Analysis of Turgenev's poem “Dog. Review of the story by I.S. Turgenev “Dog” The main idea is the work of Turgenev’s dog

Year: 1866 Genre: story

Main characters: Porfiry and puppy Trezor

"Dog" refers to the type of poems in prose. Despite the small volume of the written author, he puts serious thoughts about life and death into it. The author sadly talks about the fact that life passes quickly, it quickly appears and disappears in the same way, taking away all feelings, thoughts and experiences. Turgenev allows the reader to completely immerse himself in the atmosphere and experience the feelings that he himself experiences. The description is very emotional and deep, the author managed to show those corners of the soul that are hidden deep. Perhaps this work is set to leave no one indifferent.

the main idea. The main theme can be called the display of death, before which everyone is equal. After all, being on the verge of death, everyone is looking for an opportunity to escape or find help.

One day, sitting in a company, the comrades discussed the supernatural, but could not come to a common idea, whether there is something like that or not. But then Porfiry, one of the main characters of the story, decided to tell them a story. One day, having come home in the evening, he had already gone to bed, but suddenly something stirred under his bed, it looked like a dog, but when searching for it, no one could be found.

The next night, the same thing happened again, only this time the servant also witnessed this, he also clearly heard these sounds. The only salvation was the light, then there were no sounds. A neighbor soon came to the narrator, and he had to sleep in this ominous room, and what was the surprise of the newly arrived guest when he heard the sounds of a dog, but as soon as he found out that there was no dog, he was very frightened, and advised him to leave the house for a few days. Porfilia was advised to apply to Belev, where main character immediately went. There he is met by a holy old man who, after listening to the whole story, simply advises getting a dog.

Arriving home, Porfilius buys a puppy, giving him the name Trezor, after which this whole inexplicable situation disappears and he is no longer bothered by incomprehensible sounds, but on the contrary, he is very attached to the puppy and does not part with him anywhere. Once, when the narrator came to visit his friend Nymphodora, trouble happened, a neighbor's dog attacked him, but it was Trezor who saved him. Porfilius managed to hide in the house, after which he saw that his dog was wounded. The neighbor advises to kill the dog, as it can also become rabid, but the man refuses, hoping to take her to the doctor and cure her.

Returning home, at night Porfilia is attacked by the same dog, but again the dog Trezor protects the owner, which pays with his own life.

A picture or drawing of a dog

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In his writings, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev turned to various genres of lyrics, epic and dramaturgy. The cycle called "Poems in Prose" has incorporated some of his brightest and most unusual creations. These miniatures were created at the end of the author's career. They bring to the reader the life wisdom of the artist of the word, accumulated over the years of constant creativity and philosophical understanding of being.

"Dog" occupies one of the key places in the cycle "Poems in Prose". In a short text, the author frankly shares with the reader his reflections on life and death. Turgenev sadly says that life is fleeting, it instantly appears and just as quickly disappears with all our feelings, thoughts and experiences.

The author very briefly and succinctly shows readers that all living beings have much in common. The sad eyes of a man and a dog are so similar. Life has flown by, the final is coming soon... And how many memories, how many interesting periods it had. And all this will sink into the void. It is very scary to imagine that our searches, aspirations, hopes will inevitably come to an end. And in this hopelessness, a person is no different from a dog and any living creature. We are all interconnected in the cycle of time and being.

The storm that broke out outside the window is very indicative. It symbolizes a stormy life, as well as spontaneity, unpredictability and the absolute defenselessness of all living things before it. This storm is equally terrible for man and dog.

The thoughts and feelings of the author are conveyed in the work extremely vividly. They sound sincere, emotional and open, as only poetic lines can sound, even without rhymes. Turgenev knew how to touch those strings of the human soul, which are deeply hidden under the routine of everyday life. No reader can remain indifferent to this work written by in simple terms, but touching on the theme of eternal and power beyond the control of man.

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The protagonist of I.S. Turgenev’s story “The Dog” is a retired hussar, and now an official, Porfiry Kapitonych. An incredible story happened in his life, which he once told about in a circle of acquaintances. This story was connected with supernatural events.

When these incredible events began, the hero of the story lived in his estate. He had no family or children. One night, in the dark, he heard a dog scampering under his bed. It was in the countryside, and Porfiry Kapitonych decided that the dog had run in from the yard in the afternoon, and hid under the bed. He called the servant, but he did not find any dog ​​under the bed.

As soon as the servant came out, the dog showed itself again with noise and fuss. But as soon as the candle was lit, the animal inexplicably disappeared. And not only the owner of the estate heard the dog in the dark, but also his servant and even the invited guest.

On the advice of an acquaintance, Porfiry Kapitonych left for a while in the city, where he stopped at an inn. But even there, on the very first night, an invisible dog began to fuss under his bed. On the advice of the owner of the inn, the hero of the story went to the city of Belev, to an old man. When he listened to this incredible story, he said that it was a warning and advised the hero of the story to get a dog.

Porfiry Kapitonych bought a puppy in Belev, named him Trezor, and brought him to his estate. After that, the mysterious dog stopped showing itself. When the puppy grew up, he everywhere inseparably followed his master. And then one day, having come to visit a friend, Porfiry Kapitonych was suddenly attacked by a mad dog. Only Trezor's intervention saved him from death. It was then that he remembered the elder's advice and all this supernatural history.

But the events of the story were not over yet. The next night it was very stuffy, and Porfiry Kapitonych spent the night in the open air. And it had to happen that that rabid dog ran into his yard. And again, the faithful dog defended the owner, but at the same time he himself died. A mad dog was shot by a soldier the next day.

Takovo summary story.

The main meaning of the story "Dog" is that a person, faced with an incomprehensible phenomenon, must maintain prudence and sanity, and in no case should not panic. In inexplicable situations, one must remain a reasonable person and take all possible actions to resolve the problem, which the main character did. The story of I.S. Turgenev “The Dog” teaches us to be attentive to the warnings that come from both people and Nature itself.

In the story, I liked the main character, Porfiry Kapitonych, who managed to find someone who explained to him the reason for the supernatural phenomenon, and also managed to correctly use the warning given to him from above.

What proverbs are suitable for the story "Dog"?

To anticipate is more than to know.
Good advice is more valuable than money.
The dog is man's first friend.

In his work, I. S. Turgenev turned to a variety of genres of epic, lyric poetry and dramaturgy. "Poems in Prose" is one of the brightest creations of Turgenev.

The great writer created them at the end of his life and creative path, embodying all the wisdom and experience that he had accumulated.

Poems in prose are a unique genre in which epic and lyric poetry are organically combined. In each work of the collection, the thoughts and feelings of the author sound openly and sincerely, therefore, prosaic, at first glance, works are called by Turgenev poems.

The poem "Dog" occupies an important place in the collection. In it, Turgenev reflects on life and death, on the meaning of human existence, on its transience, on the commonality of man with all living things around him, on the identity of the worldview of living beings.

The storm that broke out outside the window symbolizes in the poem the storm of life itself, its spontaneity, unpredictability, defenselessness before it of all living things. This storm is terrible, violent. A man and a dog look at each other, and the same quivering light shines in their eyes, the thought that “death will fly in, ... wave. with its cold broad wing. And the end! But so much has been lived, so much is in the soul and in the memory, and all this will go nowhere completely without a trace. This thought "huddles fearfully against another." It is terrible to realize that all our searches, aspirations, hopes will suddenly come to an end, and "who then will figure out what kind of light burned in each of us." In this defenselessness, a person is no different from a dog or from other living beings, because all living things are inextricably linked.

The thoughts and feelings of the author in this poem, as in other works of the collection, are conveyed emotionally and vividly. Turgenev does not use the breakdown of the poem into lines, does not use rhymes, but to anyone who reads this work, it becomes clear from the very first words that he has real lyrics in front of him.

Literary critic L.P. Grossman, in his article “Turgenev’s Last Poem”, dedicated to “Poems in Prose”, wrote: “This is strictly coordinated, squeezed in the vice of a difficult, skillful and perfect form, polished and finished creation represents in its whole a poem about the life path traveled. »

In his work, I. S. Turgenev turned to the most diverse genres of epic, lyric poetry and dramaturgy. "Poems in Prose" is one of the brightest works of Turgenev. The great writer created them at the end of his life and creative path, embodying all the wisdom and experience that he had accumulated.

Poems in prose are a unique genre in which epic and lyric poetry are organically combined. In each work of the collection, the thoughts and feelings of the author sound openly and sincerely, therefore, prosaic, at first glance, works are called poems by Turgenev.

The poem "Dog" occupies an important place in the collection. In it, Turgenev reflects on life and death, on the meaning of human existence, on its transience, on the commonality of man with all living things around him, on the identity of the worldview of living beings.

The storm that broke out outside the window symbolizes in the poem the storm of life itself, its spontaneity, unpredictability, defenselessness before it of all living things. This storm is terrible, violent. A man and a dog look at each other, and the same quivering light shines in their eyes, the thought that “death will fly in, wave ... with its cold wide wing ... And the end!” But so much has been lived, so much is in the soul and in the memory, and all this will go nowhere completely without a trace. This thought "huddles fearfully against another." It is terrible to realize that all our searches, aspirations, hopes will suddenly come to an end, and "who then will figure out what kind of light burned in each of us." In this defenselessness, a person is no different from a dog or from other living beings, because all living things are inextricably linked.

The thoughts and feelings of the author in this poem, as in other works of the collection, are conveyed emotionally and vividly. Turgenev does not use the breakdown of the poem into lines, does not use rhymes, but to anyone who reads this work, it becomes clear from the first words that he has the real lyrics in front of him.

The literary critic L.P. Grossman, in his article “Turgenev’s Last Poem”, dedicated to “Poems in Prose”, wrote: his whole poem about the path of life passed ... "