Each of the sisters is busy with a mystery. How many thigh bones do you have

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Logic puzzles are one of the most effective methods development of intelligence and thinking. Non-standard tasks are a kind of "gymnastics for the mind", which is very necessary for each of us. We invite you to participate in an intellectual mini-marathon for logic, attentiveness and ingenuity.

We are in website We have collected 5 tasks for you, where each new one is a little more difficult than the previous one. And remember: sometimes everything is easier than it seems at first glance.

1. Seven sisters in the country

Seven sisters came to the dacha, and each of them took up some business. The first love story began to read, the second - to fry pancakes, the third - to play chess, the fourth - to solve crossword puzzles, the fifth started washing, the sixth went to water the garden.

And what did the seventh sister do?

2. Theft of shoes

Got one young man inherited two factories for the production of ladies' shoes of amazing beauty. And everything would be fine, but the owner noticed that the workers in these factories got used to stealing beautiful shoes for their girlfriends and wives. And you can't catch everyone by the hand!

What decision did the factory owner make to reduce shoe theft?

3. Cat and mouse

When it rains, the cat sits in the room or in the basement.

When the cat is in the room, the mouse is in the hole and the cheese is in the fridge.

If the cheese is on the table and the cat is in the basement, then the mouse is in the room.

It's raining now and the cheese is on the table.

Then where is the cat and the mouse?

4. How many thigh bones do you have?

The teacher at the exam gave the student a femur in her hands and asked:

How many of these bones do you have?

Not properly. You have only two thigh bones.

But the student suddenly turned out to be right. How can this be?

5. How to outsmart the ruler

The autocratic ruler of one island did not want aliens to settle on this island. Wanting to show himself as a just monarch, he issued an order according to which anyone who wants to settle on the island must express any statement on the content of which his life depends.

The order read: “If the stranger tells the truth, he will be shot. If he tells a lie, he will be hanged."

How can an alien outsmart the ruler and become a resident of the island?

Let's check how many correct answers you managed to find.


1. The seventh sister plays chess with the third.

2. The owner ordered to produce only left shoes at one factory, and only right shoes at the second one.

3. According to the condition of the problem, the cat can be in two places: in the room or in the basement. But the cat cannot be in the room, since the cheese is not in the refrigerator (it is on the table). Therefore, the cat is in the basement. So, we know that the cheese is on the table, and the cat is in the basement. In this case, the mouse is in the room.

4. The student was pregnant. She was referring to her two thigh bones, the two bones of a child, and the bone she held in her hands in the exam.

5. If the stranger says: "I am condemned to hang," by this he will create a stalemate for the ruler. After all, if we consider this to be true, then it is supposed to shoot him. But then it's not true. And if it's not true, then he should be hanged. But then it turns out that he told the truth. Therefore, by the statement "I am condemned to hang" the alien can save his life.

How many puzzles did you manage to solve? Which one did you like the most?

Logic riddles, puzzles and puzzles are a great way to get your brain working. We all need a little brain stimulation from time to time - especially after long hours spent in front of a TV or computer screen.

Every time I visit my grandparents, I always discover all sorts of crossword puzzles, sudoku, and more. board games lying on a table in the hall. For them, solving these puzzles stimulates the work of the brain, which is very important in old age.

Of course, it is necessary to maintain the functioning of the brain at the proper level - regardless of age.

Only 20 percent of people can solve this riddle

It turns out that only 1 out of 5 people can solve this riddle the first time - which, when you think about it, is a pretty small percentage.

I think that this riddle belongs to those to which you either immediately find the answer, or you cannot manage without the help of others.

So let's get started:

There are 5 sisters in the room. They are all busy. Anya reads a book, Rita cooks, Katya plays chess, Masha does laundry. What is the fifth sister doing?

If you guessed it, you can safely consider yourself a genius. You are in the 20% of those who can solve this riddle the first time. But, if you do not know the answer, we will not torment you for a long time - you will find the answer below.

Answer: The fifth sister also plays chess. It is obvious that Katya cannot play chess alone! Solving this riddle, many suggested that the fifth of the sisters was writing this riddle, but the correct answer is that she played chess with Katya.

These simple riddles are used by some large companies, such as Google and Microsoft when applying for a job, but don't be alarmed - our version with answers. So, if you answer 5 out of 6 questions correctly, you have a high level of intelligence.

We will not immediately show the answer option after the question. First, read them all and solve in your mind, and then below there will be answers to each riddle.


  1. The farmer had 15 sheep. All but 8 died, how many sheep are left?
  2. You are in a race and you are going for number two. Imagine that before the finish line you managed to overtake him. What position did you end up with?
  3. You have two buckets of water for 5 and 3 liters. How to use them to measure exactly 4 liters.
  4. Imagine a family of 5 sisters, each of them is busy with business. The first cooks, the second does the laundry, the third plays chess, the fourth cleans. What does the fifth sister do?
  5. Mystery from real life. Nike has built a sneaker factory in Africa and is facing widespread theft. What a simple step the leaders took and reduced theft to zero. This is a more difficult riddle, but its solution is very simple and ingenious.

Think carefully and give answers? Great, below the video you can see the answers and compare whether you answered correctly.

Simple riddles with answers, video
