sex. At the moment of intimacy, they feel and strive to show that they love you, and in the same exact way fix the reciprocal feelings. For such men, according to Brenda Shoshanna, physical contact breaks down all psychological barriers and provides a sense of unity that is difficult to achieve in other situations. It seems to them that if everything is fine in sex with you and you fully satisfy each other's needs, all other aspects of the relationship are also in harmony.
Step 5: Get to know your parents
Or with close friends. Thus, a man not only shows that he is proud of you, but also puts you on a par with the people closest to him. According to Brenda Shoshanna, this is how a partner demonstrates that you are becoming an important part of his life.
However, as the psychologist notes, there are men who share different types relations. They have someone for dates, someone for sex, even someone else for marriage. A woman needs to try to figure out what role is assigned to her. Brenda Shoshanna advises analyzing relationships. What people from his life does he introduce you to? What part of your life is ready to let you in? The psychologist suggests trying to keep a relationship diary. Many manifestations and signs of love go unnoticed by us. Sometimes because we are used to them, sometimes because we are too busy to stop, enjoy the moment and even just say “Thank you!” “In your relationship diary,” recommends Dr. Shoshanna, “try to write down all the attention and care that you received during the day, and those that you yourself showed. Be as precise as possible. Write down everything: phone calls, kind words, unexpected visits, and more. It is likely that you will be surprised at how much you get from your partner, and find new ways to thank him.”