How would 0 be in English. Some features of the use of numerals in English

In most fractions English language both cardinal and ordinal numbers are used. Cardinal numbers are used in the numerator of a fraction, and ordinal numbers are used in the denominator.

For example:
1/9 - one ninth
1/5 - one fifth
1/6 - one sixth
1/4 - one quarter \u003d a quarter
1/2 - one half = a half

If the numerator is greater than one, then the denominator is plural:

3/5 - three fifth s
4/7 - four seventh s
6/9 – six ninth s

Integer and fractional numbers in the numeral are connected by a union and:

5 2/7 – five and two sevenths

The word is often used to express complex fractions. over:

125/421 - one hundred and twenty five over four hundred and twenty one

Decimals are read as follows:

If the fraction is followed by a noun, it is put in the singular form and preceded by the preposition of:

4/5 meter - four fifths of a meter (four fifths of a meter)

If a noun follows a numeral consisting of an integer and a fractional part, then it is put in the plural form:

45 3/6 tons - forty five and three sixths tons (45 and three sixths tons)

Using numbers in arithmetic

Arithmetic signs are read as follows:

Sign Reads like
+ plus
- minus
= is
x multiplied by
: divided by

For example:
25+45=70 - Twenty five plus forty five is seventy.
16-4=12 - Sixteen minus four is twelve.
3x8=24 - Three multiplied by eight it twenty four.
40:9=5 - Forty divided by nine is five.

Using numerals to represent a phone number in English

Each digit in the phone number is pronounced separately:

2456738 – two four five six seven three eight

The number 0 reads like oh ["əu]:

105 – one oh five

There is a pause between groups of three or four digits:

376 4705 – three seven six, four seven oh five

If two identical digits follow in a row in a number, then in British English the word is usually used double, and the number is called once, in American English the number is simply called twice:

376 4775 – three seven six, four double seven five (BrE )
376 4775 – three seven six, four seven seven five (AmE)

Using numbers to represent years in English

Since 2000, the years are pronounced like ordinary numbers:

2000 - two thousand
2003 - two thousand and three

Years prior to 2000 are pronounced differently: first, the first two digits of the year (or one digit if the year is three digits) are pronounced separately (as a single number), then the second two digits of the year. The same pronunciation is possible in relation to years starting from 2010.

For example:
1066 - ten sixty six
1786 - seventeen eighty six
1921 - nineteen twenty one
2035 - twenty thirty five / two thousand and thirty five

Such years can be combined with words hundred and. In the event that the last two digits of the year are in the range from 00 to 09, then such a connection is required.

For example:
1786 - seventeen eighty six / seventeen hundred and eighty six
1801 - eighteen hundred and one

Word year after the designation of the year in English is not used.

The use of the numeral 0 (zero) in English

The table below shows the rules for reading the numeral 0 in different situations in English.

Reads like In which cases Examples
naught / nought ["nɔ:t] in general cases (in British English) All their work was for naught.
All their work was zero.
zero ["ziɔrɔu] in general cases (in American English) He was a total zero as a manger.
As a manager, he was a complete zero.
when measuring temperature (both British and American English) It's zero degrees outside.
Zero degrees outside.
at the countdown (in both British and American English) The launch is in three, two, one, zero
Launch in three, two, one, zero...
in the score in sports games (in American English) The score was four to zero.
The score was 4:0.
oh ["ɔu] when each digit is pronounced separately His room number is two- Oh-one.
His room number is two hundred and one.
nil["nil] in the score in sports games (in British English) The score was four to nil.
The score was 4:0.
love ["lʌv] in tennis and similar games The score was love-15.
The score was 0:15.


How to say the word "zero" in English? This - at first glance simple - topic has a lot of its own nuances that need to be dealt with in time to avoid misunderstandings, because. There are several ways to translate the word "zero" into English, depending on what it refers to. Let's take a look at the English and American versions of the word's usage together. "Nil" in English

0 is translated into English as zero, and in England it is also called nought ([but: t]).

Google shortcode

To begin with, remember that voicing phone numbers, room numbers, bus numbers and dates (years), we say oh ([oh]). Here are some examples:

  • This question will be discussed in Room 308 (three oh eight)
  • If you want to take Bus 205 hurry up! (two oh five)
  • This famous writer was born in 1909 (nineteen oh nine)
  • Is your telephone number 055789 030 260 (oh double five seven eight nine oh three oh two six oh OR zero double five seven eight nine zero three zero two six zero)

To correctly say what the score is in football, we translate 0 as nil: ‘The score is three nil (3-0) to England’ - the score is 3:0 in favor of England.

Note that in America, different words can be used for the word "zero" when referring to a sports score.

  • The Tigers were winning four zero/ four nothing/ four zip.

When it comes to tennis, we say “love”: ‘The score was thirty love. (30-0) – the score was (30-0)

When specifying the temperature, we use the word zero: ‘It’s 5 degrees over zero today (5°) - the temperature today is 5°

Decimal Point / Point to Decimal

The decimal point in England is not called dot as in Internet addresses, but decimal point. In England the words zero and nought are used before and after the decimal point, while in America the word nought is not used.

Zero can only be translated as Oh after a decimal point. Pay attention to the following examples:

  • 0.03 zero point zero three OR nought point nought three
  • 0.8% zero point eight percent OR nought point eight percent.
  • 0.302 zero point three zero two OR nought point three nought two OR nought/zero point three oh two

I hope we helped you and didn't confuse you even more. We advise you to practice using the number zero and remember when and how to use it.

In the names of Arabic numbers, each digit belongs to its category, and every three digits form a class. Thus, the last digit in a number indicates the number of units in it and is called, accordingly, the place of units. The next, second from the end, digit indicates tens (the tens digit), and the third digit from the end indicates the number of hundreds in the number - the hundreds digit. Further, the digits are repeated in the same way in turn in each class, denoting units, tens and hundreds in the classes of thousands, millions, and so on. If the number is small and does not contain a tens or hundreds digit, it is customary to take them as zero. Classes group numbers in numbers of three, often in computing devices or records a period or space is placed between classes to visually separate them. This is done to make it easier to read large numbers. Each class has its own name: the first three digits are the class of units, followed by the class of thousands, then millions, billions (or billions), and so on.

Since we are using decimal system calculus, then the basic unit of quantity is a dozen, or 10 1. Accordingly, with an increase in the number of digits in a number, the number of tens of 10 2, 10 3, 10 4, etc. also increases. Knowing the number of tens, you can easily determine the class and category of the number, for example, 10 16 is tens of quadrillions, and 3 × 10 16 is three tens of quadrillions. The decomposition of numbers into decimal components occurs as follows - each digit is displayed in a separate term, multiplied by the required coefficient 10 n, where n is the position of the digit in the count from left to right.
For example: 253 981=2×10 6 +5×10 5 +3×10 4 +9×10 3 +8×10 2 +1×10 1

Also, the power of 10 is also used in writing decimals: 10 (-1) is 0.1 or one tenth. Similarly with the previous paragraph, a decimal number can also be decomposed, in which case n will indicate the position of the digit from the comma from right to left, for example: 0.347629= 3x10 (-1) +4x10 (-2) +7x10 (-3) +6x10 (-4) +2x10 (-5) +9x10 (-6) )

Names of decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are read by the last digit after the decimal point, for example 0.325 - three hundred and twenty-five thousandths, where thousandths are the digit of the last digit 5.

Table of names of large numbers, digits and classes

1st class unit 1st unit digit
2nd place ten
3rd rank hundreds
1 = 10 0
10 = 10 1
100 = 10 2
2nd class thousand 1st digit units of thousands
2nd digit tens of thousands
3rd rank hundreds of thousands
1 000 = 10 3
10 000 = 10 4
100 000 = 10 5
3rd grade millions 1st digit units million
2nd digit tens of millions
3rd digit hundreds of millions
1 000 000 = 10 6
10 000 000 = 10 7
100 000 000 = 10 8
4th grade billions 1st digit units billion
2nd digit tens of billions
3rd digit hundreds of billions
1 000 000 000 = 10 9
10 000 000 000 = 10 10
100 000 000 000 = 10 11
5th grade trillions 1st digit trillion units
2nd digit tens of trillions
3rd digit hundred trillion
1 000 000 000 000 = 10 12
10 000 000 000 000 = 10 13
100 000 000 000 000 = 10 14
6th grade quadrillions 1st digit quadrillion units
2nd digit tens of quadrillions
3rd digit tens of quadrillions
1 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 15
10 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 16
100 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 17
7th grade quintillions 1st digit units of quintillions
2nd digit tens of quintillions
3rd rank hundred quintillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 18
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 19
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 20
8th grade sextillions 1st digit sextillion units
2nd digit tens of sextillions
3rd rank hundred sextillions
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 21
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 22
1 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 23
9th grade septillion 1st digit units of septillion
2nd digit tens of septillions
3rd rank hundred septillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 24
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 25
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 26
10th class octillion 1st digit octillion units
2nd digit ten octillion
3rd rank hundred octillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 27
10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 28
100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10 29

Not a day goes by without numbers. Find out what time it is; write down the phone number of a business partner or a girl you like; dictate the delivery address for sushi or pizza - everywhere you need to know the number in English. As in Russian, British vocabulary has its own characteristics depending on the scope of use. Let's take a look at them.

Writing numbers in words

Many painfully remember the school lessons of the Russian language on the topic "Numerals". How many there were rules, exceptions and reservations! How difficult the numerals declined. But English numbers, like many other aspects, are much simpler.

Initially, you need to memorize 13 basic numbers:

zero - zero or nought
one - one
two - two
three - three
four - four
five - five
six - six
seven - seven
eight - eight
nine - nine
ten - ten
eleven - eleven
twelve - twelve

Most likely, these words are familiar to everyone, as they are often used in popular songs, and are also part of the school English curriculum.

To continue counting in English, you need only two suffixes: - teen and - ty, which are attached to the root of one of the 13 basic numbers. Teen used for numbers from 13 before 19 . For education dozen(twenty, thirty, forty, etc.) the suffix is ​​​​used - ty.

For example, to write the number 13, we take the root of the number three - thir and add the suffix to it - teenthirteen. And for 30 in English you need the same root thir, but already the suffix ten - tythirty.

By ear, the suffixes -teen and -ty are very similar, so confusion arises. But there is a tricky hint that will once and for all help put everything in its place. Remember who they are teenagers? Once again, simple English gives a hint for all time. age- age, teen- suffix of numerals " transitional» age - from 13 to 19. For other numbers in English, you need the suffix -ty. We hope this trick will forever help to sort out the confusion between how 17 will be in English - seventeen or seventy. We remember about teenagers - and voila!

For use in any field of linguistic communication, you need to remember only 2 points: there are two types or classes of numerals in English speech- ordinal and quantitative.

Ordinal, based on the name, indicate what the subject is in order. For example, first in line or forty-ninth on the list.

Quantitative, therefore, answer the question "how much?" and indicate the total. For example: one house, three horses, a thousand things.

Numbers in English, as in Russian, have the same root. All but the first three. But if in our grammar there are several suffixes for the formation of an ordinal number from a quantitative one, but in English it is only one - th.

The table below shows how easy and simple it is to form an ordinal number from a quantitative one. The only thing to keep in mind is definite article « the", which must be placed before ordinal numbers.

1 one the first
2 two the second
3 three the third
4 four the future
5 five the fifth
6 six the sixth
7 seven the seventh
8 eight the eighth
9 nine the ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven the eleventh
12 twelve the twelfth
13 thirteen the third
14 fourteen the fourteenth
15 fifteen the fifteenth
16 sixteen the sixteenth
17 seventeen the seventeenth
18 eighteen the eighteenth
19 nineteen the nineteenth
20 twenty the twentieth
21 twenty one the twenty first
22 twenty two the twenty second
23 twenty three the twenty third
30 thirty the third
40 forty the fortune
50 fifty the fiftieth
60 sixty the sixtieth
70 seventy the seventieth
80 eighty the eightieth
90 ninety the ninetieth
100 one hundred the one hundredth
1000 one thousand the one thousandth
101 one hundred and one the one hundred and first
1001 one thousand and one the one thousand and first
1035 one thousand and thirty five the one thousand and thirty-fifth
10463 ten thousand four hundred and sixty three the ten thousand four hundred and sixty third

Writing numbers in digits

The English-speaking population uses the same number system as we do - Arabic, so there should not be any difficulties with writing cardinal numbers. Pay attention to the use of ordinal numbers, where the following abbreviations are used:

the first-1st
the second-2nd
the third-3rd
the fourth-4th
the eleventh-11th
the twenty first-21st

As seen, general principle abbreviations - discard the article and add the last two letters of the ordinal number written in words to the number. Despite the fact that the article is dropped in writing, when reading the number in English, you still need to add the article.

1st prize -the first prize

Numbers in addresses

The numbers in English as part of the address, in general, are no different from the spelling of our addresses. Cardinal numbers are used to indicate the number of a house, building, apartment or office. If the name of the street or enterprise contains an ordinal number, then the abbreviation from the previous section should be used:

1st avenue - 1st Avenue

To save space on the envelope, numbers are written numerically rather than capitalized. But it is worth paying attention that the building number in the English version is indicated before the street name, and not after, as we have. You can read more about writing an address in English.

Numbers in years and months

A common mistake when writing the day of the month in English is to use a cardinal number instead of an ordinal number. That is, not 21 -e(what?) March, eh 21 (How many?) March. Use your native language when translating dates:
22 -e April(which in order is a quantitative numeral) - 22nd April.

Twenty second of April - the twenty-second of April

Please note that when writing abbreviated version of the date, the article is omitted the and preposition of indicating the genitive case. When reading abbreviated dates must be added article and pretext. Otherwise, it will turn out not “April 22nd”, but “April 22nd”. Alternatively, the date can be written like this:

April 22, 2017 - the twenty second of April twenty seventeen

When reading the year, it is customary to divide a four-digit number in English into two pairs. In the case of the beginning of the 2000s, from 2001 to 2009, the Russian analogue is used - two thousand and one, two thousand and nine. But not everything is the same domestic speech in the language of Shakespeare. The word "year" is not added at the end of the phrase:

March 8, 2029 - the eighth of March twenty twenty nine.

If it is necessary to indicate the period before our era or, conversely, after the birth of Christ, the following abbreviations are used: B.C. - before Christ - before the birth of Christ (before our era); A.D. - Anno Domini (lat.) - from the birth of Christ (AD).

Numbers in hours and minutes

The British use the European time system, which consists of 24 hours, but the Americans prefer two to twelve hours - before noon and after noon. Before noon, that is, starting With 00:00 and until 12:00, denoted by letters a.m. (ANTE MERIDIEM - from Latin until noon). Beginning from lunch and until midnight numbers are used p.m. (POST MERIDIEM - from Latin in the afternoon).

Most often, simplifying life for themselves and for us, the English-speaking population first calls hours, then minutes, using cardinal numbers:

It's 5:15 - it's five fifteen.

But true gentlemen, like the Russian intelligentsia, can use the following phrases in their speech:

It's quarter to ten. - A quarter to ten.
It's half past nine. - Half past ten.
It's ten past eleven. - Ten past eleven.

To easily navigate in such phrases, you need to remember only three words:

quarter- quarter
past- after
to- before

We have already studied the rest of the numbers in English above.

Thus, any similar expression can be constructed. A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes. Consequently, a quarter to two(that is, 15 minutes left to two) in English will sound it's quarter to two. If now quarter past seven(that is, 15 minutes passed after six in the evening), then in English we say it's quarter past six.

Often the indication of half an hour causes confusion. In Russian, we use half of the next hour - half past nine - 8:30. The British rely on facts - what has already been: 8:30 - thirty minutes after eight - It's half past eight.

Identification numbers

Identification numbers include any numbering of objects, phenomena, and even people. It would seem that numbering implies the use of ordinal numbers, but in reality this is not always the case.

If we are talking about people, then it is customary to use ordinal numbers with the article:

Peter I - Peter the First

Speaking of events, use a cardinal number:

Second World War - world war two

In other cases, quantitative numbers are most often used:

Channel 9 - Channel Nine, platform 9 3/4 - Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

A similar principle should be used when identifying buildings and structures, wagon numbers, and so on. The addition of the word " number» when numbering objects: car No. 13 - carriage number third/carriage third.

Numbers in fractions and percentages

We use numbers in English in fractions and percentages similarly to Russian:

1/2 - one second part. This phrase uses a cardinal number (one), ordinal (second).

1/2 - one second part - one second

One part is often called a different numeral. 1/2 - half, 1/3 - third, 1/3 - quarter, etc. In English, for this, the number "one" is replaced by the article "a":

1/2 - half - a half
1/3 - third - a third
1/4 - quarter - a forth

If the parts will two, then in Russian it will sound already in plural number, so we use the plural in foreign:

2/9 - two ninths - two ninths

Percentages are transmitted using decimal fractions, and here the British implement what Russian math teachers everywhere forbid - they simply call the numbers before and after the dot! At the same time, the very word dot" sounds like " point».

1.11 - one point one one
12.842 - one two point eight four two
999.209 - nine nine nine point two nought nine/ nine nine nine point two o nine

Zero in mathematics most often sounds like " nought", but in everyday life it is acceptable to use " zero" and " o". If zero comes before the point, it can be omitted:

0.4 - nought point four/point four
0.02 - nought point nought two / point nought two / point o two
0.34 -nought point three four/point three four

Chapter and page numbering

In books, numbers in English are used according to the principle of identifying objects - a cardinal number is placed after the name of the object:

Chapter I (Chapter One) - Chapter I (chapter one)

Page 487 (page four hundred and eighty seven) - page 487 (page four hundred and eighty seven)

Spelling large numbers

Large numbers in English are written similarly to our numerals:

two thousand four hundred and seventy two two thousand four hundred and seventy two
Three million fifteen thousand two hundred two three million fifteen thousand two hundred and two

If the number can be reduced to half, then the word " half»:

Seven and a half billion people live on earth. - There are seven and a half billion people on earth.

Important: indicating the exact amount, ending " s" for plural not added to words hundred, thousand,million, billion etc. The plural is used only when it is necessary to emphasize the mass character without specifying the exact number in English:

There were hundreds of people there. - There were hundreds of people there.

Remember: between hundreds and tens in large numbers, it is customary to add the union " and».

Numbers in business documents

English numerals in documents are used according to general rules, but require mandatory duplication in written and digital equivalent:

17200 (seventeen thousand two hundred) inconsistencies were identified. - There were 17,200 (seventeen thousand and two hundred) discrepancies found.

Numbers in statistics

Similar to official papers, numbers in English are used in statistics. Here it is allowed not to use duplication, but it is required maintaining uniformity: either all data are in numbers, or everything is spelled out.

Numbers at the beginning of sentences

It is not customary to use English numbers at the beginning of a sentence, they should be replaced with uppercase numbers:

10 Negro went for dinner. - Ten piccaninnies went out to dine.

Combined numbers

Combined numbers include the use of both alphabetic and digital equivalents of numerals. According to the ethics of writing, it is preferable to use only one of the options in the entire text. But in the case when an abundance of numbers can interfere with the perception of information, the use of words and numbers is allowed:

In West Virginia, 15 two-story buildings burned to the ground last night. - Last night fifteen 2-storied buildings burnt down to ashes in West Virginia.


Despite the vastness of the topic "Numbers in English", remembering the basic rules is not difficult. The key to success in using a language is constant practice. Take your old school math notebooks and try to translate examples and problems into English. Read newspapers and periodicals with statistical data. And best of all, go to the "Series" section and watch Sillicon Valley, where you are guaranteed to meet large sums and abundant statistics that will help you remember the numbers in English forever! Well, or sign up for our individual lessons via Skype!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Zero is the first word that comes to mind. However, not in all situations and contexts it is possible to use zero. Insidious zero has several translation options. Didn't know about it? Let's figure it out!

Zero - in the weather forecast.

So that you do not get confused, let's remember that when they talk about scales, measuring instruments, then the zero mark is called zero. For example, on a thermometer:

Above zero - above zero

Below zero - below zero

Reduce to zero - reduce to zero

Zero - in phone numbers, dates, numbers, symbols.

If we are talking about numbers, as signs or values:

The child knows figures from zero to ten. - The child knows the numbers from zero to ten.

Zero is nothing, in the abstract sense, so the word zero can also be an adjective "zero, equal to zero":

Zero rate - zero rate

Zero chances - zero chances

Zero visibility - zero visibility

When it comes to the shape of a character, or zero, as a mathematical symbol, then most often they use another word - nought . For example, a well-known children's game is called not “zeros and crosses”, and "noughts and crosses" :

In spoken English, especially when naming series of numbers, the number zero is read like the English letter O. [əu]. When you call phone numbers, bank account numbers, you don't have to say zero or nought just say oh [əu]:

30604 - three oh six oh four

098 500 20 nine eight five double oh two oh

When they say the year, they also use oh [əu]:

2003 - twenty oh three

1907 - nineteen oh seven

When naming decimal fractions can be used as Oh, and zero and nought:

0.5 - oh point five/ zero point five/ nought point five

0.03 - oh point oh three/ zero point zero three / nought point nought three

Another nuance is the word nought sometimes spelled naught , though not as common and considered a bit obsolete.

Zero - in sports.

In sports, very different words are used for zero score. In football, when they call the score of the game, they use the word nil:

We won three-nil. - We won three-nil.

They drew nil-nil. - They played a draw zero-zero.

But in tennis, zero is denoted by a completely unexpected word love:

The score was twenty love. - The score was twenty-zero.

The match ended with the score love all. - The game ended with a zero-zero score.

There is a version that love began to call zero score in tennis matches, because in French zero in sports is denoted by the word "l"oeuf"(egg), probably due to the external resemblance of the number zero to an egg.

Over time, the French word took on a more "English" sound and became the word love.

But in short answers, when we want to say “not at all, zero”, we should not use zero, but the word that we recently considered on the blog:

As you can see, there are many nuances and exceptions, but nothing is incomprehensible. A little practice - and you no longer make any mistakes. The more often you use your new knowledge, the more firmly it will be assimilated.

If you feel a lack of real practice, it will help you overcome the language barrier and freely use theoretical knowledge in practice. Leave a request right now!

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