Appointment with an infectious disease specialist: examination procedure, reviews. Infectious disease specialist appointment Family doctor

Candidate of Medical Sciences (2001). Doctor of the highest qualification category.
Education: postgraduate study, specialty - infectious diseases, department of vaccine prevention, Research Institute of Children's Infections (St. Petersburg, 2001); St. Petersburg Medical Institute named after. I.P. Pavlova, specialty – general medicine (1993).
Primary specialization in pediatrics, St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (1996).
Refresher courses: Health care organization and public health, Russian State Medical University (2007); Pediatrics, Moscow State Medical University (2011); Organization of health care and public health, National Medical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov (2012); Infectious diseases, RMAPO (2012); Examination of temporary disability and quality control of medical care, RMAPO (2013); Pediatrics, MONIKI im. M.F. Vladimirsky (2016).
Author of more than 20 scientific papers on vaccine prevention; patent for invention of the Russian Federation Method of vaccinating children with allergic diseases (2001).
Medical experience– 23 years old.


We visited pediatrician Evgenia Anatolyevna Martishevskaya and her granddaughter. The main purpose of the visit was to receive preventive vaccinations. The doctor turned out to be very attentive, slowly went through the examinations, listened to the child, looked at him, gave recommendations, and accompanied us to

vaccination room, observed the child after vaccination. It is clear that the doctor is a professional and, moreover, knows how to find an approach to the child. I gave my granddaughter a small gift and the granddaughter went to the vaccination, looking at it, but how important it is for a child not to be afraid of the doctor! In the same clinic, I visited several more doctors with my granddaughter: a dentist, a pediatric gynecologist, and a dermatologist. Everyone was extremely polite with us and the visit left a pleasant impression.

Infectious disease specialist– a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. The scope of activity of an infectious disease specialist includes timely detection of cases of infectious pathology, carrying out anti-epidemic measures in foci of infection, and medical examination of patients with chronic diseases. Possible additional specializations of an infectious disease specialist are epidemiology, phthisiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, hepatology, and vaccine prevention. A doctor of this specialty can conduct appointments in the office of infectious diseases (ID) of a polyclinic, AIDS center or infectious diseases department, examine patients as a consultant in TB, psychoneurological, and somatic departments of multidisciplinary hospitals.

When should you contact an infectious disease specialist?

An appointment with an infectious disease specialist can be preventive, dispensary, and therapeutic-diagnostic. An infectious disease specialist is contacted when receiving positive or questionable tests for the presence of helminths, viruses and bacteria, as well as antibodies to pathogens in the body in the absence of clinical manifestations. Such preventive measures are often carried out to obtain certificates and conclusions with subsequent provision at the place of request. A dispensary appointment involves periodic examinations, laboratory and instrumental studies, and hospitalization of patients registered with a dispensary.

The reason for a therapeutic and diagnostic appointment is usually febrile conditions of unknown origin that persist for one month or more, intestinal disorders, skin rashes, changes in skin color, a sharp decrease in body weight, enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Such consultations with an infectious disease specialist are mainly carried out upon the referral of a therapist or a doctor of another profile who suspects an infectious pathology.

The patient can consult a specialist independently if he believes that the symptoms arose after a trip abroad, a stay in a region of Russia with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases (an endemic area for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis) without preventive vaccination or chemoprophylaxis. This category also includes cases of contact with the blood of a person suffering from an infectious disease, especially in the presence of skin lesions.

What does an infectious disease specialist treat?

Therapy for an infectious condition may include emergency vaccination of the patient and family members, and the administration of immunoglobulin. Post-exposure emergency prevention of HIV infection and viral hepatitis in traumatic cases in medical institutions and everyday life is also the prerogative of an infectious disease doctor. Often in his practice, an infectious disease specialist requires advice from a neurologist, phthisiatrician, or dermatovenerologist. Opinions from a therapist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, examinations by an immunologist-allergist, and oncologist are often necessary. Doctors constantly interact with laboratory services and specialists in the field of hardware research (radiologists, ultrasound doctors, functional diagnostics).

How to prepare for an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?

Before a scheduled appointment with an infectious disease specialist, you should take a bath or shower and put on clean clothes. If you have a referral from a doctor of another specialty, you must take the document with you along with the conclusions of related specialists, the results of tests and hardware studies, FOG or a chest x-ray taken during the current year. Women are recommended to have a certificate from a gynecologist or a specialist’s conclusion in hand during dispensary observation in a antenatal clinic. If the patient has previously had to visit an infectious disease specialist, it is necessary to tell about the reason for the visit or provide a doctor’s note.

Emergency consultation with an infectious disease specialist can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting and does not require special training. If you have the above documents, conclusions, certificates, or outpatient records, it is recommended to present the documentation to the doctor. It is necessary to formulate your complaints, including those that do not bother you right now, but could play a role when you initially sought medical help. You should give the most detailed description of your feelings and changes in the body. It is important to talk about childhood development, injuries, illnesses, surgeries, and blood transfusions. Often, information is required about current and former sexual partners, children, as well as people with whom intravenous drugs have ever been administered - you need to be prepared to answer these questions.

How is an appointment with an infectious disease specialist?

During the treatment process, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient: finds out complaints and life history, clarifies any details related to the disease and the dynamics of the disease, collects a detailed epidemiological history, and, if necessary, provides pre-test counseling on HIV infection with filling out the patient’s written permission to draw blood . A repeated visit to an infectious disease specialist includes an examination, an explanation of the examination results, confirmation or refutation of the infectious diagnosis and determination of treatment tactics. The general reception plan involves:

  • Collection of epidemiological anamnesis. It is a survey about the presence of such conditions in the family and team, the nature and food products, the purity of the water consumed, compliance with the vaccination schedule, and the characteristics of work activity. The infectious disease specialist asks about possible contacts with febrile patients, trips abroad, animal and insect bites, tick sucking, blood transfusions, injuries, surgical interventions, facts of unprotected sexual contacts and injection drug use, tattooing and piercing, military service, stay in correctional institutions .
  • Physical examination. It begins with measuring body temperature and blood pressure. Next, the doctor examines the skin, visible mucous membranes, pharynx, palpates the lymph nodes and thyroid gland, and checks for the presence of edema. Then the specialist evaluates the conduction of air in the lungs and the sonority of heart sounds by auscultation, determines the size and identifies soreness of the abdominal organs, kidneys and bladder by palpation. It is mandatory to check for symptoms of peritoneal irritation and meningeal signs. According to indications, a digital rectal examination and visual assessment of stool are performed.
  • Making appointments. After examining the patient, the doctor makes a preliminary (sometimes even final) diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribes an examination: laboratory tests, instrumental techniques, consultations with specialists. If there is a specialized disease, the infectious disease specialist gives the patient recommendations on the regimen, nutrition, treatment, further observation, examination of contact persons, disinfection in the outbreak, the need for hospitalization, and fills out an emergency notification card to the sanitary and epidemiological service of the region. Detection of chronic pathology requires registration at a dispensary, the schedule of which must be reported to the patient.

Treatment is carried out both in a hospital setting and on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization can be planned (for example, for chronic hepatitis) or emergency. The infectious disease specialist makes a decision about the patient’s place of stay based on the specific case, the severity of the condition and the availability of indications for inpatient treatment, and agrees with the patient. Admission to a medical facility can be either independent or by calling an emergency medical team. The patient is given a referral to the hospital with the obligatory indication of data on taking medications (antipyretics, etc.), the time of issue of the document and the arrival of the emergency medical team.

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist

Work experience over 31 years

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

Gastroenterologist, hepatologist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in adults. Author of more than 40 articles in the field of gastroenterology.

Specialties: gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist, therapist

Work experience over 37 years

Moscow, st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 5, building 1

Moscow, st. Dybenko, 14, bldg. 1

Metro stations: m Krestyanskaya Zastava m Marksistskaya m Rechnoy Vokzal m Taganskaya m Taganskaya

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

General practitioner, gastroenterologist, hepatologist, infectious disease specialist. Prevents complications from the gastrointestinal tract during long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinning drugs. Engaged in the prevention and treatment of medicinal and toxic liver damage, as well as liver diseases against the background of metabolic disorders (against the background of diabetes, obesity). Has clinical experience in the therapeutic treatment of Barrett's esophagus. Author of 10 articles.

Kovaleva Tatyana Anatolevna

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Work experience over 24 years

Moscow, st. Priorova, 36

Registration Online The cost of admission is 3450 rubles.

Conducts vaccinations and prevention of infectious diseases, interpretation of tests for infectious diseases, dispensary observation of children of the first year of life from mothers with chronic infections (hepatitis, herpesvirus infections). He has more than 100 publications, including more than 20 in peer-reviewed journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission, is a co-author of 5 textbooks and methodological recommendations, and has developed a method for the prevention of vertical transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses in pregnant women (RF patent for invention).

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, therapist

Work experience more than 20 years

Moscow, Pyatnitskoye sh., 45

Moscow, st. Belovezhskaya, 57

Metro stations: m Molodezhnaya m Slavyansky Boulevard m Pyatnitskoye Shosse

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2300 rubles.

Pulmonologist, allergist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist. Conducts diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the immune system, herpesvirus and HPV infections, allergic diseases, drug allergies. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia, respiratory failure, fibrosis, pleurisy, atypical pneumonia, bronchial asthma, alveolitis, tuberculosis, apnea and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Martishevskaya Evgenia Anatolevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Specialties: hepatologist, infectious disease specialist, pediatrician

Work experience over 26 years

Moscow, st. Kibalchicha, 2, bldg. 1

Metro stations: Alekseevskaya m VDNKh m

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2350 rubles.

Provides consultations to children from 0 to 18 years of age (preventive and therapeutic), diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases, treatment and rehabilitation of children with infectious mononucleosis and other herpetic infections. Author of more than 20 published works (articles, brochures, methodological recommendations). Has a patent for the invention of the Russian Federation. As a pediatrician, he sees only children from 0 to 18 years old.

Agrinskaya Olga Vladimirovna

Work experience over 19 years

Moscow, st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyna, 5, building 1

Metro stations: m Krestyanskaya Zastava m Marksistskaya m Taganskaya m Taganskaya

Registration Online The cost of admission is 2450 rubles.

Infectious disease specialist

An infectious disease doctor specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases.

An infectious disease is the result of a pathogen (infectious agent) entering the body. Viruses, bacteria, and protozoa can act as pathogens. Penetration of a pathogen into the body does not necessarily lead to disease. In order for the disease to manifest itself, additional conditions are often necessary (weakened state of the body, disruption of the functional functioning of organs and systems, etc.). If there are no such conditions in the body, there may be no manifestations of the disease, but the pathogen can persist in the body and the person becomes a carrier of the infection.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of the corresponding clinical picture, confirmed by the results of laboratory tests that revealed the presence of a specific pathogen.

Infectious diseases are characterized by high contagiousness, a certain sequence of manifestations, and the development of immunity to the causative agent of the disease.

If you need an infectious disease doctor in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. The cost of visiting a doctor is indicated below.

What diseases does an infectious disease doctor treat?

An infectious disease specialist is most often consulted in case of the following diseases:

    diseases transmitted by airborne droplets (rubella, chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, meningitis);

    diseases caused by gastrointestinal infections;

    infections transmitted by insects (tick-borne encephalitis, malaria, hemorrhagic fevers, etc.);

    viral hepatitis;

    psittacosis (a disease carried by birds);

When should you contact an infectious disease doctor?

Consultation with an infectious disease specialist is necessary if the following symptoms are detected:

    increased temperature, fever;

    diarrhea (loose stools);

    jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes);

    rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

They also contact an infectious disease specialist in the following cases:

    manifestations of symptoms of the disease after contact with another patient or known carrier of the infection;

    manifestations of symptoms after a tourist trip or business trip to another region;

    an animal or insect bite (for example, a tick);

    in the absence of symptoms of the disease - after contact with a person who is found to be a carrier of the infection;

    as directed by the attending physician.

Appointment with an infectious disease doctor at the Family Doctor

An infectious disease doctor will conduct an examination, give the necessary recommendations and prescribe treatment. In some cases, emergency vaccination is required (if there is a threat of infection with rabies or tetanus). To make an accurate diagnosis, the following tests may be prescribed:

    microscopic examination of biomaterial (smear or scraping);

    bacterial culture;

    PCR diagnostics;

    serological blood tests.

The effectiveness of treatment and the speed of recovery of the patient depend on correct, timely diagnosis. If certain problems arise, you need to contact the appropriate specialist. One of the most common diagnoses is infectious diseases. They are caused by various microorganisms. An infectious disease specialist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases. This is a doctor of broad specialization. How an appointment with an infectious disease specialist occurs and patient reviews will be discussed further.

general characteristics

Who is an infectious disease specialist, what does this doctor do during an appointment? It should be noted that this medical specialist deals with a wide range of diseases. This is a doctor whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. These are diseases that arise due to the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. Such infections can be transmitted from person to person.

The nominated medical specialist performs the following duties:

  • provides consultations to patients about existing methods to prevent the spread of diseases (for example, vaccinations, preventive actions, etc.);
  • provides emergency medical care in the event of an acute attack of the disease;
  • carries out comprehensive diagnostics;
  • is the responsible person for carrying out anti-epidemic measures;
  • prescribes and monitors the treatment process;
  • adjusts the course of medication if necessary.

Before making an appointment, you should find out the infectious disease specialist's office hours. Moreover, you should not wait until the disease begins to develop in the body. If you are traveling to hot or potentially dangerous countries from the point of view of the epidemiological situation, you should definitely visit an infectious disease specialist. He will prescribe a number of preventative procedures.

Today, vaccinations have been developed against the most serious diseases. They allow you to develop immunity to various infections. Some of them need to be done on a schedule in childhood and adulthood. In addition, a doctor of the presented specialization carries out explanatory work and monitors the implementation of hygiene rules in various areas of human activity.

Infectious disease specialist for adults

In modern medical institutions, infectious disease specialists are seen. This doctor may see adult patients or children. His profile depends on this. An adult infectious disease specialist treats a number of specific pathologies.

In childhood and adulthood, people are more or less susceptible to certain diseases. As adults, people can suffer from quite specific illnesses. The area of ​​expertise of an infectious disease doctor for adults includes the following diseases:

An appointment with an infectious disease specialist is possible if the person is in satisfactory condition. If certain symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact the appropriate medical institution. Here, an infectious disease doctor will provide timely assistance in a hospital setting.

People have learned to treat many diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms with antibiotics. However, not all illnesses are so easy to treat. An infectious disease doctor can significantly speed up a patient’s recovery. The sooner he receives proper medical care, the fewer consequences the disease will bring with it.

Children's doctor

Specific diseases caused by pathogenic microflora are treated by a pediatric infectious disease specialist. It is worth making an appointment to prevent common ailments that are diagnosed in children. It is worth noting that the child’s body has not yet developed its own immunity against various diseases. Children suffer many diseases more severely than adults. Therefore, pediatric infectious disease specialists have to deal with illnesses in children more often than in adults.

At a young age, a slightly different range of diseases is diagnosed than in adult patients. Therefore, patients are more likely to make appointments with a pediatric infectious disease specialist. The scope of competence of this specialist includes:

  • Diphtheria. In children under 7 years of age, acute intestinal diseases occur quite often. Moreover, it is worth noting that at this age such infections are especially dangerous. They can cause various complications. Within a few days, such infections deplete the child’s body.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Meningitis. In childhood, this disease causes serious damage to the nervous system. It is important to diagnose the disease as early as possible and begin comprehensive treatment.
  • Infectious sore throat.
  • Herpes.
  • Rubella.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Chickenpox.
  • Measles.

This is a list of the most common diseases caused by pathogenic microflora in childhood. Some of them are more easily tolerated at a young age (for example, chickenpox, rubella). But in most cases, the child’s body is not able to quickly overcome the infection on its own. Such diseases can pose a serious threat to a young body.

Where does the doctor see you?

The place and hours of the infectious disease doctor's appointment should be known in advance. Today, many representatives of this profession practice in municipal and private clinics. Every large city and town has a doctor with appropriate qualifications. This profession is in great demand. Therefore, specialists in the field of infectology are never left without work.

You can get an appointment with a doctor of the presented specialty for free. Infectious disease specialists conduct consultations in large clinics and specialized medical centers. Most small hospitals in the state do not have this specialist. Therefore, many of our compatriots turn to medical staff of private clinics for advice.

Paid appointments with infectious disease specialists are available in most specialized institutions with a wide range of profiles. Here the doctor conducts an examination, diagnoses, prescribes treatment and monitors its course. In every major city, there are many doctors of the represented specialization. If necessary, you can make an appointment at a paid clinic at a time convenient for the patient.

If an infectious disease specialist is seeing an infectious disease specialist at a municipal hospital, you will need to stand in line to see him. Many people do not have the opportunity to spend their time on this. Therefore, once you know the infectious disease specialist’s office hours, you can visit the doctor at a convenient time in a private clinic. The level of medical care here is excellent. However, before choosing a private clinic, it is worth considering reviews about its doctors.

Reviews about Moscow infectious disease specialists

Every major city hosts hundreds of representatives of this medical profession. However, every patient wants to consult with the most experienced, highly qualified specialist.

In this case, it is worth considering reviews of infectious disease doctors in your city. The best specialists of the presented profile in Moscow - further:

  1. Semina Irina Viktorovna. Infectious disease specialist, hepatologist, gastroenterologist, therapist. Work experience 36 years. The cost of reception (Alexandra Solzhenitsyn St., 5) is from 1,500 rubles.
  2. Myltsev Andrey Anatolyevich. Infectious disease specialist at the TrustMed clinic. Consultation cost from 2500 rub.
  3. Ovchinnikova Natalya Ivanovna. Infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist. 30 years of experience. Conducts receptions at the clinic at the address: st. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn, 5. The cost of admission is from 1,750 rubles.
  4. Serebryakov Mikhail Yurievich. Work experience 35 years. The cost of admission is 1800 rubles.
  5. Khorshun Elena Vladimirovna. Infectious disease specialist, allergist, pulmonologist. 19 years of experience. Reception is conducted at the address: st. Partizanskaya, 24. Cost - 1500 rubles.
  6. Martishevskaya Evgenia Anatolyevna. Infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, hepatologist. Work experience 25 years. Reception is conducted at the address: st. Kibalchicha, 2. Cost - 2350 rubles.

You can check the infectious disease specialist’s appointment time by calling the clinic where he works. The cost of treatment largely depends on the number and quality of patients treated. Patient reviews allow you to choose the right specialist. Appointments with experienced, highly qualified doctors with a good reputation are more expensive than with young specialists.

When should I make an appointment?

If you have certain symptoms, you should visit an infectious disease specialist. You need to make an appointment if certain signs of pathology develop. You should not wait until the disease passes from the initial to the acute form. Often, patients see such specialists after hospitalization. However, there are a number of infectious diseases that people endure quite persistently. This can lead to complications.

To avoid triggering an infectious disease, you should consider when to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. The main symptoms of the pathology are:

  • heat;
  • rashes, purulent formations on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • weakness, sweating, problems sleeping;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with stool, nausea or vomiting;
  • rash, allergies;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • runny nose, cough, malaise;
  • inflammation at the sites of insect bites.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps at the next stage the patient will no longer be able to get to the clinic on his own. To avoid serious complications, diagnosis must be carried out in a timely manner.

What happens at the reception?

You can make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at any of the specialized paid or free clinics. After the patient contacts the doctor, he performs several mandatory actions. First, he asks the person about his well-being, symptoms and events that preceded the onset of the disease. Next, the doctor conducts an examination.

If there are rashes, purulent lesions on the patient’s body, the doctor assesses the degree of damage, features and appearance of such pathologies. This suggests the development of a particular disease.

After examination, a diagnosis is required. In some cases it is carried out very quickly. With infectious diseases, the patient's condition can quickly deteriorate. Sometimes there is practically no time left for diagnosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes treatment based on his own experience, as well as the clinical picture of the disease. In some cases, immediate hospitalization of the patient is required.

If it is still possible to carry out a diagnosis, the infectious disease specialist must wait for the results of the examination. Only after this can he prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Getting help

Often absolutely healthy people make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. They need documents stating that they do not have infectious diseases. Such certificates may be required by the guardianship authorities or at blood collection points. If a person is collecting documents for planned hospitalization, for surgery, as well as during pregnancy, the conclusions of this doctor may also be required. After conducting the appropriate examination, the doctor issues the required medical report.


If certain symptoms appear or if it is necessary to obtain an appropriate medical opinion, you must make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. In addition to examining and interviewing the patient, the doctor prescribes a number of diagnostic procedures. This is one of the most important stages, which allows you to prescribe the correct treatment and identify the disease at an early stage. An infectious disease specialist may prescribe the following examinations:

  • clinical analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • smear for culture of bacteria, determination of their type and reaction to certain drugs;
  • PCR to determine the activity of pathogens;
  • blood test to check for antibodies to certain diseases.

If a blood test is required, the patient should not eat for 12 hours before the procedure. In some cases, the patient undergoes special training to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. It may include taking certain medications, a special diet, etc. Before the examination, the doctor explains in detail to the person how to prepare for a particular test.


At the appointment, an infectious disease specialist can prescribe treatment. It corresponds to the disease that develops in the body. This becomes possible after a comprehensive diagnosis. And only in emergency cases, when the patient’s condition sharply worsens or there is a direct threat to human life and health, the doctor prescribes drugs even before receiving the examination results.

Treatment involves fighting against the causative agent of the disease. Symptomatic therapy may also be required. Sometimes the infection causes high fever, headache, muscle pain, spasms, etc. To reduce discomfort, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic and painkillers.

If dehydration is observed, the patient is prescribed rehydration salts. This is necessary in the event of an intestinal infection.

When choosing antibiotics, the doctor is guided by data on the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain substances. Otherwise, the therapy will not be effective, and the patient’s well-being will quickly deteriorate. Taking one or another antibiotic is carried out according to a special scheme. The dosage and frequency of doses is determined solely by the doctor. Medicines should be taken at the same time. The course cannot be interrupted. Otherwise, the bacteria develop immunity against the antibiotic and become insensitive to it. Therefore, treatment should never be interrupted without permission.

Also, if purulent formations or skin rashes appear, local antiseptics and antibiotics may be required. They are applied to the skin to speed up the healing process, reduce pain and discomfort. Such drugs are not able to eliminate the cause of the disease. Their effect is exclusively local.

Having considered the specifics of an infectious disease specialist’s appointment, as well as the area of ​​competence of the represented specialist, you can determine in which cases you need to consult him.