How to cut a melon on the table. How to cut fruit beautifully and serve watermelon and melon

Sweet and juicy melon not only perfectly quenches thirst. It is also rich in easy-to-digest sugar, proteins, starch, silicon, vitamin C, organic acids, potassium, sodium, iron and can easily replace a full meal. In order for the melon to bring not only benefits, but also aesthetic pleasure, we offer you to beautifully cut the fragrant representative of gourds.


The traditional way of slicing for melon is with slices. But in order to spice up and give an unforgettable taste to your guests, oh b fill them with salted ham ( X amon). Such a typical snack of Spanish cuisine will come in handy when melon season is in full swing.


Fruit salad served in a “plate” of fresh melon is twice as delicious. Even ordinary fruits and berries will delight guests if served in such an unusual"utensils" . Look attractive in halves, peeled from seeds, ice cream balls and even soup.


You can also make an original “basket” from sweet melon. To do this, carefully cut two oval side holes in the melon so that it looks like the desired product with a handle. Then remove the pits and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. In such a "basket" you can serve fresh berries and fruits, decorating them with mint sprigs.

4. "Vases" with curly edges

To get a beautiful "vase", it is necessary to cut the fruit obliquely from top to bottom with a sharp knife to a depth of about 2/3 of the height of the melon. Then tilt the half of the melon and cut out the triangles. Then remove the seeds and a luxurious "vase" is ready!


A home-made melon "frigate" will be a great idea for serving a children's table - the kids will be immensely happy with such a dessert. To do this, you need to take a half of the fruit and remove the lower part with a knife a little so that the base is stable, and make sails from the peel cut into strips by setting it on wooden skewers.


If you want to wow your guests with your culinary skills, decorate festive table fruit flowers. Melon will easily become part of an unforgettable composition. You do not need special training, only desire and imagination. Arm yourself with a knife, cookie cutters and a special spoon to get even balls and your fresh idea is sure to delight guests.


With carving tools, you can get exquisite “flowers” ​​on an ordinary melon. Complex curly cutting requires skill, skills, patience, but the simplest techniques are available to everyone if desired. A carved ornament made to your taste will make your dishes more appetizing and unique.

Create with pleasure!

At the end of summer, watermelons and melons become the main items on the menu, both on holidays and on weekdays. And if in the everyday menu the fruits can simply be divided into slices, then on the occasion of the party, you can be creative and use some ideas for cutting watermelon and melon on the festive table, to which we decided to dedicate this material.

How beautifully cut watermelon and melon?

Let's start with the simplest technique - curly cutting. To bring this idea to life, it is not necessary to use tricky techniques, just stock up on cuttings of any shape and size that are sold in pastry shops.

For beautiful cutting of watermelon and melon, you can use standard steel cutouts in the shape of stars, hearts or flowers, or you can buy cutouts in the form of letters of the alphabet and lay out the names of the guests from the cut out pieces, stringing each of the fruit letters on a skewer.

It is possible to give the fruit pulp a beautiful shape without the participation of special figured cuttings, but only by wielding a small spoon for ice cream. With its help, you can cut out small balls of melon and watermelon pulp, and then fold them in portions, place them in a common dish, seasoning with lemon juice and mint, or using them as an addition to cocktails, filling the balls with your favorite drinks.

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon will look spectacular if served in a hollow watermelon. After carefully separating the pulp and dividing it into pieces of any shape and size you prefer, mix it with the melon slices and put back into the watermelon rind, trimming its edges nicely with a knife. The cut of the watermelon peel can be made wavy, serrated or oblique, and then additionally slightly cut off the bottom of the resulting bowl so that it remains stable.

If you plan to serve fruit at a children's party, then shape the watermelon bowl into any animal shape or cut out a smiley face.

One of the most modern ways serving fruit slices with watermelon and melon - making a cake. That's right, a simple fruit cake can be easily constructed from pieces of fresh fruit. Divide the peeled melon and watermelon pulp into layers of equal thickness, and then stack them in a pile, alternating and spreading each with whipped cream. You can decorate such an unusual fruit dessert with an additional amount of cream, berries, sugar powder or aromatic herbs, such as mint.

Appetizers are miniature dishes designed to stimulate the appetite. It can be meat, fish and any other snack. For example, watermelon.

Use a round shape and a teaspoon of watermelon pulp to make "cups" and fill them with cream cheese (use a pastry syringe or bag with an embossed nozzle). Top with a slice of fresh cucumber. A bright appetizer is ready to serve.

Cream cheese appetizer

Watermelon goes amazingly well with balsamic glaze. Try making this appetizer. To do this, cut the pulp of the watermelon, peeled from seeds, into 3 × 3 cm cubes. Make a small depression in the center and fill it with balsamic glaze. Serve on a large platter, garnished with mint leaves.

Appetizer with balsamic glaze


To prepare this Italian appetizer, tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves are laid out in a circle in the original. And if you replace the tomatoes with watermelon, you get a bright flavor combination.

watermelon caprese

Cut out stars or any other shapes from the pulp of the watermelon, depending on which shape is at hand. Lay on a plate in layers: watermelons, mozzarella slices and arugula leaves. sprinkle olive oil and lightly salt each "pyramid". Place one piece of watermelon on top and drizzle the caprese with balsamic glaze.

Salad with feta cheese

There are many variations of watermelon salad with soft cheeses. One of them suggested Jamie Oliver. The maestro uses Greek feta cheese.

Salad with feta cheese

For 4-6 servings, you need 180 grams of crumbly feta cheese, 500 grams of watermelon pulp (pitted), one small purple onion, mint leaves and olive oil. Cut watermelon and cheese into cubes, onion into half rings. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and season lightly with ground black pepper. Salad ready!

Green tea

Many people love green tea. But few people know about its watermelon variation, which perfectly quenches thirst.

Green tea with watermelon

Take some watermelon pulp (200-300 grams), grind it with a blender to a puree consistency. Strain the puree through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice with pulp with cold green tea. Add a couple of sprigs of mint and garnish with a lime wedge. If desired, the drink can be sweetened to taste.


Jerky is a popular American dried meat snack. But if you have an electric dryer in your house, then you can make great snacks for children.

Watermelon jerky

Just cut the seeded watermelon into slices about 3-3.5 cm thick and dry them for an hour. Put the watermelon jerks in an airtight jar so they don't get damp and enjoy with your homemade ones.

Fruit kebab

We have infographics teaching. Check out the section on vegetables. Grilled fruits are similar.

Watermelon and peach skewers

Preheat the grill on direct heat to medium heat. In a separate bowl, mix honey, a pinch of vanilla, a pinch of salt and lime juice. If the honey is thick, put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Cut the watermelon and peach into slices and alternate between 10-15 cm wooden skewers. It is recommended to hold the skewers in water beforehand so that they are saturated with moisture and do not burn. Fry the fruit "skewers" for two minutes on each side. Drizzle with honey vanilla syrup before serving.

Refreshing aqua fresco

Aqua fresco - literally translated "fresh water". It is a popular drink in Mexico and Central America with added fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is drunk in hot weather to refresh and quench thirst. They say it does it even better than iced tea.

watermelon aqua murals

For a watermelon aqua fresco, you need watermelon pulp (500-700 grams), six tablespoons of honey, freshly squeezed lime juice and one whole lime, a little mint and ice. Puree the watermelon with a blender, strain it through a sieve (this way you get rid of the seeds). Add 1-2 cups of water, lime juice and wedges, honey and mint. Mix everything. Put the jug in the refrigerator for a short while, and when serving, add ice cubes to the glasses.


It is not necessary to be a carving master in order to serve a watermelon to the table in an original way. It just takes a little imagination and patience.

To make a cute hedgehog, all you need is a watermelon, a sharp knife and toothpicks. Steps of work - in the following video instructions.

Pie with a surprise

Who said that the cake must be made of dough and that it needs to be baked? Surprise your guests with an unusual watermelon pie.

watermelon cake

To do this, you need a piece of watermelon 10-12 cm thick without a peel and preferably without seeds. Brush it with thick vanilla yogurt or cream and garnish with blueberries and strawberries. Sprinkle the sides with toasted almonds and top with chocolate syrup. Unusual cake is ready! Fast and tasty.


Cakes don't have to be baked either.

watermelon cupcakes

They can be cut from a watermelon: you should get mugs 3–5 cm thick. Beat Greek yogurt with honey and fill a pastry syringe or bag with the resulting cream. Decorate the watermelon cupcakes and refrigerate for about 15 minutes. Toss a pinch of sprinkles on top of each cupcake before serving.


We talked about recipes, and. And here is a low-calorie smoothie option with watermelon.

Smoothie with watermelon

Take about 200-250 grams of watermelon pulp without seeds. Keep it in the freezer for a while. With frozen watermelon, the consistency of the smoothie will be thicker. Then grind the pulp with a blender and add 100 ml of coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk!). Add lime juice and mint to taste. Can be served with ice cubes.

Edible Rubik's Cube

Children are not always willing to eat vegetables and fruits. But what if we add an element of the game? Make an edible Rubik's cube for your child and see with what excitement he will eat modules from watermelon, kiwi, mango and other fruits. What's more, it's easy. All you need is a square mold and a little patience. More clearly in the next video.

Jelly Bean

What kid (and adult) doesn't love gummy bears or other gummies? During the watermelon season, you can make them yourself.

Jelly Bean

To do this, you will need two glasses of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, half a glass of lemon juice and six tablespoons of gelatin. If the watermelon is not very sweet, you can also use honey. Dissolve the gelatin in half the watermelon juice. Heat the second part of the juice over low heat, without boiling. Then carefully pour in the juice with the dissolved gelatin. Stir until the liquid is homogeneous. Add lemon juice (and honey if you want to sweeten). Mix thoroughly and pour into molds. Silicone ones are perfect - it's easier to remove frozen candies from them. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, send it to the freezer for 30 minutes. After complete hardening, the sweets can be stored simply in the closet.

Marmalade slices for adults

This dessert will be the king of the party, because it is a drink and an appetizer at the same time.

alcohol jelly

Take a 5-7 kg watermelon. Cut it in half. Take out the pulp. The crust will serve as a mold for the jelly. Mix 250 grams of red jelly powder and 60 grams of gelatin and dissolve in four cups of boiling water. Then add vodka or other alcohol to taste to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and pour watermelon halves with this liquid. Refrigerate for four hours until the jelly is completely set. Then cut up the watermelon and the fun can begin.


Take the pulp of a watermelon, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender. Drain any juice that comes to the surface and rub the pulp through a sieve with a paper towel. Probably, this procedure (with a sieve and towels) will have to be done several times, since you need to get rid of the liquid as much as possible. You should get a thick watermelon puree.

When the goal is reached, spread the puree on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 1.5 cm. Then send the baking sheet to the oven for 6-8 hours. Having taken out the marshmallow and having cooled, cut it with scissors directly with parchment into strips and roll them up. These strips can be used to decorate cakes and, by unwinding a little, just eat.

watermelon marshmallow

If you have original ideas for preparing or serving watermelon, share them in the comments.

There are no exact instructions on how to cut a melon beautifully. This is room for imagination and the care of skillful hands. But knowing the simplest cutting options for fruits, vegetables and berries, you can surprise guests and your family every time with real and delicious masterpieces.

How beautiful to cut a melon? Use a spoon and molds

Basics of decorative cutting

Gourds can be served with or without skins. How to cut a Torpedo melon without removing the skin? A clean berry is cut lengthwise with a knife with a long blade. With the help of a dessert spoon, all the bones with fibrous pulp are taken out. Now you can start cutting. One half can be cut again lengthwise and each cut into portions.

The second half is cut into small cubes along with the skin and pricked onto skewers. Now you can combine both cutting options in one dish. First, large slices of melon are laid out along the edge with a fan, in small ones - cubes on skewers are laid out in the center.

A more decorative cutting option involves the following work:

  • cut the fruit lengthwise into 2 parts, remove the seeds;
  • with a sharp knife, separate the pulp from the skin without damaging it;
  • the cut pulp is not removed from the skin, but begins to be cut into transverse slices;
  • chopped slices are slightly pushed apart in different directions in a checkerboard pattern;
  • You can additionally decorate the dish with any berries that contrast in color, such as blueberries or cherries.

Watermelon can be served the same way.

How to cut a melon with special tools

With the most minimal set of tools, you can beautifully cut fruits and vegetables with dense pulp. How to cut a melon with cookie cutters? To do this, "Torpedo" or any other melon, without cutting, is freed from the skin. Then it is cut in half and the pulp is removed. Each half is again cut lengthwise into 1.5-2 cm plates.

Figures are cut out of these plates using molds.

You can beautifully arrange the serving of berries using a small ice cream spoon. For this, a round melon is more suitable. One half of it is freed from seeds, making a recess inside. The second half is completely freed from the skin and pulp, and with the help of a spoon, small balls are cut out of the pulp. The balls are placed in the recess of the first half of the melon, distributing the slide from above.

My mother is a simple village woman. Sometimes she remembers
that daughters should be educated (it's time, because both are already about forty). And then we listen to maxims on the topic "How to do it culturally."

For example, mom drinks tea, diving with a tablespoon into a jar of cherry jam, and says: “We live in the village, so we eat jam from a jar, and in order to be cultural (with an ironic tone and special emphasis on “culturally”), you need jam in put sockets, put each socket and eat a teaspoon ... We have sockets in the house. In the attic somewhere, we need to look for them and give them to you ... ”This means that my mother gave us a lecture on etiquette.

"Cultural" can also mean "beautiful". This is in case the cucumber needs to be cut: “They don’t put whole cucumbers on the table. They need to be cut. For the village, it will go into four parts, but if you want culturally, then you need to cut it into thin plates ... "

Today I just want to show how to cut a melon not in a simple way, but “culturally”, that is, beautifully

First, as usual, cut the melon into halves and remove the seeds. Then we cut into slices. And then it begins “culturally”: from the crust of one corner to the crust of the other, we cut off the pulp:

After that, you can cut the slices in different ways:

It seems to me that this is quite simple and clear. And what do you think, step by step photos needed?