Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic of the profession. Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Professions

Marina Sannikova
Abstract of the speech therapy lesson "Professions" for children ONR

Plan - lesson summary using an interactive whiteboard.

organizational information

Lesson topic « Professions»

Subject, occupation The development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

Contingent of listeners Senior group (5-6 years old)

Teacher (name, position) Sannikova Marina Vladimirovna

Teacher- speech therapist

Educational institution MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 539

Methodical information

Lesson type (lessons)

Learning new, generalization of knowledge. Frontal occupation.

Lesson Objectives (lessons)

Refine, expand and activate vocabulary children on the topic« Professions» .

Lesson objectives (lessons)

Correctional and educational tasks:

Strengthen word formation skills and inflections: agreement of nouns with adjectives; nouns with verbs; match adjectives to nouns;

Develop coherent speech; to consolidate the ability to answer questions with a full sentence;

Learn children name professions by place of work or gender lessons.

Correction-developing tasks:

Fasten at children the ability to use nouns in the instrumental case;

Exercise in the formation of plural nouns of the genitive case;

Improve phonemic perception; exercise in proper breathing; develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking; the ability to listen;

Correctional and educational tasks:

educate at children respect for work and respect for tools;

educate at children interest in people of different professions and the desire to achieve success with their own work.

Wellness tasks:

Development of coordination of speech with movement, self-massage.

Necessary equipment and materials Smart board, computer, projector.

Pictures with the image professions people and tools, subject Pictures: sunshine with different emotions: sad, cheerful, surprised, angry; Dunno, tokens for evaluating answers.

Used sources and literature (if available, including links to Internet resources Use of information computer technologies in the educational process and problems of its methodological support. - Internet resource http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2006/0901-5.htm

Korolevskaya T.K. Computer interactive technologies and oral speech as a means communications: achievements and searches. // Defectology. - 1998. - No. 1. p. 47-55.


The purposeful formation of coherent speech is of paramount importance in the overall system speech therapy work with children with general speech underdevelopment. Celebrated by children systemic speech underdevelopment, as a rule, in combination with a lag in the development of a number of mental functions, requires a differentiated approach to the choice of methods and techniques for developing the skills of independent coherent statements.

Connected speech children senior group with general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) characterized by a lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, fragmentary. Children find it difficult to retell stories, reproduce them according to the model of the teacher's speech, not to mention independent and creative storytelling. It should be noted that self-coherent speech in children with OHP is not formed. Therefore, a well-planned systematic corrective work is necessary. speech therapist, involving the conduct of special correctional and developmental classes and use of modern educational technologies.

All correctional work is built according to the Program of T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina “Preparation for school children with OHP in a special kindergarten "with the priority implementation of the correction of physical and (or) mental development children with severe speech impairment.

Purpose of the program: "Providing a system of means and conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies among children senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech and the implementation of timely and full-fledged personal development, ensuring emotional well-being through the integration of the content of education and the organization of interaction between the subjects of the educational process. Prevention of possible difficulties in mastering the mass school program due to the underdevelopment of the speech system of older preschoolers.

Thus, the purpose of the corrective work: organization of effective conditions that ensure the formation of a full-fledged structure of speech activity in pupils with speech disorders. Based on this goal, the priority direction of my pedagogical activity was to develop a system speech therapy classes, using an interactive whiteboard, aimed at developing vocabulary and coherent speech children senior preschool age with TNR. Sufficiently high results of the final diagnostics on the formation of coherent speech and sound pronunciation make it possible to assess the significance of using an interactive whiteboard when working with children of the TNR.

Corrective impact on speech is carried out in a complex way, i.e. including in myself: mimic and articulatory gymnastics; breathing and vocal exercises (for the development of proper speech breathing and the development of voice power). Development of phonemic processes (analysis, synthesis, hearing and perception); accumulation of a dictionary on lexical topics; development of the grammatical side of speech; development of coherent speech, therefore, work in these areas as stages is included in each occupation. The material is selected according to age and individual characteristics. children.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson.

preliminary work: excursions to the factory, company, etc., reading poems about people's professions, learning exercises « Professions» , "A carpenter".

I. Organizational beginning.

Who is the poem about?

An exercise "A carpenter":

White sawdust is flying

They fly from under the saw.

This is the carpenter doing

Frames and floors.

Axe, planer

Planes planks

Made window sills

Without a hitch, without a hitch.

Who is the poem about? What is a carpenter doing? What material?

What items did each of you make?


Children in pairs "saw" saw.

Draw a square with your hands.

Depict work with an ax, and then with a planer.

Shake off "sawdust" from hands and clothes.

Children one at a time list objects that can be cut from wood.

1.2 Self-massage

An exercise "Rake":

Leaves fall in the garden

I will sweep them with a rake.

Palms on themselves, fingers intertwined, straightened and also directed towards themselves.

1.3 Development of facial muscles

Oh ho ho. Ah-ha-ha. Well, well, well

(and others syllable chains)

(Say a phrase with a different mood, "Sun" with different emotions: sad, cheerful, surprised, angry, etc.)


Smiled, rejoiced

Frowning, upset

Children say the phrase one at a time

1.4 Development of fine motor skills

An exercise « Professions» :

brick mason

Building a wall. Nobody's house.

I am a painter, I paint walls,

Ceiling ( "paint the ceiling")

And your kitchen.

I'm electric. I'll turn on the light

Just turn on the light bulb.

Come to a new home

And live long in it!


We put the right hand on the left, the left on the right.

We move up and down with a relaxed brush.

Hand movements left and right

"Turn on the light by pressing the switch"

Rotational movements of the right hand

Palms "house"

Extend your arms to the sides.

II.Main part

What kind professions you know?

What kind professions will be listed in the poem?

Doctor heals us from pain

There is a teacher at the school

The cook cooks compote for us,

The barber cuts everyone's hair

The tailor sews pants for us,

And we must tell you:

We don't have extra professions,

All professions are important!

What kind we did not name professions?

Working with a presentation

People what professions work with a person?

People what professions move on special equipment?

4 slide - 5 slide

Dunno will not understand what it is and to whom it should be given. Let's help him?

Who needs the following things?

Dynamic pause "A carpenter"

Correct the mistakes of the Dunno:

The driver leads a round dance.

Welder - cooks soup.

Firefighter - fries cutlets.

Secretary - keeps secrets.

Soloist - pickles cucumbers.

Tailor - works in the port.

Storekeeper - looking for treasures.

Guess the riddles dunno:

Without what this person professions can't work? What is superfluous?

1. Who is the most useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases? (doctor)

2. Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

sing, write and draw.

He is the master of all sciences

This is our school…


4. Who will build a circus for us?

School, temple and kindergarten?

He will raise everything at once,

Everyone will be happy at home!


5. Who, tell me, is this

Keeps our peace

He keeps order

Do not order to hooligan? (policeman)

6. Instantly he will put out the fire

He is a lifesaver and a hero!


And when there are a lot of them?

Who works on the machine, special equipment?

III. Compilation of a coherent story.

slide number 14

Name professions of their parents. Tell me what they do at work.

Guess who I guessed?

It's feminine profession, she works on an airplane, she distributes food to passengers, she takes care of their safety.


The one who guessed correctly receives a token from Dunno and guesses the person with his professions.

Mnemotable for compiling a coherent story « Professions»

See presentation


Make up stories about professions their parents or those chosen by them from the pictures.

IV.Result lessons

What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you like about this profession?

What did you like about lesson?

Dunno thanks you for your help and says goodbye.

V.Evaluation and self-assessment

Job evaluation children in class.

(during lessons multi-colored tokens are issued for correct answers, at the end lessons tokens are counted; children evaluate their own work and the work of each other).


Correction-developing tasks: to develop attention, abstract thinking, fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate respect for the work of adults.

  • expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
  • learn to answer questions with full answers,
  • practice conjunction "in, or" .
  • learn how to build sentences
  • teach vocabulary,
  • learn to form feminine nouns from masculine nouns.
  • learn how to make short stories based on pictures.
  • develop in children thinking, memory, attention.

Search for factual errors "Confusion"

Equipment: pictures with professions (Composing a story based on a plot picture)

Lesson progress:

Search for the relevant concept “ Guess the profession? ".

Children stand in a circle and play with a ball.

Speech therapist: asks questions, children answer.

Who is carrying the luggage? - porter.
Who puts in the glass? - glazier.
Who lays the bricks? - bricklayer.
Who fixes the clock? - watchmaker.
Who paints the walls? - painter.
Who composes the music? - composer.
Who welds pipes? welder.
Who works on the crane? - crane operator.
Who sharpens knives? - grinder.
Who is working on the excavator? - excavator operator.
Who plays the piano? - pianist.
Who teaches? - teacher
Who is building? - builder
Who is driving? - driver
Who is cooking? - Cook,
Who heals? - doctor.

Riddles: The development of logical thinking.

Who is sitting at the bedside of the patient,
And he tells everyone how to be treated.
Who is sick, he will offer to take drops,
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (This is a doctor)

Tell me who cooks cabbage soup so tasty.
Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes. (This is the chef)

We get up very early - after all, our concern,
Drive everyone to work in the morning. (This is the driver)

Who brings to the papers
And greetings from your grandmother? (postman)

The subway has a glass house.
We buy volume at home:
Tomatoes and cabbage
Onions and peppers are delicious. (vegetable shop)

I sewed a shirt for a bear
I'll sew him pants.
Tell me who am I?
Yes, of course … (seamstress)

What other professions do you know? (Tailor, builder, fireman, salesman, artist, hairdresser, painter, photographer).

The game "Who's doing what?"

Objectives: selection of verbs for nouns.

What is the Teacher doing? (A teacher teaches children)
What does the seller do? (Seller sells goods)
What does a doctor do? (Doctor treats people)
What does a builder do? (Builder builds buildings)
What does an artist do? (The artist draws pictures)
What is the chef doing? (The cook prepares food)
What does a tailor do? (A tailor sews clothes)
What does a builder do? (builds and repairs houses)
What does a painter/plasterer do? (paints, whitens, plasters)

The game "Who needs what to work?"

Objectives: replenishment of the lexical dictionary.

What does a teacher need to work?

A teacher needs a board, chalk, textbooks, notebooks, a pointer, etc. to work.

What does a chef need to work?

A cook needs a stove, dishes, food, etc. to work.

What does a salesperson need to work?

The seller needs goods, a cash register, money, etc. to work.

What does a doctor need to work?

A doctor needs medicines, a thermometer, etc. to work.

What does a builder need to work?

A builder needs bricks, paint, cement, machines, etc. to work.

Game "Answer the question" (use of the preposition -in-).

The teacher-speech therapist invites children to answer questions.

Where will you go to learn how to swim? - I'm going to the pool.

Where will you go to watch a movie? - I'll go to the cinema.

Where will you go to get a book to learn a lot? - I'll take it from the library.

Where will mother go if a doctor is needed? Mom will go to the hospital.

Where will the sister go if she needs to make a dress? - My sister will go to the studio.

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture "Teacher" .

This is a teacher. He works at school. The teacher teaches children to write, read, count. For work, the teacher needs a board, a pointer, chalk, notebooks, books.

Similarly, children talk about a doctor, a builder, a salesman, an artist.

Fizminutka "Professions"

We played in the profession (walking in place)

In an instant, we became pilots! (straight arms to the sides)

They flew in an airplane - (circle yourself around)

And suddenly they became drivers! (walking in place)

The wheel is now in our hands (hands in front of you),

We go fast, just class! (running around with the wheel)

And now at the construction site (we're walking in place)

Lay bricks straight. (arms bent in front of you at the elbows)

One-brick and two, and three - (raise hands up)

We are building a house, look! (join straight arms above head)

Here's the game over

It's time for us to sit on the chairs.

The game "One is many"

Objectives: the formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Teacher - teachers - teachers, doctor - doctors - doctors, seller - sellers - sellers, postman _ postmen_ postmen, hairdressers - hairdressers of hairdressers, cook - cooks - cooks, etc.

The game "Call by example" .

Objectives: the formation of feminine nouns.

The man is the cook and the woman is the cook.

The man is an artist and the woman is an artist

The man is an artist and the woman is an artist

The man is a singer and the woman is a singer.

The man is the teacher and the woman is the teacher.

The man is a pilot and the woman is a pilot

The man is a tailor and the woman is a dressmaker.

The man is a tractor driver and the woman is a tractor driver.

The man is a taxi driver and the woman is a taxi driver.

The man is a circus performer and the woman is a circus performer.

The man is a writer and the woman is a writer.

The man is the guide and the woman is the guide.

Game "Guess the word".

A speech therapist teacher offers children pictures on which are drawn: a fisherman, a beekeeper, a lumberjack, a chimney sweep. And asks to explain why they are so named.

Angler - catching fish.

Beekeeper - breeds bees.

Lumberjack - cuts wood.

Gardener - gardening.

Chimney sweep - cleans pipes.

After the game, the children conclude that two small words live in one big word.

Game "Choose the word".

The speech therapist teacher invites the children to take pictures from the table, name the person of what profession they depict, and pick up definition words for him.

What pilot? - brave, daring

What teacher? - smart, kind.

What driver? - Attentive, cautious,...

What doctor? - kind, caring

The game “Who do you want to be? ” sentences with the union -or-.

Children tell what they want to be, make up simple sentences with the union -or-.

I want to be a teacher or a doctor.

I want to be a salesman or a cook.

Search for factual errors "Confusion"

Does the painter make clothes? Is the driver flying the plane? Does the hairdresser make clothes? Does the librarian deliver the mail? Does the photographer compose music? Tractor driver preparing food?

This lesson for children with OHP in the preparatory group for school expands ideas about the professions of people, clarifies and enriches vocabulary on this topic. Improves the skills of building complex sentences. Strengthens the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis. Develops self-control over speech. Forms cognitive interest, desire to learn.



Synopsis of an open subgroup speech therapy lesson

In the preparatory group

"All professions are important, all professions are needed."

Compiled by teacher-speech therapist Rudnik Anna Iosifovna

MDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 126"

Krasnodar city


Educational:expand the understanding of the professions of people. Clarify and expand vocabulary on a given topic. Improve your ability to build complex sentences. Develop speech activity, dialogical speech (by answering questions).

Corrective: Develop general, articulatory, fine motor skills, facial muscles, breathing. Develop phonemic hearing, differentiation of sounds Sh - Z. To consolidate the skills of sound, sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis. Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Educational: Cultivate self-control over speech. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions. To form a cognitive interest, a desire to learn. Develop the ability to work in a team.


Subject pictures (artist, doctor, builder, rescuer, fireman, teacher, hairdresser, tailor). Items (hammer, syringe, trowel, brush). The game "Smart string". Ball. Planes red and blue. Object pictures with sounds W - F (jug, bag, nesting doll, bear, potato, pencils, giraffe, flag, spring, ice cream, clothes).

Pencils, the image of the cook for hatching. Easel.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment

/Establishment of emotional contact/

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet:

Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds.

Good morning smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

kind gullible

Good morning lasts until evening!

Smile at each other. Call each in turn your name affectionately, as your mother calls you.

People who work well are said to have golden hands. Golden hands - these are hands, what?/ hardworking, neat, diligent, dexterous, skillful /

Golden hands are not hands of gold.

Golden hands are not afraid of the cold.

These hands are the most needed hands in the world.

The most simple. Who has what.

Exercise for the coordination of speech and movement: "Skillful hands."

Every person dreams of finding in life a favorite thing that brings joy to himself and benefits people. What is a profession? A profession is a work to which a person devotes his life. There are a lot of professions!

Self-massage of the fingers: "Such different things."

2. Main body

Today in the lesson we will go on a trip around the city of "Professions" in order to learn even more about professions.

And what we will travel on, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

Iron huts are attached to each other,

One of them with a pipe leads everyone along. /train/.

Correctly! We'll go by train.

Who is driving the train? /driver/

Who else works on the train? /conductor/

What is the first sound in the word machinist, what is the last? How many vowels are in a word?

Well done! We take our seats and let's go!

Breath development.

Listen. A train whistle is heard ahead./ pronunciation of a syllable on one exhalation TU-TU-TU /

Development of mimic muscles.

Now look out the window to the right. The sun shines so brightly right in our eyes. Close your eyes. Look left. Passers-by smile at us. Let's smile at them too. Let's wave to them.

Articulation gymnastics "Blue car".

Well, here we are in the city of "Professions".

Guessing riddles based on pictures.

/ Development of speech hearing, thinking, dialogic speech /.

We got to the street of Mysteries. It is necessary to solve riddles about professions.

Look, there are pencils in this envelope.

Self-massage with a pencil "Shoemaker".

What profession is this riddle about? (shoemaker)

The game "Who is superfluous?".

The development of speech hearing. Improving the syntactic side of speech (complex sentences).

- Determine who is superfluous of the people I have named, explain why he is superfluous?

Educator, speech therapist, pilot, chef

salesperson, cashier, doctor, porter.

Driver, captain, seamstress, pilot.

tailor, cutter, nurse, seamstress

Sample: An extra doctor, because he works in a clinic, and the seller, cashier and loader in the store.

Game "Finish the sentence."

What do you think people work for?

People work to make life more beautiful.

People work to…benefits others.

People work to ….Earn Money.

People work to …then have a good rest. Etc.

How to call it in one word: saw, needle, cyst, hammer? (Tools).

Correctly. We come to Instrument Street.

In order for a person of any profession to work well, people invented and manufactured various objects and tools.

Game "Who needs what?"

There are tools on the table. Children determine to whom for work what tool is needed and for what.

The speech therapist hands out a card to each"Smart string"(profession + tool)

Complete the task and make suggestions.

They coped with the task. Well done. A person, what profession needs an airplane?

3. Physical education "Pilot".

Game "Catch the plane".

Differentiation of the pronunciation of sounds Sh - Zh.

And now you will become pilots. I will say a syllable and throw the plane to one of you. You will replace the sound Sh with the sound Zh in this syllable, and return the airplane to me.

sha - zha ball - heat

sho - jo shawl - sorry

shu - zhu sew - live

shi - shi sewing - living

neck ears - snakes

Fry - fry

Lusha - puddle

To extinguish - to grieve

Patch - bait


Airplane game.

The speech therapist invites the children to sit on the carpet.

Planes are going on a long journey. We will help to load the cargo on the planes. We will immerse objects in the name of which have the sound Sh into the blue plane, and objects with the sound Zh into the red plane.

(potatoes, pencils, teddy bear, flag, spring, etc.)

Well done!

Game "Cook".

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes. (cook)

What is the chef doing? Where does the chef work?

The speech therapist distributes sheets, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Fill in the hatching of the chef's image as shown by the arrows.

Children perform the task, the speech therapist evaluates the work.

4. Bottom line.

Our journey to the city of "Professions" is over. We learned a lot about professions.

Today we remembered so many professions, what do you think is the most important profession. (The speech therapist leads to the fact that all professions are good and all are important).

The game "What would happen if .."

What would happen if there were no doctors?

What would happen if there were no teachers?

What would happen if there were no builders, firefighters, artists, artists….

Game "Who will you be?"

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

I will be a builder and I will build houses.

I will be a chef and I will prepare delicious meals.

I will be an educator and I will educate children ....

Your confession.

The builder will build us a house,

And we will get into it together.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books.

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything.

Abstract of the speech therapy lesson "Professions" for children ONR

Purpose: To arouse in children an interest in the world around them, to expand knowledge and ideas about professions.

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational:

Teach children to name professions by place of work or occupation.


  • to consolidate the use of nouns in the instrumental case in children;
  • exercise in the formation of plural nouns of the genitive case;
  • develop logical thinking, coherent speech, the ability to build sentences.

Correctional and educational:

To instill in children an interest in people of various professions and a desire to achieve success through their own work.

Equipment: subject or plot pictures depicting people of various professions and tools.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

(Establishment of emotional contact)

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet:

Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds.

Good morning smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

kind gullible

Good morning lasts until evening!

Good morning, guys! 1,2, 3, 4, 5 - stand in a circle to play. Go to the multi-colored circles. I have a ball in my hands. It radiates goodness and passes it on to people who hold it in their hands. We will pass the ball with our hands and, addressing each other by name, we will wish each other good morning.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: Every adult has a profession. What are these professions? How are they useful to other people?

In order to learn even more about professions, today in the lesson we will go on a trip.

And on what we will go on a trip, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

He quickly raced along the rails -

The sleepers counted everything.

(Train) a picture appears on the slide

Correctly! We'll go by train.

Who is driving the train?(driver) a picture appears on the slide

Who else works on the train?(explorer) a picture appears on the slide

Breath development.

Listen. A train whistle is heard ahead.

We took a breath with a nose, on one exhale we pronounce the syllable TU-TU-TU

Development of mimic muscles.

Now look out the window to the right. The sun shines so brightly right in our eyes. Close your eyes. Look left. Passers-by smile at us. Let's smile at them too. Let's wave to them.

3. Introductory conversation.

What is a profession? Profession means skill. If a person has acquired a profession, then he has special knowledge. Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person.

People have a variety of professions and perform various jobs. They earn money to buy housing, food and clothing. A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.Guessing riddles based on pictures.(Development of speech hearing, thinking, dialogical speech)

We got to the Station of Mysteries. It is necessary to solve riddles about professions.

He is more useful in days of illness.

And heal, heal

Angina and bronchitis.(doctor)

All day I sew, yes I sew.

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little and you

You will also have clothes.(tailor).

We must fight fire - We are brave workers,

With water we are partners

We are very much needed by all people

So who are we? (firemen)

Above the clouds

We are building a house together

So that in warmth and beauty

They lived happily in it.(builders)

The master will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl.

Whip the bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands burns -

It will change the look! (the hairdresser)

Guys, what good fellows you areyou have completed the task.

Knocking, knocking wheels

Our train rushes into the distance,

Our train leaves for the next station. And at the next station, our letter is waiting, our friend Dunno left it for us. Now we will find out what he writes to us, guys, but he mixed everything up, let's help him and correct the mistakes.

The cook treats, and the doctor prepares;

The astronaut is driving, and the driver is flying;

The doctor teaches and the teacher heals;

The policeman guards, and the teacher teaches;

The seller builds and the builder sells;

The tailor cooks and the cook covers;

The doctor treats, and the astronaut flies;

The painter paints and the artist paints;

The hairdresser saves, and the fireman makes fashionable hairstyles.

Finger gymnasticsSelf-massage with a Su-jok "Shoemaker" ball.

Look, you have a Su-jok ball on the edge of the table.

Master, master, help

The boots are worn out!(roll the balls in the palms)

Hammer, stronger nails -

We're going to visit today.We squeeze the ball in the palm of our hand.

What profession is this riddle about?(shoemaker)

Ball game "Name the action"

I offer you a ball game, and for this you need to take places on multi-colored circles.1,2, 3, 4, 5 - stand in a circle to play.

I will name the tools, and you must answer what they do with this tool, what actions they perform.

Knife -. Broom - . Saw - . From a watering can -. Ax - .Shovel - . Needle - . Scissors - . Comb - . On the scales -. In a saucepan - In a frying pan. Thermometer - . Brush - .

Physical education "professions".Performing movements in the text of the poem

We played in the profession -

In an instant, we became pilots!

They flew in an airplane

And suddenly they became drivers!

The steering wheel is now in our hands -

Let's go to the mountains fast!

And now we are at the construction site,

Lay bricks straight.

One - a brick and two, and three -

We are building a house, look!

Here's the game over

It's time for us all to sit down again.

The game "Put the word on the palm of your hand" "Who needs what?"Replenishment of the dictionary on the topic "Professions".

Guys, we will play a game called "Put the word on the palm of your hand." I will come up, holding out my palm and naming the profession, and you, touching my palm, give the answer, Who needs what?

Mower - braid. The artist - brushes. Tailor - a needle. Hairdresser - scissors, hair dryer. To the cook - a knife, a ladle. Programmer - computer Doctor - phonendoscope, thermometer. Teacher - books, pointer, blackboard. Janitor - broom, shovel. Motorcyclist - motorcycle. Etc.

They coped with the task. Well done.

Game The Fourth Extra".

Read the words, highlight the superfluous, explain why it is superfluous

Driver, fireman, car, policeman. (An extra word "car", because a car is a transport, and the rest are professions.)

Sweeps, cleans, cleans, cooks. (An extra word cooks, because this is the action of the cook, and the rest are the actions of the janitor.

Scissors, comb, shampoo, bandage. (An extra word bandage, because the bandage is the subject of a doctor, and the rest of the items are a hairdresser.

Thermometer, syringe, doctor, cotton wool. (An extra word is a doctor, because this is a profession, and the rest of the subjects are a doctor.

Game "One - many". Formation of the plural form of nouns.
One braid, but many braids.

One knife, but many knives. One brush, but many brushes. One computer, but many computers. Etc.

5. Summary of the lesson.

- Our journey to the city of "Professions" is over. We learned a lot about professions.

Today we remembered so many professions, what do you think is the most important profession. (The speech therapist leads to the fact that all professions are good and all are important).

Your confession.

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books.

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything.

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking.

Sheyanova Olga Viktorovna

Teacher-speech therapist of the Municipal Educational Institution "Children's Home-School No. 95",

city ​​of Novokuznetsk

Target: the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Correctional and educational task: improve the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of nouns in the dative case, their agreement with the verb), activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Professions", stimulate the speech activity of children.

Correctional and developmental task: develop visual-spatial representations, fine motor skills, memory.

Correctional and educational task: to cultivate respect for working people.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic “professions”, animal toys, audio recordings of “Voices of animals”, riddles, songs “What will I become?”, Toy “Dr. Aibolit”, photograph “In the hospital”, two planar images of Buratino-sad and cheerful, desktop the game "I will be a doctor", a presentation of a slide show of the workers of the orphanage (teachers, seamstresses, doctors).

Lesson progress

I.Organizing time.

Good morning guys! Spring has come to visit us!

And let the meadows, and the forest, and the field wake up from sleep.

Here the sun woke up, it became better to warm up.

Affectionately smiled at us, calling the lesson to begin.


  • Listening to the song "Who will I become?" (music by Vanyan, lyrics by Viktorov).

Speech therapist. Listen to the song.

Song performed by two boys

Speech therapist. Who does Seryozha want to become?

Child. Chauffeur.

Speech therapist. What does Alyosha want to become?

Child. Montyor.

Speech therapist. What profession are we talking about now?

Reading a poem about an actress, a child reads a poem.

The curtain is open again

And the stage lights up

Who is in a theatrical costume

Comes to you with a ballroom step,

Who hides his eyes under a mask

A fan also instead of a mask?

Children. Actress Mystery.

Speech therapist. What professions did we talk about in the last lesson?

Children. We talked about the captain, the machinist, the artist.

  • The game "Where is whose?" (similar to the game "Lotto")

Speech therapist. Look carefully at the pictures, find your pair. Name the profession correctly.

Children. This is the seller; this is a builder, etc.

  • Working with pictures.

On the board are subject pictures: a librarian, a seamstress, a doctor, a miner, a pilot, a policeman.

Speech therapist. What professions work in our orphanage? Select the desired pictures.

Children choose pictures.

Speech therapist. Check the correctness of your answer.

Slideshow showing a teacher, a seamstress and a doctor - employees of our orphanage.

Speech therapist. Well done! You were very attentive, I liked your correct answers.

3. Post subject.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue talking about professions.

III.Learning new material.

  • Working with "noisy" images.

Each child has a picture with two images: a saucepan, a kettle; comb, scissors; brush, paint; spool of thread, needle; globe, pointer; hammer, pliers.

Speech therapist. The pictures show objects, recognize them.

Children's responses are heard.

Speech therapist. Who needs these items?

Children's responses are heard.

  • Didactic game "Wonderful bag".

The game is played with medical supplies from the "I will be a doctor" set - a pipette, a thermometer, etc.

Speech therapist. Who needs these items to work?

Children. These items are needed by doctors.

  • Conversation on the photo "In the hospital".

Speech therapist. We recently went on a tour of the hospital. Who was assisted in the hospital?

1st child. The cat was treated at the hospital.

2nd child. The doctor treated the dog.

Speech therapist. Why are animals brought to the hospital?

1st child. Animals are vaccinated.

2nd child. Animals are prescribed vitamins.

Speech therapist. How are they treated?

Children's responses are heard.

Speech therapist. To whom are the owner and the animal grateful?

Children. Doctor.

Speech therapist. Do you remember the name of a doctor who treats animals?

Children. Veterinarian.

Choral and individual pronunciation is offered.

Speech therapist. Which character was a veterinarian?

Children. This work is "Doctor Aibolit" by K.I. Chukovsky.

Speech therapist. Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor Aibolit.

The introduction of a toy - Dr. Aibolit.

  • Didactic game "Recognize by voice."

Speech therapist. Patients came to see Dr. Aibolit. There are many of them, recognize them by their voices. As soon as you recognize the animal, place a chip on the image.

Speech therapist. Who can help Dr. Aibolit?

Children. Dr. Aibolit will help a horse, a cow, etc.

Speech therapist. The doctor gave them medication. Who needs ear drops?

Children. The pig needs drops, her ear hurts.

Speech therapist. Who needs a bandage to bandage a paw?

Children. The dog needs a bandage because it has a wound on its paw.

Speech therapist. Who needs hoof ointment?

Children's responses are heard.

Speech therapist. Who needs eye drops?

Children. The drops are needed by the cow.

If the answer is correct, "medicine" is given to the animal.

Speech therapist. Dr. Aibolit liked your competent answers and your caring attitude towards sick animals. Guys, you understand how difficult, important and necessary the profession of a veterinarian is. Dr. Aibolit did not come to us alone, Pinocchio was with him.

IV.Fizminutka "Pinocchio".


Speech therapist. Why is Pinocchio so sad?

Quiet mournful music plays.

Speech therapist. What happened? It turns out that Pinocchio needs to complete several tasks. Let's help him!

  • Working with riddles

Riddles are played on a tape recorder.

What kind of hero is this, a fabled bird is flying,

He is great and up and in breadth, And inside the people sit

He buzzes, he sings, He speaks among himself.

We are lucky with the piano. (Airplane)


The giant city goes to work in the ocean.


What a miracle blue house

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.


The house is walking down the street

Takes everyone to work

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


When guessing the riddle, a medal is given, on which the guessed vehicle is depicted.

The medal is made of a plastic cover, attached to a ribbon. An image (wolf, squirrel) is pasted on the lid.

Speech therapist. Who needs an airplane to work? Truck? And the ship? Trolleybus?

Children's responses are heard.

  • Work with individual visual material.

1. Task with dotted images.

Speech therapist. Imagine that you are captains, pilots, trolleybus drivers, drivers. Draw your vehicle using short lines.

The children are doing the task.

Speech therapist. You very carefully connected the rulers, you got beautiful vehicles.

2. The task "Each picture has its place."