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Hebrew translator

Hebrew translator

If you are looking for Hebrew translator, the Internet service of the Central Translation Company for online translations will help you.

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Hebrew. The most ancient language, which had a huge impact on world civilization and other languages, is still extremely interesting to this day.

Hebrew (or Hebrew) is the official language of Israel and is spoken by about 10 million people. There are many ancient documents, texts, sayings in Hebrew. And if you need their translation, then it is not necessary to look for a dictionary or spend money on expensive translation services. The CPC Internet service for online translations can help you. You can do translation from Hebrew into Russian in a few moments, completely free and correct. A mysterious language that contains many interesting things... The secrets of the texts written in it can be revealed to you easily and simply with the help of the service of the central translation agency.

Also if you need translation from Russian into Hebrew we suggest you use Hebrew translator CPC. One click and the translation is in front of you. You don’t have to spend a lot of time and even more money to do this. The Internet, a service of a central translation company, is an indispensable tool for translation. Fast and high-quality Russian-Hebrew translations of the Internet service of the Central Translation Company give you the opportunity to make translations of any complexity without much effort.

Pre-check the entered texts for grammatical errors. If you enter all the words correctly, you will be given a high-quality translation without any difficulty.

If you require the services of a qualified Hebrew translator, contact the professional specialists of the translation agency, they will promptly and efficiently translate the required text for you.

A revived language that became the state language of the newly created state in 1948 in the 20th century. Now the country is home to about 9 million people, a quarter of whom are first-generation immigrants who retain their country of birth as their mother tongue. In 2009 alone, for the first time in 2,000 years, there were more Jews with Israeli citizenship than those living in the diaspora. In addition to Hebrew, about 40 more languages ​​\u200b\u200bhave official status in Israel, to varying degrees: Russian, Ethiopian, Yiddish, Ladino, etc. Half of Israeli citizens over 20 years old call Hebrew their native language, but the state program requires the obligatory study of Hebrew by repatriates, therefore it is safe to say that about 100% of Israelis speak this language.

Hebrew history

Hebrew finally took shape as an independent language between the 13th and 7th centuries BC. e. The first written monument in Hebrew - the biblical "Song of Deborah" refers to the XII century BC. e. The Torah was created in this language, which is why Hebrew in Judaism is called the "Holy Tongue".

When statehood was lost, Hebrew ceased to be used as a spoken language, but Jews continued to study religious literature and write books. Several normative languages ​​based on Hebrew developed during this period. The Ashkenazi language became the means of communication for most European Jews, the Sephardic dialect was used in Greece, some places and in Islamic countries, and the Yemenite form of Hebrew. The Sephardic language retained the phonetic features of ancient Hebrew. Ashkenazi language converged with German so, in the XVII century. among philologists, the theory of kinship and Hebrew languages ​​was popular.

In the 20th century, along with the idea of ​​reviving the State of Israel, the problem of restoring Hebrew, cleansed of the influence of foreign languages. In 1904, the Association for Mutual Aid of German Jews was founded, which organized the training of Hebrew teachers. In 1905, the world's first Hebrew school began operating in Jaffa, designed to educate the children of the first repatriates. It must be said that at first, in the new state, Hebrew had to be introduced by rather harsh methods. After the displacement of other forms of the Hebrew language, the policy softened, but it was only in 1996 that a state program was adopted to preserve Ladino and Yiddish.

In the pre-revolutionary and in the USSR national language Jews was Yiddish. Hebrew was banned in the very first years of Soviet power as a religious language. In the literature, the word "Hebrew" was diligently bypassed, replacing it with the designation "Hebrew language". Even after the restoration of the statehood of Israel, Hebrew was opposed to Yiddish as the old dead and living modern languages. During the next cooling of Soviet-Israeli relations after the Six-Day War of 1967, all students of Hebrew outside the oriental faculties of universities were classified as Zionists and were considered potential traitors to their homeland. The word "Hebrew" returned to everyday use only after Perestroika.

Hebrew Features

Hebrew uses the alphabet (alef-bet) in a square script. Each of the 22 consonant letters of the alphabet corresponds to a sound. Vowels are indicated by vowel marks and four consonants in certain cases. Letters are written from right to left and do not connect with each other. The use of vocalizations is limited to religious texts, dictionaries, school textbooks, children's books, poems and songs. Also, with vowels, they write new borrowed words that have not yet been mastered by the language.

  • Displaced from colloquial speech, Hebrew could only be preserved thanks to the presence of religious books. By studying the Torah, generations of Jews maintained knowledge of the ancient language. An almost dead language like Latin was able to revive quite quickly.
  • There is an ancient and a modern form of Hebrew. The artificially recreated language could not contain words denoting objects and phenomena that did not exist in antiquity. The terms had to be invented, which is why modern Hebrew is sometimes called an artificial language.
  • The Hebrew Academy operates in Israel, which regulates issues related to the language and approves the entry of neologisms into the vocabulary.
  • The founder of the Hebrew Committee was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. On his initiative, the Complete Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Hebrew appeared. The first person for whom Hebrew became his native language was the son of Ben-Yehuda. Prior to that, even teachers had Hebrew as a second language.
  • Separate words from ancient Hebrew have become firmly established in many world languages. For example, the names Mary, Joseph, Adam and others are present in almost all languages ​​in various modifications. From the Hebrew language, the words messiah, amen, hallelujah, etc.

We guarantee acceptable quality, as the texts are translated directly, without the use of a buffer language, using the technology

 Now you can also translate from Hebrew into Russian with the help of online translators. More recently, developers of machine translation systems have added Hebrew support to their systems. Online translators now support Hebrew, and translate texts from Hebrew into other languages ​​of the world. Online translation is still free and very fast.

Interestingly, until recently there were no online Hebrew translators. On the Internet, one could only find a Hebrew translator or ordinary dictionaries, as well as some solutions based on the same dictionary. Developing a machine translation system for Hebrew was not an easy task, but such a system was eventually created.

As for other languages, machine translation from Hebrew into Russian is of rather poor quality. The creators of online translators continue to work on improving their developments.

Free translator from Hebrew to Russian from Google

Not so long ago, Hebrew support appeared in the online translator Google Translate. Now you can translate from Hebrew to Russian and other languages ​​directly with high speed and good quality. And, of course, the translator still works for you completely free of charge.

Hebrew-Russian online translator ImTranslator

Here is a free online Hebrew translator. Now you can easily translate anything from Hebrew into Russian and other languages ​​of the world without resorting to qualified translators.

You need to paste the Hebrew text into the top field of the translator. Select the translation direction and click the "Translate" button. The result of the translation into Russian will appear in the bottom field in a few seconds.

When translating from Hebrew to Russian, you may have a problem with the correct display of letters. Usually, the online translator correctly detects the encoding of the entered text, even if it is displayed incorrectly, and translates without problems. If you still have a problem with the display of letters or with translation, you need to install Hebrew support on your computer. Try Hebrew machine translation today.

[+] Expand translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Hebrew-Russian translator to work properly, you need to enable frames in your browser.

For the Hebrew-Russian translator to work correctly, you need to enable support in your browser JavaScript.

How to translate from Hebrew into Russian?

Is it possible to translate from Hebrew without knowing this language? Most likely, the answer will be negative. Even if you use a dictionary, you can hardly do it. After all, the Hebrew language uses the so-called square font, which can cause difficulties for those who are not familiar with its features.

If you contact a translation agency, you can get a high quality translation. However, professional translation services are not cheap and take a certain amount of time to complete.

You can try to find a person on the Internet who knows Hebrew and Russian and ask him to help with the translation. If you are lucky and can negotiate, you will not have to pay money for these services at all. However, in terms of execution time, this method of translation from Hebrew can be even longer than the first one.

The easiest way to translate from Hebrew to Russian is to use a free online Hebrew translator. In this case, you definitely do not have to spend money and wait for results. The translation process will be fast and free.

Israel is a multilingual country. Hebrew and Arabic are both state languages. In addition, English, Spanish, French, as well as Persian, Russian, Amharic (Ethiopian), Romanian, Chinese and Thai are widely spoken.
Hebrew is a young language and at the same time has a centuries-old history. Its consonantal alphabet has 22 letters. Hebrew belongs to the Semitic group, which also includes Aramaic, Arabic, Amharic and others.
Yiddish is spoken by Orthodox Jews in Israel. And they speak it very actively. Children under the age of 4-5 do not know Hebrew at all and speak only Yiddish with their parents. Moreover, at school (heider), all Orthodox Jews master both literary and colloquial Hebrew to perfection. But among themselves they speak only Yiddish - apparently, they do not want to desecrate the "holy language" with everyday issues. So Yiddish can rightfully be considered the fourth spoken language of Israel.
Tourists who decide to visit Israel, I advise you to learn some words and phrases in Hebrew at your leisure. This will facilitate your communication with the local population.

Hello - shalom
How are you - ma kore
Thanks - toda
Thank you very much - Toda Raba
Good - tov
Yes - ken
No - lo
Please - bewakasha
sorry - stupid
Police - Mishtara
Ambulance - ambulance
I need help - ani king ezra
I don't understand - ani lo mevin
I don't speak Hebrew - ani lö medaber Hebrew
Good morning - boker tov
Good afternoon - eat tov
Good evening - erev tov
Good night - layla tov
Goodbye - le "itraot
Bye bye
I am ani
We are anahnu
You are ata (female-at)
You are an atom (plural only)
They are hem
What is your name? - eih korim lyakha (female-lyakh)
Very nice - Naim method
Good - tov
Bad - ra (lo tov)
Wife - Isha
Husband - baal
Daughter - baht
son - ben
mother - ima
Father - aba
Friend - haver

The airport
Plane - matos
Airport - sde teufa
Takeoff - amraa
Flight - yew
Entrance - knisa
Exit - yetia
Air ticket - cartis yew
Duty - mehes
Bag - teak
Hand luggage - Mizwadat Poison
Overweight - mishkal odef
Checking passports - bdikat darkonim

I live in a hotel... - ani gar bae malon...
I am a tourist from... - ani tayar mi...
I'm lost - ani alyahti leibud
How to get to... - eyh leagia le...
Car - oto, rehev, mechonit
Train - rakevet
Bus - otobus
Taxi - Monit
Street - rehov
Go on foot - lalekhet baregel
Walk - flyer
Straight - yashar
Left - pitch
Right - yamina

Where…? - hey……..?
How much does the ticket cost? - kama ole cartis?
Ticket - Kartis
Train - rocket
Bus - otobus
Metro - rakevet takhtit (not in Israel)
Airport - sde teufa
Station - takhanat-rakevet
Bus station - takhanat-otobus
Departure - yetia
Arrival - yeah
Car rental - askarat rehev
Parking - hanaya
Hotel, hotel - beit malon
Room - header
Reservation - azmana
Passport - darkon
How to get -
Left - resin
Right - Yamina
Straight - yashar
Up - lemala
Down - lemata
Far away - rahok
Close - cars
Map - map

Store - khanut
Jewelry store - hanut takshitim
Diamonds - yaalomim
Ring with diamonds - tabat yaalomim
Earrings - agilim
Bracelet - tsamid
Chain - charsheret
Money - kesef
What is the price? - kama ole?
What it is? - ma ze?
I will buy it - Eni ikne et ze
Do you have ... - Yes Lahem?
Open - Patuach
Closed - sagur
Price - mahir
Discount - Anaha
Sale - Mivtsa
Cash - mezuman
Surrender - odef
Cheap - sol
Expensive - yakar

In a cafe/restaurant
Restaurant - misada
Waiter - Miltzar
Menu - tafrit
Menu in Russian - tafrit be-rusit
Menu in English - tafrit be-anglit
Bill please - hashbonite, bewakasha
I want - ani roce
Order - leazmin
Eat - leechol
Drink - lishtot

Food - ohel
Bread - lehem
Meat - basar
Fish - doug
Chicken - of
Sausage - naknik
Milk is free
Cheese - Guinea
Sugar - sukar
Salt - melah
Tea - te
Vegetables - erakot
Fruit - feather
Breakfast - aruhat-boker
Lunch - aruhat-tsaoraim
Dinner - aruhat-erev
Drink - mashke
Coffee - kafk
Juice - mitz
Water - maim
Wine - yayin
Pepper - Pilpel
Dessert - mana achrona
Ice cream - glida
grilled meat - al-a-esh
soup - marak
pita iraqi - lafa

Clothes and accessories
Clothes - bgadim
Footwear - naalaym
Swimsuit - bgiday yam
Slippers - naaley yam
Jacket - mail
Trousers - mihnasim
Shirt - hulza
Dress - symbol
Skirt - hatsait
Hat, cap - kova
Sunglasses - Mishkafei Shemesh
Sun cream - shizuf cream
Anti-sun cream - agana cream

Common areas, attractions
Mail - doar
Museum - muzeon
Bank - bank
Police - Mishtara
Hospital - Beit Holim
Pharmacy - beit mirqahat
Store - khanut
Restaurant - misada
School - beit sefer
Church - knesia
Toilet - shirutim
Street - rehov
Square - kikar
Sea - yamina
Ocean - oceanus
Lake - agam
River - naar
Pool - Briha
Bridge - gesher

Dates and times
What time is it now? - ma shaa?
Day - eat
Week - Shavua
Month - hodesh
Year - Shana
Monday - eat sheni
Tuesday - eat slish
Wednesday - eat ravia
Thursday - eat hamishi
Friday - eat shishi
Saturday - Shabbat
Sunday - yom reshon
January - Januar
February - february
March - martz
April - April
May - May
June - uni
July - juli
August - august
September - september
October - October
November - November
December - december
Spring - aviv
Summer - kaits
Autumn - becoming
Winter - Choref