Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich kiss. Signature kiss of dear Leonid Ilyich

A kiss is a sign of love, respect or friendship. In the second half of the 20th century, such gestures became especially popular among the leaders of the countries of the socialist camp. The trendsetter was the leader of the Soviet state Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. It was he who laid down - and in fact resumed - the tradition of giving kisses to political companions. The trademark triple kiss of "dear Leonid Ilyich" has become the same symbol of the era of stagnation, like a string bag, a faceted glass and space flights.

In Russia, the tradition of triple kissing has a long history. It was customary to greet each other with kisses on any day, not necessarily a holiday. Even in ancient Rus', a triple kiss was intended to express a special disposition towards the guest. However, this is not the only role played by such a sign of attention. The guest was considered a messenger of fate, and what to expect from him was not entirely known. Therefore, the so-called guest kiss was supposed to put the visitor in a good mood.

A guest kiss is a kiss of equals. But there were other types of kisses. For example, kissing the sovereign's hand played an important role in the diplomatic ceremony, and a kiss on the head emphasized the respect of a more status person for a less status one. One way or another, but the kiss has always been a gesture of good intentions. Characteristically, it was often accompanied by wishes of health, and in the very words "kiss" and "kiss" was the wish to be whole.

In the Orthodox tradition, a triple kiss was also adopted. At Easter, priests kissed the parishioners on the lips, following the call of St. Paul "to greet each other with a holy kiss." From the novel by Alexei Tolstoy "Peter the Great" it is known that the autocrat did not neglect the old rite. And Emperor Nicholas II often rewarded soldiers with a kiss on the mouth Russian army. Such moments are captured in photographs. That is why it turns out that Leonid Ilyich did not lay down, but only renewed the tradition that once existed. True, not everyone was honored to be kissed, but only the most dear guests of the Secretary General.

One of the first Brezhnev kisses happened in 1968. Then Yasser Arafat first visited Soviet Union where he met with Leonid Ilyich. The Palestinian leader so quickly gained the confidence of the Kremlin that Brezhnev could not resist and kissed Arafat out of an excess of feelings.

Another friendly kiss given by the Secretary General to the head of Yugoslavia gained notoriety for its strength. According to eyewitnesses, Joseph Broz Tito even cracked his lip and bled. The kiss of Leonid Ilyich with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustavov Gusak made such an impression on the inhabitants of the fraternal country that they still remember him.

However, Brezhnev kissed not only men and not only the leaders of friendly states. For example, a passionate kiss with Indira Gandhi was captured in a photograph that now takes pride of place in the museum of the head of the National Indian Congress.

If a pretty woman or a young girl happened to be nearby, then Ilyich didn’t care whether she was an important state person or not. So, in 1973, when the Soviet Union and the United States began to pursue a policy of detente, a delegation from America came to the USSR. The General Secretary gave a heartfelt speech, and an American woman approached him with flowers. The loving general secretary immediately kissed the girl. Passionate and selfless. So the choreography teacher instantly gained worldwide fame.

However, she was not the only representative of the United States who was kissed by Brezhnev. He honored the American President Jimmy Carter with a kiss. True, Leonid Ilyich did not kiss more with US leaders.

But not all politicians wanted to go through the ritual of the Soviet General Secretary. Even politicians from friendly countries. So, Brezhnev made an attempt to kiss Nicolae Ceausescu, but he directly and categorically refused such an honor. The Romanian leader was extremely squeamish.

In 1971, Leonid Ilyich was offended again. This time the offender was Margaret Thatcher. However, the iron lady, unlike Ceausescu, dodged the friendly gesture with tact. But the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, acted most wisely. He did not want to become a laughingstock in his homeland, but at the same time he did not want to upset Brezhnev. Then Castro quickly found a way out of the predicament. He ran down the stairs of the plane with a huge smoking cigar in his mouth. It was she who saved Fidel from the lips of the general secretary.

But, perhaps, the most famous kiss of Ilyich was the kiss with Eric Honecker, the leader of the GDR. A significant event occurred in 1979. This act of friendship among peoples became famous thanks to the artist Dmitry Vrubel. He depicted it on the Berlin Wall, calling the graffiti "Brotherly Kiss." It became a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Surrounded by the general secretary, his friendly gestures were not to everyone's liking. So, in the memoirs of Vyacheslav Kevorkov, a major general of the KGB, intelligence officer, journalist and writer, one characteristic fact is given. Chairman of the State Security Committee Yuri Andropov often invited him to discuss professional issues. In one of these meetings, Yuri Vladimirovich turned on the TV. The Vremya program covered the visit of one of the leaders of the fraternal communist parties. Seeing Brezhnev's traditional kiss, Andropov could not resist making a caustic comment: “Abomination! The guest is sick, his nose is running, and he is kissing ... ”However, he acted recklessly. Immediately the camera showed another plan: another kiss, and Andropov is standing behind, smiling and applauding. “It's a shame, oh, how a shame…”, - said the disgruntled successor Yuri Vladimirovich.

However, it was not only Leonid Brezhnev who adhered to the tradition of friendly kisses. So, Erich Honecker, the leader of the GDR, again had to experience the kiss of the Soviet General Secretary in 1986. This time - Mikhail Gorbachev.

Of course, Brezhnev's legendary kisses have become the subject of numerous jokes. Here is one of the most famous jokes about the abundance of love of Ilyich. Brezhnev and Gromyko arrived on a friendly visit to an African country. The ladder was surrounded by meeting Africans. The General Secretary thought and thought, but suddenly he took a coin out of his pocket and threw it into the air. Caught and said to Gromyko: “Eagle. It's your turn to kiss."

People's humor and friendly gestures of Ilyich towards the United States did not ignore. For example, in Soviet times there was such an anecdote. Brezhnev says goodbye at the airport to one of the US politicians. They hug and kiss for a long time. Finally, the politician gets on the plane and flies away. Brezhnev is crying. Suslov approaches him:
- Well, Leonid Ilyich, stop it. After all, as a politician, he means nothing.
- As a politician, he does not mean anything, but how he kisses!

Brezhnev at the Pepsi-Cola plant in Novorossiysk, 1974

The misunderstanding that happened during a meeting with the Romanian leader Ceausescu also fell under the scope of the wits. Here is an anecdote composed by merry fellows from the people. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev did not like the Romanian leader Ceausescu.
- An adult, - Leonid Ilyich was perplexed. “I still haven’t learned how to kiss properly.”

However, the General Secretary himself was a big joker and could easily play a joke on himself. Once, at one of the meetings with the people, he suddenly asked a question. Like, how did you know me? And he himself answered him: "Probably on the eyebrows."

In addition to his political statements, which later became catchphrases, Brezhnev was known as the undisputed champion in power kisses, despite the fact that kisses are rare in the political sphere.

We have collected curious details of the most famous kisses of the General Secretary.

It is unlikely that in the 70s there would have been at least one Czech who did not know what the “triple Brezhnev” was (one kiss on both cheeks and the final kiss on the lips). The kiss of Leonid Ilyich and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak made such an impression on the inhabitants of the fraternal country that the memories of this historical event are still alive in the hearts of the Czechs.

Once Brezhnev attempted to kiss the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. However, the Romanians turned out to be the only one who directly and categorically refused this ritual, as he was extremely squeamish.

In 1971, there was another failed attempt of the "triple Brezhnev", this time the victim of the Secretary General was to be Margaret Thatcher. However, the iron lady managed to tactfully dodge this friendly gesture, unacceptable to the stiff English.

In 1973, when the iron curtain opened, a delegation from the United States arrived in the USSR. After the heartfelt speech of the Secretary General, a young American woman approached him with flowers, whom the loving General Secretary immediately kissed with his inherent passion and dedication. The hitherto inconspicuous choreography teacher Annie Hollman suddenly became world famous.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, was the only American President to receive a kiss from a famous Soviet leader.

Brezhnev's friendly kiss with Josip Broz Tito was so powerful that, according to rumors, he even hurt the Yugoslav leader's lip.

In 1968, Yasser Arafat visited the USSR for the first time, where he was given a meeting with the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The Palestinian leader quickly won the Kremlin's trust, as the famous triple Brezhnev kiss can confirm.

The passionate kiss of Leonid Ilyich with Indira Gandhi, captured in the photograph, takes its place in her apartment, turned into a museum, along with other relics associated with the name of this great woman.

In 1974, the Cuban leader, who flew to the USSR for the first time, already knew about the Secretary General's ritual of kissing guests at a meeting, and also knew that he would become a laughing stock in his homeland if he allowed this to happen. But an original solution was found. Fidel Castro fled down the ladder with a huge smoking cigar in his mouth, which did not allow Brezhnev to disgrace the Cuban in front of his compatriots.

The most famous kiss of Leonid Ilyich is with Erich Honecker, the leader of the GDR, in 1971. This act of friendship between peoples was even depicted on the Berlin Wall by a young but very talented artist, Dmitry Vrubel. The “fraternal kiss” has become a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich was a kind of humane and soft. No wonder the time when he ruled the USSR was called the “thaw”. He became famous for his eyebrows, orders and medals. But Brezhnev's famous kiss is best known to the world. The leader of the USSR was very fond of kissing. And not only with women. Such an "honor" from the Secretary General was awarded to the most senior representatives of other powers. After all, given the status of Brezhnev, almost no one managed to dodge.

The famous kiss of Brezhnev

It consisted in the following: the leader of the USSR enclosed the “victim” in his strong arms and kissed him first on the left cheek, then on the right, and finally on the lips. Hence the famous name "Triple Brezhnev".

Where the famous Brezhnev kiss originates from is not known for certain. But there is an assumption that the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who first came to the Soviet Union in 1968 and quickly won the trust of Leonid Ilyich, is to blame. The fact is that triple kissing is an Arab tradition, according to which this gesture means mutual trust and disposition towards a person.

Some facts about the famous kiss

Those whom the Soviet leader kissed are quite difficult to count, much easier - those who were able to tactfully evade.

Failed "Triple Brezhnev"

  1. Margaret Thatcher. In 1971, the prim Englishwoman and "iron lady" was able to timely and tactfully dodge the passionate embrace of the Soviet leader.
  2. Fidel Castro. In 1974, the Cuban leader flew to the USSR for the first time. He already knew in advance about the addictions of Leonid Ilyich to kiss everyone at a meeting, and also knew that if he allowed this, he would be ridiculed in his homeland. So Fidel, to avoid shame, went down the hill with a huge smoking cigar in his mouth.
  3. Nicolae Ceausescu. The Romanian leader was the only one who directly refused to kiss the Secretary General, as he was a very squeamish person.

And by the way, scientists have proven that kissing is very good for health. And, apparently, Leonid Brezhnev knew about it even then. So kiss well!

Having led the country in 1964, Brezhnev immediately won the sympathy of the people. It even outwardly favorably differed from its predecessor - undersized and rounded Khrushchev. German Chancellor Willy Brandt noted: despite the heaviness, Brezhnev gave the impression of an elegant person. No wonder: costumes and sportswear for Leonid Ilya-cha they sewed individually.

Brezhnev always watched his weight. Many scales stood not only in his apartment and offices, but also at the dacha in Zarechye, in the hunting farm in Zavidovo. One of the doctors back in Dnepropetrovsk told him that due to the characteristics of the body, he should sleep for at least 9 hours. And Brezhnev, if possible, took an hour and a half to sleep after dinner. True, conservation slim figure the afternoon rest did not help, and Leonid Ilyich last years For life, he followed a strict diet - cutlets from several times rolled minced meat with cream, beets, cabbage, cheesecakes, tea.


Growing up on the banks of the Dnieper, Brezhnev was a good swimmer. In warm weather, he did not get out of the pool at the dacha, and during his vacation in the Crimea he swam far into the sea. His wife Viktoria Petrovna used to say: "Well, he sailed to Turkey again." In the water next to the Secretary General there was always a security officer, and under the water there were swimmers of a special group created after the Prime Minister of Australia, who also knew how to swim well, disappeared without a trace in 1967 during a swim.

Brezhnev presented his colleagues in the Politburo with hunting trophies. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (right). 1955 Photo: RIA Novosti


Brezhnev knew how to handle weapons from his Komsomol youth: he got his first pistol when he started working as a land surveyor. Deputy chief of security of Secretary General Medvedev I recalled that only at the dacha of the Secretary General were stored about 90 trunks. In 1973, at a reception at US President Nixon favorite American actor of the Secretary General and the leading actor in the western "Shooter" Chuck Connors presented Brezhnev with two Colts and a cowboy hat. And in 1974 President Ford in Vladivostok, he presented the Secretary General with exclusive Colts with factory markings LIB-1 and LIB-2 (Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev). Often Leonid Ilyich appeared hunting with a cowboy colt in an open holster.

Colt revolvers. A gift from US President Gerald Ford to General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Oleg Lastochkin


Brezhnev learned to drive a car at the front and retained his passion for fast driving and a good car until the end of his life. Even in September 1982, 2 months before his death, he drove the car a little on his own, leaving Crimea forever. For a long time I could not forget the trip with Brezhnev at breakneck speed along the roads near Moscow US Secretary of State Kissinger. And President Nixon recalled with horror the races at the Camp David residence when Brezhnev decided to try out the Lincoln given to him.


On TV, Brezhnev watched mainly the programs "Time" and "Wick", programs about nature. He loved comedies, films about the war. I watched “Seventeen Moments of Spring” several times and ordered to award the creators of the picture, and the leading actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov to give the title of Hero (according to legend, at first he wanted to reward scout Isaev). Brezhnev more than once saved films that officials did not let in the rental: “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “White Sun of the Desert” and others ... In addition, the Secretary General loved to watch hockey matches. Once he even ignored the party congress and came to Luzhniki to watch the game of his favorite CSKA team. The chairman of the State Radio and Television, having learned about the presence of Brezhnev at the match, forbade showing the government box.

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev delivers a report. 1982 Photo: RIA Novosti


His frequent stops when reading reports and unintelligible diction made a depressing impression. But this happened mainly due to the condition of the oral mucosa. Brezhnev's dental problems were not completely solved either by Soviet or German doctors. Also, atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels and strong sedatives, which kept the Secretary General half asleep, did not contribute to intelligible speech. Moreover, he washed down the tablets with a strong tincture, believing that this way they are better absorbed.


From this bad habit Brezhnev could not refuse, even when he was hunting. And the huntsmen scattered cigarette butts in places where animals were fed, so that the animals got used to the smell of tobacco. For the Secretary General, they developed a special cigarette case with a counter that gave out strictly one cigarette per hour. But Brezhnev carried an ordinary pack in another pocket. When the doctors finally forbade the Secretary General to smoke, he began to ask the guards ... to fumigate himself.

Doctors unsuccessfully struggled with his craving for a cigarette.\b Photo: RIA Novosti / Anatoly Garanin


The objects of Brezhnev's famous kisses, among many, were US President Jimmy Carter and Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. "Triple Brezhnev" - kisses on the cheeks and lips - was not liked by everyone, and some managed to evade. For example, Fidel Castro when meeting with Leonid Ilyich, he deliberately kept a lit cigar in his mouth. Brezhnev's passion for kissing was used by local bosses, slipping pretty girls along with bread and salt during the reception. By the way, among the "women of Brezhnev" his front-line love is often mentioned. Tamara Laverchenko and nurse Nina Korovyakova who was said to have put him on the pills. In general, many novels were attributed to him, but not a single famous woman was noticed in relations with him.

Visit of L.I. Brezhnev to the Republic of Cuba. Leonid Brezhnev and Fidel Castro. Photo: RIA Novosti / Eduard Pesov


The General Secretary, about whom many jokes were composed, was not afraid to make fun of himself. At one of the meetings with the people, he suddenly asked people how they recognized him, and he himself answered - probably by the eyebrows.